Kapalı Kontrol Döngülerinde Performans İzleme
Kapalı Kontrol Döngülerinde Performans İzleme
Kuşoğlu, Gizem
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada, rafinerinin farklı ünitelerindeki SISO kontrol döngülerinin performansları değerlendirilmiştir. Kıyas noktası olarak, minimum varyans kontrolör belirlenmiş ve mevcut performansın beklenen performansa olan yakınlığı, performans indeks kullanılarak nicelleştirilmiştir. Performans indeksinin doğru hesaplanması için, belli başlı parametre değerlerinin optimum değerleri farklı yöntemler ile tahmin edilmiştir. Bazı kontrol döngüleri için örnekleme zamanının yetersiz olduğu ve tahmin edilen ölü zamanların gerçek değerden farklı olduğu gösterilmiştir. Hesaplanan performans indekse dayanarak sınıflandırmalar yapılmış ve performansı etkileyen kök-nedenler tahmin edilmiştir. Kök-neden teşhisine klasik ve görsel bir yaklaşım olarak ifade edilen güç spektral analizi ile başlanmı¸s ve güç spektral analizlerindeki piklerin büyüklüğüne bakılarak, osilasyon tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen sonuçlar, oto-kovaryans fonksiyonuna ve zaman alanına bağlı yöntemler ile desteklenmiştir. Ekipman bozulmaları, kontrolör parametre değerleri ve dış bozucu etkenler osilasyona neden olmaktadır. Osilasyonun nereden kaynaklandığı anlamak için, sırasıyla nonli- neerlik ve a¸sınma analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir. Nonlineerlik analizinde yüksek derecede istatistik kullanılmakta ve frekans çiftleri arasındaki etkileşim incelenmektedir. Nonlineerlik içeren kontrol döngülerinde olası ekipman arızalarını ortaya çıkarmak için aşınma analizleri yapılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda, a¸sınmanın varlığında vananın problemli oldugu sonucuna varılmı¸stır. Osilatif davranı¸sın görünmediği durumda, kötü performansın parametre ayarlamalarından ya da dı¸ssal etkenlerden kaynaklandıgı˘ üzerinde durulmuştur.
In this study, the performance of the control loops in different refinery units has been evaluated. The minimum variance controller, designated as benchmark and the proximity to expected performance of the current performance has been quantified using performance index. For accurate calculation of the performance index, optimum values of certain parameters have been determined. It has been shown that sampling interval is insufficient for some loops and the estimated value of dead time is different from the actual value. The classification has been made on the basis of calculated performance index and root causes affecting the performance have been estimated with different methods. Diagnosing the root-cause has been initiated by the spectral analysis expressed as a classical and visual approach and oscillation has been detected by looking the magnitude of the peaks at the power spectral analysis. The results obtained have been supported by the methods depending on the auto-covariance function and time-domain. Equipment faults, controller parameter values and external disturbances cause the oscillation. To understand where the oscillation originated from, nonlinearity and stiction analysis were performed respectively. The higher-order statictics were used in nonlinearity analysis and interactions between frequency pairs have been examined. Stiction analysis has been made to reveal potential equipment faults in the control loops containing non-linearity. According to the results, it was concluded that valve is problematic in the presence of stiction. In the case of appearance of oscillating behavior has been emphasized that poor performance is arised from parameter settings or external disturbances.
In this study, the performance of the control loops in different refinery units has been evaluated. The minimum variance controller, designated as benchmark and the proximity to expected performance of the current performance has been quantified using performance index. For accurate calculation of the performance index, optimum values of certain parameters have been determined. It has been shown that sampling interval is insufficient for some loops and the estimated value of dead time is different from the actual value. The classification has been made on the basis of calculated performance index and root causes affecting the performance have been estimated with different methods. Diagnosing the root-cause has been initiated by the spectral analysis expressed as a classical and visual approach and oscillation has been detected by looking the magnitude of the peaks at the power spectral analysis. The results obtained have been supported by the methods depending on the auto-covariance function and time-domain. Equipment faults, controller parameter values and external disturbances cause the oscillation. To understand where the oscillation originated from, nonlinearity and stiction analysis were performed respectively. The higher-order statictics were used in nonlinearity analysis and interactions between frequency pairs have been examined. Stiction analysis has been made to reveal potential equipment faults in the control loops containing non-linearity. According to the results, it was concluded that valve is problematic in the presence of stiction. In the case of appearance of oscillating behavior has been emphasized that poor performance is arised from parameter settings or external disturbances.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2015
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2015
Anahtar kelimeler
Kontrolör Performans İzleme,
Pıd Kapalı Kontrol Döngüleri,
Performans Değerlendirme,
Performans Teşhisi,
Minimum Varyans Kontrol,
Controller Performance Monitoring (cpm),
Pid Closed Control Loops,
Performance Assessment,
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