Kent bilgi sistemlerinin tasarımı ve gerçekleştirilmesi : Ankara kent bilgi sistemi oluşturma çalışması
Kent bilgi sistemlerinin tasarımı ve gerçekleştirilmesi : Ankara kent bilgi sistemi oluşturma çalışması
Kopar, Atilla
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bu çalışmanın temel amacı Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS)' nin ve buna bağlı olarak Kent Bilgi Sistemleri (KBS)' nin önemini ve gerekliliğini ortaya koymaktır. Uygulama çalışması ise "Ankara Kent Bilgi Sistemi (ANKBİS) " pilot projesinin tasarımı ve gerçekleştirilmesini kapsamaktadır. İlk bölümde, teknolojideki hızlı gelişmeye karşın, büyüyüp gelişen kentlerin yönetiminin giderek zorlaştığı, kentsel faaliyetlerin hacminin arttığı vurgulanmıştır. Klasik yöntemlerin, artık yerel yönetimlerin ihtiyacını karşılayamadığı, doğru, güncel bilgileri toplayan, işleyen, veri tabanı sorgulama, analiz olanaklarını kullanan KBS' nin yararları ve gerekliliği ortaya konmuştur. Konuyla ilgili tanımlar ve kavramların açıklamaları ikinci bölümde yapılmıştır. Bu çerçevede, coğrafya, bilgi, sistem, coğrafi bilgi, bilgi sistemi, mekansal bilgi sistemi, coğrafi bilgi sistemi, kent bilgi sistemi kavramları tanımlanmıştır. Ayrıca KBS' nin, CBS' nin tarihsel gelişmeleri, CBS' nin Bileşenleri, CBS' nin gelişme eğilimleri açıklanarak tanımlamalar desteklenmiştir. ANKBİS' ni pilot proje bazında oluştururken izlenen işlem sırası, karşılaşılan güçlükler, veri tabanı işlemleri ve sonuç ürünler elde edilene kadar yapılan işlemler, üçüncü bölümde anlatılmıştır. Konuya sistem geliştirme safhaları sıralanarak başlanmıştır. CBS oluşum aşamalarına, şekillerle ve açıklamalarla yer verildikten sonra KBS' nin tasarımına geçilmiştir. Veri tasarımı, işlem tasarımı, donanım tasarımı konularında bilgi verildikten sonra, projede kullanılan donanım ve özellikleri sıralanmıştır. Takiben KBS' nin geçekleştirilmesi ; pilot bölge seçimi, Ankara planının sayısal ortama aktarılması, grafik verilerin toplanması, özniteliklerin girilmesi ve grafik verilerle ilişkilendirilmesi aşamaları açıklanmıştır. Oluşturulan veri tabanının sorgulanması ve sonuç ürünlerin elde edilmesi ile uygulama bölümü son bulmuştur. Dördüncü ve son bölümde ise, teorik irdelemeler ve pratik uygulamalardan elde edilen sonuçlar.kent ve ülke bazında geçekleştirilmesi önerilen bilgi sistemlerine ilişkin açıklamalar yer almıştır.
The main purpose of this thesis is to express the necessity and importance of UIS depending on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The application part of this case study includes designing and performing of an UIS for Ankara. In the first chapter, it is pointed out that it has been becoming more difficult day by day to manage developing and enlarging big cities without the developing technology. Other subjects dicussed in this chapter are : Classical methods can't meet requirements of local authorities anylonger. Every body has realised the importance of up-to-date and accurate information. New developments at computer technology provide the local authorities to use computers and databases for solving the problems of urban areas. Thus, up-to-date and accurate information can be captured, stored, processed and supplied to the users by information systems. > Information has become an efficient source. Today it is an effective force on the. Economic ;. Social ;. Cultural life of the society. Sofistic definitions are necessary to explain the results of this effect. Intellectual and industrialised societies will control destination of the information. Systematic organizations have been required to use spatial informations together with tabular data in mapping. Information Systems have a big role for this procedure. Advantages of Information Systems are :. Ability of classification ;. To handle informations obtained from different environment ;. Regular storage ability ;. Easy process and analyse ability ;. To present results to the users up-to-date, fast, and safely. Lately 1 970' s and early 1980' s, Computer Aided Design and Drafting Systems (CAD) and Facility Management Systems (FM) have been used in the applications V i of Geodesy and Photogrametry Engineering. Independent information systems were established by local administrations. There wash' t any communication between these independent systems. It was necessary to organize them with the purpose of establishing UIS. Global content of the thesis, the source materials, and software as well as and the final products are also presented in this chapter. In the second chapter primary concepts and terminology are explained. Definition of the concepts of geography, information, system, geographic information, information system, spatial information system, GIS, UIS is necessary to present the subject comprehensively. While these are the components of GIS and UIS. It pis also useful to remember historical developments of UIS and GIS. Main reasons implicit in this historical process. Components of GIS are another section taken up in this chapter. These components are closely releated with the functions of GIS.. Computer Hardware ;. Modules of application software ;. The organizational aspect of GIS are considered as the components. There are some sub-sections of them. Namely Computer Hardware consists of six parts. These are :. Digitizers ;. Plotters ;. Visual Display Units ;. Central Processing Units ;. Disc drives ;. Tape drives ; Main modules of application software are sub-systems for :. Data input and verification ;. Data storage and database management ;. Data output and presentation ;. Data transformation ;. User interaction. Naturally sub-systems are discussed in detail at the second chapter. Organizational aspects of GIS composed of five components. They are :. Management ;. Information for management ;. Aims and queries from management ;. GIS ;. Data gathering. Consept of Information System is nucleus construction of the GIS. Body of Information System consists of some components. They are :. Software ;. Data ;. Personnel. V I Purposes of Information System can be summarised like ;. Data collection,. Insert data into the computer environment,. Data storage,. Processing,. Data presentation. In the global meaning Information Systems can be classsified into two main part.. Spatial Information Systems. Non-spatial Information Systems Purpose of the Spatial Information System is to establish a base construction for new applications. This construction includes spatial informations and attributes of the objects. It is possible to connect spatial informations to the attributes by using computer technology. Topological and logical relations have been using to analyse the data. Computer aided design and database management systems have been using in the step of data analyse. Subject of non-spatial information system is management procedures of an administration environment. For instance, workflow.personnel capacity, mission of an establishment. Urban information systems are decission-support systems for application of urban areas. UIS support local administrations to take useful, fast, efficient, true decissions for society. GIS are generally interested in graphic and non-graphic informations about spatial objects. So many different kind of experts have been using GIS, according to their purposes. For this reason there is many kind of GIS releated with their application type. They are :. Cadastral information system ;. Image based information system ;. Land data system ;. Land information system ;. Geographically referenced information system ;. Natural resource management information system ;. Market analysis information system ;. Multipurpose cadastre ;. Planning information system ;. Property information system ;. Soil information system ;. Spatial information system ;. Spatial decision-support information system ;. Urban information system. According to the developing technology and the components of GIS it is not difficult to predict the future trends of GIS but, this subject is also quoted in the same chapter. Some examples of GIS applications are also given to mention the efficiency of GIS so far. These examples are useful to realise the lackness of GIS. This section has another aim which is to give an idea for the current capacity of GIS and the future expectations. Third chapter is about the design of an UIS. Workflow of the project, difficulties encountered, procedures of database and handling the result products are the subjects of this chapter. The main frame of the project is summarized first. Hardware, software, printed materials used in the project and collecting spatial features and associated attributes, building relational database, and query procedures are mentioned. Additionally the function of " Geographic Information System Feature-Attribute Coding Catalog " is introduced. In fact the instruction of Geographic Information System Feature-Attribute Coding Catalog is given at the Designing Data section in detail. Sample tables are used for explanation of the catalog. It is an important catalog because the selection of spatial features and associated attributes are made according to it. Selected features for the project are mentioned at the end of the section. Hardware and their specifications used for the project are introduced in the following section. Hardware is composed of an Intergraph Work Station IP 3050 and a personal computer. Real explanation about application of the project in detail is also discussed in this chapter. Application has begun with the selection of pilot area. Selected part of the city is Çankaya. Reasons for this selection are explained in the body of the section. Second step of the application is conversion procedure. Plan of Ankara is a printed material, and the data it includes must be converted into the digital form. A scanner and some Intergraph softwares are used for this conversion procedure. Other modifications about appropriate coordinate system and geodetic datum are performed at this stage. Collection of spatial data is available after all this conversion procedure. ISI and MicroStation softwares of Intergraph are used for vectorizing the raster form data. Roads ;. Buildings ;. Facilities are vectorized form of raster data. Editing procedure is completed to eleminate gross errors of vectorizing. Complexing element utility is used to combine small parts of vectorized features. This procedure was necessary to appoint an element as a defined feature associated with attributes. Associated attributes have been added to database after the features. This procedure is performed by Modular GIS Environment (MGE) software of Intergraph. Arrangements of attributes and some other user-defined areas in the relational database are performed. Finally relational database is built up. The final stage discussed at this chapter is the query. Queries are performed by using two different function which are the GDL ( Geo Database Locate) and the SQL ( Structured Query Language ). Typical database queries are performed. Associated attributes releated with the queries are :. Function ; 1 X . Name ;. Explanation ;. Aspect ;. Number ;. Region ; One example is given for each type of query. Additionally, ASCII to graphic query type is performed by SQL as an example. Screen capture utility is used to present original outputs of the queries. One extra view is added to present the exact appearance of the GDL function tables on the screen. Final outputs are obtained at the end of this procedure. Outputs may be in two forms :. ASCII ;. Graphic. Output, in the ASCII form is presented. The menu for preperation of ASCII formed output is also presented to explain the preperation procedure. Result and suggestions is the final chapter of the thesis. At the end of theoretical research and application, some ideas and experiences reached are. Some difficulties encountered during the application are listed and some solution methods are suggested. A sophiticated information system is suggested for whole country and urban areas. Main principles and specifications of the suggested information system are explained in detail. Reasons of this suggestion corralated with the experiences and difficulties encountered in the project are introduced. Advantages of such a system are also pointed out.
The main purpose of this thesis is to express the necessity and importance of UIS depending on Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The application part of this case study includes designing and performing of an UIS for Ankara. In the first chapter, it is pointed out that it has been becoming more difficult day by day to manage developing and enlarging big cities without the developing technology. Other subjects dicussed in this chapter are : Classical methods can't meet requirements of local authorities anylonger. Every body has realised the importance of up-to-date and accurate information. New developments at computer technology provide the local authorities to use computers and databases for solving the problems of urban areas. Thus, up-to-date and accurate information can be captured, stored, processed and supplied to the users by information systems. > Information has become an efficient source. Today it is an effective force on the. Economic ;. Social ;. Cultural life of the society. Sofistic definitions are necessary to explain the results of this effect. Intellectual and industrialised societies will control destination of the information. Systematic organizations have been required to use spatial informations together with tabular data in mapping. Information Systems have a big role for this procedure. Advantages of Information Systems are :. Ability of classification ;. To handle informations obtained from different environment ;. Regular storage ability ;. Easy process and analyse ability ;. To present results to the users up-to-date, fast, and safely. Lately 1 970' s and early 1980' s, Computer Aided Design and Drafting Systems (CAD) and Facility Management Systems (FM) have been used in the applications V i of Geodesy and Photogrametry Engineering. Independent information systems were established by local administrations. There wash' t any communication between these independent systems. It was necessary to organize them with the purpose of establishing UIS. Global content of the thesis, the source materials, and software as well as and the final products are also presented in this chapter. In the second chapter primary concepts and terminology are explained. Definition of the concepts of geography, information, system, geographic information, information system, spatial information system, GIS, UIS is necessary to present the subject comprehensively. While these are the components of GIS and UIS. It pis also useful to remember historical developments of UIS and GIS. Main reasons implicit in this historical process. Components of GIS are another section taken up in this chapter. These components are closely releated with the functions of GIS.. Computer Hardware ;. Modules of application software ;. The organizational aspect of GIS are considered as the components. There are some sub-sections of them. Namely Computer Hardware consists of six parts. These are :. Digitizers ;. Plotters ;. Visual Display Units ;. Central Processing Units ;. Disc drives ;. Tape drives ; Main modules of application software are sub-systems for :. Data input and verification ;. Data storage and database management ;. Data output and presentation ;. Data transformation ;. User interaction. Naturally sub-systems are discussed in detail at the second chapter. Organizational aspects of GIS composed of five components. They are :. Management ;. Information for management ;. Aims and queries from management ;. GIS ;. Data gathering. Consept of Information System is nucleus construction of the GIS. Body of Information System consists of some components. They are :. Software ;. Data ;. Personnel. V I Purposes of Information System can be summarised like ;. Data collection,. Insert data into the computer environment,. Data storage,. Processing,. Data presentation. In the global meaning Information Systems can be classsified into two main part.. Spatial Information Systems. Non-spatial Information Systems Purpose of the Spatial Information System is to establish a base construction for new applications. This construction includes spatial informations and attributes of the objects. It is possible to connect spatial informations to the attributes by using computer technology. Topological and logical relations have been using to analyse the data. Computer aided design and database management systems have been using in the step of data analyse. Subject of non-spatial information system is management procedures of an administration environment. For instance, workflow.personnel capacity, mission of an establishment. Urban information systems are decission-support systems for application of urban areas. UIS support local administrations to take useful, fast, efficient, true decissions for society. GIS are generally interested in graphic and non-graphic informations about spatial objects. So many different kind of experts have been using GIS, according to their purposes. For this reason there is many kind of GIS releated with their application type. They are :. Cadastral information system ;. Image based information system ;. Land data system ;. Land information system ;. Geographically referenced information system ;. Natural resource management information system ;. Market analysis information system ;. Multipurpose cadastre ;. Planning information system ;. Property information system ;. Soil information system ;. Spatial information system ;. Spatial decision-support information system ;. Urban information system. According to the developing technology and the components of GIS it is not difficult to predict the future trends of GIS but, this subject is also quoted in the same chapter. Some examples of GIS applications are also given to mention the efficiency of GIS so far. These examples are useful to realise the lackness of GIS. This section has another aim which is to give an idea for the current capacity of GIS and the future expectations. Third chapter is about the design of an UIS. Workflow of the project, difficulties encountered, procedures of database and handling the result products are the subjects of this chapter. The main frame of the project is summarized first. Hardware, software, printed materials used in the project and collecting spatial features and associated attributes, building relational database, and query procedures are mentioned. Additionally the function of " Geographic Information System Feature-Attribute Coding Catalog " is introduced. In fact the instruction of Geographic Information System Feature-Attribute Coding Catalog is given at the Designing Data section in detail. Sample tables are used for explanation of the catalog. It is an important catalog because the selection of spatial features and associated attributes are made according to it. Selected features for the project are mentioned at the end of the section. Hardware and their specifications used for the project are introduced in the following section. Hardware is composed of an Intergraph Work Station IP 3050 and a personal computer. Real explanation about application of the project in detail is also discussed in this chapter. Application has begun with the selection of pilot area. Selected part of the city is Çankaya. Reasons for this selection are explained in the body of the section. Second step of the application is conversion procedure. Plan of Ankara is a printed material, and the data it includes must be converted into the digital form. A scanner and some Intergraph softwares are used for this conversion procedure. Other modifications about appropriate coordinate system and geodetic datum are performed at this stage. Collection of spatial data is available after all this conversion procedure. ISI and MicroStation softwares of Intergraph are used for vectorizing the raster form data. Roads ;. Buildings ;. Facilities are vectorized form of raster data. Editing procedure is completed to eleminate gross errors of vectorizing. Complexing element utility is used to combine small parts of vectorized features. This procedure was necessary to appoint an element as a defined feature associated with attributes. Associated attributes have been added to database after the features. This procedure is performed by Modular GIS Environment (MGE) software of Intergraph. Arrangements of attributes and some other user-defined areas in the relational database are performed. Finally relational database is built up. The final stage discussed at this chapter is the query. Queries are performed by using two different function which are the GDL ( Geo Database Locate) and the SQL ( Structured Query Language ). Typical database queries are performed. Associated attributes releated with the queries are :. Function ; 1 X . Name ;. Explanation ;. Aspect ;. Number ;. Region ; One example is given for each type of query. Additionally, ASCII to graphic query type is performed by SQL as an example. Screen capture utility is used to present original outputs of the queries. One extra view is added to present the exact appearance of the GDL function tables on the screen. Final outputs are obtained at the end of this procedure. Outputs may be in two forms :. ASCII ;. Graphic. Output, in the ASCII form is presented. The menu for preperation of ASCII formed output is also presented to explain the preperation procedure. Result and suggestions is the final chapter of the thesis. At the end of theoretical research and application, some ideas and experiences reached are. Some difficulties encountered during the application are listed and some solution methods are suggested. A sophiticated information system is suggested for whole country and urban areas. Main principles and specifications of the suggested information system are explained in detail. Reasons of this suggestion corralated with the experiences and difficulties encountered in the project are introduced. Advantages of such a system are also pointed out.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995
Anahtar kelimeler
Bilgi sistemleri,
Information systems