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ÖgeDesign research for an intimate experience: A study on menstrual products and practices(Institute of Science and Technology, 2018-12-11)The perception of menstruation is now considered an issue of women's health and well-being; also, it is dealt through the particular gender-based movements in a broader scale. However, women still camouflage their menstrual experiences and products in most cultures in order to be included fully in social life. To understand the underlying complex needs, attitudes and motives behind this phenomenon may lead to the development and design of better solutions, products and/or services. The study aims to design a research methodology to be used/developed for exploring an intimate experience; menstruation, also to interpret this knowledge to reveal design criteria. To determine the appropriate research approach exploratory studies were conducted. In this study, cultural probes and virtual research techniques were performed as exploratory methods that were used to discover menstrual practices of young women. The feedbacks of these exploratory studies fed the research methodology with both informative and generative ways. Unlike probe study and ethnographic approach, more secured and empathetical interaction between participants and researcher was imperative to eliminate the sensitive characteristics of menstrual activities and to explore design criteria for these intimate experiences. Constitutively, a main research approach was developed on an interactive setting that enables experience and idea sharing strategies about menstruation. The main research focuses on particular research tools and methods devised to explore the menstrual practices of young women aged between 18 and 24. Main research study was performed in six sessions with twelve voluntary female participants who were industrial product design students. Each session was conducted with two female participants, a pair of close friends. The deliberate choice of conducting the research with close friends was to use their proximity as a trigger to share their memories. The design of research is constructed on a generative basis. Thus, a generative research setting reminding intimate acts around menstruation was built with visual and physical tools to inspire participants to talk, write, draw and solve their problems about menstruation. These conceived tools were used as catalyst to think and prompt the participants to talk about menstruation and menstrual practices. Briefly, through the familiar interaction of the participants with the help of devised tools and methods, the researcher overcame the unspoken nature of the subject and was able to explore menstrual practices via the participants' memories. Following the verbatim documentation of participants' narratives, the transcribed data was examined in detail using the procedures of grounded theory in order to conceptualize the narrations and draft works of participants to derive design criteria for menstrual problems. With the help of the procedures of grounded theory, the data collected from the participants broken down in detail and grouped with reference to similar patterns. At the end of this integration process, five head codes were emerged as "tactics", "limitations", "failures", "social codes", and "improvements". The categories interpreted as design criteria that have a potential to foster design input were shaped under these headings. Besides, they provided a holistic comprehension about research subject by virtue of mapping the relations between menstrual problems and solutions. Lastly, to picturize the information flow from defined criteria to design activity, emerged head codes and categories were combined and interpreted within the frame of Norman's (2004) processing levels. Through this interpretation, a guiding map about the research subject was visualized for designers; also this mapping eased to be made deductions about the content of research. At the end of mapping process, some deductions were build around the research subject. First, the narrations of participants provide to reveal certain "proportional analogies" about the appearance of menstrual products according to visceral level. In the behavioral context, it has been deduced that women redesigned the product experience according to their needs by making some adaptations and implementations on menstrual products. It was also understood that menstrual practices were performed invisibly behind the other experiences. At the cognitive level, it was revealed that menstrual experiences were taken shape in compliance with cultural and religious conventions. This argument was conceived as the central theme of the research; it has been observed that it affects inferences at visceral and behavioral levels.
ÖgeHow to sketch things with words: Exploring the relation between verbal and visual expressions of novice design students(Graduate School, 2021-02-23)Drawing has been one of the most intriguing and debated issues of design research. Its distinctive entailments have been studied and incorporated into the broad description of design and its essential function as a conceptual tool is accepted by many. In addition to its obvious visual attributes, it has been portrayed as one of the fundamental tools of communication for designers: a communication which can be mediated both between multiple agents and by oneself. Sketching is commonly identified as one of the key subjects in design schools. In the first one or two semesters, most of the programs include courses under various names that are designated to instruct ways of visual communication. Considering its relation to communication, literature of design research includes numerous studies which have examined the association of drawing with language. The reciprocal relation between visual and verbal modes of thinking is highlighted by numerous researchers. Accordingly, language has been acknowledged as a key element regarding its constructive role in design. It has been adopted as an integral part of design process along with drawing. Even though sketching is a popular discussion subject among scholars, most of the empirical studies, which aim at exploring this process usually rely on workshops that are relatively limited in time, resources, and/or comprehension. Adopting an understanding of design as a sense making process, this study focused on the associations of drawing with language. Correspondingly, language's essential involvement in design process is found to be arisen from the nature of design process which requires a rich dialog with the material at hand. The relation between visual and verbal modes of thinking is studied in terms of their mutual effects and exchanges. Employed in this examination is an undergraduate course called 'Design Communication II' in a department of industrial design. In the first stage of the main study, the course is planned to involve certain exercises within an approach that is corresponding to what has been adopted concerning the definition of design and description of design process from literature. Accordingly, each lesson is divided into several sessions in variable order and length: warm up exercises; presentation / introduction to the topic of the week; preliminary discussion; main sketching exercises; and the final discussion. In this way, an attempt is made which enables and encourages transitions between visual and verbal modes of thinking. In the second stage of the main study, Design Communication II course has been conducted for fourteen weeks with eleven students. Also, three workshops have been organized in order to enrich the data in terms of this study's concerns. Through workshops, students' utilization of verbal expression in depicting their visualization processes is investigated. Throughout the course, participant observation method was utilized predominantly and field notes were one of the main sources of data. In the third stage of the main study, following the end of the semester, a course evaluation survey had been developed to get feedback from the students about the implementation of the course with sections, value of sections in particular, and the general assessment of the course. It is shared and collected online with the participation of ten students. Afterwards, semi-structured interviews are conducted with each student aiming to make them elaborate on their own answers in surveys. Students are attempted to be encouraged to express implicit statements and provide narratives that are relevant to the course activity. In the fourth stage of the main study, collected data is analyzed and findings are interpreted within three main categories: (1) Course content; (2) Course implementation; and (3) Course implication. Content is defined broadly to include issues discussed in course; and its functional meaning. Implementation implies facilitative methods, the established social setting, and interaction between stakeholders. Implications involve other patterns emerged from data concerning development of student attributes. All of the categories are described, discussed, exemplified in detail; their possible contributions and entailments are projected. Results of this study presents researchers a mapping of the themes that are generated from concepts and data. The findings have shown that the verbal exercises have significant impacts on how students acknowledge drawing and interpret the drawing course. It has been observed that, throughout the semester, students developed an approach towards design drawing, which substantially includes a conceptual understanding of it. Also, it is concluded that the relationship between verbal and visual modes of thinking constitutes a promising research area which can be approached from many more ways. The scope of this study was limited to expressions of students, design education, and design drawing in particular. Therefore, topics such as, language's effect on mental imagery of the students; relationship between verbal repositories and visual repositories; effect of different languages on teaching/learning design drawing were not included in this study. However, the findings can be utilized in discovering the potential in these fields to develop a deeper understanding about how visual and verbal modes of thinking functions reciprocally. For further studies, it may help to identify problematic areas in design education while offering possible links between them. Employment of the mapping may make it easier to describe the conceptual area in which stakeholders act. It can also be developed by further studies to achieve a more comprehensive mapping of a design course setting.
ÖgeÇoklu ürün ekosistemlerinde kullanıcı deneyimi: Akıllı banyo baskülleri üzerinden bir inceleme(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2020-05-04)Yakın geçmişte, dijital ürünler sadece bilgisayar ya da telefon üzerinden kullanılmakta iken artık birden farklı sistemler dahilinde kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmaya başladı – tablet, bilgisayar, akıllı telefon ve televizyon gibi. Günümüzde akıllı teknolojiler ile birlikte bu sistemler daha da genişleyerek gündelik hayatta kullanılan ürünlerin da dahil olduğu bir ekosistem haline geldi. Bu ekosistem dahilindeki ürünlerin etkileşimi ile kullanıcı deneyimi bambaşka bir boyuta taşınmakta iken ürün ve etkileşimin artması kullanıcının hayatını daha karmaşık hale getirebiliyor. Artık evlerde kullanılan birçok fiziksel ürün mobil aplikasyonları ile kullanıcılara daha fazla işlev sunabilmektedir. Bu fonksiyonlar ürüne ve ürünün bağlantı seviyesine göre değişebilir. Dijital ürün (mobil aplikasyon) ve fiziksel ürün (arayüzü) arasında veri ve fonksiyonların dağılımı üç Şekilde farklılaşmaktadır. Aynı bilgi ve fonksiyonlar sistemdeki tüm cihazlarda bulunabilir (redundant), sistemdeki farklı her bir cihaz kullanıcıya farklı işlev sunabilir (exclusive), ve sistemdeki cihazlara veri ve fonksiyonları paylaşımlı olarak sunabilir (complementary). Nesnelerin interneti ile fiziksel ve dijital ürünlerin bir arada oluşturduğu ekosistem dahilinde, daha çok ürünlerin birbirlerini tamamlayarak kullanıcı faydasını artırdığı örnekler görülmektedir. Bunun yansıra akıllı ürünler dijital aplikasyonları ile fiziksel ürünleri kişiselleştirme, yönlendirme/bilgi ve otomasyon/uzaktan kontrol ile besler. Ürünler bağlantılı teknolojiler sayesinde çoklu ürün ekosistemleri haline dönürken kullanıcı – ürün ekosistemi etkileşiminin yapısı da değişir ve kullanıcı deneyimini bu çoklu- kompleks yapı altında yeniden değerlendirmek gerekir. Çoklu ürün ekosistemleri tasarımında farklı cihaz ve platformlardan erişebilirken bu deneyimin kesintisiz ve tutarlı olması esas olmalıdır. Bu sebeple çok ürün ekosistemelerin tasarımında çeşitli zorluklar bulunsa da kompozisyon, süreklilik ve tutarlılık özelliklerine mutlaka dikkat edilmelidir. Tutarlı ve bütünsel bir deneyim için çoklu cihazların kullanılabilirlik metrikleri de kulanılabirlik öznitelikleri ( aktarılabilirlik ve kullanıcı algısı) ve kullanılabilirlik özellikleri (etki, verimlilik, memnuniyet, çekicilik) altında toplanır. Bu çalışmada fiziksel ve dijital ürünlerin oluşturduğu çoklu ürün ekosistemlerinde, bir ürünün birden fazla arayüz ile kullanımınındaki kullanıcı deneyimi incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Gündelik hayatta kullanım sıklığı yüksek ve artık bağlantı teknolojileri ile akıllı versiyonlarının kullanımı artan banyo baskülü kategorisi ürünlerinden, Bluetooth bağlantılı banyo basküllerinde kullanıcıların ürün ve aplikasyon sistemi ile deneyimleri incelenmiştir. Literatür araştırması doğrultusunda bir kullanıcı deneyimi araştırması düzenlenmiştir. Ürünün hedef kitlesine uygun katılımcılar ile bir saha çalışması yürütülmüştür. Ürün kullanım senaryosu dahilinde saha-kullanılabilirlik testi ve derinlemesine görüşmelere dayanarak kullanıcı ve ürün ekosistemi arasındaki etkileşimi ve kullanıcı deneyimi incelenmiştir. Kullanılabilirlik testi içerisinde kullanıcı deneyimi soru seti ve kullanılabilirlik anketlerine başvurulmuştur. Araştırma ve analiz için kullanılan yöntem ve teknikler ilgili bölümlerde açıklanmış olup elde edilen bulgular ilgili başlıklar altında sunulmuştur. Çalışmanın sonucunda ise bir çoklu ürün ekositemi örneği olarak ele alınan Bluetooth bağlantılı basküllerde kullanıcı deneyimi araştırma sonuçları kullanıcı ile ilişkili, içeriksel ve durumsal temalar altında ayrı ayrı ele alınmıştır
ÖgeThe effect of sociocultural factors on design: a case study on product experience(Institute of Science and Technology, 2012)The goal of this thesis is about finding experiences of people interacting new technologies and the problems they face, accordingly their resistance or tendency of use toward new products with new technologies. So LG smart phones as newly launched mobile phones in the last decade is selected as the subject of the study, since these devices are used by a wide range of people from children to elderly people, female to male , they also brought the idea of the importance of studying the developing smart technology and their influential factors on people?s experience which may be leaded to resistance or tendency of use.
ÖgeTekerlekli Sandalye Kullanıcıları İçin Uygun Eviye Yüksekliğinin Araştırılması(Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1998)Bu çalışma, tekerlekli sandalye kullanıcısı bireylerin konut içinde en çok zaman geçirdikleri mekan olan mutfak ve mutfak içinde en çok kullanılan çalışma elemanı olan eviye için uygun yükseklik konum ve kullanım şeklinin saptanması konusunda standardizasyona yönelik bir araştırmadır. Çalışmanın 1. bölümünde özürlü bireylere ait ülkemizden ve dünyadan bazı istatistiki bilgiler verilmekte ve konunun güncel önemi vurgulanmaktadır. 2. bölümde konunun tanıtılmasına yönelik olarak, "bedensel özürlü birey", "tekerlekli sandalye ve kullanıcısı" tanımları; tekerlekli sandalye kullanıcısının hareket özellikleri de antropometrik boyutları ile bu boyutların belirlenme şekilleri irdelenmektedir. Tez çalışmasının 3. Bölümünde problemin belirlenmesi kapsamında tekerlekli sandalye kullanıcılarının mutfak ekipmanı ve kullanımında karşılaştıkları sorunlar ve mutfak ekipmanı standartları ile uygun eviye yüksekliğinin saptanması konusunda yapılan çalışmalar ve içerdiği sorunlar ele alınmaktadır. Bu sorunlar; eylemler ve ekipmanlar açısından ortaya çıkan problemler ile farklı kullanıcıların işlevsel açıdan karşılaştıkları sorunlar olarak irdelenmektedir. Bu etkenlerin incelenmesi sonucunda ortaya çıkan "eviye yüksekliğinin ayarlanabilir olması" sonucu üzerinde inceleme ve çözümlemeler yoğunlaştırılmaktadır. Bu sonucu, yeni esneklik sorununu oluşturan etkenler, çalışma düzlemlerinde yapılan eylemler, çalışma düzlemi ve eviye yüksekliklerinin ayarlanabilmesi sorunları, yükseklik ayarlama prensipleri ve yöntemleri ile tesisat sorunları anlatılmaktadır. Tezin sonuçlar bölümünde de tekerlekli sandalye kullanıcılarının eviye odaklı çalışma düzlemlerinin farklı eylem yapıları için dört farklı yükseklik olarak belirlenen aralıklarda ayarlanabilir olarak tasarlanmasının gereği vurgulanmaktadır. Ayrıca böyle bir düzenlemenin getireceği teknik alt yapı sorunlarının da bütünleşik bir bakış açısı ile çözümlenebileceği hususu örneklerle sergilenmektedir.