Büro Plan Düzeni Tasarımı İçin Bilgisayar Destekli Bir Mimari Tasarım Modeli

Yünüak, İbrahim Murat
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Büro binaları kavram olarak, endüstri devrimi ile başlayan her alandaki gelişmeye paralel olarak yeniden düzenlenen modern toplum yaşantısı içinde ortaya çıkmıştır. Daha önceden insanların çalışma alışkanlıkları bireysel özelliklere dayandığından çalışma ortamları ve yapılan işler sınırlıydı. Endüstri devriminin teknolojik alanda getirdiği yenilikler sonucunda, insan ihtiyaçlarının ve çalışma koşullarının değişmesi, göçlerle oluşan yeni kent merkezleri ve bu değişimlerin günlük hayata yansıması, giderek artan oranda insanların iş ortamına katılmalarına neden olmuştur. İnsanların çalışma ortamını içinde barındıran büro binaları, fiziksel ve psikolojik ihtiyaçların daha iyi karşılanması için her dönemde araştırma konusu olarak ele alınmıştır. Tez kapsamında, büro binaları ile ilgili günümüze kadar oluşan deneyimlerin araştırılması ve plan düzenlerinin tipolojik çözümlemesi yapılarak, bilgisayar destekli mimari tasarım sürecinde kurulan bir model ile plan düzeni üretim süreci oluşturulmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, konu, tezin amaçları ve kullanılan yöntemler açıklanmaktadır. İkinci bölümde, büro binalarının tarihsel, strüktürel ve mekansal gelişimi incelenmiştir. Büro binaları, büro kavramının ortaya çıktığı dönemlerden günümüze kadar olan süreç içinde örnekler ile anlatılmaktadır. Üçüncü bölümde, büro binası tasarım ilkeleri ve plan düzeni üretiminde,., kullanılan standartlar analiz edilerek, plan düzenlerinin tipolojik sınıflandırılması yapılmaktadır. Dördüncü bölümde, bilgisayar destekli tasarım sürecinin mimari tasarım sürecine katılımı incelenmekte ve bu alanda kullanılan bilgi tabanlı tasarım sistemleri, yöntemleri ve uzman sistem yapısı açıklanmaktadır. Ayrıca, uzman sistem yapısını açıklamak ve uzman sistem modellerinin büro binası plan düzeni üretiminde kullanımını incelemek için, uygulama örnekleri verilmektedir. Beşinci bölümde, tipolojik ve geometrik analiz sonucu elde edilen plan düzenleri ve tasarım kısıtlamaları yardımıyla oluşturulan bilgisayar destekli mimari tasarım modeli tüm aşamalanyla anlatılmaktadır. Son bölümde, oluşturulan model ve gelişme yönleri yorumlanmaktadır.
Office buildings have taken place within experience of modern society organized over again by means of development which has been constituted in Industrial reform. Before Industrial reform, as professions have been based on individual attributes, professions were limited. Therefore, office is settled some sections of house and designing the office is in a manner to design a room of this house that requirements of profession is satisfied. Industrial reforms in technological field is caused to change people's needs and to get people new professions. Growth of new occupation possibilities are contributed to progress of cities in many respects as well as economic, social and cultural. In each period, office buildings are become matter of research, as to satisfy people's physical and psychological requirements completely. In this thesis office buildings is investigated as experiences and topological characteristics about office buildings in a long time period. After this, a layout generation process is formed by means of a model that is established in computer aided architectural design process. The model is based on knowledge which is obtained from investigation about office buildings. In the first section, it is explained as theme, aim of the thesis and method that is used. In the second section, office buildings is analyzed at three sections. These are * historical progress of office buildings, * structural progress of office buildings, * space progress of office buildings. Impacts of modern society on design and use of the office buildings is seen in historical progress of them. Office buildings is most important factor to be formed new city centre all over the world as especially United States of America. In this growth of office buildings, office space is usually formed in high rise buildings. So these high rise buildings in city centres are symbol of new business possibilities and concept of the office. However factors that is determined to be formed the high rise buildings are investigated as various titles : * In social respect, * In technological respect, * In economic respect, * In structural respect. Structural systems of high rise buildings that is developed from at the end of 19th century until today are : * Rigid frames, * Structural curtain wall, * Frame and structural curtain wall systems, * Tube systems * Tube with frame, * Truss beam tube, * Tube in tube, * Modular tube. When the office buildings is investigated as space progress, progress is based on transformation at requirements of the management and its structure which is determined the office layout design. In progress of the office buildings, there are four office layout systems : * Cellular offices, * Group rooms, * Open plan, * 'Burolandshaft'. Third section is analyzed principles of office layout design and the codes used to design in office layout. So office layouts are classified as typology. The aim of thesis is to analysis the types of office layout and generate a model of computer aided architectural design for designing office layout. İn this point, it is need to design process in rules. Typology is based on an approach which is generally classified spatial layouts in architectural design, to determine office layouts as typology. According to the classification made by Ching, spatial layouts in architectural design is constituted by: XI * Centralized, * Linear, * Radial, * Clustered, * Grid. Then, examples of office layout which has been built before, knowledge generated as typology and to be able to applied it into knowledge based design systems is analyzed. Search is classified as six categories of office layouts. These are: * Central office layout, * Office layout with atrium, * L shaped office layout, * U shaped office layout, * Radial office layout, * Linear office layout. As to represent the typology in knowledge based design system as geometric, square and rectangle is used to. And then, by adding components of the office layout, subclasses of the typology is generated. Components of the office layout is that: * Working space, * Core, * Main circulation. Subclasses of the typology is formed components of the office layout relations with each other. A subclass is derived from relations between core and working space. According to location of core, the generated subclass is that: * The core is in centre of office layout, * The double core are in centre of office layout, * The core is outside of office layout, * The core is at the edge of the office layout, * The core is at the corner of the office layout. In the fourth section, is about knowledge based design systems and expert systems that is a part of developing computer science in last decades, in the subject of expert system the aim is to use a computer as working expert person's capabilities. The philosophy of computer systems are supported by logic programming and geometric representation. XII It is certain that there is a relationship between computer modelling and architectural design process. The design methods are represented design process in these ways, but both of them is used in modelling technique. These are: * Top down (deduction), * Bottom up (induction), * Cased based reasonning Besides, components of expert system is analyzed. However structure of expert system is explained detailed by giving some applications of expert system. In fifth section, the model of computer aided architectural design constituted by means of design constraints of office layout and office layouts which is obtain from typology and analysis as geometricaljs determined. Model consists of an interactive process between computer and user. Constraints are much important in processing. They are formed codes of office layout, rules about form which is required typology of office layout and constraints that is constituted by typology itself. Constraints used in model is that: * Constant constraints, * Interactive constraints. Constant constraints consists of field codes of office layout given by model. Interactive constraints consists of values given by user and consists of options recognized by user, from specific domain which is constrained by model. Process of design begins with dimensional values about site plan given by user. In accordance with values given by user, dimensions of layout is estimated by model. And then, office layout is graphically generated by model. Design processes of this model are determined as: * Determination of entering values, * Selection of layout type, * Selection of layout geometry, * According of location of core, selection of layout type, * Selection of circulation on given layout, * Dimensions XIII Evaluation about levels of design, At the end of the thesis is interpreted model which is constituted and how is developed in future. So to simulate the design process of the office layouts as a model of knowledge based design systems is possible.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1996
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1996
Anahtar kelimeler
Bilgisayar destekli planlama, Bilgisayar destekli tasarım, Büro binaları, Mimari tasarım, Computer aided planning, Computer aided design, Office buildings, Architectural design