LEE- Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Lisansüstü Programı - Yüksek Lisans

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  • Öge
    Technology acceptance of 3d food printers and 3d printed food in domestic environments
    (Graduate School, 2022) Kaya, Selvinaz Nesibe ; Gelmez, Koray ; 720517 ; Department of Industrial Design
    The acceptability of new technologies and new products by users is a popular research topic. In this research, technology acceptance of food printing will be investigated in food and appliance dimensions. Unlike the existing studies on this technology, it also looks at 3D food printing technology from a design perspective and examines the relationship between food design and 3D food printing under two main dimensions: design of food and appliance. This technology makes possible to produce food in designs that are difficult to achieve by using traditional methods. Studies show that the appearance and texture of the food has an impact on the user's decision to consume a food. In 3d food printer design, there are many factors that will affect the expectations of the users and the decision of use for a appliance that will be placed in the kitchen and to be used in producing food. Under the headings of food and appliance design, the design of the service required to present this technology to the user and the design of the interfaces where the users will make the necessary settings and modeling to get output from this product are also included in this relationship. Food printing requires some digital platforms and systems that require human interaction. It is necessary to select the dish, define the recipe and design if necessary, and adapt the data to the printer or obtain the model and print settings from online platforms. Another issue is service design, which is an important part of the usability and accessibility of a food print. The user's ability to install, use and access the hardware and software should be considered as an experience design. Work should be done on the provision of content and the provision of reliable content. 3D food printers offer a new food production method for use both at home and in food companies or small businesses, thanks to the developments in today's 3D printing technology. It allows consumers to produce personalized products at home. 3D printing can bring culinary arts and non-professional food manufacturers closer together. In the future, this technology will enable everyone to access every recipe and easily produce that dish at home whenever they want. In addition, the user can reach the food that is free from harmful ingredients and has the nutritional values they need. 3D food printers in their current form have barriers such as shelf life, lack of official regulations, constraints of usable materials and the need for processes such as cooking and freezing after printing process. Although it is frequently used in areas such as chocolate printing and cake decoration to create presentation and interesting forms, it is thought that it will change food production methods and become widespread in the future with its potential benefits such as personalized food and new food sources.
  • Öge
    Co-design approach to raise awareness: A case on fertility
    (Graduate School, 2021-06-11) Şaşik, Reşat ; Leblebici Başar, Deniz ; 502171910 ; Industrial Design
    Since many societies are affected by taboo topics and every society absorbs them in its own way, changing people's beliefs and behaviors on a taboo topic can be challenging. Fertility, as a taboo issue, has been a hot topic for a long time because there is a trend to delay childbearing in most countries, notably among higher educated individuals. Delaying childbearing is a personal choice; however, it should be taken consciously considering its consequences as aging-related social issues. Most people lack sufficient or accurate information about their reproductive health. Due to the social context based on taboos, when behavioral change is desired through design, it should be within the framework of a co-design and participatory approach. Therefore, the current study took women's fertility as a case and aimed to explore how designed material may create awareness and encourage behavior change compared to underdesigned material on a taboo topic. A mixed method approach was taken as methodology. First, an extensive literature review was held on the key areas including fertility awareness, participatory design, and behavior change. The interdisciplinary nature of the study area enabled design, psychology, and medical subjects to merge in this design research study. In light of the literature, the design of the experiment consisted of pre-post surveys, expert interviews, a co-design workshop, and data analyses. The career goals-associated delayed childbearing among higher educated individuals may occur fertility problems. The selected participant group was higher-educated Turkish university students and academicians aged between 18 to 45 years. Firstly, the pre-survey was completed with 153 participants, 106 of whom gave their e-mail addresses to attend the post-survey. The first findings from the pre-survey showed that even highly educated people had insufficient knowledge about their fertility, which is in line with the literature. After the pre-survey, expert interviews were conducted with four experts to get insights and discover unknown facts. In the co-design workshop, both empathy mapping and brainstorming sessions were organized with twelve shareholders to explore the main features of the behavioral change model in regard to fertility potential. With these co-design sessions, a fear-inducing video was designed to motivate people by reminding them of the aging process and describing how to learn about their fertility potential. The experimental group was informed with a fear-inducing video and the control group was informed with a brief text at the beginning of the post-survey. A comparison-based analysis was performed to determine whether the video-informed participants gained awareness of their fertility or not compared to text-informed ones. The findings showed that both groups gained information; however, fertility awareness of the video-informed ones increased significantly as compared to the text-informed ones. This increased awareness can be considered the first step of behavior change on fertility issues. While almost all of the participants of the video-informed group changed their ranking of the most important factor as "ovarian reserve" contrary to their initial rankings, only half of the text-informed group ranked it as the most important. Furthermore, the video-informed group increased their true statement selections by about 70% and decreased false statement selection by 45% according to comparative analysis between their pre- and post-survey responses. In conclusion, this study showed that a designed material was more effective than an underdesigned material in creating awareness and encouraging behavior change on a taboo topic in the case of fertility. While raising awareness and encouraging behavior change, this study embraced a shift from a "designing for them" approach to a "designing with them" approach. Taken together, this thesis can be considered as one of the first studies to contribute to the literature by studying how a designed material can create awareness and encourage behavior change on taboo topics through a co-design approach. Nevertheless, there were some limitations during the study. The Coronavirus pandemic affected the study plan and decreased the sample size of the participants. All meetings were conducted online because of the pandemic. Also, long-term observation and social impact assessment could not be performed because of the short time schedule of the thesis.
  • Öge
    Investigating how users make sense of unused products in domestic space
    (Graduate School, 2022-06-14) Coşkun, Beril ; Çelikoğlu, Özge ; 502181901 ; Industrial Design
    In this study, the users evaluated their relations with their possessions that are no longer used in the home environment through these factors and practices. In the literature, the stages of the relationship that users establish with these products are defined. In this research, the user-product relationship is at a stage after a breakdown point, thus, the product is not disposed of even though it is no longer used. The main study was carried out in two stages. Survey and semi-structured interview methods were used to reveal the correlation between the determinants of product attachment and the practices of the users, and the observation method accompanied these methods. In the first stage, an online survey consisting of multiple choice and open-ended questions was conducted, which included associating unused possessions with determinants of product attachment and practices, and participants were asked to evaluate their possessions for each concept. In the second stage, interviews were conducted with 10 participants who participated in the survey and it was aimed to get more detailed and comprehensive data from users about their possessions.
  • Öge
    Endüstri ürünlerinde tasarımın değerlendirilmesi
    (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995) Teker, Murat ; Öke, Altan ; 46608 ; Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı
    Değerlendirme günümüzde tasarlama sürecinin bölünmez bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Değer verme, değerIendirme ve karar verme tasarımcı için bir yöntem sorunu olarak ortaya çıkmaktadır. Günümüzde 19.YYın el işçiliğine dayanan üretimine yönelik tasarım anlayışından vazgeçilmiş kitlesel üretime yönelik endüstri ürünlerinin tasarımına geçilmiştir. Endüstri tasarımı bugün artık dünya ekonomisinde önemli bir güç olmuştur. Endüstri tasarımının önem kazanması, ürünün ne şekilde değerlendirileceği kavramını gündeme getirmiştir. Endüstri ürününde aranan temel nitelikler işlevsellik, ekonomi ve estetiktir. Tasarımcının amacı insana uygun bir çevre yaratmaktır. Bu yapay çevreyi oluşturan tasarlanmış ürünler olduğuna göre tasarımcıya düşen görev gerek ürünlerin işlevselliğini, kullanışlılığını gerekse görsel niteliklerini geliştirmektir. Bu gelişimi ürünün tasarlanıp, üretilmesi, satılması ve kullanılması aşamalarında yapılacak değerlendirmeler sağlayacaktır. Değerlendirme ürünün özelliklerinin ortaya konması ve bu özelliklerin amaca uygunluğunun araştırılmasıdır. Endüstri tasarımı alanında ortaya konmuş bir ürünün başarısının değerlendirmesi tasarım, üretim ve satışın sağlıklı bir şekilde yapılabilmesi açısından yararlı olabileceği düşüncesi ile bu çalışma hazırlanmıştır.DeğerIendirme ile elde edilecek bilgiler ürünün geliştirilmesinde kullanılabileceği gibi aynı konuda ortaya konulacak başka bir ürünün özelliklerinin amaca daha uygun olmasını sağlayabilir.
  • Öge
    Çocukla birlikte gelişen çok amaçlı bebek bakım masası üzerine bir uygulama çalışması
    (Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1992) Baylan, Filiz ; Alphan, Ahmet ; 21841 ; Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı
    Gelişen teknoloji ve sanayileşme toplumumuzda, düşünce tarzının değişmesi, kültür düzeyinin yükselmesi, yaşma seviyesinin farklılışması gibi olumlu gelişmelere neden olmuştur. Gittikçe küçülen aile yapısı nedeniyle de aile içinde çocuğa verilen önem ve sunulan imkanlar da fazlalaşmıştır. Çocuğun fiziksel ve psikolojik gelişimlerine paralel olarak ihtiyaçları da daha dikkatli incelenmeye başlanmıştır. Dolayısıyla bu ihtiyaçlara cevap verebilen çocuk ekipmanlarının sayısında artış ve farklılaşmalar olmuştur. Ancak piyasada kullanılan ekipmanların içinde çocuğun ve annenin tüm ihtiyaçlarına aynı anda cevap verebilen, çocukla birlikte gelişip büyüyen ve ailelerin ekonomik durumunu zorlamadan alabilecekleri çok fonksiyonel bir ekipman açığı olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bu açığa cevap verebilen bir ekipman tasarımına geçilmeden önce, çocuğun fiziksel ve psikolojik gelişimleri, bu gelişimler sırasındaki ihtiyaçları, annenin çocuk bakımı sırasındaki ihtiyaçları boyutları gibi birçok konunun incelenmesi gerekmektedir. Tüm bu araştırmaların tasarımda hedeflenen amaçlara ulaşmak için yardımcı olacağı kararından yola çıkılarak, elde edilen verilerin dikkatlice değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu bilgiler ışığında ekipmanın içermesi gereken özellikleri, yapılacak eylemlerin nerede ve nasıl çözümlenmesi gerektiğine karar verilmektedir. Tasarımın çizimleri tamamlandıktan sonra uzman yardımı ile hazırlanan anket formalarının doldurtulması ve maket atelyesinde yaptırılan prototipin denetilmesi ve sonuçların değerlendirilmesine geçilmiştir. Bilgisayar yardımıyla yapılan değerlendirmeler sonucu bu ekipmanın endüstri ürünü tasarımı olabileceğine ve seri üretim sonucu geniş bir kitleye hitap edebileceğine karar verilmiştir.