Hafif Agregalı Betonların Mekanik Özelikleri Ve Isı Yalıtımı
Hafif Agregalı Betonların Mekanik Özelikleri Ve Isı Yalıtımı
Konuk, Hakan
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Tane boyutu 2-16 mm. olan ponza hafif agregası Nevşehirden getirildi. Homojen hafif agrega elde etmek için sadece suda yüzen taneler beton dökümünde kullanıldı. Ponza agreganın su emmesi, 30 dakikadan sonra kuru ağırlığının %15’iydi. Karışım oranlarının hesaplanmasında mutlak hacim yöntemi kullanıldı. Ponza agregalı betonların taze birim ağırlığı 700 ile 1900 kg/m3 arasında 200 kg/m3 adımlarla değişmekteydi. Böylece 7 beton karışımı hazırlandı. Karışımların hepsinde etkin su/çimento oranı 0.43’dü. Maksimum agrega boyutu 16mm.’de sabit tutuldu. Agrega karışımının granülometri eğrisi A16-B16 referans eğrilerinin arasındaydı. Yaklaşık aynı işlenebilmeyi sağlamak için de süperakışkanlaştırıcı katkı kullanıldı. Düşük birim ağırlığa sahip (700 kg/m3, 900 kg/m3, 1100 kg/m3 ve 1300 kg/m3) betonlarda hava sürükleyici katkı kullanıldı. 700 kg/m3 birim ağırlığa sahip betonlarda, birim ağırlığı düşürmek için kum kullanılmadı. Bu çalışmada üretilen ponza hafif agregalı betonlarda, betonların birim ağırlığı ile basınç dayanımları arasında iyi bir lineer ilişki bulunmaktadır. “Elastisite modülü” ile (birim ağırlık)3/2 x (basınç dayanımı)1/2 arasında 0.99 korelasyon katsayısına sahip iyi bir ilişki elde edildi. Normal agrega yerine ponza hafif agrega kullanılmasıyla basınç dayanımları 1.4 - 18.7 MPa. ve elastisite modülleri de 1.6 - 19.5 GPa arasında oldu. 900 kg/m3, 1100 kg/m3 ve 1300 kg/m3 birim ağırlığa sahip betonların ısı iletim katsayısı (), plaka metodu test tekniği ile belirlendi. Deney sonuçları ile gaz betonlar için geliştirilen = -0.011 + 0.00027 x , (=birim ağırlık, kg/m3) bağıntısı kullanılarak hesaplanan sonuçlar arasında iyi bir lineer ilişki vardır.
Pumice lightweight aggregate brought from Nevşehir and had a size range of 2 to 16 mm. In order to obtain a homogeneous lightweight aggregate, only particles that floated on water were used in the casting of the concrete. The water absorption of the Pumice aggregate after 30 minutes was 15 percent with respect to its dry weight. The absolute volumes was used in calculating the mix proportions. The fresh unit weights of pumice aggregate concretes were changed from 700 to 1900 kg/m3 in steps of 200 kg /m3. Thus seven concrete mixtures were obtained. All seven mixtures had an effective water-cement ratio of 0.43. The maximum particle size of aggregate was kept constant at 16 mm. The grading curve of combined aggregate was chosen between A16-B16. A superplasticiser was used to maintain approximately the same workability. An air-entraining agent was used in concretes with the unit weight (700,900,110,1300 kg/m3) in order to reduce the unit weight of the concrete. No sand was used in the concrete with a unit weight of 700 kg/m3. For the pumice lightweight aggregate concretes produced in this investigation, there is a good linear relation between compressive strength and unit weight of concrete. Good correlation between the “modulus of elasticity” and “(unitweight) 3/2 x (compressive strength) ½” is also obtained with a correlation coefficient of 0.99. The replacement of normal aggregate by the pumice lightweight aggregate results in compressive strengths ranging from 1.4 to 18.7 MPa and modulus of elasticity from 1.6 to 19.5 Gpa. The thermal conductivity coefficient of pumice concretes with the unit weights of 900,1100 and 1300 kg/m3 were determined using a plate test technique. There is a good linear relation between the experimental values obtained and the calculated values using the relation of  = 0,00027 x  - 0,011 developed for autoclaved aerated concretes, where  is the unit weight in kg/m3.
Pumice lightweight aggregate brought from Nevşehir and had a size range of 2 to 16 mm. In order to obtain a homogeneous lightweight aggregate, only particles that floated on water were used in the casting of the concrete. The water absorption of the Pumice aggregate after 30 minutes was 15 percent with respect to its dry weight. The absolute volumes was used in calculating the mix proportions. The fresh unit weights of pumice aggregate concretes were changed from 700 to 1900 kg/m3 in steps of 200 kg /m3. Thus seven concrete mixtures were obtained. All seven mixtures had an effective water-cement ratio of 0.43. The maximum particle size of aggregate was kept constant at 16 mm. The grading curve of combined aggregate was chosen between A16-B16. A superplasticiser was used to maintain approximately the same workability. An air-entraining agent was used in concretes with the unit weight (700,900,110,1300 kg/m3) in order to reduce the unit weight of the concrete. No sand was used in the concrete with a unit weight of 700 kg/m3. For the pumice lightweight aggregate concretes produced in this investigation, there is a good linear relation between compressive strength and unit weight of concrete. Good correlation between the “modulus of elasticity” and “(unitweight) 3/2 x (compressive strength) ½” is also obtained with a correlation coefficient of 0.99. The replacement of normal aggregate by the pumice lightweight aggregate results in compressive strengths ranging from 1.4 to 18.7 MPa and modulus of elasticity from 1.6 to 19.5 Gpa. The thermal conductivity coefficient of pumice concretes with the unit weights of 900,1100 and 1300 kg/m3 were determined using a plate test technique. There is a good linear relation between the experimental values obtained and the calculated values using the relation of  = 0,00027 x  - 0,011 developed for autoclaved aerated concretes, where  is the unit weight in kg/m3.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2003
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2003
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2003
Anahtar kelimeler
: Hafif Beton,
Hafif Agrega,
Pomza Agregası,
Isı İletkenlik,
Lightweight Concrete,
Lightweight Aggregate,
Pumice Aggregate,
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