Political Studies Graduate Program - Master Degree
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ÖgeChina's "belt And Road Initiative" And Its Possible Outcomes On Global Politics From A Neo-gramscian Perspective(Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Kiracı, İsmail ; Çalkıvik, Emine Aslı ; 556107 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıThis master's thesis is about China's "Belt and Road Initiative". More precisely, it tries to explain its political signifance through a perspective of Neo-Gramsican approach. China has shown a significant economic rise in the last decade. It expanded its military might and political influence over its neighbours. The global political leadership of the U.S. is in decline. This led political thinkers to question whether China can become the next global hegemon.
ÖgeA Comparative Analysis Of Tripartite Political Psychology In Plato And Freud(Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Küçükseymen, Zeynep Cansu ; Bove, Geoff ; 556082 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıThis thesis examines the political psychologies of Plato and Freud in terms of their similarities and dissimilarities, and argues that there are both advantages and limitations of doing political theory using psychological analysis. The first chapter explains the aim of this thesis, which is to compare the tripartite political psychologies in Plato's Republic and Freud's Civilization and its Discontents. The second chapter gives a detailed account of the city and the soul in the Republic focusing on Books II-IV and offering a review of different interpretations of the parts of the mind and city-soul analogy. The third chapter starts with clarifications of several important concepts in Psychoanalysis before moving on to a thorough explanation of Civilization and its Discontents and a review of different interpretations of the topics discussed. The fourth chapter examines similarities and dissimilarities of the tripartition of the mental life and analogies between the individual mind and society in both accounts. It addresses several points of contribution of psychoanalytic concepts to understanding the mechanisms of self-knowledge that can resume a Platonic approach to developing a strong virtuous and happy life. The last chapter discusses the limitations and advantages of basing political analysis on psychological investigation.
ÖgeA Conceptual Analysis Of War In Thucydides And Hobbes(Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Rendeci, Ayten Tuana ; Koçan, Gürcan ; 586455 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıWar has been and remains a central phenomenon in human relations. When we first start to investigate the causes of the war, the process inevitably leads us to understand and work. Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War, which is the oldest reference source in the history of international relations, is my main text in this study and I evaluate the elements that build the war. Hobbes, a good reader of Thucydides, emphasized the founding nature of the war and the current wars and the war, which is also likely to live, were evaluated in the light of conceptual and theoretical analyses. The thesis is based on the fact that human emotions are at the forefront as the causes of war and that the war imposes its own system on human beings since the beginning of the war. In this study, the order-building feature of war proceeds again based on the fact that it is highly compatible with human nature.
ÖgeAn Environmental Justice Analysis Of Hydroelectric Power Plant Protests In Turkey In 2002-2016 Years(Institute of Social Sciences, 2017) Şahin, Elif ; Erbil, Aslı Öğüt ; 479278 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıThis study analyzes the HEPP protests occurred in 2002-2016 years in Turkey through the framework of environmental justice. The problem which inspired this study is based on the idea that the environmental justice concept does not explicitly used for HEPP protests that manifested as a reaction to Turkey's energy politics within last fourteen years. The hypothesis of the research is that environmental justice related discourses are embedded in HEPP protesters' claims in Turkey even though they do not consciously use this framework and its principles. In this context, the aim of the study is to test the hypothesis that whether related dimensions; for example, the distributional dimension procedural dimensions of environmental justice exist in the discourses of HEPP protesters.
ÖgeHegel And Liberalism A Comparison Of Hegel And Rawls' Political Philosophy(Institute of Social Sciences, 2017) Kökerer, Onur Erdal ; Kandiyalı, Jan ; 469096 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıHegel's political philosophy with contemporary liberalism. In particular, I make a comparison between Hegel and Rawls who can be considered as the most important liberal philosopher of the twentieth century. I argue that Hegel and Rawls have a number of similarities. With this argument, it is possible to come to an unconventional and interesting interpretation of both Hegel and Rawls.
ÖgeHegel's Republican Idea Of Freedom: A Comparision Between Hegel's Idea Of Freedom And Pettit's Freedom As Non-domination(Institute of Social Sciences, 2018) Mkheidze, Magda ; Kandiyalı, Jan ; 512504 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıIn the history of modern political philosophy, Hegel's political thought has been interpreted in many different and incompatible ways. While some have ascribed him the label of totalitarian, others have considered him as a liberal. In this thesis, my aim is to show that Hegel's political philosophy and chiefly, his concept of freedom, has its roots in republican political thought. I compare Hegel's concept of freedom with modern republicanism, especially Philip Pettit's conception of freedom as non-domination.
ÖgeIn Defense Of Utopian Thought(Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Çetinkaya, Dilek Zehra ; Kandiyalı, Jan ; 571074 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıThis thesis aims to define the place and function of utopian thought in political theory and try to answer the question of whether working on utopia in political theory has a value or not. The usual attacks on utopian ideology focus on the "impracticable" or "preposterous" character of any particular vision being advocated. However, utopia is a state that is not intended to be realized; it is a goal, an abstract target. The main purpose is to address the idea that utopia is a theoretical necessity, that political philosophy cannot proceed without it and that utopia enriches our political lives. Utopian thought is a necessary warning for any society to progress and; progress is the realization of the utopia. My arguments to defend utopia will be built around four elements that are social criticism, hope, guidance and its complementary work for the non-utopian theories.
ÖgeThe Naturalistic Fallacy In Hume's Moral And Political Philosophy(Institute of Social Sciences, 2018) Bayır, Saliha ; Mion, Giovanni Filippo ; 512966 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıThe naturalistic fallacy —first explicitly exposed by Hume— amounts to an attempt to infer a prescriptive claim from a descriptive one. However, the fact/value dichotomy presupposed by the naturalistic fallacy seems to run contrary to Hume's moral naturalism. In my thesis, I first present a systematic classification of the various responses to Hume's take on the issue. Then, following Sayre-McCord and Pigden, I argue that, contrary to the received view, Hume's goal is to overcome the naturalistic fallacy. Accordingly, I contend that Hume's focus on thick concepts indicates that for him, thick concepts can function as analytical bridges to produce prescriptive claims from descriptive ones.
ÖgePolitical Philosophy And The Problem Of Poverty: A Hybrid Approach(Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Tecir, Cansu ; Kandiyalı, Jan ; 571585 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıContemporary political philosophy has focused on theories of justice and inequality, however it has little to say about poverty. This is the source of my motivation for this thesis. By this thesis, I aim to find an answer to some questions of what poverty is, what is wrong with poverty, what contemporary theories of social justice imply for poverty and which approach in political philosophy best handles the problem of poverty. Then, in particular, I analyse three basic fundamental approaches within political philosophy namely utilitarian approach, resourcist approach and capabilities approach. Following that, I argue that a hybrid approach is more useful than sticking to only one of them, for it should be changing and developing according to different circumstances and conditions of being poor with a definition of poverty that partly combines traditional and contemporary definitions of poverty. The thesis is structured in the following way: I started with the thesis with a conceptual analysis of poverty in order to identify what definitions of poverty are and what it should be. In order to do that, I benefited from the thoughts of many traditional and contemporary thinkers such as Rowntree, Townsend and Sen briefly. Following that, in the first chapter,
ÖgePolitics And Music: Music As A Means To Politics And Politics As A Means To Music(Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Denizli, Ece ; Çalkıvik, Emine Aslı ; 574966 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıThis study seeks answers to the question of what makes music political, and aims to demonstrate the relationship between music and politics. The main argument of the thesis is that music is power in terms of influencing and orienting us both as an end in itself and a means to an end, and therefore it is political. Concordantly, the second argument is that since music always affects us, it should not serve for any other purpose due to having value in itself, and in this way, owing to its inherent characteristics it can help us to reach concepts such as justice, democracy, freedom and common good. This study propounds that since music is a power it is used by political actors and institutions in compliance with their aims and interests, and because of the mentioned point music always has a place within politics. Another underlined point in the thesis is that music's being political has two meanings since music is both inherently and in itself political. In other words, politics has a place in music as well because even if music is made only for the sake of making music, some groups determine the value of music and interfere it. When viewed from these two aspects, music is a means to politics because of its political nature, and politics is a means to music since music is political in itself. Therefore, music and politics are in an undeniable relationship in which both serve to each other.
ÖgeThe Role Of Ethical Individualism In Marx's Thought(Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Barlas, Kemal Baran ; Kandiyalı, Jan ; 582632 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıMarx'ın düşüncesi çoğunlukla topluma salt komüniteryan bir bakış olarak ele alınmıştır. Bu tezde, genellikle hümanist ve felsefi olarak nitelenmiş olan, Marx'ın erken dönem yazılarını yorumluyorum. Buradaki amacım, Marx'taki bireyci öğenin üzerine eğilmek. Bilhassa, Marx'ın kapitalizm eleştirisinin ve komünizm tasavvurunun birey merkezli bir toplum görüşü üzerine kurulu olduğunu göstermek amacıyla Marx'ın erken dönem çalışmalarını yorumluyorum. Bu araştırmada, yanıtlamaya çalıştığım temel soru "Marx'ın erken dönem düşüncesi bireyci öğeler barındırıyor mu?" Bu soruya yanıt ararken, Marx'ın eleştirisinin birey üzerine kurulu bir yorumuna ulaşıyorum ve öne sürdüğü komüniteryan çözümlerdeki bazı sorunları açığa çıkarıyorum.
ÖgeThe Role Of The Asean Way In Vietnam's South China Sea Policy Towards China(Institute of Social Sciences, 2017) Durmaz, Yılmaz ; Çalkıvik, Emine Aslı ; 469094 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıThe aim of this work is to analyse the role of ASEAN Way of diplomacy in Vietnam's policy towards Chinese actions in the South China Sea in the period between 1995 and 2015. My main argument is that the ASEAN Way led Vietnam to show deference to China and cooperate with it in certain fields, such as joint security endeavours and the resolution process for the South China Sea dispute. The main factors that determine state behaviour are crucial for International relations theory discussions and my thesis is an attempt to discuss the ASEAN Way as an ideational factor influencing Vietnamese foreign policy. In order to examine my case, I use constructivist and realist IR schools as the theoretical framework. .
ÖgeTheory Of Covert Action(Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Tezcanlar, Arda Mehmet ; Kandiyalı, Jan ; 548221 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıUluslararası ilişkiler yazınında örtülü eylem, icra makamının bir dış siyaseti ya da dolaylı bir müdahale siyaseti olarak nitelenmektedir. Bu nedenle örtülü eylem üzerindeki tartışmalar eylemin meşruluğu üzerinde yoğunlaşmaktadır. Bu da örtülü eylemin tanımını belirsizleştirmektedir. Bu tez örtülü eylem için analitik bir çerçeve sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Örtülü eylem çevreyi ve rakip tarafı değiştirmek amacıyla siyasal şiddetin uygulanmasıdır. Devletin tahakküm aygıtları içinde kompartmante edilir. Uluslararası sistemin özellikleri tarafından uzatmalı çatışma içinde devlet davranışı olarak zorunluluktur. ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Örtülü Eylem, Siyasal Şiddet, Uzatmalı Çatışma, Göreceli Üstünlük
ÖgeUnderstanding planetary security: a post-humanist paradigm in approaching energy security and climate crisis(Social Sciences Institute, 2020-07-13) Aktan, Özgenur ; Çalkıvik, Emine Aslı ; 629559 ; Department of Political StudiesThis study aims to problematize the linkage between energy and security in the context of climate crisis. This study provides a brief history of energy alterations through a comparative analysis of pre-industrial and industrial times and then, investigates the position and referent objects of the concept of energy security in International Relations paradigms. This study examines both traditional and contemporary approaches to the concept of energy security within the scope of realist, liberal and environmental security paradigms. This study asserts that neither traditional approaches in terms of national security, military security and economic growth nor contemporary approaches in terms of environmental security and human security can be effective in providing integrated and universal referent paradigm for the concept of energy security. Therefore, this study proposes the concept of planetary security as an alternative referent paradigm for the relationship between energy security and climate crisis. The main idea is that the concept of planetary security can provide integrated and universal framework for energy security policies. The concept of planetary security can provide normative and conceptual clarifications for energy security policies. Securitization of the planet can encourage a critical re-evaluation for the referent positions of nation states and human beings in the context of energy security.
ÖgeWhat Justifies Civil Disobedience?(Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Kuru, Ahmet Bilal ; Koçan, Gürcan ; 570769 ; Political Studies ; Siyaset ÇalışmalarıThesis aims to show that civil disobedience should be justifiable. More precisely, civil disobedience should be justifiable, because it can be illegal, but also can be morally right and just. Paper is divided into five chapters. Civil disobedience is continuously changing and contested concept, so first chapter analyzes the various conceptualization of the concept. At the analyze of various conceptualization, five main axis's and eleven constituents comes into prominence. Thinkers which is analyzed at third chapter argues that it would be immoral to disobey the laws, morality requires obedience to laws. In contrast to this view at the fourth chapter paper analyzes the justifications of civil disobedience.