Bazı Deforme Osilatörlerle İlgili Cebirsel Yapılar
Bazı Deforme Osilatörlerle İlgili Cebirsel Yapılar
Dobie, Ayşe Peker
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu tezde q-deforme osilatör cebirleriyle ilgili üç temel sonuç elde edilmiştir. Bu sonuçlardan birincisi, SU_q (2) kuantum matris grubunun operatörlerini, bu operatörlerle ilgili Hilbert uzayını ve bu operatörlerin Hopf cebiri eşçarpımını kullanarak dört-nokta fonksiyonundaki katsayıları bulan ve Regge davranışlı, meromorfik saçılma genliğini inşa eden bir metodla ilgilidir. SU_q (2) kuantum matris grubunun Hopf cebiri eşçarpımı ile birlikte kuantum grubu özellikleri kullanılarak elde edilen dört-nokta fonksiyonunun iyi tanımlanmış, meromorfik ve Regge davranışlı olduğu gösterilmiştir. İkinci sonuç, Hopf cebiri eşçarpımı ve Fourier transform uzayı kullanılarak SU_q (2) kuantum matris grubu elemanları tarafından üretilen cebrin iki indirgenemez temsilinin tensör çarpımının ayrışmasını içerir. Fark denklemleri hem faz uzayında hemde Fourier transform uzayında elde edilmiştir. Son olarak, parçacık-antiparçacık değişimine karşılık gelen bir simetri operatörü U(d) grubu altında değişmezlik gösteren d-boyutlu fermiyonik Newton osilatörünün kullanımı ile inşa edilmiştir. Aynı zamanda d-boyutlu Newton osilatörü ile standart d-boyutlu fermiyonik osilatörün benzerliğinin daha da güçlendiği gösterilmiştir.
This thesis derives three main results related to some q-deformed oscillator algebras. The first result is related to a method which enables to determine the coefficients in the four-point function and to construct Regge behaved, meromorphic scattering amplitudes by using the operators belonging to the quantum matrix group SU_q (2), the Hilbert space associated with these operators and the Hopf algebra coproduct of these operators. It is also shown that the four-point function which is derived by using the quantum group considerations together with the Hopf algebra coproduct of the quantum matrix group SU_q (2) is uniquely defined, meromorphic and has Regge behaviour. The second result involves the decomposition of the tensor product of two irreducible representations of the algebra generated by the lements of a SU_q (2) quantum matrix group by using the Hopf agebra coproduct and the Fourier transformed space. The recursion relations are derived in the space with phases as well as in the Fourier transformed space. Finally, a symmetry operator corresponding to a particle-antiparticle interchange is constructed by considering the d-dimensional fermionic Newton oscillator which is invariant under the group U(d). It is also shown that the resemblance of the d-dimensional fermionic Newton oscillator to the standard d-dimensional fermionic oscillator becomes manifest.
This thesis derives three main results related to some q-deformed oscillator algebras. The first result is related to a method which enables to determine the coefficients in the four-point function and to construct Regge behaved, meromorphic scattering amplitudes by using the operators belonging to the quantum matrix group SU_q (2), the Hilbert space associated with these operators and the Hopf algebra coproduct of these operators. It is also shown that the four-point function which is derived by using the quantum group considerations together with the Hopf algebra coproduct of the quantum matrix group SU_q (2) is uniquely defined, meromorphic and has Regge behaviour. The second result involves the decomposition of the tensor product of two irreducible representations of the algebra generated by the lements of a SU_q (2) quantum matrix group by using the Hopf agebra coproduct and the Fourier transformed space. The recursion relations are derived in the space with phases as well as in the Fourier transformed space. Finally, a symmetry operator corresponding to a particle-antiparticle interchange is constructed by considering the d-dimensional fermionic Newton oscillator which is invariant under the group U(d). It is also shown that the resemblance of the d-dimensional fermionic Newton oscillator to the standard d-dimensional fermionic oscillator becomes manifest.
Tez (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2001
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2001
Thesis (PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2001
Anahtar kelimeler
SU_q (2) kuantum matris grubu,
Hopf cebiri,
Hilbert uzayı,
dört-nokta fonksiyonu,
indirgenemez temsiller,
d-boyutlu fermiyonik Newton osilatörü.,
SU_q (2) quantum matrix group,
Hopf algebra,
Hilbert space,
four-point function,
irreducible representations,
d-dimensional Fermionic Newton oscillator.