İstanbul'da sanayi yerleşmeleri ve yer değiştirme eğilimleri ile ilgili bir araştırma (Kazlıçeşme örneği)
İstanbul'da sanayi yerleşmeleri ve yer değiştirme eğilimleri ile ilgili bir araştırma (Kazlıçeşme örneği)
Yüzer, Mehmet Ali
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Ekonomik faaliyetlerin fiziksel mekana indirgenmesi ve şehirsel fonksiyon bölgelerinin saptanması için 19. yy'm ilk yarısında, hammadde, işgücü, pazar ve ulaşıma yönelik geliştirilen sanayi alanları yer seçimi kuramlarında ekonominin temel ilkesi olan maliyetin minimize kârın maksimize edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Sanayileşme süreci başlarında yatırım maliyetlerini minimize eden etkenler ön planda yer alırken artan sermayeye, yaşam standartlarına ve teknolojiye bağlı olarak etkenler bileşiminde de değişimler olmuştur.Bu değişim İstanbul Metropolü'nde de görülmüş ve 1960'lı yıllardan günümüze değin büyük alan kullanımı gerektiren sanayi alanları şehir dışına çıkarak yerini hizmet sektörüne bırakmıştır.Bu tezin amacı; İstanbul Metropoliten Kent Merkezlerinde yer alan sanayilerin, çevreye olumsuz yönde yaptığı fiziki ve sosyal etkilerden dolayı, şehir dışına çıkarılması ve yerine hizmet sektörünün getirilmesinde, Kazlıçeşme ile Tuzla Organize Deri Sanayi Bölgeleri örnek alınarak değerlendirmeler yapmak ve diğer problemli bölgelerde de- santralizasyon çalışmalarının yönlendirilmesine yardımcı olmaktır.Altı bölümden oluşan çalışmanın giriş bölümünde konu ana hatları ile tanıtılmış, ikinci bölümde şehirleşme-sanayi- leşme ilişkilerine bağlı olarak kuramsal bilgiler veril - miştir. Üçüncü bölümde Türkiye'de sanayileşme politikaları ve bu politikalarda görülen farklılaşmalar ele alına - rak sanayi alanlarının hukiki yönü incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde İstanbul metropoliten alanının yapısal geliş - mesi irdelenerek planlı ve plansız gelişen sanayi alanları belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Beşinci bölümde örneklem bölgeler olarak seçilen Kazlıçeşme ve Tuzla bölgelerine ilişkin veriler toplanarak, anket çalışmasının değerlen - dirilmesi yapılmıştır. Sonuç ve önerilerin bulunduğu al - tmcı bölümde ise önceki bölümler değerlendirilerek met - ropol merkezlerindeki sanayilerin desantralizasyonunu zorunlu kılan nedenler açıklanarak, sonraki çalışmaların yönlendirilmesi için öneriler getirilmiştir.
Beginning of the industrialization in 18 th century the rural population migrated to urban sites and created important transformation in socio-economic structure of these sites. In this transformation of Urbanization had found out new searchings in planning and accepted linear and radio-concantric city forms. In both of them, had been stressed on transportation the relation ships with hausing and industry, hierarchy of green areas and how the sites caw be developed.In beginning of 19th century,V.Thiinen had studied for being (transfered) economic activities to the physical space and defined urban function zones.Beginning of the industrialization process, while the factors which make the investment costs minimum, were coming primary, it was being transformed in factors depend on increasing capital, life standarts and technology so while natural factors were directing location before,nowadays the other factors prevented. Industrialization policies in Turkey had transformed important dimension from Ottoman Empire to nowadays. Establishing years ottoman Empire had importante industrial sectors. But ottoman Empire couldnt adapt "industrial Revolution" which began in the secont part of 17 th century and had been affected from capitulations until The political reforms in 1839.In the period of Republic, publishing encouragement laws of industry,organizing Izmir Economic Congress and programming the investment to be directed the industry and economy had become active.In Development Plans which was began in 1960's and was developed as state policies, being increased of the national welfare level, avoiding the inter-regional inequelity and dependend on this, being directed industry investmants to the medium-sized (middle-sized) cities out of the metropolitan cities, had defined as targets.In, developing countries like Turkey or under-developed countries, inter-regional inequelities had become because of natural, economic, social and political reasons population and investments concentrated in metropolitan cities like Istanbul Considering cities which have manifacturings more than 100, Marmara Region where covers Istanbul, takes maximum rate in Turkey with 45 %. East and South East Regions with 2.74 % have minimum rate in distribution of being created valve-added.In Turkey some economic and political decisions are made for avoiding the inter-regional inequality like in Development Plans. In these decisions, policies of encouragement had been very important.In 1990 according to investment encouragement papers in manifacturing industry, Istanbul took first place with 139 paper and 1.861 billion TL. From 1960 to nowadays, it had important transformation in the structure of Istanbul Metropolitan Area. In 1960's industrial areas generally had located in Zeytinburnu, Haliç, Bomanti and Kağıthane.In 1970's industrial areas had been grawing as an extension of first location in Istanbul. Industrial Decentralization had appeared in this period. Industrial establishments which have to need large land use, had begun to move to the east side of Istanbul. Small and medium scale industries had established instead of large scale. Although industrial development in Istanbul had been aut of encouragement in Development Plan Strategy between 1972 and 1979, industrial investment had been incerasing. When Industrial areas in Istanbul was 936 hectar in 1968, it arrived at 1178 hectar in 1976. In period of 1980-92, industrial establishments surrounding Haliç, leather industrial establishments in Kazlıçeşme began'to conduct out of the city. And İkitelli, Tuzla, Kurtköy had been arranged as industrial sites.In the city Centers of Istanbul Metropolitan Area,Increasing of land prices Emerging of transportation and expedition problems No possibility for expanding of existing establishment in the industrial areas. Weakness of relationship between housing and working place Being law working standarts of the establishments Having pollution qualities and being polluted the environment with noise,visual and waste of the stablishments. Developing the service sector depend on increasing of national welfare level and to need for finding place in city center of this sector.Decentralization of the establishments out of the city has been necessary for these reasons. The purpose of this thesis is to put forward the necessity of industrial decentralization in Istanbul Metropolitan City Centers, because of their negative effects on physical and social environment from this point, Kazlige§me and Tuzla Organized Tanning Industry Zone had been evaluated as case study and it had been helped to be directed the other zones with problem. In the introduction part of the study which has six part, the subject had been introduced with its basic lines.In the second part, theoretical knowledge had put forward depend on the relationships between urbanization and industrialization.In the third part, legal dimension of industrial areas had been examined by tackling industrialization policies in Turkey and differences in these policies.In the forth part, the industry areas which is growed with plan or without plan had been tried to define, by examining the structural development of Istanbul Metropolitan Area.In the fifth part, the results of the research which was made in Kazlige§me and Tuzla Industry Zones, had been evaluated. In the sixth part which has results and proposals, the other parts of thesis had been evaluated. Because of directing later studies about this subject, new proposals had been raised by explaining the reasons which are necessary for industrial decentralization in metropolitan cities. The goverment which was mostly successful in moving must follow these programs for decentralization of industries in the centers like Eminönü, Haliç and Şişli,etc.The defination of problem industrial areas that are found in Istanbul metropolitan centers and the determination of the most convenient areas for industries found in outer city. When the planning decisions are determined, the participation of work places and factory masters must be provided. The complete expropriation of the areas reserved out of the cities and the presentations of these areas to the masters of work places with cheap prices. To give credit for infrastructure and buildings and the application of it. The reservation of place for the service function of the moving industries.The determination of housing potential for new development areas and to provide the interaction of working places and houses. The development of transportation facilities.To give material facilities and authorities to the local level for the application of the projects. To provide the coordination and cooperation among managements.
Beginning of the industrialization in 18 th century the rural population migrated to urban sites and created important transformation in socio-economic structure of these sites. In this transformation of Urbanization had found out new searchings in planning and accepted linear and radio-concantric city forms. In both of them, had been stressed on transportation the relation ships with hausing and industry, hierarchy of green areas and how the sites caw be developed.In beginning of 19th century,V.Thiinen had studied for being (transfered) economic activities to the physical space and defined urban function zones.Beginning of the industrialization process, while the factors which make the investment costs minimum, were coming primary, it was being transformed in factors depend on increasing capital, life standarts and technology so while natural factors were directing location before,nowadays the other factors prevented. Industrialization policies in Turkey had transformed important dimension from Ottoman Empire to nowadays. Establishing years ottoman Empire had importante industrial sectors. But ottoman Empire couldnt adapt "industrial Revolution" which began in the secont part of 17 th century and had been affected from capitulations until The political reforms in 1839.In the period of Republic, publishing encouragement laws of industry,organizing Izmir Economic Congress and programming the investment to be directed the industry and economy had become active.In Development Plans which was began in 1960's and was developed as state policies, being increased of the national welfare level, avoiding the inter-regional inequelity and dependend on this, being directed industry investmants to the medium-sized (middle-sized) cities out of the metropolitan cities, had defined as targets.In, developing countries like Turkey or under-developed countries, inter-regional inequelities had become because of natural, economic, social and political reasons population and investments concentrated in metropolitan cities like Istanbul Considering cities which have manifacturings more than 100, Marmara Region where covers Istanbul, takes maximum rate in Turkey with 45 %. East and South East Regions with 2.74 % have minimum rate in distribution of being created valve-added.In Turkey some economic and political decisions are made for avoiding the inter-regional inequality like in Development Plans. In these decisions, policies of encouragement had been very important.In 1990 according to investment encouragement papers in manifacturing industry, Istanbul took first place with 139 paper and 1.861 billion TL. From 1960 to nowadays, it had important transformation in the structure of Istanbul Metropolitan Area. In 1960's industrial areas generally had located in Zeytinburnu, Haliç, Bomanti and Kağıthane.In 1970's industrial areas had been grawing as an extension of first location in Istanbul. Industrial Decentralization had appeared in this period. Industrial establishments which have to need large land use, had begun to move to the east side of Istanbul. Small and medium scale industries had established instead of large scale. Although industrial development in Istanbul had been aut of encouragement in Development Plan Strategy between 1972 and 1979, industrial investment had been incerasing. When Industrial areas in Istanbul was 936 hectar in 1968, it arrived at 1178 hectar in 1976. In period of 1980-92, industrial establishments surrounding Haliç, leather industrial establishments in Kazlıçeşme began'to conduct out of the city. And İkitelli, Tuzla, Kurtköy had been arranged as industrial sites.In the city Centers of Istanbul Metropolitan Area,Increasing of land prices Emerging of transportation and expedition problems No possibility for expanding of existing establishment in the industrial areas. Weakness of relationship between housing and working place Being law working standarts of the establishments Having pollution qualities and being polluted the environment with noise,visual and waste of the stablishments. Developing the service sector depend on increasing of national welfare level and to need for finding place in city center of this sector.Decentralization of the establishments out of the city has been necessary for these reasons. The purpose of this thesis is to put forward the necessity of industrial decentralization in Istanbul Metropolitan City Centers, because of their negative effects on physical and social environment from this point, Kazlige§me and Tuzla Organized Tanning Industry Zone had been evaluated as case study and it had been helped to be directed the other zones with problem. In the introduction part of the study which has six part, the subject had been introduced with its basic lines.In the second part, theoretical knowledge had put forward depend on the relationships between urbanization and industrialization.In the third part, legal dimension of industrial areas had been examined by tackling industrialization policies in Turkey and differences in these policies.In the forth part, the industry areas which is growed with plan or without plan had been tried to define, by examining the structural development of Istanbul Metropolitan Area.In the fifth part, the results of the research which was made in Kazlige§me and Tuzla Industry Zones, had been evaluated. In the sixth part which has results and proposals, the other parts of thesis had been evaluated. Because of directing later studies about this subject, new proposals had been raised by explaining the reasons which are necessary for industrial decentralization in metropolitan cities. The goverment which was mostly successful in moving must follow these programs for decentralization of industries in the centers like Eminönü, Haliç and Şişli,etc.The defination of problem industrial areas that are found in Istanbul metropolitan centers and the determination of the most convenient areas for industries found in outer city. When the planning decisions are determined, the participation of work places and factory masters must be provided. The complete expropriation of the areas reserved out of the cities and the presentations of these areas to the masters of work places with cheap prices. To give credit for infrastructure and buildings and the application of it. The reservation of place for the service function of the moving industries.The determination of housing potential for new development areas and to provide the interaction of working places and houses. The development of transportation facilities.To give material facilities and authorities to the local level for the application of the projects. To provide the coordination and cooperation among managements.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1993
Anahtar kelimeler
endüstri bölgesi,
yer değiştirme,
industrial area,