Hadım Hasan Paşa Medresesi Restorasyon Projesi

Bozkurt, Ela
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Hadım Hasan Paşa Medresesi, İstanbul 'un ticaret hayatının yoğun şekilde sürdüğü Eminönü ilçesinin Cağaloğlu semtinde yeralmaktadır. II. Mahmut döneminde geçirdiği bir onarım sırasında giriş kapısı üzerinde konan kitabeye göre medresenin yapım tarihi, 1005/1596 olarak görünmektedir. Ancak bu tarih, Evliya Çelebi' nin Seyahatnamesinde verdiği 1004/1595 tarihinden 1 yıl fark göstermektedir. Medrese, Sadrazam Hadım Hasan Paşa tarafından yaptırılmıştır, mimarı kesin olarak bilinmemektedir. Ancak Mimar Sinan' in ölümü ile 1597 - 1598 yılları arasında mimarbaşı olan Mimar Davud Ağa tarafından yapılmış olabileceği düşünülmektedir. Medrese, üç katlı düzeni ve planimetresi nedeniyle genel sınıflandırmaların dışında kalmaktadır. Bodrum, zemin ve 1. kattan oluşan medresenin, Prof. Kazım İsmail Gürkan Caddesinin yapımı esnasında kuzeydoğu bölümünün kesilmesi özgün durumunun anlaşılmasını güçleştirmektedir. Medrese günümüze oldukça harap bir halde ulaşabilmiştir. 1970 ' li yıllardan itibaren evsiz insanlar tarafından barınak olarak da kullanılan medresenin restorasyon çalışmaları Nisan 1996 ' da başlamış, ancak temizlik çalışmaları esnasında yapı tahrip edilmiştir. Tarihi ve mimari değere sahip bu yapının korunması, devamlılığının sağlanması ve uygun bir işlevle yeniden değerlendirilmesi amacı ile yapılan; rölöve, restitüsyon ve restorasyon projelerini içeren tez çalışması 7 ana bölümde değerlendirilebilir. Başlangıç olarak, yapının mevcut durumunun incelenmesi ve ilgili belgelere ulaşılması ile tarihi araştırmalar sonucunda bir değerlendirilmesi yapılmıştır. Çalışmaların diğer bölümlerinde ise, yazılı belgelerin incelenmesi ve bina üzerinde mevcut izlerin değerlendirilmesi sonucu binanın rölöve, restitüsyon ve restorasyon projeleri hazırlanmıştır.
The subject of this thesis is the restoration of Hadım Hasan Paşa Madrasah. The building is located at the intersection of two streets; Prof. Kazım İsmail Gürkan Street and Molla Fenari Street at Eminönü, İstanbul. The madrasah is located at Cağaloğlu, Eminönü within the commercial center of İstanbul. According to the inscription placed above the entrance after a repair during the reign of Mahmut II, the construction date is 1596; this date differs a year from the date given in the travel book of of Evliya Çelebi. The madrasah was built for Sadrazam Hadım Hasan Paşa. Although the architect is not known, it is most possible that architect Dawoud Agha, who was the chief architect of the Ottomans after the death of Mimar Sinan, was responsible for the construction. The madrasah is composed of 3 floors : the basement, the ground floor and the first floor. The entrance to the madrasah is on Ankara Street. Another door on Molla Fenari Street provides access to the basement. At present, the madrasah stands on an irregular plot having a quadrangular form. It is quite difficult to comprehend the original design of the building because of the ruined northwestern facade due to the road widening works. After the repair during the reign of Mahmud II, the madrasah was damaged by Hocapaşa fire which affected many places in Cağaloğlu in 1865. xix As the building was composed of shops in the basement, a public fountain and a toilet, the only remains are 4 cells existing completely and the wall of the classroom which was also used as a masjid. The madrasah does not fit into the standard madrasah forms used by the Ottomans. It was used as a shelter for the homeless since 1970's. In April 1996 works to restore the building have started, however these have not been successful and have cause demage to the building. Methodology : The photographic documentation was carried on together with the survey of the building. The measurements were taken in relation to a reference line established along all the walls and by using the triangulation method. Restoration work which basically aimed at preservation and consolidation of the building can be summarized in two main groups. The first phase of the research work ended with the evaluation of the building as a result of careful examination and documentation together with historical and observational studies. While transforming the survey into scaled drawings, Autocad R12 program was used as well as traditional methods. In this way, various alternatives were scrutinized to evaluate reconstitution works in some cases. This thesis involves 7 main chapters containing a survey and restoration projects. In the first chapter, the subject of the study is introduced and the method adapted for the study is explained. xx In the second chapter, the history of Eminönü and Cağaloğlu is presented. From the Ottoman period to present, the physical changes of the madrasah and its surroundings are discussed. The importance of madrasahs for the educational system of the Ottomans is explained in the third chapter. In chapter four, information is given about Hadm Hasan Paşa and Architect Dawoud Agha. A brief description of the madrasah is given with its existing state and usage. It's known upon the research of the madrasah that it has become attractive since 1970s for some people and institutions on the purpose of restoration and re-use. Directorate of Waqf has given the building to a public company in order to have it restored, however, there has not been any formal attempt occurred yet. Although it is mentioned that the madrasah is registered to Hadım Hasan Paşa Vakfı, the "vakfiye" has not been found. Chapter four also includes the specifications of the plans with the descriptions of the interior elements such as the foundations, walis, floors, arches and transition elements. Information is given about the building techniques and the materials used. Brief information is given in chapter 5 about the plan schemes, structures, materials used and facades of Siyavuş Paşa Madrasah, Kılıç Ali Paşa Madrasah, Gazanfer Ağa Madrasah and Koca Sinan Paşa Madrasah which have shared the same period with Hadım Hasan Paşa Madrasah. Chapter six is based on the reconstitution data and problems observed during research. The plan reconstitution is explained for each of the floors; the ground and the upper floor. Based on the reconstitution data, there used to be a public fountain and shops on the ground floor and four cells in the first floor. xxi Chapter seven brings new ideas for the restoration and the re-use of the building. Structural failures related to the floors, walls, columns, transition elements, chimneys, doors and windows are discussed. As a suggestion for the re-use on purpose, the building can be an atelier for architecture students and an exhibition hall on the basement. The methods that will be applied for restoration are taken up under four titles: 1. Cleaning 2. Consolidation 3. Integration 4. New Additions Renovation : Purifying the non-original parts is aimed. Integration :. Reconstructing the missing parts of the building based on the reconstitution data. Reconstructing M20 cell and M1 3 cell based on its original dimensions. Reconstructing the missing parts of the chimneys © Cleaning and reconstitution of the marble metal surfaces. Reconstructing the riwak columns XXI! New Additions Solving problems about humidity and water leakage and covering the roof with a transparent material in order to create a suitable micro-climate Building a WC in M9 cell in the ground floor
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1996
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1996
Anahtar kelimeler
Hadım Hasan Paşa Medresesi, Hadım Hasan Paşa Madrasah, Tarihi çevre, Tarihi koruma, Restorasyon, İstanbul-Eminönü, İstanbul-Cağaloğlu, İstanbul-Cağaloğlu, Historical environment, Historic preservation, Restoration, İstanbul-Eminönü