Taşıt İç Ortam Gürültüsünün Laboratuvar Ortamında Oluşturulması
Taşıt İç Ortam Gürültüsünün Laboratuvar Ortamında Oluşturulması
Başeğmez, Burçin
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Günümüzde taşıtlar, insan hayatının vazgeçilmez parçaları haline gelmiştir. Gelişen teknoloji, artan rekabet, taşıt üreticilerini daha ucuza daha kaliteli araçlar yapmaya zorlamaktadır. Araç kalitesini gösteren en önemli unsurlardan biri de araç akustiğidir. Araç ne kadar sessizse, o oranda kaliteli olarak kabul edilir. Taşıtlarda en önemli gürültü kaynağı motordur. Dolayısıyla araç içi gürültüsünü iyileştirmek adına, günümüzde daha sessiz motorlar tasarlanmaktadır. Buna ek olarak, her sene devreye giren katı emisyon kriterleri üreticileri farklı arayışlara itmiş, elektrikli araçlara yönelim başlamıştır. Sonuç olarak, motor gürültüsü ciddi oranda azalmış ve motorun maskeleme etkisi neredeyse ortadan kalkmıştır. Bu da araç içinde yeni gürültü kaynaklarının ortaya çıkmasına sebep olmuştur. Bütün bu gelişmeler ışığında araç içi akustiği; gürültü seviyesi belirlenmesi, yeni gürültü kaynaklarının tespiti her geçen gün daha da önem kazanmaktadır. Gürültünün birçok parametreye bağlı olması nedeniyle, araç akustiği çalışmalarında kullanılan en iyi yöntem deneysel uygulamalardır. Her yeni projede mutlaka önceden dikkate alınan tasarım kriterleri olmakla beraber, geliştirme ve son akustik onay mutlaka deneysel yollarla yapılmaktadır. Kullanılan deneysel yöntemler, yol testleri, laboratuvar testleri olarak iki farklı grupta incelenebilir. Yol testlerinde, önceden belirlenmiş parkurlarda, belirli hızlarda araç üzerinde akustik testler gerçekleştirilir. Laboratuvar testlerinde ise, sarsıcı üzerine farklı sistemler monte edilebilir (araç kasası, araç içi parçaları); o sistemler daha önceden üretilmiş farklı sinyal gruplarıyla tahrik edilebilir; gürültü seviyesi ve kaynakları belirlenebilir. Yol testlerinde çalışma süresinin daha uzun olmasına ek olarak, tekrarlanabilirlikle ilgili ciddi sıkıntılar vardır. Laboratuvar testleri daha kısa zamanda daha esnek bir çalışma ortamı sağlamaktadır. Dolayısıyla son yıllarda laboratuvar testleri, yol testlerine göre daha çok tercih edilmektedir. Bu tez çalışmasının amacı taşıt iç gürültüsünün laboratuvar ortamında simüle edilmesi ve laboratuvar ortamında elde edilen sonuçların yol testleri sonuçlarıyla karşılaştırılmasıdır. Bunun için öncelikle yol testleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yol testlerinde hem araç içi gürültü seviyesi ve kaynakları belirlenmiş hem de pistte araç üzerinden titreşim verileri toplanmıştır. Daha sonra, bu titreşim verileri laboratuvar ortamında, sinyal üretmek kullanılmış, yol şartları sarsıcı üzerinde oluşturulmuştur. Son olarak, laboratuvar ortamında elde edilen sonuçlar, yol testleriyle karşılaştırılmış, gerçeğe ne oranda yaklaşıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Yol testleri – laboratuvar testleri karşılaştırmasına ek olarak, laboratuvar testlerinde farklı deney düzenekleri kullanılarak, bu düzenekler arasında bir karşılaştırma yapılmış, düzeneklerin avantaj ve dezavantajları belirlenmiştir.
Nowadays, vehicles became one of the most indispensable items in a person’s life. Due to the new technologies and increasing competition, car makers are obliged to design high quality cars with a lower price. One of the most important criteria which show the good quality is the vehicle acoustics. It is considered that if the vehicle is silent, it has a good quality. The most dominant noise source in a car is the engine. So, in order to improve the vehicle interior acoustics, more silent engines are being designed. In addition to that, because of the strict emission levels permitted by the European norms, the manufacturers are forced to design low emission vehicles. Due to those low emission requirements there is an increasing trend for electrical vehicles. As a result, the engine noise is significantly reduced in new vehicles (nearly zero for the electrical ones). Since the masking effect of the engine is decreased, new noise sources became more perceptible. In order to detect these new noise sources in the car, vehicle interior acoustics studies became more and more important. Noise is affected by lots of parameters. At the early stages of a vehicle design, theoretical design rules are being used. But in the development and the last approval stages, experimental methods are being used in vehicle acoustics studies. These methods can be grouped as ‘road tests’ and the ‘laboratory tests’. In the road test applications, the vehicle can be tested on the designated test tracks at critical speeds. In the laboratory tests, the road conditions are created on a system called ‘shakers’. On the shaker system, different equipment (car body, seats, etc...) can be mounted and different road conditions can be simulated. This way, the noise level and the noise sources can be detected. Road tests have long test times compared to the laboratory tests and they do not have a good repeatability. Laboratory tests can provide more flexible working conditions in a shorter duration. That’s why laboratory tests are mostly preferred in vehicle acoustics applications. The aim of this study is to create the road conditions in the laboratory and to compare them with the road test results. At the beginning, vehicle interior sound level and the noise sources were detected on the road and vibration data were collected at critical measuring points. Then, in the laboratory, those vibration data were used to create the road signals on shaker system. These new signals are used to move the shaker and the road conditions are simulated. Finally, the vibration data were collected and noise sources were detected. Consequently, in the comparison part, laboratory test results were compared with the road test results. In addition to road – laboratory comparison, different laboratory systems were tested and their results were evaluated, their advantages and disadvantages were noted.
Nowadays, vehicles became one of the most indispensable items in a person’s life. Due to the new technologies and increasing competition, car makers are obliged to design high quality cars with a lower price. One of the most important criteria which show the good quality is the vehicle acoustics. It is considered that if the vehicle is silent, it has a good quality. The most dominant noise source in a car is the engine. So, in order to improve the vehicle interior acoustics, more silent engines are being designed. In addition to that, because of the strict emission levels permitted by the European norms, the manufacturers are forced to design low emission vehicles. Due to those low emission requirements there is an increasing trend for electrical vehicles. As a result, the engine noise is significantly reduced in new vehicles (nearly zero for the electrical ones). Since the masking effect of the engine is decreased, new noise sources became more perceptible. In order to detect these new noise sources in the car, vehicle interior acoustics studies became more and more important. Noise is affected by lots of parameters. At the early stages of a vehicle design, theoretical design rules are being used. But in the development and the last approval stages, experimental methods are being used in vehicle acoustics studies. These methods can be grouped as ‘road tests’ and the ‘laboratory tests’. In the road test applications, the vehicle can be tested on the designated test tracks at critical speeds. In the laboratory tests, the road conditions are created on a system called ‘shakers’. On the shaker system, different equipment (car body, seats, etc...) can be mounted and different road conditions can be simulated. This way, the noise level and the noise sources can be detected. Road tests have long test times compared to the laboratory tests and they do not have a good repeatability. Laboratory tests can provide more flexible working conditions in a shorter duration. That’s why laboratory tests are mostly preferred in vehicle acoustics applications. The aim of this study is to create the road conditions in the laboratory and to compare them with the road test results. At the beginning, vehicle interior sound level and the noise sources were detected on the road and vibration data were collected at critical measuring points. Then, in the laboratory, those vibration data were used to create the road signals on shaker system. These new signals are used to move the shaker and the road conditions are simulated. Finally, the vibration data were collected and noise sources were detected. Consequently, in the comparison part, laboratory test results were compared with the road test results. In addition to road – laboratory comparison, different laboratory systems were tested and their results were evaluated, their advantages and disadvantages were noted.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2012
Anahtar kelimeler
Akustik simülasyon,
Otomobil Endüstrisi,
İvme spektrumu,
Titreşim Analizi,
Titreşim kontrolü,
Titreşim masası tasarımı,
Acoustic simulation,
Automotive industry,
Acceleration spectrum,
Vibration analysis,
Vibration control,
Vibration table design