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Ögeİnşaat firmalarının kriz yönetim yaklaşımları ve liderlik stilleri: COVID-19 küresel salgın krizi örneği(Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2022-02-24)Kriz, örgütün varlığını ve kaynaklarını tehdit eden; zaman ve belirsizlik baskısı ile çalışanlar arasında stres ortamı yaratan; hızlı karar vermeyi ve hareket etmeyi gerektiren; riskleri ve gizli fırsatları barındıran durumdur. Geçmiş çalışmalar krizleri, insan ve doğa kaynaklı; ani, birikimli ve dönemsel; ekonomik, bilgisel, psikopatik eylemler, fiziksel, itibara dayalı, insan kaynaklı ve doğal afet gibi farklı şekillerde sınıflandırılmışlardır. Krize yönetim, personel, hatalı iş gibi iç faktörlerin yanında; depremler, küresel salgınlar, dalgalı piyasa koşulları gibi dış faktörler de sebep olmaktadır. Krizler, örgütlerde stres,; zaman baskısı,; uyuşmazlık ve kararların merkezileşmesi gibi olumsuz etkilere sebep olmaktadır. Kriz ortamları örgütlerin zamanında karar vermelerini ve harekete geçmelerini zorlaştırmaktadır. Krize karşı gösterilen tepkiler, kriz yaklaşımlarını belirler. Bir krizi meydana gelmeden önce tahmin etmeye çalışmak; sinyalleri takip etmek; örgütün başına gelebilecek krizleri belirlemek, hazırlıklar yapmak ve önlemler almak proaktif kriz yönetim yaklaşımının gereklilikleridir. Kriz oluştuktan sonra krizin büyüklüğünü, etki alanlarını belirlemek; kriz geliştiği esnada krizi yönetmeye yönelik adımları belirlemek ise reaktif kriz yönetim yaklaşımının unsurlarıdır. Kriz ortamının olumsuz etkileri düşünüldüğünde, krizi yönetmenin zorlaşacağı ve alınan kararların sert ve saldırgan olacağı düşünülmektedir. Bazı liderler krizleri reddeder ve örgütün yenilmez olduğuna inanırlar. Bu liderlerin, krizlerden ciddi hasarlar alması kaçınılmazdır. Elbette tüm krizler hazırlanmaya elverişli değildir. Fakat kriz sinyallerini önceden alabilen bir örgüt, erken müdahale sayesinde daha az etkilenecektir. Proaktif ve reaktif kriz yönetimi kriz yönetim süreciyle ilişkilendirildiğinde, kriz öncesi alınan önlemler proaktif kriz yönetimini; kriz sırasında yapılan eylemler reaktif kriz yönetimini yansıtır. Literatür krizi genellikle öncesi, sırasında ve sonrasında olarak dönemlere ayırmaktadır. Kriz yönetimi beş aşamadan meydana gelir: Kriz sinyallerini algılama, krize hazırlık ve önleme, kriz hasarının sınırlandırılması ve kontrolü, krizin olumsuz etkilerinin sınırlandırılması, kriz sonrası öğrenme. Kriz yönetimi de tıpkı örgütün yönetimi biçimi gibi liderin kararlarının ve yaklaşımının sonucu olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu sebeple, organizasyonun krize karşı tutumunu çoğunlukla liderlik stili belirlemektedir. Örgüt, alt yönetimden krize dair alınan bir sinyalin lidere ulaştırabileceği bir yönetim anlayışında krize hazırlıklı olabilir. Bu durumda bir örgütün kriz yönetim yaklaşımını belirleyecek olan faktörlerin arasında liderlik stili de yer almaktadır. İnşaat sektörü ve kriz ilişkisi incelendiğinde, doğası gereği sektörün krize yatkın olduğu görülmektedir. Yüksek maliyetler, uzun süreli ve katı sözleşmeler, malzeme tedarik ağının çok geniş olması gibi sebeplerden ötürü sektör her an ciddi krizlerle karşı karşıya kalmaya eğilimlidir. Bunun yanında araştırmalar, inşaat sektöründe yöneticilerin, geleneksel yönetim anlayışının kriz yönetimi konusunda olumsuz etkilere yol açtığını göstermektedir. Geleneksel yönetim anlayışının sonucu olarak, krizlerin yok sayıldığı, kriz yönetim uygulamalarının zaman ve maliyet kaybı olarak olarak görüldüğü belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca inşaat sektöründe kriz algısı, ekonomik veya tasarım, paydaş uyuşmazlığı, iş kazası gibi daha bilindik problemler üzerine kurgulanmıştır. Küresel salgınlar, bir örgütün başına gelebilecek kriz türlerinin içinde literatürde sıralanmaktadır. Fakat yakın zamana kadar bunun üzerine araştırma bulunmamaktadır. Covid-19 krizinin dünyanın her yerinde derinden etkilediği sektörlerden biri de inşaat sektörüdür. Virüs enfekte olmuş kişinin ağzından ve burnundan saçılan küçük partiküller yoluyla bulaşır. Tıbbi anlamda çalışmaları tamamlanmayan bu hastalık için karantina ve kapanma önlemleri alınmıştır. Çeşitli sektörlerde evden çalışma uygulamasına geçilmekle birlikte inşaat sektörü gibi, saha çalışması ve üretim üzerine kurulu sektörlerde evden çalışma mümkün olmamıştır. Bu yüzden faaliyetler zaman zaman durma noktasına gelmiştir ve alternatif çözümler sadece ofis çalışanları için mümkün olmuştur. Kriz yönetimi, yönetim stratejilerine entegre edilmiş bir süreçtir; bu yüzden bir örgütün kriz yönetim yaklaşımlarındaki karar vericinin lider olduğu söylenebilir. Liderin krize ve kriz yönetimine bakış açısı diğer tüm yönetim süreçleri gibi liderin stilinden etkilenecektir. Bu çalışmada, inşaat firmalarının karar vericilerinin liderlik stilini ölçmek amacıyla Tannenbaum ve Schmidt liderlik doğrusu eğrisinden yararlanılmıştır. Otokratik lider, ikna edici, danışmacı ve katılımcı lider stillerinin özellikleri belirtilmiştir. Bu liderlik stillerinin karşılaştırılma yöntemi, karar verme mekanizmasında astların dahli veya merkezi karar mekanizmasındaki yerlerinin belirlenmesidir. Karar verme merkeziyetine göre liderlik stili ile, inşaat kriz yönetim uygulamaları arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Mevcut küresel salgın krizi Covid-19 temel alınarak; bu kriz öncesinde ve kriz sırasında yapılan eylemlerin hangi kriz yönetim yaklaşımına yatkın olduğu incelenmiştir. Ayrıca küresel salgın etkilerinin ortadan kalkmasından sonra, liderlerin nasıl hareket etmeyi planladığı da sorulmuştur. Bu araştırma aşağıdaki sorulara cevap aramıştır: -İnşaat firmalarının küresel salgın gibi nadir görülen krizlere karşı hazırlığı mevcut mudur? -İnşaat firmalarının kriz yönetim yaklaşımı ve yöntemleri nelerdir? -Nadir görülen bir kriz türü olan küresel salgından sonra, inşaat firmalarının kriz yönetim yaklaşımlarında değişiklikler beklenmekte midir? -İnşaat firmaları liderlerinin liderlik stilleri ve kriz yönetim yaklaşımları arasında bağlantı bulunmakta mıdır? İnşaat sektöründe aktif faaliyet gösteren, küçük ve orta ölçekli firmaların kurucularına ve üst yöneticilerine yönelik hazırlanan anket çalışması ile saha çalışması yürütülmüştür. Saha çalışması kriz yönetim uygulamalarının düzeyinin belirlenmesi, liderlik stilinin tespit edilmesi ve yanıtlayıcılar hakkında genel bilgi sorularıyla beraber üç bölümden oluşmaktadır. Yanıtlayıcıların, kriz yönetimi uygulamalarına dair ifadeleri Likert ölçeğine göre değerlendirmeleri istenmiştir. Sorular cevaplanırken, Covid-19 pandemisi öncesi, sırasında ve sonrası olarak değerlendirmesi beklenmiştir. Açık uçlu sorular ile, ifadelerin haricinde uygulanan diğer yöntemlerin belirtilmesi istenmiştir. Veriler değerlendirilmeden önce anket çalışmasına güvenilirlik analizi ve normalite testleri uygulanmıştır. Nicel veriler değerlendirilirken, kriz yönetim uygulamalarıyla liderlik stilleri arasında korelasyon analizi yapılmıştır. Bunun yanında, liderlik stillerinin kriz yaklaşımlarıyla ilişkileri korelasyon analizi ile irdelenmiştir. Korelasyon analizine göre: -Proaktif kriz yönetim yaklaşımlarıyla liderlik stilleri arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunamamıştır. -Reaktif kriz yönetim yaklaşımlarıyla liderlik stilleri arasında anlamlı (pozitif) bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. -Kriz sonrası planlamalarla liderlik stilleri arasında anlamlı (pozitif) bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Yanıtlayıcıların, %36.4 oranıyla büyük çoğunluğu katılımcı lider özelliği göstermiştir. Kriz yönetim uygulamalarında, kriz sinyallerinin algılanması aşaması ortalamanın altında kalmıştır (2,82/5,00). Krize hazırlık ve önleme aşaması 3,28/5,00; kriz hasarının sınırlandırılması aşaması 3,01/5,00; krizin olumsuz etkilerinin ortadan kaldırılması aşaması 3,28/5,00 ile ortalamanın üzerindedir. Kriz sonrası planlama ise, 3,88/5,00 ile en yüksek düzeydedir. Nicel veriler ve açık uçlu soruların cevapları birlikte incelendiğinde, ankete katılan inşaat firmalarının nadir görülen krizlere karşı hazırlıklı olduğu görülmüştür. Kriz yönetim yaklaşımlarının ise duruma göre değiştiği söylenebilir. Tecrübe edilmiş krizlere karşı proaktif kriz davranışları gösteren yanıtlatıcı inşaat firmalarının, geleneksel olmayan krizlere karşı ise hazırlıklı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Reaktif kriz davranışlarının ise, literatürde beklenildiği gibi sert ve agresif olmadığı; çalışanlarla ve paydaşlarla iyi ilişkilerin gözetildiği; yenilikçi arayışların sürekli devam ettirildiği belirlenmiştir. Yaşanan Covid-19 krizinden sonra, yanıtlayıcı inşaat firmaların planlamalarına bakıldığında; firmaların bundan sonra yaşanacak geleneksel olmayan ve nadir krizlere karşı hazırlıklı olmasının muhtemel olduğu görülmektedir. İnşaat firmalarının kriz yaklaşımları ve liderlik stilleri arasındaki ilişki incelendiğinde, anket katılımcılarından elde edilen bulgulara göre aşağıdaki bulgular elde edilmiştir: -Katılımcı liderlerin, tecrübe edilmiş ve sık karşılaşılan krizlere karşı sinyal algılama aşamasında ve hazırlık/önleme aşamasında çaba gösterdiği söylenebilir. -Katılımcı liderlerin, kriz meydana geldiğinde agresif ve sert tepkilerden kaçındığı söylenebilir. -Katılımcı liderlerin, krizleri yok saymak yerine çözüm geliştirmeye ve mevcut durumu korumaya çabaladığı söylenebilir. -Katılımcı liderlerin, krizlerden fırsatlar yaratmak için çaba gösterdiği söylenebilir. -Katılımcı liderlerin, deneyimlerden öğrenmeye ve tecrübe ile gelişim göstermeye açık olduğu söylenebilir.
ÖgeProduct oriented organization for architectural design offices(Graduate School, 2023-02-02)The construction sector has an important position all over the world, and many researches have been made on site management, organization at the construction site, management of construction processes, efficiency etc. The most important reason why the implementation process enables these researches is that all data are concrete. On the other hand, it has been seen as a result of personal experiences and literature reviews that there is not enough research on pre-construction projecting, organization of architectural design offices, efficiency, and management of design processes. In architectural design offices, on the other hand, in the design and projecting processes, the design is not concrete, the variability is high, there are many stages shaped according to the demands. All of these hinder the carrying out of the specified researches in architectural design offices. However, in design projects, which are the product of architectural design offices, research should be done and different methods should be applied in order to produce an efficient product, to complete the project in the targeted time and budget, to use the workforce correctly, and to prevent the participants in the office from being adversely affected by inefficient work. By starting the studies on this field, first of all, literature reviews were made. When the literature review was conducted for design offices and their product-oriented works, two concepts were mostly encountered. These concepts are Project-Oriented Organization and Architectural Management. We live in a project society, where projects are everywhere in our professional and personal lives which is this shows how important Project-Oriented Organizations, the first of these concepts. On the other hand, because of the increasing complexity of architectural design and the increasing number of design partners participating in interdisciplinary projects, (architectural) design management has emerged as a discipline and a subject of study. The term Architectural Management (AM) was coined to motivate architects to recognize and handle the financial part of their profession. Two concepts were investigated and missing points were identified. In the concept of Project-Oriented Organizations, project management has been emphasized and organizational management has been put into the background. In the concept of Architectural Management (AM), although project management and office and practice management are considered together, there are very few applications, especially in practice. On the other hand, organizational structures were studied in both concepts. Because of that the existing organizational structure types for all organizations have been reviewed in the literature by further deepening the study. The research continues with Theories of Organizational Structure, Characteristics of Organizational Structure, Organization As A System, Organizational Design Models and Organizational Design Parameters, Elements of Organization, and the most specific point is "What Is An Organization? which are related to organizational structure types, While investigating what organization is, the concept of being organized (organizing) has also emerged. In researches, even if the organizational structure is established correctly, it has been seen that the organizational structure does not work efficiently unless the organization is properly organized. As a result of all researches, the type of organizational structure that is thought to be most suitable for Architectural Design Offices has been selected. Selected structure type: Organizations Structure with 7 Division (with Functional Structure Subcategories). The reason for choosing this organizational structure type is that it is more comprehensive compared to other structure types. In addition, there is a unit corresponding to the units of all other organizational structure types studied in this thesis. As a result of this research and studies, the hypothesis took its final form: The Suitable Organization Structure Type for Product-Oriented Organization in Architectural Design Offices is Organizations Structure with 7 Division (with Functional Structure Subcategories). Each division in this organizational structure, which has 7 ddivisions, performs the necessary functions to produce a product or service specific to that division. Each division has 3 departments. It consists of 21 departments in total. These divisions and departments are adapted to the divisions and departments names corresponding to the architectural design office. These divisions are as follows: Executive, Communication and Human Resources, Marketing, Finance and Accounting, Project Management, Project Control and Public Relations Divisions. Afterwards, a questionnaire containing questions belonging to each department was conducted for the architects working in architectural design offices to evaluate the proposed organizational structure. In these surveys, they were asked about their own assessments of the importance of each division, the extent to which each division was implemented in their own offices, and the barriers to non-implementation. When the answers given were examined and analyzed, it was deduced that each division was important and effective, and that they wanted these divisions in their architectural design offices.
ÖgeAn investigation into the current status of adoption of ipd characteristics and bim in construction projects to overcome process and team-related problems(Graduate School, 2022-02-09)Unless project teams are efficient, construction projects can encounter many problems and obstacles in the process. Project delivery systems (PDS) determine the relationships of project stakeholders and their engagement time. Traditional PDS in the construction industry (CI) are well-known with their adverse effects on the process and the team, which have become the chronic problems of the industry due to excessive use of traditional contracts. Many reasons especially technological advancements like BIM (Building Information Modeling), and demand for more reliable PDSs have led CI professionals to search for alternative and effective ways to collaborate. AIA (the American Institute of Architects) introduced the IPD (Integrated Project Delivery) to respond to the demand and need in the CI. IPD can contribute the CI by eliminating/minimizing the obstacles that prevent team integration. IPD principles have taken their place in the current practices of construction projects, with the effect of same motivations that led to the emergence of the IPD in the first place. Projects are fundamental elements for organizations to cope with competitive market conditions. Various systems, like CSFs (Critical Success Factors), have been developed to evaluate and estimate the projects' outputs appropriately. Although various CSF lists have been prepared in construction projects, the lists prepared for traditional PDSs are not compatible with the IPD because of the different characteristics of the IPD. An IPD-specific CSF list covering the BIM and IPD team aspects is needed to reveal the level of importance of the factors on achieving project success. This dissertation aims to investigate the adoption status of IPD principles in current construction projects, examine the impact of these principles on the process and team-related problems frequently encountered by the industry, and prepare the CSFs preliminary list for IPD projects. With this aim, the following objectives have been adressed: to determine the process and team related problems of the CI and examine their occurrence in construction projects; to determine the adoption of the IPD, BIM and IPD team characteristics in construction projects; and to determine the adoption of the IPD, BIM and IPD team characteristics in construction projects, respectively. With the in-depth literature review, team and process-related problems and characteristics related to IPD, BIM, and IPD teams have been examined. In line with the first two objectives, online questionnaire surveys and interviews have been conducted with IPD and BIM experts and/or academics having publications on related subjects. Furthermore, for the accomplishment of the objectives 3, 4 and 5, the 4-round and 3 group Delphi method has been performed under 3 different category as IPD, BIM, and IPD team-related factors with IPD and BIM experts and/or academics having publications on the related topic. The data obtained from the online questionnaire survey, interviews and the delphi method have been evaluated in 4 different categories based on the objectives of the research. First of all, the findings revealed that the frequency of encountering team-related problems is less frequent than process-related problems. There is strong correlation between ineffective teams and other problems. Furthermore, according to the online questionnaire survey and interviews results, it has been revealed that the adoption status of BIM-related characteristics is high, and BIM is an essential driver for the adoption and implementation of IPD. The CSFs preliminary list has been further developed based on the findings of the 4 round and 3 group delphi surveys covering the aspects of IPD, BIM, and IPD teams. The prepared list has revealed the collaboration-related characteristics of IPD, administrative issues and organizational needs for BIM implementation, and team environment among the main CSFs. The CSFs preliminary list includes the factors that can be taken into account in the adoption and implementation of IPD and BIM projects. The complete application of these factors does not mean that project success can be achieved. Although these CSFs preliminary list may contribute to the process, they cannot influence the projects' output alone as each project consists of several sources and interconnected activities that have varying levels of impact on success. Project dynamics are constantly changing with the effect of new systems. Various additions, corrections, and/or removals can be made to the list over time, taking into account the changing conditions and the needs of projects. These CSFs preliminary list can be used as a preliminary checklist for the stakeholders who plan to adopt the IPD and BIM, and for academics and researchers in the relevant field.
ÖgeDesign-construction interface problems in construction projects(Graduate School, 2023-02-02)There is ongoing inefficiency and traditionalism in the construction industry. Throughout the development of Industry in general, the construction industry received the least positive impact. Many different management systems can be applied and developed in the construction industry like agile transformation, lean management etc. Yet the construction industry has not fully implemented any of the developments. However, it is seen that there is a lack of information on lessons learned from past experiences and mistakes. For this reason, budget, time and quality deficits have started to be given due to the increasing incompatibility of the inefficiency from the way of doing business with today's complex projects and resources. Throughout the lifecycle of the construction projects, the common aim for all participants is to achieve a "perfect" project with less cost at a minimum schedule. The biggest difficulty experienced while advancing the project process is to exhibit the right approach to the problems that arise. A real challenge emerges when deciding how to define and mitigate the causes of design-construction interface problems in the process and reduce the negative impact that is or will be reflected on the project. The thesis research aims to identify the causes of design-construction interface problems and to determine their frequency of occurrence and degree of importance. At this point, while analyzing the frequency and importance of these problems from the eyes of industry professionals; it is also important to reveal whether there is any difference in the perspectives of different professionals. In this context, to achieve the mentioned aim, the thesis research is developed in two main parts. The first part includes a comprehensive literature review to find out what are these design- construction interface problems, how they occur and how they impact the construction project life cycle. Databases are searched for in the areas where the problems are thought to originate. These main areas are stakeholders and their relationships and management, construction project phases and situations occurring at the interface of these phases, design phase and design management. At the intersection of all these areas, the problems that occur during the construction project process are listed and grouped according to the project phases in which they occur. In the second stage, a questionnaire survey is conducted with the design-construction interface problems gathered from the literature to measure the frequency of occurrence and degree of importance of these problems. The first part of the questionnaire gets general information about the respondents, the second and the third parts search for the frequency of occurrence and degree of importance of design-construction interface problems on a 5-point Likert scale, the last part has an open-ended question that aimed to get the opinions of the survey participants on the subject. The data that is obtained with the help of the questionnaire is analyzed through the SPSS program. In the first step, Cronbach's alpha reliability test is used to ensure the reliability of data. Secondly, frequency and descriptive analysis are used to get the frequency of each response. Third, the rankings of all variables are calculated using the Relative Importance Index (RII). Fourth, Skewness-Kurtosis values are evaluated to determine whether the data were normally distributed. Survey participants were divided into groups (designer, consultant and contractor); one-way ANOVA tests were applied to investigate whether there was a statistically significant difference between the groups. Finally, the variables were analyzed in one-way ANOVA test to determine if there is a statistically significant difference between stakeholders. According to the results of ANOVA tests, further post-hoc analyses were applied to the variables to show from which groups the differences came from. As a result, "PDC16 - Economic Situation" and "PC9 - Construction errors and defective work at the construction site" become the most occurred and most important problems from the consultants' point of view. "PD8 - Lack of proper coordination between various disciplines of the design team" cause is ranked as the most occurred and most important problem from the contractors' point of view. And, "PT5 - Awarding the contract to the lower bidder price regardless of the quality of service" is found as the most occurred and most important problem for the designers. "PT5 - Awarding the contract to the lower bidder price regardless of the quality of service" is ranked at the top both in the lists of designers', consultants' and contractors' . "PDC17 - Fast Track Construction" becomes critical for consultants and contractors; "PD6 - Time limitation in the design phase" and "PD9 - Unstable owner requirements" are important for contractors and designers. This thesis research identified the causes of design-construction interface problems seen in construction projects according to the project stages; and determined the frequency of occurrence and degree of importance of these problems from the perspective of different construction project professionals. To be aware of problems to detect them when necessary and to raise awareness to take the necessary action when encountered; supported by recommendations. Thus, it has been seen that, although the results vary for each stakeholder, it has been determined that there are similar points. The findings of this thesis research can help construction project professionals by providing an understanding of the design-construction interface primary problems. By having knowledge of the main problems and their impacts, participants can take precautions, make effort to minimize their impacts, and after all make a significant contribution to the successful completion of construction projects.
ÖgeDigital twin for enhanced construction project management during construction(Graduate School, 2022-12-09)The construction industry has a bad reputation worldwide in terms of productivity and efficiency. Insomuch that, it accounts for a large share of global economic costs. Therefore, a proper management is vital for the construction industry. In order to intensify, increase and improve the quality, value and scope of its management approach, the industry has started to seek the solution in digital tools in recent years. The adoption of Building Information Modeling (BIM) by the construction industry has acted as a spur for the attempt to digitize the industry. Thus, fresher, more sophisticated ideas started to emerge. The concept of the digital twin, which made its first waves in a space program, has grown rapidly and quickly entered other industries as well as the construction industry, along with the technological trends related to the Industry 4.0. The digital twin is a virtual system that connects design, construction, and operation by using a combination of technologies to data-link its physical and real assets bidirectionally. While the adoption of BIM in the construction industry is not yet complete, the digital twin is considered a closed box for industry professionals and it does not have many practical applications or case studies. At this point, this thesis research aims to shed a light on the interaction of the digital twin and BIM from a construction project management perspective; to investigate the influences of the digital twin during construction. To answer key questions, -namely (1) "What are the characteristics and practices of the digital twin in the construction industry?"; (2) "What are the functions and applications of the digital twin in the construction from a management perspective?"; (3) "To what extent and how can the digital twin support BIM in the construction?"- a comprehensive synthesis of the literature on the digital twin through the lens of construction project management is carried out as the first step. Scopus database was selected for data extraction by realizing the knowledge gap about the construction, a detailed background analysis was performed to find out the digital twin characteristics, practices, their relationship with BIM, and finally functions and applications of both in construction. As a result of the literature analysis, the topics that can benefit from digital applications within the construction management services provided during the construction phase of the project life cycle are site progress monitoring, resource allocation and waste management, clash detection, decision-making, communication and collaboration, cost management, scheduling, risk management, logistics and supply chain, and safety detection. As the second step, a questionnaire survey was conducted to measure the influence of digital twin services in the literature on parallel BIM uses intending to understanding the importance of these services for professionals. The first part of the questionnaire captures general information about the respondents and the second part gathers information about the influence of Digital Twin services on BIM uses on a 5-point Likert scale (1 = not effective, 5 = extremely effective). The study adopted purposive sampling as the sampling method, 108 industry experts were reached and 70 responses were collected with a response rate of 65%. The data obtained through the questionnaire were analyzed by applying statistical tests through the SPSS 27 program. First, Cronbach's alpha reliability test was used to assess the data's reliability. With a value of 0.893, the study's Cronbach's alpha (α) score was found to be quite acceptable. Secondly, it was observed that the results were normally distributed with the Skewness-Kurtosis normality distribution test, which determined whether the further analyzes would be parametric or not. Third, Pearson's correlation test was applied to measure the relationship between variables. Finally, the variables were divided into meaningful groups in accordance with the aim of the study. Based on experts' opinions, results were analyzed by performing independent-samples t-test and one-way ANOVA. In the scaling of the influence of the specified digital twin services on parallel BIM uses, all services have received mean scores to be considered high. According to the results, the service with the highest impact on BIM applications was communication and collaboration, while logistics and supply chain and safety detection shared the lowest mean score. These findings suggest that digital twin services during construction have a substantial impact on BIM because they transcend beyond their current uses. Additionally, almost all digital twin services that find applications in construction have a high correlation with each other. This is an indication that elements should be considered as a whole and a two-way network for enhanced management during construction. By dividing the participants into two groups, whether they are digital twin users or not, and whether they are domestic or international, it was analyzed whether these aspects affected their perspectives by performing independent sample t-tests. Although there was found a statistically significant difference in the "scheduling" variable between domestic and international participants, the fact that both groups had a high mean score showed that the experts thought that the digital twin had a significant impact on 4D BIM applications. In the first ANOVA test that divided the participants into more than two groups according to their organizational structure, "decision making", "risk management", and "logistics and supply chain" were the digital twin services that have seen a statistically significant difference between groups. Another digital twin service "scheduling", which has seen a significant difference, was observed in analyzes where participants were grouped according to their years of experience. Levene's test was applied to measure the homogeneity of variances related to variables and Games-Howell, Gabriel's and Tukey's post-hoc analyzes were performed to find out which groups caused the identified difference. In addition, even though each group approaches the project with different risks, different objectives and different perspectives, the fact that there are differences of opinion for only a few services in this combination of relationships has been an indication that the positive influence of the digital twin has been accepted by the stakeholders of the industry. This study reviewed and analyzed the characteristics and current applications of technologies and concepts of the digital twin in the construction industry, and has contributed to and strengthened the digital twin body of knowledge which is limited within the construction project management framework. Additionally, by revealing the topics that digital applications can offer benefits within the construction management services provided during the construction phase of the project life cycle; the influence and potential of the digital twin on BIM uses have been demonstrated. Experts agree that digital twin services that offer many uses during the construction go beyond parallel BIM uses and offer several benefits for construction project management. Thus, it has been shown that the digital twin can be a tool for enhanced construction project management, which can get rid of the low efficiency and lack of productivity that the construction industry is still experiencing. This study serves as a source of motivation for researchers working in the field of digital construction and a guide for industry professionals and institutions with question marks about concepts and outcomes.