Büro Binalarında Mekan Ve Kullanıcı Performansının Değerlendirilmesi

Gürer, Abdullah
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Hizmet sektörünün gelişmesiyle, bürolarda çalışan insanların sayısında gözle görülür bir artış olmuştur. Bu da, büroların hem sayısal olarak çoğalmasına, hem de mekanların büyümesine neden olmuştur. Bu durum, birçok sorunu da beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu tezin amacı, bürolarda mekansal ihtiyaçların karşılanmasını, çalışan insanların daha rahat bir şekilde çalışmalarını ve iş performansının arttırılmasını sağlayacak tasarım kriterlerinin saptanmasıdır. Tezin girişi olan Birinci Bölüm'de yukarıdaki amaç doğrultusunda çalışmanın konu alanı ve kapsamı tanımlanmıştır. İkinci Bölüm'de konu makro ölçekte ele alınmıştır. İstanbul örnek alınarak şehir merkezi ve büro binaları arasındaki ilişki, büro binalarının şehrin neresinde geliştiği ve hizmet sektörünün şehrin merkezine ve büro binalarına etkisi anlatılmaktadır. Üçüncü Bölüm de bürolar bina türü olarak ele alınmıştır. Tanımı ve tarihçesinden sonra büro binalarının neden önem kazandığı anlatılmış, günümüz büro binalarından beklenenler belirtilmiştir. Yine bu bölümde büroların planlama türleri irdelenmiştir. Dördüncü Bölüm de ise bina olarak büroların ve kullanıcı olarak çalışanların performansları üzerinde durulmuştur. Bina performansını etkileyen parametreler beş ana grupta toplanmıştır. Bunlar yer seçimi ile ilgili, işlevsel, teknik, davranışsal, organizasyon ile ilgilidir. Beşinci Bölüm problemin belirlenmesini ve alan çatışmasını içermektedir. Alan çalışması yapılacak binalar tanıtılmakta ve alan çalışmasında uygulanacak KSO (POE) metodu belirtilmektedir. Yine bu bölümde gözlem maddeleri, problem soruları, kontrol listeleri ve anket formları mevcuttur. Altıncı Bölüm'de ise alan çalışmasının analizi yapılmaktadır. Sonuçlar ve öneriler bölümünde alan çalışmasının sonucunda ortaya çıkan problemlerle birlikte, performans kavramını etkileyen faktörlerden faydalanarak, geri besleme yöntemiyle büro tasarımını etkileyen ilkelerin saptanılmasına çalışılmıştır.
In the second part of XIX century, industry was developped. Many factories were established all over the world, and the majority of the people worked in the factories, where they were used as a machine like a typewriter or a telephone. After World War II, industrial sector was replaced by service sector. That is when employees left factory buildings and were introduced to offices for the first time. Offices were very different from factories, and it was unknown how to be located, how to work, in which condition it could be productive. As the life standards are getting better in today' world, people ask for the same comfort and luxuries thay have in their homes. As service sector made progress, the number of people working in the offices has increased considerably. This has led to both an increase in the number and the enlargement of offices. Yet, it has brought about some undesirable effects as well. Offices, places which modern man spends most of his life, have brought with them a great number of problems. These include difficulties due to physical and functional properties of these places, and where, under what kind of conditions and how an office person works. This study has been conducted to find out the criteria needed to increase employee performance and spatial performance and create a better work environment in the office building. xii As well as the growth and development in companies, life standards of the employees have improved and this brought about more expectations from the company. As a result, companies have been obligated to consider the need to improve the working conditions as well as their managerial concerns such as preserving their capital and increasing it. Due to the rapid industrialisation and mechanization of the societies, and rapid urbanization that follows, man has to spend most of his time in artificial interior environments. Despite the fact that the conditions of modern era forces man to live suppressed in such environments, it should be wiser not to compromise with the present conditions, but at least change them to more decent ones. For this reason, research has been done to create better working environments. It should not be forgotten that this will result in higher work performance. Chapter I, is the entrance chapter, in this chapter, the introduction to this paper, the subject matter and the range of the study has been defined regarding the aim mentioned above. In Chapter II, the subject has been dealt with on macro scale. Based on Istanbul, the historical development of trade center from the Byzantine period, the relationship between the city center and office buildings, where office buildings are concentrated, names of some high office buildings in the new centers and the impact of service sector on city center and office buildings are discussed. As a result, in the history the city center and trade center of İstanbul were the Old İstanbul all time. In 1960's, the urbanization made progress so new development axles were formed in the suburb. In Chapter III, offices are observed as types of buildings. After definition and the history of these office buildings, why they have gained so much importance is discussed. Again in this part, what is expected of office xiii buildings and their types of planning are observed. The most important decision to increase work performance is the choice and application of plan type that will fulfil the needs of both employees and management. These plan types are;. traditional office,. office landscaping,. group order office,. mixed order office. The Fourth Chapter is the main chapter of this study. In this chapter, the performance of offices and their users, i.e. the employees is discussed. To have a good performance in the office buildings the necessity.which includes the least quality of a space should own, of their users must be satisfied. The parametres that determine building performance are classified under five headings. These are regarding ;. the choice of location,. functional,. technical,. behavioral,. management. Chapter V deals with the specification of the problem and field study. The buildings Plaş Plastik A.Ş., Has Mimarlık A. Ş., Yapı Kredi Plaza ( Koray İnşaat ) on which field study has been conducted are described spatially and morphologicment. The Post Occupancy Evaluation, method that is used in the field study is stated, and the reason of the choice of the second POE "investigative POE" is explained. Also in this chapter are the items to be observed, problem questions, observation articles, control lists and questionnaire forms. XIV In Chapter VI the analysis of field study is offered. This field study is practised to twenty users of the office buildings above. Negotiation is made face to face and used questinnaire forms in which there are 44 questions and in this negotiation "random sampling method" is used. Users, participated this study are from different department and different hierarchy. Also their age, sex and education are neglected. In the questions there are a scala which has five alternatives. These are; 1- "absolutely no" 2- "no" 3- "partly" 4- "yes" 5- "absolutely yes" The analysis of field study is done in five groups; the choice of location, functiunal, technical, behavioral and management. In the first office (A), the majority of problems are "behavioral" and "managerial", for example; fewness of social activities, stress, audio-visual privacy. Many person are not satisfied the management and they are not pleased their salary and the firm's power. In the second office (B), there are not many problems because it is a new and good building. Mostly of them are the crowd of the building, audio-visual privacy, the noise and the natural aeration. In the third office (C), the most important problems are communication and the insufficiency of parking area. Technical problems like number and quality of furniture and equipment, phisical aspect of the building are very serious in this firm. The users mentioned cultural difference between their colleagues. In Conclusion and Suggestions, problems that emerge as a result of field study and principles that affect office design are discussed. In the case of XV office design, factors that determine the performance concept are considered and feedback method is used. This study has been conducted to find the spacial criteria that are necessary to enable employees to have more comfortable and decent working environments and increase the work performance.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1997
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1997
Anahtar kelimeler
Bina bilgisi, İstanbul, İş merkezleri, Building information, Istanbul, Business centers