Ağır Ticari Araçlarda Kardan Şaftına Etkiyen Tork Değerlerinin Araştırılması
Ağır Ticari Araçlarda Kardan Şaftına Etkiyen Tork Değerlerinin Araştırılması
Akkurt, Tamer
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Ağır vasıtalarda içten yanmalı motorda üretilen tork ve devrin tahrik akslarına iletilmesinde rol alan kardan şaftları, taşıt aktarma organları içerisindeki elzem komponentlerden biridir. Bu açıdan araç üreticileri için yeni bir araçta kullanılacak olan kardan şaftının tasarımı veya tedarikçi kataloglarında bulunan kardan şaftlarından birinin bu araç için seçimi büyük önem arz etmektedir. Kardan şaftı tasarımında veya seçiminde göz önünde bulundurulması gereken birçok parametre olmakla birlikte; bu çalışma kapsamında, kardan şaftı tasarımında birincil öneme sahip olan şaft üzerine etkiyen maksimum tork değerlerinin belirlenmesi konusu detaylıca incelenecektir. Araç işletim şartlarında kardan şaftına etkiyen ve dikkate alınması gereken 2 farklı tork tipi vardır. Bunlar, başlangıç torku (MA) ve tekerlek kuvvet bağlantısı torkları (MH)’dır. Motor tarafından üretilen tork değerinin, moment değiştirici (şanzıman) ve/veya transfer kutusunda belirli çevrim oranları doğrultusunda artırıldıktan sonra kardan şaftına iletilen değeri, başlangıç torku ya da hareket ettirici tork (MA) olarak tanımlanır. Tekerlek kuvvet bağlantısı torku (MH) ise araç tahrik aksına etkiyen toplam yüke göre tekerleklerden zemine aktarılabilen maksimum tahrik kuvvetinden hareketle hesaplanan tork değeridir. Kardan şaftı üzerine etkiyen başlangıç torkunun, yine kardan şaftı üzerine etkiyen tekerlek kuvvet bağlantısı torkundan büyük olması; tahrik tekerleklerinin, başlangıç torkunun tamamını zemine aktaramayarak patinaj yapacağı anlamına gelir. Dolayısıyla işletme koşullarında şaft üzerine etkiyebilecek maksimum tork değeri olarak; motorun maksimum tork değerini verdiği durumda hesaplanan başlangıç torku ve aynı durumda şafta etkiyebilecek maksimum tekerlek kuvvet bağlantısı torku göz önünde bulundurulur ve hangisi daha küçükse o dikkate alınır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, kardan şaftına etkiyen tork değerleri ile ilgili teorinin doğruluğunun verifiye edilmesi ve taşıt için kardan şaftı seçiminde dikkate alınması gereken maksimum tork değerinin belirlenmesi için bir metodoloji geliştirilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Çalışmanın ilk safhasında 420hp motor gücünde ve manuel vites donanımlı, 4x2 arkadan çekişli bir çekici için teorik tork hesapları yapılmıştır. Hesaplanan başlangıç torku ve tekerlek kuvvet bağlantısı torku değerleri karşılaştırılmış; başlangıç torkunun tekerlek kuvvet bağlantısı torkundan daha büyük olduğu görülmüştür. Bu durumda varılan yargı, kardan şaftı seçiminde tekerlek kuvvet bağlantısı torkunun dikkate alınması gerektiği olmuştur. Çalışmanın bir sonraki safhası ise çekici kardan şaftına etkiyen maksimum tork değerinin deneysel olarak belirlenmesidir. Bu kapsamda dijital radyo telemetri sistemiyle araç kardan şaftı üzerinden tork ölçümleri alınması planlanmıştır. Telemetri sistemi kabaca; üzerinden ölçüm alınmak istenen komponente yapıştırılacak strain gauge, strain gaugein ölçtüğü voltaj değerlerini kodlayan bir voltaj kodlayıcı, kodlanan değerlerin sinyal olarak yayılması için anten kablolu frekans yayıcı, alıcı anten ve alıcı ünitesinden oluşmaktadır. Kardan şaftı üzerine yapıştırılan strain gaugeler’den birim şekil değişimine karşılık gelen milivolt cinsinden voltaj değerleri okunabilmektedir. Ancak bulunmak istenense, kardan şaftına etkiyen tork değerleridir. Alınacak ölçümlerden istenen değerlerin tespit edilebilmesi için, çekici kardan şaftı üzerine enstrümente edilen telemetri sistemi, kardan şaftına kontrollü olarak tork verebilen ve verilen tork değerlerini kayıt altına alabilen bir test merkezinde kalibre edilmiştir. Kalibrasyon çalışmasındaki amaç, kardan şaftına etki eden tork değerine karşılık telemetri sisteminden okunan milivolt cinsinden voltaj değerini belirlemektir. Böylece aynı sistemle gerçek araç üzerinden toplanacak voltaj değerlerine karşılık, kardan şaftına etkiyen tork değerleri geri besleme yoluyla saptanabilecektir. Sistem kalibrasyonunun ardından gerçek araç üzerinden ölçüm alınması aşamasına geçilmiştir. Bu aşamada, ulaşılmaya çalışılan hedef doğrultusunda anlamlı veriler elde edilmesi amacıyla; aracın tam yüklü olduğu, motorun maksimum tork değerini sağladığı kuru asfalt bir zemin üzerinde aktarma organları darbe testi icra edilmiş ve bu esnada kardan şaftı üzerinden telemetri sistemiyle veri toplanmıştır. Kalibrasyon aşamasında toplanan değerler ışığında anlamlandırılan araç verileri neticesinde kardan şaftına, ilk etapta hesaplanan tekerlek kuvvet bağlantısı torku değerlerine çok yakın mertebede tork değerlerinin etkidiği görülmüştür. Ortaya çıkan test ölçüm sonuçları, işletme koşullarında şaft üzerine etkiyebilecek maksimum tork değeri olarak; motorun maksimum tork değerini verdiği durumda hesaplanan başlangıç torku ve aynı durumda şafta etkiyebilecek maksimum tekerlek kuvvet bağlantısı torkundan hangisi daha küçükse onun dikkate alınması gerektiği yönündeki knowhowı kanıtlamıştır. Ayrıca test sonucu elde edilen kardan şaftına etkiyen ortalama tork değeri, teorik hesaplamalar esnasında literatüre dayandırılarak kabulü yapılan bazı katsayı değerlerinin, çalışmada kullanılan çekici için spesifik olarak hesabına olanak sağlamıştır. Son olarak, taşıt arka aks yükünü ve buna paralel olarak tekerlek kuvvet bağlantısı torkunu artırarak, kardan şaftına etkiyen maksimum tork değerini de artırma potansiyeli bulunan taşıtın yokuş tırmanma durumu detaylıca irdelenmiştir.
One of the important components of vehicle powertrain systems is driveshaft which trains the torque and rotation produced by internal combustion engine through the traction axles. Thus, the design of the driveshaft for a new vehicle project or the selection of driveshaft from the supplier catalogues is really crucial for car makers. There are a couple of parameters must be borne in mind during either the design of a driveshaft or selection of a driveshaft. However, the scope of this study is the detailed investigation of maximum torque values acting on the driveshaft, and the torques affecting to the driveshaft is the prior parameter should be considered during the driveshaft design. There are 2 types of torque acting to the driveshaft on the field. These are starting (driving) torque (MA), and adhesion torque (MH). The torque which is the increased version of engine torque by the transmission or transfer box according to the gear ratios, is called as starting torque. On the other side, the adhesion torque is the calculated torque value by using the traction force can be applied to the ground by the tractive vehicle tires. If the starting torque affects on the driveshaft is greater than the adhesion torque, that means all traction effort cannot be delivered to the ground, the tractive tires will slip consequently. Therefore, the smaller one should be taken into account as the maximum torque value that can affect to the vehicle driveshaft in the field. In this study, it was aimed to verify the theory of torque value acts on the driveshaft, and to develop a methodology for identifying the maximum torque value to use in the vehicle’s driveshaft selection. In the first phase of the study, the theorical torque calculations were maden for a rear wheel drive heavy duty truck which has 420 hp power and instrumented by a manual transmission. The calculated adhesion and starting torque values were compared and it was spotted that starting torque is greater than the adhesion torque for this vehicle. In this case, the judgement is the adhesion torque should be taken into account during the driveshaft selection of this vehicle. The secondary phase of the study is experimental identification of torque value which acts on the driveshaft of specified heavy duty truck. According to this scope, it was planned to take torque measurements onto the vehicle driveshaft by using digital radio telemetry system. The telemetry system roughly contains strain gauge, voltage encoder, frequency transmitter with wire antenna, receiving antenna and receiver unit. Despite the strain gauges taped onto the driveshaft can measure the voltage in terms of milivolt according to the existing strain on the driveshaft under torsional moment, the thing wanted to know is the torque value acting on the driveshaft. In order to get desired values from the measurements, the driveshaft was instrumented with telemetry system, and the driveshaft was calibrated in a test bench. The test bench is capable to apply torque values to the driveshaft under control whatever the user wants, and it is also able to record the values applied. The target of the calibration study was identifying the counter torque value acts to the driveshaft per each milivolt value measured by telemetry system. By this way, the torque values acts on the driveshaft will be specified in the next step which is making measurements from the truck during the driveline impact test. The phase after the system calibration was taking measurements from the real truck. In this phase, data was gathered by telemetry system from the vehicle driveshaft during the driveline impact test. The test was done on dry asphalt road when the vehicle was loaded in maximum capacity; the engine provided maximum torque in order to get remarkable measurement results compatible with the target that was tried to reach. The test results show that very proximate torque values acted to the vehicle driveshaft during the driveline impact test compared to the adhesion torques calculated at the beginning of this study. That proves the theory which says ‘If the starting torque affects on the driveshaft is greater than the adhesion torque, it means all traction effort cannot be delivered to the ground, the tractive tires will slip consequently. Therefore, the smaller one should be taken into account as the maximum torque value that can affect to the vehicle driveshaft in the field’. Moreover, the mean torque value affects to the driveshaft during the tests enables to make calculations for this truck specifically for the constants which were assumed depending on the technical literature in the theoretical torque calculations phase. Finally, the maximum gradeability of the heavy duty truck was calculated. The intend was investigating the situation in detail while slope climbing in full load which has potential to increase rear axle load, increase the adhesion torque in parallel, and increase the maximum torque acts to the driveshaft accordingly.
One of the important components of vehicle powertrain systems is driveshaft which trains the torque and rotation produced by internal combustion engine through the traction axles. Thus, the design of the driveshaft for a new vehicle project or the selection of driveshaft from the supplier catalogues is really crucial for car makers. There are a couple of parameters must be borne in mind during either the design of a driveshaft or selection of a driveshaft. However, the scope of this study is the detailed investigation of maximum torque values acting on the driveshaft, and the torques affecting to the driveshaft is the prior parameter should be considered during the driveshaft design. There are 2 types of torque acting to the driveshaft on the field. These are starting (driving) torque (MA), and adhesion torque (MH). The torque which is the increased version of engine torque by the transmission or transfer box according to the gear ratios, is called as starting torque. On the other side, the adhesion torque is the calculated torque value by using the traction force can be applied to the ground by the tractive vehicle tires. If the starting torque affects on the driveshaft is greater than the adhesion torque, that means all traction effort cannot be delivered to the ground, the tractive tires will slip consequently. Therefore, the smaller one should be taken into account as the maximum torque value that can affect to the vehicle driveshaft in the field. In this study, it was aimed to verify the theory of torque value acts on the driveshaft, and to develop a methodology for identifying the maximum torque value to use in the vehicle’s driveshaft selection. In the first phase of the study, the theorical torque calculations were maden for a rear wheel drive heavy duty truck which has 420 hp power and instrumented by a manual transmission. The calculated adhesion and starting torque values were compared and it was spotted that starting torque is greater than the adhesion torque for this vehicle. In this case, the judgement is the adhesion torque should be taken into account during the driveshaft selection of this vehicle. The secondary phase of the study is experimental identification of torque value which acts on the driveshaft of specified heavy duty truck. According to this scope, it was planned to take torque measurements onto the vehicle driveshaft by using digital radio telemetry system. The telemetry system roughly contains strain gauge, voltage encoder, frequency transmitter with wire antenna, receiving antenna and receiver unit. Despite the strain gauges taped onto the driveshaft can measure the voltage in terms of milivolt according to the existing strain on the driveshaft under torsional moment, the thing wanted to know is the torque value acting on the driveshaft. In order to get desired values from the measurements, the driveshaft was instrumented with telemetry system, and the driveshaft was calibrated in a test bench. The test bench is capable to apply torque values to the driveshaft under control whatever the user wants, and it is also able to record the values applied. The target of the calibration study was identifying the counter torque value acts to the driveshaft per each milivolt value measured by telemetry system. By this way, the torque values acts on the driveshaft will be specified in the next step which is making measurements from the truck during the driveline impact test. The phase after the system calibration was taking measurements from the real truck. In this phase, data was gathered by telemetry system from the vehicle driveshaft during the driveline impact test. The test was done on dry asphalt road when the vehicle was loaded in maximum capacity; the engine provided maximum torque in order to get remarkable measurement results compatible with the target that was tried to reach. The test results show that very proximate torque values acted to the vehicle driveshaft during the driveline impact test compared to the adhesion torques calculated at the beginning of this study. That proves the theory which says ‘If the starting torque affects on the driveshaft is greater than the adhesion torque, it means all traction effort cannot be delivered to the ground, the tractive tires will slip consequently. Therefore, the smaller one should be taken into account as the maximum torque value that can affect to the vehicle driveshaft in the field’. Moreover, the mean torque value affects to the driveshaft during the tests enables to make calculations for this truck specifically for the constants which were assumed depending on the technical literature in the theoretical torque calculations phase. Finally, the maximum gradeability of the heavy duty truck was calculated. The intend was investigating the situation in detail while slope climbing in full load which has potential to increase rear axle load, increase the adhesion torque in parallel, and increase the maximum torque acts to the driveshaft accordingly.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013
Anahtar kelimeler
kardan şaftı,
arkadan tahrikli taşıt,
başlangıç torku,
tekerlek kuvvet bağlantısı torku,
rear wheel drive,
starting torque,
adhesion torque