Betonarme Prefabrike Endüstri Binalarında Mimari Tasarımı Etkileyen Faktörler Ve Uygulama Problemleri
Betonarme Prefabrike Endüstri Binalarında Mimari Tasarımı Etkileyen Faktörler Ve Uygulama Problemleri
Tetik, Oğuz N
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada betonarme prefabrike endüstri binalarında mimari tasarımı etkileyen faktörler ve uygulama problemleri incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın meydana getirilmesinde mevcut kaynakların konuyla ilgili bilgileri incelenmiş ve ülkemizde betonarme prefabrike endüstri binaları konusunda hizmet veren başlıca kuruluşlarla görüşmeler yapılarak araştırmanın güncel olması sağlanmaya çalışılmıştır. Sekiz bölümden oluşan bu çalışmanın bölümlere göre içeriği aşağıda özetlenmiştir. 1.Bölümde çalışmanın amacı ve kapsamı açıklanmış,endüstri binalarının tanımı ve tarihsel gelişimi irdelenerek, üretim türleri, kat sayılan ve örtü sistemlerine göre sınıflandırılması yapılmıştır. 2. Bölümde endüstri binalarında planlama ve amaçlarına ilişkin olarak planlama aşamaları, imalat ekipmanlarının planlamaya etkisi sirkülasyon ve malzeme aktarımında taşıma etkenliğine ilişkin kararların alınmasına değinilmiştir. 3.Bölüm, endüstri binalarında kullanılan prefabrike betonarme sistemlerin tanıtılması ve sınıflandırılmasına yönelik olup, çizimlerle desteklenmiştir. 4.Bölüm bir önceki bölümle ilişkili olarak anlatılan prefabrike betonarme sistem elemanlarından bahsedilmiş, özelliklerine göre sınıflandırılarak birbirleri ile ilgili birleşim ve montaj detaylan çizimlerle açıklanmıştır. 5. Bölüm, endüstri binalarında tasarımı etkileyen faktörler olarak statik sistemin belirlenmesi ve sistemin özelliklerini etkileyen faktörlerin ortaya konmasına yöneliktir.Dört farklı sistem kabulü ile bir endüstri binasına yönelik uygun sistem karşılaştırması yapılmıştır. İnşaat malzemelerinin seçiminde etkili olan fiziksel gereksinmelerde dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlar alt başlıklar altında incelenmiştir. ö.Bölümde modüler koordinasyona göre tasarlamanın prefabrikasyon için önemi vurgulanmıştır.Modüler koordinasyona uygun olarak duvar ve çatı ilişkileri detaylandırılarak şekillerle ele alınmıştır. 7.Bölüm Türkiye'deki üretim süreci ve karşılaşılan uygulama problemleri, proje, üretim, taşıma, montaj ve pazar açısından incelenerek problemler ortaya konmuştur. 8.Bölümde Türkiye'de geçerli betonarme prefabrike sistem kriterleri, uygun sistem seçimi tanımlaması yapılarak ortaya konmuştur. Ülkemiz şartlarında oluşan maliyetlerin kaynaklan incelenmiş, sistemde esneklik ve hız açısından prefabrikasyondan beklenenler araştırılmıştır. 9. Bölümde sonuçlar ve öneriler ele alınmış, aynı zamanda endüstri binalarında kullanılan betonarme prefabrike sistemin önemi vurgulanarak tasarımcının üzerine düşen görevlerde incelenmiştir.
The architectural design of a concrete prefabricated indusrial building is a process that includes stages such as the analysis of the function of the building, the planning of the structure of the building, the manufacture of the building, the transportation of the prefabricated products to the site and the building. in this study, factors affecting each of these stages are handled and are explained in detail. Also problems that occur during each stage of the architectural design process are studied. in the first chapter, starting with the definition of "industry", the definition of the industrial building is done. Then, the historical development of the notion of the industrial building both in the world and Turkey is given. Later, three different classifications of the industrial buildings are done according to the industrial sectors, the number of the floors and the roof system. Finally, it is stated that the choice of the system depends on the previous classifications. in the second chapter,the production layout and the factors that affect the efficiency in the usage of the production elements, such as the labor force,materials,machinery and capital,during the production process in an industrial building are studied.Also the means of transporting and circulating the materials inside the industrial building are explained and the ways of increasing the efficiency are given. Before planning, factors and advantages and disadvantages of them should be determined. Defining the need programme will solve the problems and direct designer to develop new alternatives. in the third chapter,a detailed classification of the concrete prefabricated systems is done.The criteria that are used in this classification are the sizes and the vveights of the elements of the prefabricated system,the structure of the system and the production and marketing methods. I) Classification according to the sizes and vveights of the elements 1) Heavy prefabrication 2) Medium weight prefabrication 3) Light prefabrication II) Classification according to the structure of the prefabricated system 1) Columns-beams system 2) Panel system 3) Box system 4) Mixed system III) Classification according to production and marketing methods 1) Closed system 2) Semi-closed system 3) Öpen system in the fourth chapter,the elements in a prefabricated system are studied in detail. The system elements are handled according to the chosen system. The needs of the designer are determined and the necessary elements are developed. Sometimes a system part has more than öne duty such as rain pipe,ventilation channel, crain line (beam). If there are too many number of system elements,then difficulties occur during the building of the system. The number of the types of the elements should be reduced. The designer should have detailed information about the elements. By this way,the construction of the system is achieved in an economical way and time is saved. in this chapter, joint points are examined and classificated in nine groups as explained below: - Column - Base - Column - Column - Beam - Column - Beam - Beam - Beam - Floor - Wall - Base - Wall - Wall - Wall - Floor - Floor - Floor The fifth chapter defines the factors affecting the design of the industrial building. A comparison is done betvveen four different types of systems. Design stages are explained below: -General concepts, definitions, classifications - Definition of systems - information about parts of system - information about actual systems - Modular coordination, standardization - Technologic limitation - Factors determining the type of the building materials, - Determination of layout systems. Some factors affect the choose of materials. These factors are explained below: - The function of building, - Fire effect, - Lighting, xvi - Termal spesifications, - Noice and vibration, - Climate conditions, - Estethic expectations, - Financial problems, - Material life. The sixth chapter starts with the definition of the modular coordination and emphasizes the importance of modular coordination on prefabrication. Then the wall and roof structures are studied in the sense of modular coordination. Later the structure of outside walls and the principles in the design of the outside walls are given. in the seventh chapter, information about the concrete prefabricated indu,stry in Turkey is given and the application problems are stated. The production of the convensional and the concrete prefabric building is quite different. Ali kinds of details should be considered because any mistake in öne element affects ali the other elements. So,projects should be checked carefully.The designer should decide according to the criteria which are given below: - Adequate information on application and systematic order in planning, - Listing and coding of the products are necessary to have coordination between projects. - Application projects. There are two types of application during the fitting stage. - Static Application - Modular Application Application plans also define how the fitting will be done. These plans include the joint points' details, the orientation of the elements,the cement injection, and the application stages. - Mould, The production capacity,the visible surfaces, amount of materials mixed should be defined in order to avoid mistakes which will affect ali parts of the system. - Joint point solutions, - Static characteristics in building and fitting, Equipment is in different positions and orientations during the moulding,transporting, and fitting processes.Due to the static specifications, these positions and orientations should be taken çare of. xvii - Control, Control should be done carefully on projects. - Material use, The designer should know the chemical and physical effects of different materials. - Making decisions on production, While designing project, it is obvious that taking labour and production conditions into account is important. - Storage, Due to the fact that the static specifications of different materials affect transportation, lifting and storage conditions,as explained before,information on the correct way of handling the materials should be given interms of the position and orientation of the material. - Making decisions on fitting, The eight chapter explains the current prefabric system criteria in Turkey. Also it explains how an appropriate system is chosen. These criteria are grouped as economical,static criteria,and easy and fast building of the system and the performance, capacity, marketing and flexibility specifications are also taken into account in this grouping. The nineth chapter includes the results and the suggestions of the study. Details should be handled as parts of buildings which affect the designing process considerably (such as, modular coordination, size between columns, etc.). To make our industry have alternative solutions, it is obvious that the relation among investor, designer, manufacturer and schools should be enriched and made strong. For an optimum location, planning, definition and a perfect detailed solution of the construction system in concrete prefabric industrial design, designer should make research on possibilities of production, transportation and fitting of prefabric materials in addition to the need programme, capacity, and enlargement possibilities of the building and the customer should be oriented according to the outcome of the research. Designer should contact with the related foundations for getting information and determining system criteria. At the stage of defining materials and equipment of the system, a variety of factors such as cost and estethic, labour, personnel specifications, climate, tranportation methods, expactations from building, physical needs depending on production type, production process and equipment location, should be taken into account. xvm Because various alternatives have been reached in concrete prefabricated industrial buildings in last years in our country, many solutions are possible in designing according to the financial limit of the customer. This is so many important for some foundations which are in competition each other. Buildings are showrooms at the same time which reflects materials and elements produced by those foundations. Meets are done in showroom of the building and customer are noticed the materials. Considering this, designer is expected to create more alternative solutions that make buildings useful and attractive. Today, there are some differences among the three systems generally used in concrete prefabric industrial buildings (column-beam system, panel and box systems) depending on production, finishing level before application, fitting time, labour, and possibilities of flexibility. Every industrial installation necessitates a different production type, a different equipment and personnel organization,that is, work planning. This is also valid even for the same type of industry because of the capacity nee
The architectural design of a concrete prefabricated indusrial building is a process that includes stages such as the analysis of the function of the building, the planning of the structure of the building, the manufacture of the building, the transportation of the prefabricated products to the site and the building. in this study, factors affecting each of these stages are handled and are explained in detail. Also problems that occur during each stage of the architectural design process are studied. in the first chapter, starting with the definition of "industry", the definition of the industrial building is done. Then, the historical development of the notion of the industrial building both in the world and Turkey is given. Later, three different classifications of the industrial buildings are done according to the industrial sectors, the number of the floors and the roof system. Finally, it is stated that the choice of the system depends on the previous classifications. in the second chapter,the production layout and the factors that affect the efficiency in the usage of the production elements, such as the labor force,materials,machinery and capital,during the production process in an industrial building are studied.Also the means of transporting and circulating the materials inside the industrial building are explained and the ways of increasing the efficiency are given. Before planning, factors and advantages and disadvantages of them should be determined. Defining the need programme will solve the problems and direct designer to develop new alternatives. in the third chapter,a detailed classification of the concrete prefabricated systems is done.The criteria that are used in this classification are the sizes and the vveights of the elements of the prefabricated system,the structure of the system and the production and marketing methods. I) Classification according to the sizes and vveights of the elements 1) Heavy prefabrication 2) Medium weight prefabrication 3) Light prefabrication II) Classification according to the structure of the prefabricated system 1) Columns-beams system 2) Panel system 3) Box system 4) Mixed system III) Classification according to production and marketing methods 1) Closed system 2) Semi-closed system 3) Öpen system in the fourth chapter,the elements in a prefabricated system are studied in detail. The system elements are handled according to the chosen system. The needs of the designer are determined and the necessary elements are developed. Sometimes a system part has more than öne duty such as rain pipe,ventilation channel, crain line (beam). If there are too many number of system elements,then difficulties occur during the building of the system. The number of the types of the elements should be reduced. The designer should have detailed information about the elements. By this way,the construction of the system is achieved in an economical way and time is saved. in this chapter, joint points are examined and classificated in nine groups as explained below: - Column - Base - Column - Column - Beam - Column - Beam - Beam - Beam - Floor - Wall - Base - Wall - Wall - Wall - Floor - Floor - Floor The fifth chapter defines the factors affecting the design of the industrial building. A comparison is done betvveen four different types of systems. Design stages are explained below: -General concepts, definitions, classifications - Definition of systems - information about parts of system - information about actual systems - Modular coordination, standardization - Technologic limitation - Factors determining the type of the building materials, - Determination of layout systems. Some factors affect the choose of materials. These factors are explained below: - The function of building, - Fire effect, - Lighting, xvi - Termal spesifications, - Noice and vibration, - Climate conditions, - Estethic expectations, - Financial problems, - Material life. The sixth chapter starts with the definition of the modular coordination and emphasizes the importance of modular coordination on prefabrication. Then the wall and roof structures are studied in the sense of modular coordination. Later the structure of outside walls and the principles in the design of the outside walls are given. in the seventh chapter, information about the concrete prefabricated indu,stry in Turkey is given and the application problems are stated. The production of the convensional and the concrete prefabric building is quite different. Ali kinds of details should be considered because any mistake in öne element affects ali the other elements. So,projects should be checked carefully.The designer should decide according to the criteria which are given below: - Adequate information on application and systematic order in planning, - Listing and coding of the products are necessary to have coordination between projects. - Application projects. There are two types of application during the fitting stage. - Static Application - Modular Application Application plans also define how the fitting will be done. These plans include the joint points' details, the orientation of the elements,the cement injection, and the application stages. - Mould, The production capacity,the visible surfaces, amount of materials mixed should be defined in order to avoid mistakes which will affect ali parts of the system. - Joint point solutions, - Static characteristics in building and fitting, Equipment is in different positions and orientations during the moulding,transporting, and fitting processes.Due to the static specifications, these positions and orientations should be taken çare of. xvii - Control, Control should be done carefully on projects. - Material use, The designer should know the chemical and physical effects of different materials. - Making decisions on production, While designing project, it is obvious that taking labour and production conditions into account is important. - Storage, Due to the fact that the static specifications of different materials affect transportation, lifting and storage conditions,as explained before,information on the correct way of handling the materials should be given interms of the position and orientation of the material. - Making decisions on fitting, The eight chapter explains the current prefabric system criteria in Turkey. Also it explains how an appropriate system is chosen. These criteria are grouped as economical,static criteria,and easy and fast building of the system and the performance, capacity, marketing and flexibility specifications are also taken into account in this grouping. The nineth chapter includes the results and the suggestions of the study. Details should be handled as parts of buildings which affect the designing process considerably (such as, modular coordination, size between columns, etc.). To make our industry have alternative solutions, it is obvious that the relation among investor, designer, manufacturer and schools should be enriched and made strong. For an optimum location, planning, definition and a perfect detailed solution of the construction system in concrete prefabric industrial design, designer should make research on possibilities of production, transportation and fitting of prefabric materials in addition to the need programme, capacity, and enlargement possibilities of the building and the customer should be oriented according to the outcome of the research. Designer should contact with the related foundations for getting information and determining system criteria. At the stage of defining materials and equipment of the system, a variety of factors such as cost and estethic, labour, personnel specifications, climate, tranportation methods, expactations from building, physical needs depending on production type, production process and equipment location, should be taken into account. xvm Because various alternatives have been reached in concrete prefabricated industrial buildings in last years in our country, many solutions are possible in designing according to the financial limit of the customer. This is so many important for some foundations which are in competition each other. Buildings are showrooms at the same time which reflects materials and elements produced by those foundations. Meets are done in showroom of the building and customer are noticed the materials. Considering this, designer is expected to create more alternative solutions that make buildings useful and attractive. Today, there are some differences among the three systems generally used in concrete prefabric industrial buildings (column-beam system, panel and box systems) depending on production, finishing level before application, fitting time, labour, and possibilities of flexibility. Every industrial installation necessitates a different production type, a different equipment and personnel organization,that is, work planning. This is also valid even for the same type of industry because of the capacity nee
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1997
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1997
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1997
Anahtar kelimeler
Betonarme prefabrike yapılar,
Bina bilgisi,
Mimari tasarım,
Reinforced concrete prefabricated structures,
Building information,
Architectural design