Tünel kalıp teknolojisinin konut planlamasına uyabilirliği üzerine bir araştırma
Tünel kalıp teknolojisinin konut planlamasına uyabilirliği üzerine bir araştırma
Şahin, Tülay
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bu çalışmada, tünel kalıp teknolojisinin konut planlamasına uyabilirliği incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Çalışma 5 bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölümde, konu tanıtılıp amacı açıklanmıştır. İkinci bölümde, endüstrileşmenin tanımı ve ilkeleri, konut alanında endüstrileşmeyi doğuran nedenler ve endüstrileşme tarihçesi ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca konutta endüstrileşme koşullan ve endüstrileşmiş üretimde zorunluluğu tartışılmaz olan boyutsal koodinasyon ve standartlaştırma konulan üzerinde durulmuştur. Bu bölümde aynca Konut - Endüstrileşme ilişkisi de ele alınmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde, konut planlamasında kullanılan endüstrileşmiş sistemler genel olarak ele alınmıştır. Bu bölümde aynca Tünel kalıp teknolojisi geniş olarak açıklanmıştır. Tünel kalıbın yapılış ilkeleri, tünel kalıp boyutlan, tünel kalıp ekipmanları, tünel kalıpların konstrüksiyon ilkeleri, tünel kalıp kurgusu, tünel kalıpla yapım ve şantiye düzeni, tünel kalıp yönteminde tasarlama ilkeleri ve dizayn kısıtlamalan başlıklan altında tünel kalıp teknolojisi tanıtılmıştır. Dördüncü Bölümde, konut planlamasında tünel kalıp teknolojisinin yeri incelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Bu bölümde tünel kalıp yöntemi ile plan örnekleri ve yerleşim planlanmn düzenlenmesi ve bu uygulamalann konut planlamasında uyabilirliği üzerine incelemeler yapılmıştır. Plan örnekleri, boyutsal özellikleri, fiziksel çevre, ısı tutuculuk, güvenlik, estetik, esneklik, ve mahremiyet kriterlerine göre analiz edilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde, tünel kalıp teknolojisi ile üretilen örnekler üzerinde yapılan incelemeler değerlendirilerek sonuca vanlmışür.
The study consist of 5 chapters. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the topic and the aim of the thesis will be introduced. Chapter 2 In the second chapter, it had been mentioned about the mean and principle of the industrialization and the history of industrialization on the house planning. Also İn this chapter, it had been mentioned about the relation between house and industrialization. The dictinary meaning of the industrialization is " mechanization " and " rationalization ". The aim of the industrialization is increasing the activity of the production system. According to Diepeveen the first step of industrial evaluation is mechanization. The main interaction in the costruction appeared in the 19 th century because of the population explosion. At the beginning of 20 th century the concept of the time and number had become very important. There is a dimensional coordination and standardization in the tunnel Shuttering systems. The dimensional coordination is a method that organizes the dimensions. Standart measures in the Tunnel shuttering system has been appeared a plan module. This module is 30 and its times. Chapter 3 In this chapter, it generally had been mentioned about industrialization systems which used the house planning. Also, in this chapter, it had been about Tunnel shuttering system. What is the tunnel shuttering system? XI This system supplies the casting both the carrier walls and the floors in a single operation in its place. Tunnel shuttering system provides speed in construction. The essentials of shuttering system;. The enterior and exterior surfaces are smouth and require no plastering.. Tunnel shuttering system are four-sides closed, compact units.. The tunnel shuttering systems uses 3-4 mm thick seels which enables multiple use and heat is easily.. A steel frame enclose the tunnel shuttering system which consists of steel sheets and wood. The joining elements are mounted on this frame.. It can be obtained a lot of residence dimensions by using different joint parts with runnel shuttering. Chapter 4 In this chapter, the situation of the Tunnel Shuttering Technology in house planning had been examined. In this chapter several investigation have been done about the Tunnel Shuttering method, plan examply and the arrangement of residence plans and availability of the these aplications on house planning. The plan examples had been analyed according to dimensinal properties, physical environment,heat keeping, safety, esthetics, flexibility. Chapter 5 It had been obtained a result by evaluating the TunneL Shuttering Technology and investigations about produced examples.
The study consist of 5 chapters. Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION In this chapter, the topic and the aim of the thesis will be introduced. Chapter 2 In the second chapter, it had been mentioned about the mean and principle of the industrialization and the history of industrialization on the house planning. Also İn this chapter, it had been mentioned about the relation between house and industrialization. The dictinary meaning of the industrialization is " mechanization " and " rationalization ". The aim of the industrialization is increasing the activity of the production system. According to Diepeveen the first step of industrial evaluation is mechanization. The main interaction in the costruction appeared in the 19 th century because of the population explosion. At the beginning of 20 th century the concept of the time and number had become very important. There is a dimensional coordination and standardization in the tunnel Shuttering systems. The dimensional coordination is a method that organizes the dimensions. Standart measures in the Tunnel shuttering system has been appeared a plan module. This module is 30 and its times. Chapter 3 In this chapter, it generally had been mentioned about industrialization systems which used the house planning. Also, in this chapter, it had been about Tunnel shuttering system. What is the tunnel shuttering system? XI This system supplies the casting both the carrier walls and the floors in a single operation in its place. Tunnel shuttering system provides speed in construction. The essentials of shuttering system;. The enterior and exterior surfaces are smouth and require no plastering.. Tunnel shuttering system are four-sides closed, compact units.. The tunnel shuttering systems uses 3-4 mm thick seels which enables multiple use and heat is easily.. A steel frame enclose the tunnel shuttering system which consists of steel sheets and wood. The joining elements are mounted on this frame.. It can be obtained a lot of residence dimensions by using different joint parts with runnel shuttering. Chapter 4 In this chapter, the situation of the Tunnel Shuttering Technology in house planning had been examined. In this chapter several investigation have been done about the Tunnel Shuttering method, plan examply and the arrangement of residence plans and availability of the these aplications on house planning. The plan examples had been analyed according to dimensinal properties, physical environment,heat keeping, safety, esthetics, flexibility. Chapter 5 It had been obtained a result by evaluating the TunneL Shuttering Technology and investigations about produced examples.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1999
Anahtar kelimeler
Konut planlaması,
Tünel kalıp sistemi,
Housing planning,
Tunnel form system