Büyük panellerle yapımda birleşimlerin performansı

Memiş, Züleyha
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışma, giriş ve sonuç bölümlerinde dahil olmak üzere toplam altı bölümden oluşmaktadır. Tezin geniş bir özeti niteliğinde olan birinci bölümden sonra, ikinci bölümde, endüstrileşme ve endüstrileşmenin yapı sektörün deki gelişimi ile bu sektörde uygulanan sistemlerin olumlu ve olumsuz yönleri üzerinde durulmuştur. Üçüncü bölüm ise, panel, iskelet ve hücre sistemler hakkındaki genel bilgileri kapsamaktadır. Tezin ana konusunu oluşturan birleşim derzlerine bir giriş niteliğinde olan dördüncü bölümde, derzlerin, özellikle birleşim derzlerinin çeşitli açılardan sınıflandırılmaları yapılmıştır. Beşinci bölümde, panel sistemler ve bu sistem elemanları arasındaki birleşim derzleri taşıyıcılık ve geçirimsizlik görevleri açısından iki alt başlıkta incelenmiştir. Sonuç bölümünde ise, çeşitli firmalar tarafından tasarlanmış birleşim derzlerinin, taşıyıcılık ve geçirimsizlik gibi konularda ortak tasarım prensipleri ortaya konulmuştur.
Industrialization is a term that have been used in many branches of industry since 1878. But it's new in Architecture and cıvıl engineering. In the world, many new building construction systems, Which are the results of the industria lization, have been applied. In our country, there are a few applications in an houses and industry buildings. This thesis has been included large panel systems and connection joints among elements of this system. This subject has been examined in six parts In the first part, the large Summary of the thesis has been done and the importance of connection joints which are among the elements of industrialized building construction systems has been emphasized. In the second part, industrialization and the joining in construction sector of industrialization and its progressing have been examined. In this part, industrialized construction systems and the features of the systems have been researched too. Both in Europe and in Türkiye, Why these systems had delayed to join in construction sector, has been studied. Why the industrialized had been delayed to join in construction sector? We can summerized the reasons of this question in two parts; vu - Economical reasons. The dimension of product in construction sector (of building). Instability of demand. Being long life of product - Technological reasons. Production. Transportation. Assembly. Limiting of arctutectural design Negative parts of industrialized systems have been less important with the house problem which is increasing more and more. The construction systems applied in the world, have been examined in three parts. - Panel systems - Skeleton systems - Box unit systems It can be added some systems called semi industrialized systems, such as tunnel shuttering, ligt slab, sliding mold to these systems. In these systems prefabrication of mold has been occured. In this study, it has been analysed industrial systems. In other words, it has been explained that the systems which have requirements as fallows. - Mechanization - Rationalization - Standardization - Perfabrication - Automatization In the third part of the study, it has been defined briefly description and basic principles of panel, skeleton and box unit systems. In industrialized building systems. The connection joints which are the main subject of thesis and are industrialized systems disadvantages, have been explained in part four. Joints have been classified in two part: vm - Separation joints - Connection joints Separation joints have been searched in these sub titles: - Dilatation joints - Subsidence joints - Earthquake joints - Structural joints The perpose of these kind of joints are prevent to forces which damage the building. These forces are such as, shear forces tensile and compressive forces, bending force ex. if the building meet with these forces, these kind of separation joints must be applied. On the other hand, the connection joints have been examined in respect.. to their forms. to location among building and building elements. to structural techniques These joints must be occured in industrialized building systems. Especially, in panel systems, elements used to build a house are very large. The principle of these construction systems are connecting big building elements which have been produced in a factory, in a building site. In public opinion, there has been a general idea that the industrialized building systems are not reliable enough. This opinion has been occured due to the connection joints. In this study, the investigations has been developed, so that it has been decreased this negative aspects of systems. In the fifth part, connection joints have been explained according to their roles in stability and isolution like heat, sound and water. In this context, as a first step, it has been searched to find answer for the fallowing guestions. 1- How big and what kind of forces will have been charged from any element to the other one? IX 2- Which connection techniques will be applied to charge the forces? 3- How must be geometrical characteristics of connection joints designed according to their roles in stability and isolution (protection). In order to answer these guestions it has ben benefited from three factors. Theese are;. Static constructive factors. Architectural factors. Technological factors In this section, at which connection joints have been analysed, it has been explained the forces which effect the structure and briefly the connection joints, however, it has been mentioned impact of forces on the designing (forming) connection joints. While using the geometrical shapes called jagged and varacious joints, of the connection joints for receiving the shear force, the tensile force has been received by the extra iron or steel bar. Which takes place in connections, in the other hand, filling meterials like concrete and mortar, help to receive compressive force. In addition, connection joints between the elements of building which have been built in seismic regions, have been examined in this section. The connection joints have been analysed in give classification according to their roles in isolution of buildings. These are as fallows: - Isolution ofsound - Isolution of heat - Isolution of water - Isolution of steam - Resistance of fire While isolution has been realized by the connection joints, two factors take an important role. These are *. forming the geometrical form of joints. filling and isolution meterials used in joints In this part, especially the connection joints among the external wall panels have been explained, as they are weak against the physical environment. In horizontal connection joints, it has been accapted a principal according to their geometrical forms. The principle is that an element which takes place upper will cover the other one in lower. On the ather hand, in vertical connection joints, which are placed between external wall panels, isolution have been prouided by low pressure holes ar various kind of edge propile called zigzag. The materials used in joints have been classified in two parts:. Isolution materials. Filling materials While isolution materials supply the impermeability of water and heat, at the same time they must have some qualifications in many respects like to be esthetic and economic. In addition this, filling materials chosen for joints, must be suit for panel elements. For example; when the mortar and concrete with high resistance have been used in connections, it has been occured crackeds and caused the water comes in to buildings. In the last and six part of the thesis the general results of the study have been explained. It has been dealt with principles about the isolution and stability of connection joints which is placed among elements in panel systems. There is no enough studies about these systems. Only a company called "Association of Prefabrication" has been continue to study but it isn't enough. At the same time construction regulations hasn't got any rules about these new construction systems in Turkey.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1994
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1994
Anahtar kelimeler
Bina bilgisi, Panel sistemi, Yapı sistemleri, Building information, Panel system, Structure systems