Uluslararası Göçün Kent Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Sinemada Temsili: Türkiye-almanya Örneği
Uluslararası Göçün Kent Üzerindeki Etkilerinin Sinemada Temsili: Türkiye-almanya Örneği
Çoban, Çiğdem
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Bugünün küresel dünyasında, uluslararası göçmenlerin sayısı hızla artmaktadır. Büyüyen uluslararası göç, daha fazla gelir elde etme fırsatının olduğu büyük kentsel alanlara doğru ilerlemektedir. Büyük şehirlerde, göçmenler genişleyen enformel sektörlere erişebilmekte ve barınma, iş ihtiyaçları için mevcut göçmen ağlarına güvenmektedirler. Buna karşılık, mekânsal ayrışma, sosyal dışlanma, emek sömürüsü ve yabancı düşmanlığı göç alan ülkelerdeki önemli göçmen toplulukların olağan sorunları olmaya devam etmektedir. Uluslararası göç, açıkça kent yönetimi için yeni zorluklar getirmektedir. Yerel yetkililerin çok azı ulusal göç politikalarına sahiptir. Buna bağlı olarak, onların kentlere göç akımlarını kontrol edebilecek kapasiteleri de oldukça azdır. Yine de, yerel yönetimler konut, hizmet ve istihdam sağlama gibi temel misyonlarıyla ilişkili uluslararası göç kavramıyla karşı karşıya kalmaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada, göçmenlerin ev sahibi ülkelerdeki yaşam şekilleri ve kentin soyutlanmış alanları ile kurdukları ilişki, ulusal politikaların uluslararası göç üzerindeki etkileşimi, yerel halk ve göçmen topluluklar arasındaki ilişkiyi ve göçmenlerin kentsel mekânı kullanma biçimlerini açığa çıkarmaktadır. Taraflar arasında teşvik edici şekilde iletişime önem verilmesi ve göçmenlerin kendi yaşamlarını etkileyen kararlarda katılımını ve temsilini sağlayan kanalların kurulması, demokratik kentsel politikaların başarısını ortaya koymaktadır. Yerel yönetimler, uluslararası göçmenlerin toplumsal katılımını ve sosyal entegrasyonunu teşvik edici önemli bir role sahiptir. Başlangıcından itibaren, uluslararası göçün incelenmesi yoğun olarak nicel verilerle ve uluslararası ilişkiler yaklaşımlarıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Kültürel değerlerin etkileri ve kentsel ölçekte meydana gelen değişimler uluslararası göç analizlerinde önemle üstünde durulan göç sonuçları olmamıştır. Özellikle Almanya’da yaşayan Türkiye kökenli göçmenlerin kültürel değerleri ise, uzun süre göz ardı edilmiş, ya da incelemeye alınmamıştır. Almanya’da yaşayan Türker kültürel olarak incelendiğinde ise, ulus-devlete dayalı yaklaşımlarla, dejenere ya da arada kalmış olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Oysa, yaklaşık kırk yıldır, Almanya’da yaşayan Türkiye kökenli göçmenler kültürel alanda kentin dönüşümünü ve gelişimini yönlendiren etkileşimler yaratmış olup, bu etkileşimler sinema gibi sanatsal ürünlerde ifade bulmuştur.
n today s global world, international migrants number is growing rapidly. International migrants are increasingly heading towards large urban areas, where they have more income-earning opportunities and better life chances. In large cities, migrants can gain access to expanding informal sectors and can rely on migrant networks and ethnic enclaves for shelter and jobs. However, spatial segregation, social exclusion, labour exploitation, and discriminatory behaviour are also prevelant in cities with significant migrant communities. The international migration as a collective movement arises out of social change and affects the whole society in both sending and receiving countries. It raises new challenges for urban management. Local authorities have little if any say over national migration policies. Similarly, they have little capacity to control migratory flows into their cities. Furthermore, they are faced with the results of transnational migration that challenge their core mandate of providing housing, services and employment. In this study, the migrants way of life in the urban areas of host countries and their relation with the isolated zones of the cities have an important role as part of international migration. In this context, the relationship between local and migrant communities affects the migrants’ use of urban space. The advantages of promoting communication between stakeholders and establishing channels for representation and participation of migrants in decisions reveals the success of the democratic urban policies. Therefore, the local authorities have a key role in promoting civic engagement, social integration, participation and representation among international migrants. The policies and practices required to do so are, in many ways, a litmus test of a city’s political will to improve urban governance for the benefit of all of its citizens and for a better and more sustainable future. Also, researches on international migration were mainly evaluated by quantitative data and approaches of international relations. So far, the effects of cultural values and the changes occuring in the urban scale have not been one of the the siginficant migration results. For a long period of time, especially culture of Turkish migrants residing in Germany was neglected or wasn t taken into a serious consideration. When Turkish migrants were taken into analytical consideration in cultural context, researchers generally applied the nation-state based theories to make evaluations. And in the outcomes of these evaluations, migrants were regarded as degenerates or people who are “in between”. Nonetheless, for approximately 40 years, Turkish migrants living in Germany have been created direct interactions on the transformation and development of the city in the field of culture, that has found expressions in the works of art like cinema. These artistic products are also highly significant in cultural manifestation.
n today s global world, international migrants number is growing rapidly. International migrants are increasingly heading towards large urban areas, where they have more income-earning opportunities and better life chances. In large cities, migrants can gain access to expanding informal sectors and can rely on migrant networks and ethnic enclaves for shelter and jobs. However, spatial segregation, social exclusion, labour exploitation, and discriminatory behaviour are also prevelant in cities with significant migrant communities. The international migration as a collective movement arises out of social change and affects the whole society in both sending and receiving countries. It raises new challenges for urban management. Local authorities have little if any say over national migration policies. Similarly, they have little capacity to control migratory flows into their cities. Furthermore, they are faced with the results of transnational migration that challenge their core mandate of providing housing, services and employment. In this study, the migrants way of life in the urban areas of host countries and their relation with the isolated zones of the cities have an important role as part of international migration. In this context, the relationship between local and migrant communities affects the migrants’ use of urban space. The advantages of promoting communication between stakeholders and establishing channels for representation and participation of migrants in decisions reveals the success of the democratic urban policies. Therefore, the local authorities have a key role in promoting civic engagement, social integration, participation and representation among international migrants. The policies and practices required to do so are, in many ways, a litmus test of a city’s political will to improve urban governance for the benefit of all of its citizens and for a better and more sustainable future. Also, researches on international migration were mainly evaluated by quantitative data and approaches of international relations. So far, the effects of cultural values and the changes occuring in the urban scale have not been one of the the siginficant migration results. For a long period of time, especially culture of Turkish migrants residing in Germany was neglected or wasn t taken into a serious consideration. When Turkish migrants were taken into analytical consideration in cultural context, researchers generally applied the nation-state based theories to make evaluations. And in the outcomes of these evaluations, migrants were regarded as degenerates or people who are “in between”. Nonetheless, for approximately 40 years, Turkish migrants living in Germany have been created direct interactions on the transformation and development of the city in the field of culture, that has found expressions in the works of art like cinema. These artistic products are also highly significant in cultural manifestation.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014
Anahtar kelimeler
uluslararası göç,
kentsel mekan,
international migration,
urban space,