Banka Sermayesi, Basle Anlaşması Ve Türkiye'de Uygulamalar
Banka Sermayesi, Basle Anlaşması Ve Türkiye'de Uygulamalar
Vardar, İnci
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada 1989 yılında yapılan Uluslararası Basle Anlaşması'nın Bankacılık alanında ortaya koyduğu "risk-ağırlıklı sermaye standartları" incelenmiştir. Birinci bölüm olan giriş bölümünde çalışmanın amacı, kapsamı, uygulama sırasında izlenilen yöntem ve karşılaşılan kısıtlamalar anlatılmıştır. İkinci bölümde banka sermayesinin tanımı, unsurları, amaç ve fonksiyonları üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu bölümde ayrıca, Basle Anlaşması, amacı, anlaşmada blirlenen Cooke Rasyosu'nun prensipleri, kritikleri incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, COOKE Rasyosu'nun esaslarına dayanarak Türkiye'de yapılan uygulama araştırılmış ve bu uygulama dikkate alınarak, kamu ve özel sermayeli ticari bankaların, sermaye yeterlilik rasyoları hesaplanmıştır. Sınır kabul edilen %8 değerinin altında ve üstünde sermaye yeterliliğine sahip bankaların, bazı kriterler dikkate alınarak ortak özellikleri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, sözkonusu kriterlerin sermaye yeterliliği standart rasyosundaki değişimleri açıklama yetenekleri incelenmiştir. t Dördüncü bölüm olan sonuç bölümünde ise bir önceki bölümde elde edilen sonuçlar yorumlanmış ve değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.
The aim of this study is to introduce the new "risk-weighted capital standards" in banking brought out by the 1989 International Basle Agreement. The questions of whether these standards will be incorporated, the application of these standards on a yearly basis if they are incorporated, and what contribution they can make to the capital adequacy of the Turkish Banking Sector's commercial banks, are addressed. In the second part of this study the definition of capital, its basic components, capital adequacy and The Basle Agreement are considered. In the third part, the incorporation of the Basle Agreement in Turkey is examined. In the study the capital adequacy of Turkish commercial banks in the years 1989, 1992 and 1995 are examined. The "capital adequacy standard ratio" and other capital adequacy ratios such as f(capital+profit)/total assets] and [(capital+ profit)/total assets+non cash credits)] are calculated. The assets and off-balance sheet items, branch numbers and the proportion of incomes from non-interest sources to total incomes of banks above and below the accepted lowest level of 8%, according to the Basle Agreement rates for capital adequacy, are examined. Trust is the most important issue facing commercial banks. The continued development of banking depends on the trust of people. The most important factor affecting trust in the bank is the bank's capital. The higher the capital, the greater the trust. In this situation the important matter is what the Capital level should be. In other words, what amount of capital is sufficient to ensure continued trust? The existing ratios of capital adequacy usually take into account balance sheet items. The most frequently used capital adequacy ratio is the combination of capital and profit divided by total assets. The 1989 Basle Agreement brought a new perspective to the subject of capital adequacy. It draws attention both to the importance of calculating assets according to their risk weight and also to the importance of off-balance sheet items which carry a high risk potential in capital adequacy. The aim of bank capital is to take precaution to protect depositors and creditors from losses caused when the cost of borrowing becomes higher than incomes. Capital includes subordinated debentures and all non-deposit long-term funds.
The aim of this study is to introduce the new "risk-weighted capital standards" in banking brought out by the 1989 International Basle Agreement. The questions of whether these standards will be incorporated, the application of these standards on a yearly basis if they are incorporated, and what contribution they can make to the capital adequacy of the Turkish Banking Sector's commercial banks, are addressed. In the second part of this study the definition of capital, its basic components, capital adequacy and The Basle Agreement are considered. In the third part, the incorporation of the Basle Agreement in Turkey is examined. In the study the capital adequacy of Turkish commercial banks in the years 1989, 1992 and 1995 are examined. The "capital adequacy standard ratio" and other capital adequacy ratios such as f(capital+profit)/total assets] and [(capital+ profit)/total assets+non cash credits)] are calculated. The assets and off-balance sheet items, branch numbers and the proportion of incomes from non-interest sources to total incomes of banks above and below the accepted lowest level of 8%, according to the Basle Agreement rates for capital adequacy, are examined. Trust is the most important issue facing commercial banks. The continued development of banking depends on the trust of people. The most important factor affecting trust in the bank is the bank's capital. The higher the capital, the greater the trust. In this situation the important matter is what the Capital level should be. In other words, what amount of capital is sufficient to ensure continued trust? The existing ratios of capital adequacy usually take into account balance sheet items. The most frequently used capital adequacy ratio is the combination of capital and profit divided by total assets. The 1989 Basle Agreement brought a new perspective to the subject of capital adequacy. It draws attention both to the importance of calculating assets according to their risk weight and also to the importance of off-balance sheet items which carry a high risk potential in capital adequacy. The aim of bank capital is to take precaution to protect depositors and creditors from losses caused when the cost of borrowing becomes higher than incomes. Capital includes subordinated debentures and all non-deposit long-term funds.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1998
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1998
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1998
Anahtar kelimeler
Banka sermayesi ; Bankacılık; Basle Agreement,
Bank capital ;Banking ;Basle Agreement