Giresun Ve Ordu Yöresi Kol Havaları
Giresun Ve Ordu Yöresi Kol Havaları
Baran, Vesile
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
Giresun ve Ordu yöresi Kol Havaları" konulu bu çalışma, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü'nde, Güzel Sanatlar Anasanat Dalı, Musiki Sanat Dalı, Türk Halk Müziği Alanı'nda Yüksek Lisans Tezi olarak hazırlanmıştır. Kol Havaları ile ilgili daha önce yapılan çalışmalarda, Giresun- ve Ordu yöresine ait Kol Havaları'nın lokal olarak ayrıntılı bir şekilde incelenmemiş olması, okuduğumuz bir çok il yıllıklarında dahi, Kol Havaları bahsine yer verilmemesi, bizi bu konuyu araştırmaya şevketti. Bu çalışmamızda amacımız, Giresun ve Ordu yöresi folkloru içinde önemli bir yer tutan, Kol Havalarını incelemek ve sistemli bir çalışmayla sunmak olmuştur. Birinci bölümü oluşturan Giriş bölümünün ardından, ikinci bölümde Türk Halk Müziği Terminolojisi içinde Kol Havaları ele alınmış, üçüncü bölümde konu hakkında genel bilgiler verilmiş, dördüncü bölümde de ele alınan ezgiler incelenmiştir. İnceleme ve araştırmalarımız neticesinde, ulaştığımız noktalar şunlar olmuştur. Kol Havaları, içkili, kadınlı muhabbetlerin yasak olduğu dönemlerde, kolcular tarafından yapılan baskınlara ithaf edilerek çalınıp söylenen ezgilerdir. Ne sinyal müziği, ne resitaldir. Adını, oyundaki el kol hareketlerinden almadığı gibi, kolcuların oynadığı oyunlar da değildir. Giresun ve Ordu yöresi Kol Havaları, genellikle bir bölümlü olup, çıkıcı-inici seyir karakterine sahiptir. Ezgilerde çoğunlukla Kerem ailesinin, özellikle Düz Kerem'in sıkça kullanıldığı gözlemlenmiştir. Kol Havaları, sözlü ve sözsüz olmasının yanısıra karma ezgiler olarak da karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Sözlü ezgilerin tümünün manilerden oluştuğu görülmüştür. Bu ezgilerin tümünün manilerden oluştuğu görülmüştür. Bu ezgilerin icrasında kullanılan temel saz bağlamadır, buna vurmalı sazlardan - v - zil, darbuka ve tef eşlik edebilmektedir. Kostak bir şekilde icra edilen eserler, oyuncuların insiyatifine bağlı olarak serbestçe oynanır. Ordu'da tamamen dokuz zamanlı olarak karşımıza çıkan Kol Havalarına karşın, Giresun'da, iki ve dört zamanlı ana usulün de, bu tür ezgilerde kullanıldığı tesbit edilmiştir. Daha çok sekizlik, sonra onaltılık nota biriminin kullanıldığı ezgiler, biçim açısından genellikle bir bölümlüdür. Tüm bunların yanısıra bu ezgiler melodi genişlemeleri, varyasyonlar, melodi yürüyüşleri ve atlama sesler yardımıyla monotonluktan uzaklaşıp, sıcak, akılda kalıcı, dinamik eserler halini almıştır. Giresun ve Ordu yöresi Kol Havaları'nın yeterince araştırılmamış olmasının yanısıra, bilgilerin, daha çok sözlü kaynaklardan meydana geldiği saptanmıştır. Bu bilgilerin yazıya dökülmemiş olmasından dolayı, ezgilerin yıprandığı ve kaybolmaya yüz tuttuğu görülmektedir.
This thesis about "Giresun and Ordu District Kol Havaları" is prepared as a high master's degree in Turkish Folk Music of the Music Art Department of Fine Arts area, at the Institute of Social Sciences at Istanbul Technical University. There is some research on "Kol Havalan". But, there is no more detailed study Kol Havalan of Giresun and Ordu and therefore we chose it. These are the points that we have got after our research on this subject. In Ottoman Empire men and women could not enjoy together. It was not allowed to sing, to drink, to chat and to dance together freely. That was forbedden. Besides, this kind of enjoyment was shame for Turkish people. There was not any entertainment like cinemas, theatres pubs, discos etc. People needed to enjoy, even it was forbedden. Who wan ted to enjoy should take some risk as to be catch. In that time Kolcular were taking the security. If, men and women enjoy together with music, dance and drink together as it is forbedden Kolcular who were a kind of Police force working for the Goverment could make a raid on them. Therefore, men and women were having fun the place where Kolcular could not catch or see them, like out of city center, field or some secret place they can find. -vi- The person who was trusted could join them. They should have been the same age. Because, it was not good to drink beside the elder one. This enjoyment was just for men. They were drinking, chating while women dance for them. Dancer women were widow and needed to get money. The party was decided a few days before. Every one was taking the expense of party one by one. At the beginning it was play slow tune of the districk. Then it is passed to Kol Havalan. Kol Havalan are the tune that are played songed, danced at this kind of party. This parties were called different in some port of country. It was called as Muhabbetçilik, in Giresun and Ordu. In Konya it was called Oturak Alemi, in Urfa Sıra Gezmesi, in Ankara Cümbüşfelfele, in Çankırı Sohbet and Yaran etc. In Çankırı this Sohbet's were educational. As these parties were forbidden there were watchman in these parties as they were forbidden. The watchman informed the others about Kolcular either they were coming or not. Then they could take precantions. This happen shows itself in Kol Havaları : - vıı - forte (f) : stress, very strong. Mezzoforte (mf) : stress, not very strong. Piano (p) : stress, very light. Kreshendo ( !>? ) : From strong stress to light stress.
This thesis about "Giresun and Ordu District Kol Havaları" is prepared as a high master's degree in Turkish Folk Music of the Music Art Department of Fine Arts area, at the Institute of Social Sciences at Istanbul Technical University. There is some research on "Kol Havalan". But, there is no more detailed study Kol Havalan of Giresun and Ordu and therefore we chose it. These are the points that we have got after our research on this subject. In Ottoman Empire men and women could not enjoy together. It was not allowed to sing, to drink, to chat and to dance together freely. That was forbedden. Besides, this kind of enjoyment was shame for Turkish people. There was not any entertainment like cinemas, theatres pubs, discos etc. People needed to enjoy, even it was forbedden. Who wan ted to enjoy should take some risk as to be catch. In that time Kolcular were taking the security. If, men and women enjoy together with music, dance and drink together as it is forbedden Kolcular who were a kind of Police force working for the Goverment could make a raid on them. Therefore, men and women were having fun the place where Kolcular could not catch or see them, like out of city center, field or some secret place they can find. -vi- The person who was trusted could join them. They should have been the same age. Because, it was not good to drink beside the elder one. This enjoyment was just for men. They were drinking, chating while women dance for them. Dancer women were widow and needed to get money. The party was decided a few days before. Every one was taking the expense of party one by one. At the beginning it was play slow tune of the districk. Then it is passed to Kol Havalan. Kol Havalan are the tune that are played songed, danced at this kind of party. This parties were called different in some port of country. It was called as Muhabbetçilik, in Giresun and Ordu. In Konya it was called Oturak Alemi, in Urfa Sıra Gezmesi, in Ankara Cümbüşfelfele, in Çankırı Sohbet and Yaran etc. In Çankırı this Sohbet's were educational. As these parties were forbidden there were watchman in these parties as they were forbidden. The watchman informed the others about Kolcular either they were coming or not. Then they could take precantions. This happen shows itself in Kol Havaları : - vıı - forte (f) : stress, very strong. Mezzoforte (mf) : stress, not very strong. Piano (p) : stress, very light. Kreshendo ( !>? ) : From strong stress to light stress.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1995
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1995
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1995
Anahtar kelimeler
Güzel Sanatlar,
Halk müziği,
Kol havaları,
Türk halk müziğ,
Fine Arts,
Folk music,
Turkish folk music