Sürdürülebilir Kentsel Gelişim Ve Kadırga’da Mekansal Oluşuma Bütünsel Bir Yaklaşım
Sürdürülebilir Kentsel Gelişim Ve Kadırga’da Mekansal Oluşuma Bütünsel Bir Yaklaşım
Yılmaz, Aysel
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Günümüz kentlerinin kartezyen gelenek doğrultusundaki gelişimi ve evrimi, sistem bazlı düşüncenin öngördüğü dinamiklerden uzakta gerçekleşmiştir; ancak bugün yaşanan çoğulcu ortamda, kartezyen gelenek indirgemeci tavrıyla sorunların derinlemesine anlaşılmasında yetersiz kalmaktadır. Kartezyen düşünce yaklaşımındaki, neden-sonuç ilişkileriyle kentsel / mekansal sorunları çözmeye çalıştığımızda elde ettiğimiz sonuç, gerçeklikten uzak kalmakta; gerçeklik kavramını farklı bir zaman ve mekan ilişkisini bize açıklayan “oluşum” nosyonu üzerinden incelemek gerekmektedir. Bu nedenle “mekansal oluşum” nosyonu konuya farklı bir bakışı gerekli kılmış ve bir paradigma değişimine gereksinim duyulmuştur. Bu bağlamda, Kadırga’daki mekansal oluşumun değerlendirilmesinde, insan ve çevre arasındaki karşılıklı etkileşimi ve ilişkiyi tüm boyutlarıyla ele alan bütünsel / kavramsal bir yaklaşım benimsenmiş; paradigmatik bir yol izlenmiştir. Çalışmada oluşturulmaya çalışılan anlamsal çerçeve; kullanıcının sahip olduğu değerlere, çevresel verilere, kullanıcının birbiriyle ve çevresiyle olan ilişkilerine, mekanı oluşturan etkilerin tarihsel sürecine ulaşılmaya çalışılarak ve tüm bu verilerin genel / tikel ilişkisiyle literatürdeki verilerle ilişkilendirerek oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır.
The evolution and development of the modern cities nowadays in parallel to x tradition is far apart from the dynamics which are manifested by thoughts based on system; but, today, it is likely to accomplish understanding the problems in detail considering the way of spreading of x tradition. And it would be pictorial if we try to give an solutions to the problems interest space term taking into account reason-result relation of traditional method, are therefore we should become involved in searching on exactly what we intended to do is, considering process notion ties space-time concept and explain reality term. that’s why notion constructing term made owner of the thesis go over to a different way of aspect of view to the subject and forced to back out old ones to accept a new model instead. with respect to above that just we have mentioned, on evaluations on creating new living-spaces in Kadırga we have choused the way of holistic / conceptual approach which deal with the effect between human-being and environment with their all details and decided on paradigmatic way on the thesis. Accepting Kadırga as model as herein, the imaginary frame which has been created in mind aims to reach-up users qualities, data from environment, relations of users to environs where they settled up, dynamics involves space constructing as a result and again which has been tried to create by all those collected data from research in relation to connection relevance of general / specific and in respect of relevance of data on literature.
The evolution and development of the modern cities nowadays in parallel to x tradition is far apart from the dynamics which are manifested by thoughts based on system; but, today, it is likely to accomplish understanding the problems in detail considering the way of spreading of x tradition. And it would be pictorial if we try to give an solutions to the problems interest space term taking into account reason-result relation of traditional method, are therefore we should become involved in searching on exactly what we intended to do is, considering process notion ties space-time concept and explain reality term. that’s why notion constructing term made owner of the thesis go over to a different way of aspect of view to the subject and forced to back out old ones to accept a new model instead. with respect to above that just we have mentioned, on evaluations on creating new living-spaces in Kadırga we have choused the way of holistic / conceptual approach which deal with the effect between human-being and environment with their all details and decided on paradigmatic way on the thesis. Accepting Kadırga as model as herein, the imaginary frame which has been created in mind aims to reach-up users qualities, data from environment, relations of users to environs where they settled up, dynamics involves space constructing as a result and again which has been tried to create by all those collected data from research in relation to connection relevance of general / specific and in respect of relevance of data on literature.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2004
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2004
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2004
Anahtar kelimeler
Mekansal Oluşum,
Sistem Düşüncesi,
Kartezyen Gelenek,
Bütünsel Yaklaşım,
Kent Olgusu,
pace Creating/Constructing,
System Idea,
X Tradition,
City Term,
Uniform Approach.