İnşaat Mühendisliği
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Öge9. Türkiye Deprem Mühendisliği Konferansı Bildiriler Kitabı, 2-3 Haziran 2021, İstanbul(TMMOB, Türkiye Deprem Vakfı, 2021-06-02) İnşaat Mühendisliği ; Tönük, Gökçe ; Dalgıç, Korhan Deniz ; Halıcı, Ömer FarukDepremde oluşan yapısal hasar dağılımları ile yerel zemin koşulları arasında yakından ilişki olduğu gözlenmiştir. Son 60-70 yılda hasar dağılımları yanında, aletsel ölçümlerle de kanıtlanan bu ilişki, çok disiplinli deprem mühendisliği dalında içinde geoteknik deprem mühendisliği alt dalının gelişmesine yol açmıştır. Yerel zemin koşullarının deprem etkisinde yapısal davranış üzerinde etkileri iki ana başlık altında toplanabilmektedir: (1) tekrarlı(çevrimli) deprem yükleri altında temel zemininde ortaya çıkabilecek taşıma gücü kaybı, aşırı oturmalar ve yer değiştirmeler; (2) deprem hareketi özelliklerinde meydana gelen değişimler ve buna bağlı olarak yapının maruz kaldığı sarsıntı şiddeti ve atalet kuvvetlerinde meydana gelen değişimler. Deprem hasarlarının azaltılmasına yönelik çalışmalarda deprem yükleri etkisinde zeminlerin davranışının incelenmesi (dinamik zemin özelliklerinin belirlenmesi) için laboratuvar deney yöntemlerinde önemli gelişmeler yaşanırken, zemin davranışını modellemeye yönelik bünye denklemleri ve analiz yöntemleri de geliştirilmiştir.
ÖgeAn integrated groundwater vulnerability and artificial recharge site suitability assessment using GIS multi-criteria decision making approach in Kayseri region, Turkey(Springer, 2024) Mouhoumed, Rachid Mohamed ; Ekmekçioğlu, Ömer ; Özger, Mehmet ; 0000-0001-7346-4699 ; 0000-0002-7144-2338 ; İnşaat MühendisliğiGroundwater resources worldwide face significant challenges that require urgent implementation of sustainable measures for effective long-term management. Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is regarded as one of the most promising management technologies to address the degradation of groundwater resources. However, in urban aquifers, locating suitable areas that are least vulnerable to contamination for MAR implementation is complex and challenging. Hence, the present study proposes a framework encapsulating the combined assessment of groundwater vulnerability and MAR site suitability analysis to pinpoint the most featured areas for installing drywells in Kayseri, Turkey. To extrapolate the vulnerable zones, not only the original DRASTIC but also its multi-criteria decision-making (MCDA)–based modified variants were evaluated with regard to different hydrochemical parameters using the area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve (AUC). Besides, the fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) rationale was adopted to signify the importance level of criteria and the robustness of the framework was highlighted with sensitivity analysis. In addition, the decision layers and the attained vulnerability layer were combined using the weighted overlay (WOA). The findings indicate that the DRASTIC-SWARA correlates well with the arsenic (AUC = 0.856) and chloride (AUC = 0.648) and was adopted as the vulnerability model. Groundwater quality parameters such as chloride and sodium adsorption ratio, as well as the vadose zone thickness, were found to be the most significant decision parameters with importance levels of 16.75%, 14.51%, and 15.73%, respectively. Overall, 28.24% of the study area was unsuitable for recharge activities with high to very high vulnerability, while the remaining part was further prioritized into low to high suitability classes for MAR application. The proposed framework offers valuable tool to decision-makers for the delineation of favorable MAR sites with minimized susceptibility to contamination.
ÖgeCICE 2020/2021 Abstract Book(International Institute for FRP in Construction, 2021-12-08) Ilki, Alper ; Ispir, Medine ; Inci, PınarThis book includes the abstracts of 216 papers from 34 countries and other relevant information about CICE 2020/2021 conference. The great contributions of our keynote speakers, invited theme lecturers and all speakers are highly appreciated. The quality of the contributions submitted to CICE 2020/2021 was very high, and as organizers we had the chance to invite more than 100 papers to special collections/issues of ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction, Construction and Building Materials Journal, and Turkish Journal of Civil Engineering based on the suggestions of the reviewers
ÖgeDeprem risk yönetiminde yazılım ve deprem mühendisliği çalıştayı bildiriler kitabı(İTÜ Yayınevi, 2022-05-26) Deprem Risk Yönetiminde Yazılım ve Deprem Mühendisliği Çalıştayı: 2022 ; İnşaat Mühendisliği ; Baş, Selçuk ; Püskülcü, Seyhun ; İlki, Alper ; Akşit, Mehmet"Deprem olgusu, ülkemiz için göz ardı edilemeyecek bir gerçekliktir. Son yıllarda yazılım, sistem mühendisliği ve yapay zekâ alanlarında gözlemlenen gelişmeler, deprem mühendisliği alanında yürütülen çalışmalarda da etkinliğini arttırmaktadır. Bu amaçla, ülkemizde deprem mühendisliği alanında yurtiçi/yurtdışı birçok bilimsel aktiviteye öncülük eden Türkiye Deprem Vakfı (TDV), deprem risklerinin yönetimi konusunda yazılım mühendisliği ve deprem mühendisliği alanlarında çalışan uzmanları bir araya getirmek amacıyla 26 Mayıs 2022 tarihinde, “Deprem Risk Yönetiminde Yazılım ve Deprem Mühendisliği (YDMÇ-2022)" çalıştayını çevrim içi olarak düzenlemiştir. Çalıştaya internet üzerinden 252 kişi kaydolmuştur. Bizim tespitlerimize göre, bu toplantı sözü geçen konuda dünyada düzenlenen ilk çalıştaydır."
ÖgeDesign and nonlinear dynamic response of a steel stack(Springer, 2024) Vatansever, Cüneyt ; Çayır, Haşim ; 0000-0002-9954-925X ; 0000-0001-8131-4703 ; İnşaat MühendisliğiIndustrial stacks are built in order to reduce atmospheric pollution and release gases to the higher level of the atmosphere. Since they are high and slender structures, they are significantly affected by lateral forces, in particular, induced by winds and earthquakes. This paper aims to summarize the design principles for steel stacks given in the international standards, codes and specifications considering the evaluation of the results from the investigation on nonlinear dynamic response of a typical steel stack subjected to the earthquake. For this purpose, a typical self-supporting steel stack has been designed and its performance under earthquake and wind forces has been investigated in terms of the applied design principles, such as the displacement limit and the potential plastic deformations. The study is accomplished by using finite element models employing nonlinear time history and pushover analyses. The numerical results are presented particularly by considering the design principles used for the model. The results show that wind loads considered are more pronounced in the design of industrial steel stacks than earthquake especially in terms of limiting top displacement. The flue openings which reduce strength and lateral stiffness of the stack web is significantly effective in the lateral behavior of the stack. Moreover, the principles considered are found applicable for the design of such steel stacks. Based on the results from nonlinear time history analyses, no yielding and plastic deformation are detected along the stack.
Ögefib Symposium 2023, Istanbul - Building for the future : durable, sustainable, resilient : book of abstracts(İTÜ Yayınevi, 2023) İnşaat Mühendisliği ; İlki, Alper ; Çavunt, Derya ; Çavunt, Yavuz SelimConcrete is a widely used material in the construction industry due to its versatility, strength, and durability. However, the production of concrete has a significant impact on the environment, contributing to carbon emissions, resource depletion, and waste generation. This has led to an increasing need to address sustainability concerns in the construction industry. As the world population grows and the impact of climate change becomes more severe, the demand for sustainable buildings has also increased. Sustainable buildings minimize their environmental impact by reducing resource consumption, minimizing waste generation, and improving energy efficiency. Moreover, durable and resilient structures are crucial aspects of sustainable construction. Structures that can withstand the test of time and natural disasters reduce the need for frequent repairs and replacements, thereby reducing the resources needed for ongoing maintenance. Sustainable structures also provide long-term financial benefits by reducing operational costs. This is achieved through measures such as energy-efficient designs and the use of sustainable materials. In this aspect, it is essential for the construction industry to prioritize sustainability to ensure a better future for the world.
ÖgeFilling the ponds of Hattuşa - a geohydrological approach to determine inflows by time and volume(Springer, 2024) Wittenberg, Hartmut ; Aksoy, Hafzullah ; 0000-0001-6467-1194 ; 0000-0001-5807-5660 ; İnşaat MühendisliğiIn the ruins of Hattuşa, the capital of the Hittite Empire more than 3,000 years ago, large, sedimented water storage ponds have been uncovered since 1998. An investigation based on time series of measured groundwater levels, showed that the ponds were supplied from layered aquifers which were opened at their source horizons directly at the uphill edge of the pond. When the groundwater level at the pond exceeds a threshold given by the geology at that edge, water pours into the pond. The principles and the path of filling become clear, but not the volumes and time distribution of the transfers. These results of the previous studies were amply published and are shortly summarized. The present investigation is also based on the time series of groundwater levels and of the discharge of a modern fountain as well as the local hydrogeological properties. The approach is simple but shows the effect of storage in the aquifer which delays the outflow into the pond, so that water from the rainy season was available in the dry season. Also, the annual outflow values are determined. Besides gaining knowledge it is an aim of the article to encourage interdisciplinary and process-oriented thinking.
ÖgeFresh, setting, and hardened properties of fly ash concrete with nano-silica(Springer, 2024) Baran, Servan ; Baran, Ahmet ; Bıçakcı, Sidar Nihat ; Turkmenoğlu, Hasan Nuri ; Atahan, Hakan Nuri ; 0000-0003-2136-149X ; 0000-0002-1545-0376 ; 0000-0003-4765-8590 ; 0000-0002-7917-3021 ; İnşaat MühendisliğiNano-silica (NS) may counteract the drawbacks of fly ash (FA), such as delayed setting and low early strength, by accelerating hydration and providing higher early strength in concrete. In this study, concrete mixtures having 4 different FA replacement ratios (0%, 20%, 35%, and 50% by vol.) and 3 different NS dosages (0%, 1.7%, and 3.4% by vol.) were prepared. Effect of NS on the rheology, setting times and temperature evolution during the setting period, microstructure, compressive strength, and modulus of elasticity (MOE) of concrete at constant slump (20 ± 1 cm) were investigated. Plasticizers influenced the rheological and setting properties of concrete designed at constant consistency. In terms of these properties, although there have been cases where the use of NS has shown controversy results compared to the common knowledge in literature, this situation has been associated with the demand for the plasticizers consumed to obtain constant slump. In general, NS accelerated the setting times of concrete, however, it could not completely tolerate the delay caused by FA. According to 7-day mechanical test results, using 3.4% NS almost fully recovered the 20% strength loss caused by 20% FA replacement. Even if compressive strength close to NS-free REF mixture could not be achieved with high volume FA replacement (50%), at 7 days, MOE results, comparable to NS-free REF concrete, could be achieved using 3.4% NS. At later ages, although the compressive strength varied over a wide range, i.e., from 30 to 75 MPa, MOE of FA concrete have become almost independent of the strength.
ÖgeLocalizing structural damage based on auto-regressive with exogenous input model parameters and residuals using a support vector machine based learning approach(Springer, 2024) Güneş, Burcu ; İnşaat MühendisliğiMachine learning algorithms operating in an unsupervised fashion has emerged as promising tools for detecting structural damage in an automated fashion. Its essence relies on selecting appropriate features to train the model using the reference data set collected from the healthy structure and employing the trained model to identify outlier conditions representing the damaged state. In this paper, the coefficients and the residuals of the autoregressive model with exogenous input created using only the measured output signals are extracted as damage features. These features obtained at the baseline state for each sensor cluster are then utilized to train the one class support vector machine, an unsupervised classifier generating a decision function using only patterns belonging to this baseline state. Structural damage, once detected by the trained machine, a damage index based on comparison of the residuals between the trained class and the outlier state is implemented for localizing damage. The two-step damage assessment framework is first implemented on an eight degree-of-freedom numerical model with the effects of measurement noise integrated. Subsequently, vibration data collected from a one-story one-bay reinforced concrete frame inflicted with progressive levels of damage have been utilized to verify the accuracy and robustness of the proposed methodology.
ÖgeProceedings of IWAMISSE 2018 the International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems in Structural Engineering: Seismic Practices(İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, 2018-11) İnşaat Mühendisliği ; İlki, Alper ; Cavunt, DeryaThe International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems in Structural Engineering: Seismic Practices, IWAMISSE 2018, is co-organised by The International Federation for Structural Concrete Turkey Branch, fib-Turkey, and Istanbul Technical University, ITU, on November 16, 2018 at ITU. The International Federation for Structural Concrete, fib, is a not-for-profit association formed by 45 national member groups and approximately 1000 corporate and individual members. The fib’s mission is to develop at an international level the study of scientific and practical matters capable of advancing the technical, economic, aesthetic and environmental performance of concrete construction. Istanbul Technical University (ITU) was established in 1773 and is a state university which defined and continues to update methods of engineering and architecture in Turkey. It provides its students with innovative educational facilities while retaining traditional values, as well as using its strong international contacts to mould young, talented individuals who can compete not only within their country borders but also in the global arena. With its educational facilities, social life and strong institutional contacts, ITU has always been preferred by Turkey’s most distinguished students since its foundation and has achieved justified respect. The workshop covers the topics of advanced materials and innovative systems in structural engineering with a focus on seismic practices as well as other issues related with steel fiber reinforced concrete, anchors/fasteners, precast structures, and recent advances on different types of structural systems such as reinforced concrete, steel, and reinforced masonry structures. This proceeding book contain sixteen papers from ten countries worldwide. We have no doubt that the up-to-date subjects covered during the workshop will be extremely beneficial for the workshop participants both from academia and industry. We would like to thank all authors for their contributions to the workshop as well as the members of the International Scientific Committee for their rigorous work for reviewing the papers. We also gratefully acknowledge the support of the sponsoring companies and we express our sincere thanks to organization committee for their tireless efforts in the overall organization of the workshop. Many thanks go as well to undergraduate and graduate students from ITU for their assistance during all stages of the workshop.
ÖgeProceedings of IWAMISSE 2019 2 nd International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems in Structural Engineering: Novel Researches(The International Federation for Structural Concrete, İTÜ, 2019-09-20) İnşaat Mühendisliği ; Çavunt, Yavuz SelimThe workshop covers the topics of advanced materials and innovative systems in structural engineering with a focus on seismic practices as well as other issues related with steel fiber reinforced concrete, anchors/fasteners, precast structures, and recent advances on different types of structural systems such as reinforced concrete, steel, and reinforced masonry structures. This event which is organized for the second time will provide a platform for exploring the potential national and international cooperation schemes in terms of research and application on the areas covered within the scope of the workshop. A part of this workshop is devoted to papers presenting the initial outcomes of the TUBITAK-RCUK Project “Rapid Earthquake Risk Assessment and Post-Earthquake Disaster Management Framework for Substandard Buildings in Turkey” coordinated jointly by Istanbul Technical University and Sheffield University. This proceeding book contains twelve papers from five countries worldwide.
ÖgeProceedings of IWAMISSE 2019 2nd International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems in Structural Engineering: Novel Researches(The International Federation for Structural Concrete Turkey Branch, 2019-09) ITU Structural Engineering ; İlki, Alper ; Çavunt, Yavuz SelimThe Second International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Innovative Systems in Structural Engineering: Novel Researches, IWAMISSE 2019, is co-organised by The International Federation for Structural Concrete Turkey Branch, fib-Turkey, and Istanbul Technical University, ITU, on September 20, 2019 at ITU. The International Federation for Structural Concrete, fib, is a not-for-profit association formed by 42 national member groups and approximately 1000 corporate and individual members. The fib’s mission is to develop at an international level the study of scientific and practical matters capable of advancing the technical, economic, aesthetic and environmental performance of concrete construction. Istanbul Technical University (ITU) was established in 1773 and is a state university which defined and continues to update methods of engineering and architecture in Turkey. It provides its students with innovative educational facilities while retaining traditional values, as well as using its strong international contacts to mould young, talented individuals who can compete not only within their country borders but also in the global arena. With its educational facilities, social life and strong institutional contacts, ITU has always been preferred by Turkey’s most distinguished students since its foundation and has achieved a justified respect. The workshop covers the topics of advanced materials and innovative systems in structural engineering with a focus on seismic practices as well as other issues related with steel fiber reinforced concrete, anchors/fasteners, precast structures, and recent advances on different types of structural systems such as reinforced concrete, steel, and reinforced masonry structures. This event which is organized for the second time will provide a platform for exploring the potential national and international cooperation schemes in terms of research and application on the areas covered within the scope of the workshop. A part of this workshop is devoted to papers presenting the initial outcomes of the TUBITAK-RCUK Project “Rapid Earthquake Risk Assessment and Post-Earthquake Disaster Management Framework for Substandard Buildings in Turkey” coordinated jointly by Istanbul Technical University and Sheffield University. This proceeding book contains twelve papers from five countries worldwide. We have no doubt that the up-to-date subjects covered during the workshop will be highly beneficial for the academicians and practitioners in the field. We would like to thank all authors for their contributions to the workshop as well as the members of the International Scientific Committee for their rigorous work for reviewing the papers. We also gratefully acknowledge the support of the sponsoring companies and we express our sincere thanks to organization committee for their tireless efforts in the overall organization of the workshop. Many thanks go as well to undergraduate and graduate students from ITU for their assistance during all stages of the workshop.
ÖgeThermal stress analysis for functionally graded plates with modulus gradation, part II(Springer, 2024) Bayrak, T. ; Tosun, M. ; İpek, C. ; Mollamahmutoğlu, C. ; Bulut, O. ; İnşaat MühendisliğiBackground -- The gradation of thermal expansion coefficient was analyzed in the earlier study. The analytical formulation derived here, which is quite different, should be validated to understand the thermal stress distribution in a laminated composite and functionally graded material. Besides this solution, a validated numerical model can also be used to optimize the material gradation of plates in terms of sustainability. Objective -- To validate the analytical formulation derived here, an experimental model is presented to understand the thermal stress concentration for functionally graded and laminated composite plates. A numerical model is also validated to extend to understand the effects of the number of layers, the thickness of a layer, the gradation function, the ratio of elastic moduli, and the coating. Methods -- The experimental problems in the production of the experimental models with layers of different elastic moduli are discussed here. In the experimental analysis, a three-dimensional photoelastic stress analysis of two- and four-layer composite plate was used to mechanically model the thermal expansion. The analytical solution for the thermal stress in a free plate was derived by the strain suppression method based on the principle of superposition. The numerical models were analyzed using finite element software. The step variation in the experiment was used as a reference point for a continuous or multi-layer (> 2) step variation of material coefficients in the models. Results -- The variation of stress concentration is shown for various cases of laminated and continuous gradations of elastic modulus. The four-layer experimental model provides the difference in thermal stress distribution as a result of a layered coating. The validated analytical and numerical models provide reasonable results. An empirical formula to optimize the material gradation in terms of elastic modulus is derived. Conclusions -- The experimental model can be used to analyze thermal stress in functionally graded materials. The gradations of the material in the plate or the coating of the plates can be optimized by the validated analytical and numerical models. The empirical formula can be used to determine the elastic modulus of the coating to minimize the stress concentration.
ÖgeTowards sustainable coastal management : a hybrid model for vulnerability and risk assessment(Springer, 2024) Durap, Ahmet ; Balas, Can Elmar ; 0000-0002-6218-0129 ; 0000-0002-5994-0561 ; İnşaat MühendisliğiThis paper presents the development of a Hybrid Model (HM) integrated with a Bayesian Network (BN) for comprehensive coastal vulnerability and risk assessment, with a focus on Konyaaltı Beach, Antalya, Turkey. The HM incorporates critical environmental parameters such as wind, waves, currents, and sediment transport to simulate conditions at vulnerable coastal areas and perform risk assessments for storm effects, flooding, and erosion. The model includes submodules for predicting coastal storms, quantifying sediment transport rates, assessing tsunami inundation severity, and categorizing storms based on beach typologies. The Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) is utilized for significant wave height predictions, enhancing the model's accuracy. The integration of hydrodynamic modeling, Bayesian networks, and ANFIS offers a robust framework for assessing coastal vulnerability and informing sustainable management practices. The study's results highlight the necessity for integrated risk management strategies, including adaptive infrastructure design, zoning and land use regulations, ecosystem-based management, and continuous monitoring and model refinement to enhance coastal resilience against dynamic environmental forces. This research provides valuable insights for mitigating the impacts of hazards on urban developments, contributing to the advancement of sustainable coastal management.