Alfa, beta - konjuge ketonların diazo bileşikleriye verdiği 1,5 - kapanma reaksiyonlarına sübtitüent etkisi
Alfa, beta - konjuge ketonların diazo bileşikleriye verdiği 1,5 - kapanma reaksiyonlarına sübtitüent etkisi
Kahveci, Çiğdem
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bu çalışmada, iki farklı amaca yönelik ön araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Öncelikle 1,5-elektrosiklik kapanma reaksiyonu üzerinden sadece furan türevi verecek fakat sonraki furanofuran oluşumuna engel olacak uygun sterik yapılardaki a,b- konjuge ketonları hazırlamak ve bunların dimetildiazomalonat ile katalitik reaksiyonlarını incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca esterlerin karbonil guruplarının ketonlara göre daha zor karbonil ylid oluşturturğu bilinmektedir. Bu bağlamda, bir ilk olarak uygun sterik yapılardaki a,b - konjuge esterlerin benzeri 1,5-elektrosiklik kapanma reaksiyonuna karşı reaktivitelerini sorgulamak hedeflenmiştir. Çalışma sonunda uygun sterik yapılardaki s-cisoid alfa,beta - konjuge ketonların dmdm ile olan katalitik reaksiyonlarının dihidrofuran aşamasında tutulabildiği ve dihidrofuran türevleri oluşturmaya uygun sterik yapıda olmayan alfa,beta - konjuge ketonlar ise öncelikle dioksol türevleri verdiği gözlenmiştir. Diğer taraftan esterlerin karbonil ylid oluşturmada aktif olmadıklarının bilinmesine karşı, bir alfa,beta -ester olan trans-etil krotonat ın mevcut koşullarda konjuge karbonil ylid üzerinden 1,5-elektrosiklik halka kapanması reaksiyonuyla dihidrofuran türevlerini verebildiği gözlenmiştir.
In this study, we present the preliminary results of the work of our group which aimed two different purposes. First of all preparations of alfa,beta-conjugated ketones with appropriate steric hindrances so that they would yield only furan derivatives via 1,5-electrocyclic ring closure reactions, and investigations on the metal-catalysed reactions of these new ketones with dimethyl diazomalonate. On the other hand investigations on the reactivities of alfa,beta-conjugated esters in similar 1,5-electrocyclic ring closure reactions, for the first time; esters are known to yield carbonyl ylides more difficultly when compared to ketones. Our findings indicated that the reactions of specially selected enones stopped at the step where 1,5-electrocyclization took place. For sterical reasons, these products with bulky substituents attached to their newly formed double bonds cannot react with a new carbenoid species to yield [3+2] type adducts. It was observed that the carbonyl ylides from these Z-enones yielded dioxoles by electrocyclisation onto the carbonyl carbon. In the second part of the thesis, dihydrofuran product from the reaction was found to react very easily with moisture and, upon losing ethanol, it converted to a lactone and also gave the second-step furofuran products and their adducts with moisture.
In this study, we present the preliminary results of the work of our group which aimed two different purposes. First of all preparations of alfa,beta-conjugated ketones with appropriate steric hindrances so that they would yield only furan derivatives via 1,5-electrocyclic ring closure reactions, and investigations on the metal-catalysed reactions of these new ketones with dimethyl diazomalonate. On the other hand investigations on the reactivities of alfa,beta-conjugated esters in similar 1,5-electrocyclic ring closure reactions, for the first time; esters are known to yield carbonyl ylides more difficultly when compared to ketones. Our findings indicated that the reactions of specially selected enones stopped at the step where 1,5-electrocyclization took place. For sterical reasons, these products with bulky substituents attached to their newly formed double bonds cannot react with a new carbenoid species to yield [3+2] type adducts. It was observed that the carbonyl ylides from these Z-enones yielded dioxoles by electrocyclisation onto the carbonyl carbon. In the second part of the thesis, dihydrofuran product from the reaction was found to react very easily with moisture and, upon losing ethanol, it converted to a lactone and also gave the second-step furofuran products and their adducts with moisture.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2003
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2003
Anahtar kelimeler
b- Konjuge keton,
Dimetildiazomalonat Karbonil ylid,
b -Konjuge ester,
beta-Conjugated ketones,
Dimethyl diazomalonate,
Carbonyl ylide,
beta-Conjugated ester,