Çocukla birlikte gelişen çok amaçlı bebek bakım masası üzerine bir uygulama çalışması

Baylan, Filiz
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Gelişen teknoloji ve sanayileşme toplumumuzda, düşünce tarzının değişmesi, kültür düzeyinin yükselmesi, yaşma seviyesinin farklılışması gibi olumlu gelişmelere neden olmuştur. Gittikçe küçülen aile yapısı nedeniyle de aile içinde çocuğa verilen önem ve sunulan imkanlar da fazlalaşmıştır. Çocuğun fiziksel ve psikolojik gelişimlerine paralel olarak ihtiyaçları da daha dikkatli incelenmeye başlanmıştır. Dolayısıyla bu ihtiyaçlara cevap verebilen çocuk ekipmanlarının sayısında artış ve farklılaşmalar olmuştur. Ancak piyasada kullanılan ekipmanların içinde çocuğun ve annenin tüm ihtiyaçlarına aynı anda cevap verebilen, çocukla birlikte gelişip büyüyen ve ailelerin ekonomik durumunu zorlamadan alabilecekleri çok fonksiyonel bir ekipman açığı olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bu açığa cevap verebilen bir ekipman tasarımına geçilmeden önce, çocuğun fiziksel ve psikolojik gelişimleri, bu gelişimler sırasındaki ihtiyaçları, annenin çocuk bakımı sırasındaki ihtiyaçları boyutları gibi birçok konunun incelenmesi gerekmektedir. Tüm bu araştırmaların tasarımda hedeflenen amaçlara ulaşmak için yardımcı olacağı kararından yola çıkılarak, elde edilen verilerin dikkatlice değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu bilgiler ışığında ekipmanın içermesi gereken özellikleri, yapılacak eylemlerin nerede ve nasıl çözümlenmesi gerektiğine karar verilmektedir. Tasarımın çizimleri tamamlandıktan sonra uzman yardımı ile hazırlanan anket formalarının doldurtulması ve maket atelyesinde yaptırılan prototipin denetilmesi ve sonuçların değerlendirilmesine geçilmiştir. Bilgisayar yardımıyla yapılan değerlendirmeler sonucu bu ekipmanın endüstri ürünü tasarımı olabileceğine ve seri üretim sonucu geniş bir kitleye hitap edebileceğine karar verilmiştir.
There are a lot of things hat have chanped from past to present. Developing technology and industrialization cause some essential changes in our society, some pozitive development, such as the change in the way of thinking and the increase of cultural level have been recorder. These changes effect the society's smallest unit, the family, too. In the past, along with parents and children; grandparents, aunts, uncles and sucuh-like relatives shared the some house. However, changing circumstances caused yesterday's family to get smaller retively and formed it into today's seed family. This way, the child that carries on the family's name in the future receives more importance today. Present day's parents tend to have childern in the quantity that they can train well, educate adequately and take care of economically. A lot of variety of different aspects have been continuosly changing from past to present, as time goes by. Developing technology and highly accelerated industrialization pace have caused essential changes in the society we live in. Some positive and noticeable developments, such as the changes in the ways of thinking, the painst of views and the increase of cultural level have been ucorded in the history. All along with the others elements of human life, these factors affect the society's smallest unit, i.e. the family, as well in the past, along with the parents and the children, grandmother, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, and such-like relatives all lived together and shared the some house. On the contrary, today's world and way of living require different ways to human lives. Rapidly changing circumstances and a different variety of factors have caused yesterday's large and crowded family to get smaller relatively, to shrink and they formed in into today's seed type family. All through these factor's today's world have caused the child that carries on the family's name in the coming future to receive more importance than yesterday's position. IX Our world and present day's circumstances requires parents that tend to have children in the quantity that the can train well, aducate adequately and take care of economically and reasonably. Our time's living circumstances too many children are out of question to have for the parents. The parents are trained, conscious and considerate in today's world. This side o them causes the parents to realize the vast variety of opportunities the can furnish their children with. An aduantage of fewer children is that their parents can take better and healthier care of them both physiologically and psychologically and most important of all economically. On the other hand, along with all these toughts, there exists some difficulties that they will face while the present these possibilities they want to deliver to their children. On of the difficulties is that today's market supplies kid equipment that offers one specif is function only. For example, cupboard for stack, bed for sleep, basin for bath, play-park for play, etc... Families may not afford to have old of them. Also, because the child grows quickly, his or her needs tend to differ as time goes by. Therefore, the equipment he or she uses becomes unusable in time and so, many families can stop considering to buy some equipment such as wash basin. Al thought the family can afford to buy the material, the space that is put aside for the child is so small that they are having difficulty placing all the equipment they buy for the child on there is no place left for the child to play in his or her room while the play is the most important work for the child and resembles the positive psychological development side. A place that he or she can welcome his or her firends into, that he or she can call his own, that he or she can play with his or her friends in helps the child in socialization, the tries to get into relation with other human beings. Morever, the needs of the person that looks after the children are as important as the child's requirements. It is possible for the mother or the person that takes for the child to run into problems. For example, to renew the baby's underwear is a difficulty for the mother if the baby's room can not offer proper equipment for the matter. To clean the baby in the bathroom and taking him or her to the baby room can be a tring experience. Considering all these, it is noticed that there is a need for baby equipment which takes care of both the baby's and these mother's requirements. Simultenously and as a whole, which can be afforded b any family easily, which does not require too much space, and which is functinol. A desing for an equipment that replies these questions has been searhed. Before the designing, some pre-search that can help the desing are decided to take place. There are two types of users when kid equipment is taken into consideration. The child and the person that takes care of him or her. (the mother or the baby-sitter). To reach the goals that are targeted in the design, the users have to be searched carefully first. In the begining, the child is taken into consideration. All kinds of child development are investigated. A healthy child goes through a physical and a pyschomot development process. after this process is examined, the child's requirement in the phases of the process are defined. Two important factors, sleep and cleanliness, the effect the physical development of the child are regarded and examined in a detailed way. The child's requirements during the phschomotor development process, that is what kind of capabilities the child can get at a specific age, are searched. The baby requires care and attention for along period of time. Before defining the mother needs, how and what is done during the child's care is examined. For example, how a baby should be cheaned and what must be done while bathing a baby are searched. The mother needs too many equipments and materials during child care. These equipments can be relatively helping kind of tools as well as main care elements. For example, a bed to make the baby sleep in, a table to renew the under wear and clean the baby on, a basin in, cupboard to put the clothes in. There are some treatments that are done consequently and frequently. The mother needs to be comportable physically as well as psyhologically. She must not run into trouble and she should not hurry in order to take better care of the baby. A physically tired and psychologically uneasy and anxious mother will effect her child to react in the same negative way. Therefore, the mood of the mother is reflecdet into her child. After the search, child equipment that have been used in history are invertigated. However, other than cradle, no kid equipment history çan be met. Paraleli to this gathered information the child care table that develops as the baby grows is begun to be designed. The cantents of the designed equipment are: - Underwear renewal departmant xi - Bed departmant - Stock deparmant - Bath departmant - Working departmant The how's and where4s of these functions in the equipment are decided. The examination of the dimensions of the equipment revelas that there are no ergonomic search on such matter. Therefore, the dimensions of the equipment realy onthe child's and the mother's antropometric dimensions and the kid equipments that are offered in the market. By designing the equipment in the smallest possiple dimension, the designer seeks to find ways to save space and to leave play room for the child. While defining the materialistic specitictions of the equipment the factor that is taken into consideration is health-both the baby's and the mother's. It is decided that the selected material should be cleaned easily, should be water and shock-proof, should be hard to break and should not cause accidents if it4s broken. Morever it must be a light material in order to move easily. The equipment is designed to be functional at the highest level. It is designed to meet the requirement of the growing child. For example, after the basin-age of the child is past a board that is placed instead of the basin enables the child to draw or paint on it. After the drawing of the equipments is finished, its prototype is made in the İ.T.Ü. Model Workshop. A specialst's help is received in preparing the inquiry's questions. In order to find out the degree of the design's meeting the targeted guals, labratory work in İ.T.Ü. Architectural Faculty Architectural Departmant Taşkışla Building was started in June 1991. These studies were completed by the help of 38 mothers. The work contained the trieds filling the inquiry forms and using the equipment themselves. All negative and positive, verbal or written criticismis are examined carefully. The results of the laboratory studies are verified by the help of computers. Dara are given in the DBASE computer program, grafical expressions of the outputs are delivered by the LOTUS program. XII The negative eriticisine are about the equipments being to big, monotons and possible to get wet. Present apportunities can furnish such a prototype to be produced at the moment. The possiblity of the addition of colors and its being more esthetic may rehiquist the presence of these obsession. All the people who have been contacted with in order to get their opinions about the equipment have started frequently that it is mostly functional, and that it brings too many easy sides with it. At the same time, it is said that it relieves the mother's work weight, it can handle too many things in a limited space, and it widers the pleasure of the baby maintenance function. As the result of all this work, the information gathered is examined and a general evalvation is done. The succes degree of thes equipment, as an industrial product, is serached. Finally, it is decided that the designed equipment can be regarded as an industrial design an it can serve a big users crowd if it is mass-produced.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1992
Anahtar kelimeler
bebek bakım masası, endüstriyel ürün, nesne tasarımı, tasarım, çocuk ekipmanı, baby care table, industrial product, object design, design, children's equipment