Isı tutucu malzemeler ve yapılarda uygulama olanaklarının araştırılması

Kahraman, Feryal
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
İnsanlık tarihi kadar eski olan konutların yalıtım fikri, insanların yaşam standartları içinde konfor anlayışlarının gelişmesi, yapı teknolojisine bağlı olarak betonarmenin inşaat sektörüne girmesiyle yapı elemanlarının incetilmesi ve hafifletilmesi nedeni ile hacimlerde yakıt giderlerinin fazlalaşması ve dünya enerji kaynaklanmn giderek azalması ısı yalıtımının önemini artırmıştır. Bu nedenle ısı tutucu malzemelerin üretim ve uygulanma teknikleri sürekli araştırılmakta ve gelişmektedir. Beş bölümden oluşan bu tez çalışmasında; birinci bölümde tezin amacı ve kapsamı, tezin yöntemi ve elde edilen sonuçlar açıklanmıştır. Yapı malzemesi olarak ısı tutucu malzemeler başlıklı ikinci bölümde, ısı tutucu malzemelerin değişik yazarlarca yapılmış tanımlan verilmiştir. Isı tutucu malzemenin gelişimi, ısı tutucu malzemelerde aranılan özellikler incelendikten sonra, ısı tutucu malzemelerin değişik yazarlarca yapılan sınıflandırmaları ve bu sınıflandırmalar ışığında yeni bir sınıflandırma ve alt açılımları verilip, bu açılımlarda yer alan malzemeler açıklanmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde ısı tutucu malzemelerin uygulanma yöntemleri, malzemelerin biçimlerine ve uygulanma yerlerine göre sınıflandırılmış ve alt açılımları açıklanmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde ısı tutucu malzemelerin yurt dışında ve ülkemizdeki kullanımlarına ilişkin karşılaştırmalar yapılmıştır. Beşinci bölümde tez çalışmasında elde edilen sonuçlar ısı tutucu malzemeler ve kullanımları ile ilgili öneriler verilmektedir.
Since it was very old ages, two additional things, to sleeping and eating, the people need to have, dealing with their natures are to protect themselves from negative weather conditions such as cold and hot. For that reason, the idea of insulation is as old as the history of humanity. After the people started to hunt animals, they used the furs of some animals. In following years, increasing demand on the shelter's use caused the people apply the idea of heat insulation to their shelters. The primitive people used natural heat insulation materials such as cotton, wool, fur, straw, dry snow and sea moss for the insulation of their shelters. For instance, Eskimos used dry snow material which provided the insulation of their shelters and the people living in South Sea Islands protected themselves from negative hot weather conditions by using sea moss. Because of that reason, not only the heat insulation is used to protect from the cold weather, but also it is used to protect from the hot weather. Eventhough these materials have considerable values in the heat insulation, they are not usually proper materials for the methods of conventional building construction. Many natural heat insulations are affected by insects, mob and fungus. In addition to that, these materials are so weak vapor and damp conditions. As a result, these materials should have some aspects indicated below: Sufficient Compressive Strength Sufficient Tensile Strength Vapor Diffusion Resistance Lightness High Heat Insulating Capability Dimensional Stability Easy to Cut Resistance Aganist Chemical Effects Incombustible Resistance Aganist Parasites Resistance Aganist Vapor and Damp Conditions Coating Sensibility Rottenness Sensibility Scentless Long-life Cheapness It's harmless dealing with human healthy All these aspects of the heat insulation materials and the demands of comfortable life in people's shelters caused the heat insulation materials produced and developed. The development of the technology of reinforced concrete, the thinned and lightened construction materials, the increased fuel expenses supported the research and the development of the heat insulation materials. Consequently, the xix production of the heat transfer materials became an important sector. In today's world, the weak points of these heat insulation materials are tried to reduce. The heat insulation materials are classified according to various criteria. In this thesis they are classified according to two main criteria as given below: 1. The existence of these materials in nature. The heat insulation materials produced from the materials existing in the nature. The heat insulation materials produced from the materials which do not exist in the nature 2. The heat insulation materials dealing with their structure. Fiber structural materials. The heat insulation materials having foam or sponge structures. The heat insulation materials having granular structure. The heat insulation materials having composite structure 1. The Existences of Heat Insulation Materials In The Nature The heat insulation materials can be produced from the materials which exist in the nature. At the same time, these insulation materials can also be produced as a result of processes of various synthetic materials. For that reason, the heat insulation materials can be classified as the heat insulation produced from the materals which exist in the nature, the heat insulation materials produced from which do not exist in the nature.. The heat insulation materials produced from the materials existing in the nature: The heat insulation materials produced from the materials existing in the nature can be classified as vegetal heat insulation materials, animal heat insulation materials and mineral heat insulation materials. Moreover, mineral heat insulation materials can also be classified as the heat insulation materials obtained as a result of simple processes and complex processes.. The heat insulation materials produced from the synthetic materials which do not exist in the nature: These kind of materials produced from various polymers plastics.These materials can have open porous or closed porous and rigid or elastic structure. They can also be produced in different densities. 2. The Heat Insulation Materials Dealing With Their Structure These kind of heat insulation materials can be classified four main title. These are; fiber structural materials, foam or sponge structural materials, granulate structural materials and composite structural materials.. Fiber structural heat insulation materials: These kind of heat insulation materials are produced from organic and inorganicfibers. These materials are nude or they are cased with chemical binders or metallic oil. They are given to market as plates, boards, felts and mattresses. The heat insulation materials in this group can be classified as vegetal, animal and mineral heat insulation materials. Vegetal and animal heat insulation materials are cork boards, soft timber, timber plane chip boards, corrugated cardboards, rattan- cane, flax, cotton, coconut, palm fibers, rice in the husk pod, sea moss(sea fiber), xx wool, goat hair, mohair. Mineral, fiber heat insulation materials are; asbestos fiber, glass fibers, rock wool, ceramic wool.. Foam or sponge structural heat insulation materials: The mineral and synthetic heat insulation materials which are open or closed porous are in this group. The heat insulation materials which have foam or sponge structures are gas concrete, pumice stone, foam glass, light aggregated concrete, dilated argil calcium silicate, dilated mica. The heat insulation materials which have synthetic structure are polystrene, polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride, polyethylene and phenol formaldehyde foam.. Granular structural heat insulation materials: These kind of heat insulation materials have granular structure. These materials are; perlite, vermiculite, fossil siliceous granules, dilated cork.. Composite structural materials: The heat insulation materials in this group are formed to increase the insulation performance of materials. These materials are classified in three kind of groups:. Binding materials like; cement binder-light aggregated composites, gypsum binder light aggregated composites, asphalt binder composites, rigid foam structural composites.. Fiber reinforced composite heat insulation materials like; cement binder composite and polymer binder composite heat insulation materials.. Laminated composite heat insulation materials like; sandwich composites. Applications of the heat insulation materials classified are explained in the third part of thesis. The heat insulation materials are classified regarding with their shapes and application areas. 1. Application of board materials 1.1 Application in horizantal build-up elements 1.2Application in vertical build-up elements 2. Applications of bats 3. Applications of materials forming foam in place 4. Applications of materials used with mortar 5. Applications of materials used as embankment bulk 6. Applications of materials used as masony block 7. Applications of the heat insulation materials formed by gases detained to prevent the flow of heat 1. Application of board heat insulation materials The board heat insulation materials are rigid materials which are able to form good construction with horizontal or vertical construction elements. There are some differences in the applications board materials at vertical construction elements and horizontal construction elements. These heat insulation materials are; foam glass slabs, rock wool slabs, extruded polystrene slabs, cement binder light- aggregated composite slabs, and sandwich composite heat insulation slabs. xxi 1.1 Applications at horizantal construction elements In this kind of application, the heat insulation materials are applied on horizontal floors and the floors which are close to horizontal. These floors are built -up roof floors having superior and ground floors having open interior. 1.2 Applications at vertical construction elements The heat insulation materials are usually applied on walls of buildings as the vertical construction elements. This application is used interior of walls and exterior of walls or between the gap at masonary walls. Applications of the board heat insulation materials in perpendicular construction elemnts are in different ways as indicated below:. The materials sticking to cast-iron materials.. The materials fixed with special fixation materials.. The materials fixed with a gradient system.. The materials fixed an adhesive. 2. Applications of mattresses Soft heat insulation materials produced as materials produced as bat and blankets are used in gap between partition half battens, the gap between partition rafters of have-tops having declination, floors between unused house-tops and the heat insulation of suspended ceiling. These kind of materials are; glass wool bat, perlited bat. 3. Applications of materials forming foam in place The heat insulations materials forming foam in place are sprayed on a surface or on a volume limited. These kind of materials can also be used in filling of core. The most important example of this group is polyurethan foam. 4. Applications of materials with mortar The granular heat insulation materials are applied in binder of cement mortar as liquid or covering materials. The light aggregated materials like perlite, vermiculite and granular fiber materials like glass wool and rock wool are mixed to obtain light-weight heat insulated concrete. 5. Applications of the heat insulation materials used as embankment bulk The heat insulation materials which are fibers, granular and chip are applied in cores between walls or attics limited. Perlite, vermiculite and glass / rock wool are examples of this group. 6. Applications of materials used as masony block The heat insulation materials such as gas concrete, pumice concrete are used as masonary materials by applying masonary rules. xxn 7. Applications of the heat insulation materials formed by pajes detained to prevent the movement of the heat. This system is formed with inactive air or gases which prevent the movement of the heat carried by air and other gases. In the fourth part of thesis; the comparison of usage of heat insulation materials in Turkey and in other country are given. As a conclusion, to use heat insulation materials in buildings make some advantages like energy saving, decreasing of air pollution, to build more comfortable and reliable buildings. But the application of these materials are not same every building's elements. Because of this reason; data and conditions for every structure must be carefully examined and planned from the beginning according to that situations. In order not to have problems after construction, maximum attention should be paid during material selection and application processes in the building's elements which have some problems like water, vapour, point load distributed load. In this subject, the architects have important responsibilities and roles in the desing and applying process.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1999
Anahtar kelimeler
Isı yalıtımı, Yapı elemanları, Yapı malzemeleri, Heat insulation, Building elements, Building materials