Türkiye'deki yat inşa sanayii ve uluslararası rekabet gücü

Gökgöz, Ahmet Erkan
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
1980'ler sonrasında ihracata dayalı bir sanayileşme hamlesine giren Türkiye, geleneksel ihraç sektörlerinin dışında uluslararası alanda rekabet edebileceği sektörler belirlemelidir. Bu sektörlerden biri olan Yat İnşa Sanayiini incelemeyi hedef alan bu çalışmanın ilk bölümünde talebe olumlu etkileriyle yat işletmeciliği, yat filosu ve marinalarla ilgili olarak Türkiye'nin geldiği nokta vurgulanmaktadır. 1980'li yılların ikinci yarısından sonra, Türkiye modern anlamda yat üretme kapasitesine sahip olmuş ve önemli ihraç imkanlarına kavuşmuştur. Bu sektörün hem emek yoğun hem de teknoloji gerektiren bir sektör olduğu ve yoğun bir şekilde yan sanayi ile ilişkisi düşünüldüğünde sosyo-ekonomik açıdan üzerinde durulması gerekli bir dal olduğu ortaya çıkmaktadır. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde, Türkiye'nin uluslararası rekabet gücü üzerinde durulmuş, Gemi İnşa Sanayiinin değerlendirildiği rekabet gücü araştırmalarına değinilmiştir. Türkiye'nin yat ihracat ve ithalat rakamları ve yurtdışındaki bazı pazarların büyüklükleri incelenerek bu konudaki potansiyele işaret edilmiştir. Yat İnşa Sanayii ile ilgili yeterli sayıda kaynak ve veri olmadığından sektördeki üretici ve yöneticilerin görüş ve fikirleri bu bölümün sonunda verilmiştir.
The reasons for choosing the subject of this thesis are ; 1) shifting of yacht building and exports from Europe to the Pacific because of cheap labor and 2) Turkey's situation and opportunities with similar competitive advantages and by being near to this region 3) not coming across with a similar work so far 4) Yacht Building Industry being a sector that is very specific for one's interest. Many difficulties have been come across in reaching the statistical information about Yacht Building Industry, since this sector is not classified as a main sector. Besides, it is not possible to bring out the information about Yacht Building Sector from the data and statistics about the main sector - Ship Building Industry. Yachting Yachting is a touristic/commercial activity that enables the essential life functions of a small group of people with lower-tonage ship/yachts for traveling, entertainment, and sports. Yachting is an economic activity which divides into many branches and consists of many attributes that go along together and results with giving a travel service at sea. It is a sector that creates important employment opportunities with yacht manufacturing, repair/maintenance, seaport, shelter and all the economic and touristic services given in these places (market, restaurant, dry cleaning, communication, souvenirs, etc.) It has also a promotional side to give people opportunity to see a Turkish flag on a yacht in a foreign country. In the second part of 1980's, Turkey has started having a modern yacht building capacity and consequently has developed important export opportunities. Specifically, number of touristic yacht rental companies has increased from 2 to 113 (both domestic and foreign) from 1983 to 1993. Similarly, the number of yachts has increased from 10 to 1000. These significant developments affected the demand of yacht building positively. VI Yacht Building Industry Yacht Building Industry is a sector that is both labor intensive and technology driven and that works in conjunction with other sectors. The dockyards, that manufacture yachts and have completed successfully the technological developments and inner organizations in Turkey, are mainly concentrated on Istanbul-Tuzla region. In addition in West Black Sea, Marmara, Central Agean & Southwest Mediterrenean coasts, there are people and institutions (companies) who are engaged in small-size yacht and boat building business. The classification of dockyards according to their body materials of the yachts built is as follows: 1. Dockyards which build wooden yacht 2. Steel and aluminum yacht dockyards 3. Those who build fiberglass (glass supported plastic) The development of Yacht Building Industry is possible with the sufficient improvements made by many side sector companies which make mass production besides the industry's self quality. It becomes apparent when the variety of materials used in a yacht is observed. In this sector, the personal tastes have a great role and quality, technology and luxury materials, that make the life easier, are the main factors which deviate this sector from Ship Building Industry. Turkey's International Competitiveness World Competitiveness Report has been prepared by evaluating 361 dimensions under 8 main criteria. These criteria are: 1. Domestic economic strength 2. Internationalization 3. Government 4. Finance 5. Infrastructure 6. Management 7. Science and technology 8. People In this report 41 countries have been evaluated and Turkey has been ranked as the 29th immediately after Korea, Spain, Mexica, Argentine, Portugal and ahead of Colombia, Indonesia, Italy, Phillipinnes and India. When observed according to the criteria Turkey is placed 33rd in government, 24th in finance, 19th in infrastructure, 24th in management, 33rd in science and technology and 30th in people. vn Competitiveness of Yacht Building Industry When different researches by official associations have been analyzed, it is seen that Ship Building Industry is evaluated as highly competitive by IKV, fairly competitive by TUSIAD and requiring prevention for competitiveness by DPT. In TUSIAD's report where the sectors, comparative advantages have been ranked, and Ship Building Industry is placed after classical sectors like tourism, textile, ceramics, glass and food. Altough this information is not a direct and accurate evaluation about Yacht Building Industry, it is important to point out Ship Building Industry, as a main sector, is creating a framework for Yacht Building Industry. When the Customs Tariff statistical positions for yachts is observed, it is seen that there is a significant increase in the export volume from 1989 to 1991. Moreover, the export of yachts longer than 7.5 meters has an important place in the overall yacht exports. It should be considered that Turkey's exports are mainly to EC and OECD countries. Also, Turkey's exporting to the countries like Italy, France and England, which are highly developed in navigation and Yacht Building Industries, reveals what our country has achieved in this sector. When import values are evaluated it is clearly seen that there is a considerable decrease from 1989 to 1993. The import of yachts longer than 7.5 meters has an important place in total yacht imports. It should be underlined that there is a possibility of meeting this need domestically as a substitute product. Opinions of Manufacturers and Managers In The Sector Some of the highlights of Yacht Building Industry are given by the manufacturers and the managers in this sector, are summarized in the following :. The capacity of employment in the dockyards is 70-80 people, and the amount of people who work as managers, engineers and technicians are not more than 10 in general.. Although the production capacity is related to the yacht size, it is considered about 2-3 boats a year (20-35 m). The amount can be increased when there is an excess order.. Production is based on order. On the other hand, there is a possibility of mass production of low-cost and fibercoated small yachts.. When the materials used in production is considered, it is seen that the ratio of imported materials/total input is about 45-60 %. VM There is a great degree of corporation in the dockyards in which yachts are manufactured with modern understanding. Modern dockyards use 22 % as a subsidy. This subsidy is given two years from today's exchange rate and this causes difficulties. Conclusion and Suggestions In the last years, there is a significant increase in the Turkey's yacht exports and it is seen that a great portion of the exports is to those countries like Italy, France and England which are developed in this industry. To increase exports, organization, information and support should be provided to small companies, which lack these instruments, by Export Development Center or similar associations. There should be a price advantage to be successful in exports. Tayland's being among the superyacht manufacturers show that price is also important in this rich arena. It will be beneficial to support the manufacturers in the financial subjects like capital stock and assurance by expert banks or organizations. Having a capacity of 3-5 medium-large size yacht (20-40 m) a year in production upon order is favorable for competitiveness just for the similar firms in the world. By supporting the small organizations, which have problems about capital stock, marketing and export prosedures, there is a great opportunity to go far ahead in the exports. By changing the regulations to meet the domestic demand from Turkey rather than from abroad can be an opportunity to strengthen this industry which does not have a long history yet. Examples to this issue may be not giving permission to old yachts, monitoring the appropriate use of yachts that are bought by subsidies and to encourage the domestic demand decreasing the rate of high taxes like motor purchase, vehicle purchase and VAT. The subsidies given to the developing Yacht Building Industry should be favorable for increasing the industry's competitiveness and should also aim to provide commercial and technological integration with the world by encouraging the increase in exports. Preparing a master plan with the participation of manufacturers, universities, occupational institutions, related chambers, associations and corporations, creating a general framework and realizing these arrangements in a short time is a great opportunity for Turkey to have a regularity in this sector that displays a disorderly picture.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995
Anahtar kelimeler
Marinalar, Rekabet, Yatlar, İhracat, Marinas, Competition, Yachts, Export