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  • Öge
    Predicting stock returns with macroeconomic indicators, & Google svi & news sentiment
    (Institute of Social Sciences, 2020-07-07) Bildik, Zekeriya ; 635908 ; Department of Business Administration
    Along the history of humankind, predicting future is the key of success in any area of science and business. After assimilating through mentality fasting and future oriented, investment is getting more important for people. An environment has been formed that meets investors and entrepreneurs. Saving transform into investments and create momentum in the economic growth. In the early ages of traditional finance, investors are making evaluation according to expected cash flow even if they are not aware of the methodology that they applied. After introduction of risk factor to investment decision, CAPM, EMH and APT has been developed to be used in investment decision making. The underlying rational investor assumption of this theories make them vulnerable to explain all movements in stock markets. Biggest criticism through EMH is to assume all parties in the market has been informed at the same level and new information diffuse all parties at the same level instantly. As a result of this assumption, nobody in the market can make additional profit over the given output calculated over expected future price, discount rate and dividends. On the contrary one-way movement in the markets would be available and yield to collapse of financial system. Sense of data and evaluation changes according to many social, genetic and intellectual property that they accumulated in wisdom. It is absolute reality that all investors are not rational and could not make sensible decisions at any time. Even if there is one macroeconomic environment with same set of data for anyone, It make differentiate person by person to capture and evaluation of it. Marginal satisfaction of investor from each unit of earning and marginal disfavor from each unit of loss depends on investor' s sense of profit/loss, available prosperity and a few more objective & subjective factors too. All these hidden effects subject to behavioral finance. Cognitive process, is the basis of behavioral finance, is to rely on perceiving processing and evaluation of data and process decision making. Somehow described as gut feeling in older times, nowadays denominated as investor sentiment and investor attention is the one of the main driver of asset pricing. Investor decision is not depending on one hundred percent to mathematical formulation, especially when uncertainty and volatility is at stake. Basic instinct plays important role in that circumstances. In real life, many people prefer certain earnings to fair gambling and thereby expected value mentality cannot be applicable to real life. So, besides of risk aversion tendency, imprinting, random consistency, overconfidence, optimism and wishful thinking, representativeness are the main behaviors of investors applied in investor decisions that yields bubbles, price abnormalities beyond intrinsic values of them.
  • Öge
    Antecedents And Consequences Of Self-regulated Learning For Frontline Service Employees
    (Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Kurtuldu, Ece ; Elmadağ Baş, Ayşe Banu ; 569174 ; Management Business Administration ; İşletme Yönetimi
    The role of frontline service employees (FLSEs) is crucial for service organizations. Being in a direct contact with customers, these employees play a prominent role in affecting customer perceptions and satisfaction with the service, and the organization During their daily work routine, FLSEs are expected to fulfill highly demanding customer expectations, deal with uncertain situations, deliver under time pressure, offer quality service, and solve problems immediately to satisfy the In addition, today's challenging and rapidly changing work environments force both the organizations and employees to develop new skills and capabilities to keep up with the increased global competition and adapt to changing market conditions.
  • Öge
    The Effects Of Marketing Activities On Company Image: Anapplication In Specialty Pharmaceutical Industry
    (Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Akyol, Doruk Can ; Elmadağ Baş, Ayşe Banu ; 555852 ; Management Business Administration ; İşletme Yönetimi
    The purpose of this study to understand the mechanisms that shape the company image in physicians mind through marketing activities of pharmaceutical companies. Based on previous literature on the pharmaceutical industry and sales force influence on company image, a statistical model has been established to explain the effects of company and sales force activities on favorable company image. Using a quantitative approach, data from 191 physicians is obtained via personal interviews. Results show that sales force performance, personal support of a firm and visit frequency of sales representatives significantly improve company image.
  • Öge
    The Effects Of Self-service Technology-related Characteristics On Brand Experience And Customer Satisfaction At Airports
    (Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Kılıç, Sena ; Karaosmanoğlu, Elif ; 569126 ; Management Business Administration ; İşletme Yönetimi
    The increase and diversity in customers' needs and desires have led a new focus shift for companies. This focus shift has started in the direction from the products and services to value creation and technologies that are developing and changing continuously have major roles in this shift. Nowadays, self-service technologies which are one of the newest mode of technologies have become part of processes in different industries. They have changed the way of communication between companies and customers by enhancing role of technology in their interactions. Formerly, variety of studies have been conducted to investigate customers' attitudes towards use of self-service technologies, benefits of these technologies, factors affecting SST service quality and also effects of these technologies on customers' satisfaction.
  • Öge
    How Effective Are The Advertising Expenses Made In The Worst Performing Year? A Worldwide Analysis
    (Institute of Social Sciences, 2019) Şeker, Sırma ; Ekinci, Cumhur Enis ; 569556 ; Management Business Administration ; İşletme Yönetimi
    With the differences from past to present; development of technology, rise of competition, reduction of resources etc. give rise to the problem for companies to use their resources effectively. Advertising is an effective investment for companies to gain positive tangible and intangible effects if they implement it with the right strategic decisions. Since the companies are different in nature due to their structures, which resource they have to invest depends on them. The overall objective of the firms is increase shareholder value and ensure sustainability. If companies want to gain long-term success and increase shareholder value, they need to invest in additional resources such as advertising.