Vinil Monomerleri İle Poli(dimetilsiloksan) Kopolimerleri Sentezi
Vinil Monomerleri İle Poli(dimetilsiloksan) Kopolimerleri Sentezi
Karagöz, Serap
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Poli(dimetil siloksan)–b-Poliakrilonitril (PDMS-b-AN) kopolimerleri, fiziksel özelliklerinden ve termoplastik elastomer özellikli olduklarından dolayı potansiyel teknolojik öneme sahiptirler ve son yıllarda çalışılmaktadır. Di-, tri-, ve multi blok siloksan içeren kopolimerler değişik sentetik metotlarla hazırlanmaktadır. Polimerizasyon sonucunda şartlara bağlı olarak multiblok veya graft kopolimerler elde edilebilir Bu çalışmada, Poli(dimetil siloksan)–b-Akrilonitril (PDMS-b-PAN) blok kopolimerleri seryum amonyum nitrat varlığında sulu ortamda redoks polimerizasyon yöntemi ile yöntemiyle sentezlenmiştir. Kullanılan silikon tegomerin türüne göre AB veya ABA tipi kopolimer elde edilmiştir. Sulu, asidik çözeltide Ce(IV) tuzları indirgeyici maddelerle beraber vinil polimerizasyonu için iyi bir başlatıcıdırlar. Polimerizasyon mekanizması, Ce(IV) tuzu ve bir indirgeyici madde arasında kompleks oluşumunu takip eden, vinil monomerlerinin polimerizasyonunu başlatan serbest radikallerin oluşumunu içerir. Oluşan polimerler, kullanılan indirgeyici maddelerden oluşan zincir uçlarına sahip olurlar. Diğer blok kopolimerizasyon metodlarıyla karşılaştırıldığında, bu tip bir redoks polimerizasyonu oda sıcaklığında uygulanabilirlik, çözücü olarak suyun kullanılması, vinil ve kondenzasyon monomerlerinin her iki bloğunu da içeren polimerlerin elde edilmesi gibi çok sayıda avantaja sahiptir. Sentezlenen kopolimerlerin verimleri, molekül ağırlıkları ve karakterleri , monomer, oksidant ve silikon tegomer çeşit ve konsantrasyonlarına göre karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen kopolimerlerin DSC, yüzey temas açısı, 1H-NMR, viskozite, FTIR, SEM metodları ile karakterizasyonu yapılmıştır.
Poly(dimethyl siloxane)-b-Polyacrylonitrile (PDMS-b-AN) copolymers, have been recently studied for their potential technological importance as thermoplastic elastomers and for their unusual properties. Di-,tri- and multi block siloxane containing copolymers have been prepared by different synthetic methods. At the end of the polymerization we can obtain multi block or graft copolymers according to circumstances. In this study, Poly(dimethyl siloxane)-b-Akrilonitril (PDMS-b-PAN) block copolymers synthesized with redox polymerization, in the presence of cerium ammonium nitrate, in aquaous media. Resulting copolymers are AB or ABA type, according to the kind of silicone tegomer. Ce(IV) salts in aquaous acidic solution in combination with reducing agents are well known initiators for vinyl polymerization The polymerization mechanism involves complex formation between Ce(IV) salt and a reducing agent followed by the formation of free radicals that initiate the polymerization of vinyl monomers.The resulting polymers were suggested to have chain ends of a corresponding reducing agent moiety. Compared to other methods of block copolymerization, this type of redox polymerization possesses a number of advantages such as aplicability of ambient temperature, using water as the media, and preperation of block containing both blocks of vinyl and condensation monomers. Synthesized copolymers’ yield, molecular weights and characteristics are compared according to monomer, oxidant and silicon tegomer species and consantrations. . Synthesized copolymers characterized with DSC, contact angle, 1H-NMR, viscosity, FTIR, SEM methods.
Poly(dimethyl siloxane)-b-Polyacrylonitrile (PDMS-b-AN) copolymers, have been recently studied for their potential technological importance as thermoplastic elastomers and for their unusual properties. Di-,tri- and multi block siloxane containing copolymers have been prepared by different synthetic methods. At the end of the polymerization we can obtain multi block or graft copolymers according to circumstances. In this study, Poly(dimethyl siloxane)-b-Akrilonitril (PDMS-b-PAN) block copolymers synthesized with redox polymerization, in the presence of cerium ammonium nitrate, in aquaous media. Resulting copolymers are AB or ABA type, according to the kind of silicone tegomer. Ce(IV) salts in aquaous acidic solution in combination with reducing agents are well known initiators for vinyl polymerization The polymerization mechanism involves complex formation between Ce(IV) salt and a reducing agent followed by the formation of free radicals that initiate the polymerization of vinyl monomers.The resulting polymers were suggested to have chain ends of a corresponding reducing agent moiety. Compared to other methods of block copolymerization, this type of redox polymerization possesses a number of advantages such as aplicability of ambient temperature, using water as the media, and preperation of block containing both blocks of vinyl and condensation monomers. Synthesized copolymers’ yield, molecular weights and characteristics are compared according to monomer, oxidant and silicon tegomer species and consantrations. . Synthesized copolymers characterized with DSC, contact angle, 1H-NMR, viscosity, FTIR, SEM methods.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Anahtar kelimeler
Poli(dimetil siloksan,
blok kopolimer,
seryum amonyum nitrat,
redoks başlatıcı.,
Poly(dimethyl siloxane,
block copolymer,
poly acrylonitrile,
cerium amonium nitrate,
redox initiator.