Silahlı çatışma/savaşlar sonrasında kentsel alanlarda kültürel mirasın korunması ve yönetimi: Beyrut ve Saraybosna deneyimleri
Silahlı çatışma/savaşlar sonrasında kentsel alanlarda kültürel mirasın korunması ve yönetimi: Beyrut ve Saraybosna deneyimleri
Bilgili, Bilal
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Kentler ve mimari yapılar tarih boyunca savaşlarda tahrip olmuş veya bilinçli olarak yok edilmiştir. Yıkmak ve yeniden inşa etmek zafer ve güç ifadesi olmuştur. Milliyetçilik akımlarının güçlendiği 18'inci ve 19'uncu yüzyılda miras kavramı, ulusal kimliğin yaratılmasını ve ulus varlığının pekiştirilmesini sağlamıştır. Yapılar ve mekânlar ulus kimliğinin inşasında önemli rol üstlenmiştir. Kültür varlıklarına yüklenen sembolik anlamlara bağlı olarak savaşan taraflar kültür varlıklarını bilinçli ve sistematik bir şekilde hedef almaya başlamıştır. 20'nci yüzyılda savaş teknolojisindeki gelişmeler savaşların geniş coğrafyalara ve nüfus kitlelerine yayılmasına neden olmuştur. Ülkelerin politik, ekonomik ve kültürel merkezleri olan kentleri hedef alınmıştır. 20'nci yüzyılın son çeyreğinden itibaren sıcak çatışmalar yeni bir aşamaya gelmiş ve 21'inci yüzyılın başından itibaren bu süreç hızlanmıştır. Toplumlar arası silahlı çatışmalar, devlet dışı aktörlerin birbirlerine veya devletlere karşı silahlı mücadeleleri devletlerarası savaşlardan hızlı yayılmıştır. Kentler, yeni savaşlar olarak tanımlanan bu çatışmalarda savaş alanlarına dönmüştür. Dahası şehirler ve kültürel miras, hedefe bir an önce ulaşmak amacıyla çatışmalarda taraflarca silah gibi kullanılmıştır. Birbirlerini sosyal açıdan reddeden toplumlar veya gruplar arası mücadelelerde ötekine ait olanın yok edilmesi istenmektedir. Bu durum, çoğunlukla 20'nci yüzyılın başına kadar büyük imparatorluklar tarafından idare edilen bölgeleri ve bu bölgelerde yaşayan çoklu kültür, çoklu etnik, çoklu dinsel yapıya sahip toplumları tehdit etmektedir. 19'uncu yüzyıldan itibaren her çatışmalı ve çatışma sonrası süreçte, siyasi değişimlere bağlı olarak kentsel alanlarda bazı müdahaleler gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kültürel katmanların temizlenmesi, kentsel peyzajın değiştirilmesi, yok edilen veya tahrip edilen kültürel mirasın onarımı, tahrip edilen kentlerin yeniden inşası bu müdahalelerden bazılarıdır. Çatışma öncesinde çatışmanın kaynağı haline gelen kimlik ve bellek, silahlı çatışma döneminin ve çatışma sonrasındaki sürecin de odağında yer almaktadır. Savaş sonrası süreç kentsel büyüme ve yenileme rejimleri için hem fırsatlar hem de zorluklar yaratmaktadır. Tahrip ya da yok olan bütün değerlerin onarım süreci savaş/çatışma sonrası iyileşme sürecinde başlamaktadır. Kültürel mirasın kimlik ve hafıza ile ilişkisi sadece şehirlerin veya kültürel mirasın restorasyonunu ve yeniden inşasını değil, aynı zamanda somut olmayan mirasın, sosyal yaşamın, fikirlerin ve kimliklerin iyileştirilmesini ve yeniden inşasını da gerektirir. Planlama çalışmalarıyla, yeni yapı inşaatlarıyla, kültürel mirasa müdahale biçimleriyle kentlerin dokusu yeniden ele alınır. Kentsel doku korunabilir, değiştirilebilir, yok edilebilir ya da yeniden inşa edilebilir. Yıkım, onarım ve yeniden yapım süreçlerinin uzun vadeli sonuçları vardır. Bunlar, toplumların yaşamaya devam ettiği ve hissettiği sonuçlardır. Yıkım, onarım ve yeniden yapım süreçlerinin sonucunda ortaya çıkan durumlar toplumlar tarafından benimsenmekte ya da reddedilmektedir. Bu çalışmada savaş sırasında kültür varlıklarına yönelik saldırılar ve etkileri araştırılmıştır. Savaş sonrası kültür varlıklarının korunmasına yönelik çalışmalar, süreçler, yaklaşımlar incelenmiş; sorunlar tespit edilmiştir. Müdahale yaklaşımlarının tarihi kentsel dokuya etkileri ve sonuçları değerlendirilmiş; kimlik ve bellek ile ilişkisi yorumlanmıştır. Savaş sonrası kültürel mirasın korunmasını etkileyen olası sorunlar tespit edilmiş ve yeni savaşların tehdidi altındaki ülkeler için uzun vadeli planlama önerileri yapılmıştır. Tez çalışması giriş ve sonuç bölümleriyle birlikte beş ana bölümden oluşmaktadır. Giriş bölümünde tez çalışmasının amacı, kapsamı, yöntemi, önemi ve hedefleri, tanımlanmıştır. Çalışma konusuna ve sürecine ilişkin sınırlılıklar ve zorluklar belirtilmiştir. İkinci bölümde kültürel miras, savaşlar ve silahlı çatışmalar konusu irdelenmiştir. Kültürel mirasın kimlikle ve bellekle olan ilişkisi; savaşların ve silahlı çatışmaların nedenleri ve türleri araştırılmıştır. Eski ve yeni savaşlar incelenerek yeni savaşların hangi coğrafi bölgeleri tehdit ettiği belirlenmiştir. Yeni savaşların kapsamı ve etkileri, eski savaşlardan farklı yönleri ve kültürel miras ile ilişkisi değerlendirilmiştir. Yeni savaşların gerçekleştiği alanlarda kültür varlıklarını hedef alan saldırı yöntemleri araştırılmıştır. Saldırıların genellikle konvansiyonel silahlarla gerçekleştirildiği ve kültürel miras için yıkıcı boyutlarda olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Buna göre savaşların ve silahlı çatışmaların kentlere ve kültürel mirasa maddi ve manevi etkileri değerlendirilmiştir. Kültür varlıklarına ve şehirlere saldıranların eylemleri, hedefleri ve motivasyonları tarihi ve güncel örneklerle analiz edilmiştir. Soykırımın, kentkırımın ve kültürkırımın kültür mirasının yıkımı ile ilgisi değerlendirilmiştir. Son olarak savaş ve silahlı çatışma durumlarında kültürel mirasın korunmasında yasal çerçevenin tarihsel gelişimi anlatılmıştır. Uluslararası yasal düzenlemelerin yeni savaşlarda yetersiz kalmasının nedenleri yorumlanmıştır. Böylece, kentsel çatışma bölgelerinde çatışma sonrası yeniden inşa/iyileşme ve kültürel mirasın korunması çalışmalarının incelenmesi için zemin hazırlanmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde 20'nci yüzyılın son çeyreğinde silahlı çatışmaların ve kentsel şiddet olaylarının yaşandığı Lübnan/Beyrut ve Bosna-Hersek/Saraybosna incelenmiştir. 19'uncu yüzyılın son çeyreğinden itibaren siyasi ve idari değişimlere bağlı olarak politik, ideolojik, etnik ve dini anlaşmazlıkların yaşandığı Beyrut'ta ve Saraybosna'da kentsel dokunun tarihsel değişimi incelenmiştir. Beyrut ve Saraybosna'nın savaş öncesi kentsel gelişimleri, savaş dönemi durumları ve savaş sonrası rekonstrüksiyon çabaları araştırılmıştır. Kentlerin mevcut durumları değerlendirilmiştir. Böylece çatışma döneminde kentsel yıkımın anlamları ve sonuçları; savaş sonrası kentsel rekonstrüksiyon sürecinde planlama, koruma, yönetim yaklaşımları araştırılmıştır. Mevcut tartışmalı durumların ve savaş sonrası kentsel rekonstrüksiyon çalışmalarının sonuçlarının belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Dördüncü bölümde Beyrut'un ve Saraybosna'nın savaş sonrası iyileşme ve yeniden inşa süreçlerinde kültürel mirası koruma sorunları karşılaştırmalı olarak incelenmiştir. Kültürel mirasın ve tarihi kentsel dokunun korunmasında yönetim, planlama ve uygulama sorunları tespit edilmiş ve iki ana başlık altında incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümün ilk başlığı beş alt başlıktan oluşmaktadır. Göçler ve demografik değişim, mülkiyet hakları, yasal sorunlar, finansman ve paydaş yönetimi gibi sorunlar savaş sonrası rekonstrüksiyon sürecinde ortaya çıkan ve kültürel mirası etkileyen başlıca yönetsel sorunlardır. Lübnan/Beyrut ve Bosna-Hersek/Saraybosna'nın savaş sonrası yönetim sorunları, çözüm yöntemleri, tartışmalı durumları ve idari sorunların kültürel mirasa etkileri dördüncü bölümün ilk bölümünde incelenmiş ve karşılaştırmalı olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümün ikinci başlığında ise planlama ve uygulama süreçleri araştırılmıştır. Bu bağlamda belgeleme, hasar tespitleri ve acil müdahaleler, önceliklerin belirlenmesi, iş planlaması, plan ve yapı ölçeğinde koruma yaklaşımlarının belirlenmesi, moloz temizliği, kullanılabilir yapı malzemelerinin ayrıştırılması, hasarlı yapıların onarımı, tarihi kentsel alana ve kültür varlıklarına müdahale yaklaşımları gibi süreçler incelenmiştir. Kültürel mirası etkileyen sorunlar tespit edilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde araştırmalardan elde edilen bulgulara doğrultusunda iki ana tema üzerinden genel değerlendirme yapılmıştır. Birincisinde kültürel mirasın korunmasında yönetim ve uygulama süreçlerinin değerlendirilmesidir ve silahlı çatışma bölgeleri için öneriler getirilmiştir. İkincisi ise tarihi kentsel alanlara ve kültür varlıklarına müdahalelerin semiyoloji ve fenomenoloji bağlamında değerlendirilmesidir. Savaş sonrası kentsel alana müdahale yaklaşımları kimlik ve bellek bağlamında tartışılmıştır. Sonuç bölümünde ise Lübnan/Beyrut ve Bosna-Hersek/Saraybosna örneklerinden elde edilen bulgular ışığında yeni savaşların ortaya çıktığı bölgeler için olası sonuçlar belirlenmiştir. Tarihi kentsel alanlarda çatışma sonrası koruma ve yönetim sorunları çatışma öncesi ve çatışma döneminin sorunlarına da bağlı olan, çözümü zor ve karmaşık bir dizi problemi barındırmaktadır. Kültürel miras koruma yaklaşımlarının ve müdahale ölçeklerinin ülkelerin ve kentlerin savaştan sonraki durumlarına göre şekillendiği vurgulanmıştır. Çatışma sonrası iyileşme ve kentsel rekonstrüksiyon süreçleri, ülkelerin çatışma sonrasındaki politik, ekonomik, sosyolojik durumlarına; devletlerin kurumsal yapılarına; paydaşların teknik kapasitelerine, kentlerin fiziksel durumlarına göre belirlenmektedir. Çatışma sonrası politik, ekonomik, sosyolojik ve kültürel ortam mekânsal dönüşümleri etkilemektedir. Toplumu iyileştirme, bozulan ya da yeniden kurulması gereken düzeni tesis etme, kimliği yeniden yapılandırma hedefleri koruma sorunlarını yönetim, projelendirme ve uygulama süreçlerine ilişkin teknik problemlerin ötesine taşımaktadır. Tarihi kentsel alanlara ve kültür varlıklarına yönelik müdahalelerle bir ideal peyzaj yaratılmaktadır. Mekân üzerinden coğrafi sınırları, kimliği ve gücü tanımlamak üzere sembolik müdahaleler gerçekleştirilmektedir. Kentsel rekonstrüksiyon süreçleri fiziksel iyileşmenin yanı sıra çatışma döneminin somut kazanımlarını pekiştirme, uluslaşma ve kimlik tanımlama programının parçası haline gelmektedir.
Cities and buildings were damaged or deliberately destroyed in wars throughout history. Demolishing and rebuilding were expressions of victory and power. Nationalist movements strengthened in the 18th and 19th centuries. Accordingly, the concept of heritage provided the formation of national identities and reinforced the existence of the nations. Buildings and urban spaces played a significant role in the construction of national identities. Depending on the symbolic meanings associated with identity, the warring parties began to target cultural properties consciously and systematically. Developments of military technology in the 20th century caused wars to spread over the wide geographies and large populations. The cities, which were political, economic and cultural centres of the countries, were targeted and destroyed in the 20th century wars. In the last quarter of the 20th century, armed conflicts have become to a new stage and this process has accelerated in the 21st century. The armed conflicts of societies and non-state actors against each other or states have spread rapidly rather than interstate wars. In these conflicts, defined as "new wars", cities were turned into battlefields. Additionally, the conflicting parties, which were societies or groups that reject each other, used cities and cultural heritage as weapons to reach their goals as soon as possible and destroyed what belongs to the other. This situation generally threatens the regions ruled by great empires until the beginning of the 20th century and the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious societies living in these regions. Since the 19th century, various interventions that changed the urban textures were carried out depending on the post-conflict political changes. Erasing the cultural layers, changing the urban landscape, repairing the destroyed or damaged cultural heritage, reconstructing the destructed cities are some of these interventions. Identity and memory, which became the source of conflicts in the pre-conflict period, are also at the centre of the armed conflicts and post-conflict periods. Identity and memory policies also affect intervention approaches. Post-war/post-conflict reconstruction processes can create both opportunities and challenges for urban growth and regeneration regimes. The restoration of all damaged or destroyed values begins in the post-war/post-conflict recovery process. The relation of cultural heritage with memory and identity requires not only the restoration and reconstruction of cities or architectural heritage but also the restoration and reconstruction of intangible heritage, social life, ideas and identities. The texture of the cities is reconsidered through planning studies, new building constructions, and ways of intervening in cultural heritage. Thus, the urban fabric can be conserved, changed, destroyed or reconstructed. Demolition, repair, and reconstruction processes have long-term consequences that societies continue to live and feel its effects. The postwar urban situations that arise due to the interventions in the urban fabric are adopted or rejected by social groups and leads to the continuation of social conflicts. In this study, armed attacks on cultural heritage and their effects were investigated. Post-war reconstruction processes of cities and conservation approaches of cultural heritage were examined. The problems related to reconstruction processes and approaches were identified. The effects and results of the interventions were evaluated, and their relations with memory and identity were interpreted. The possible problems, which are affecting the conservation of post-war cultural heritage, were identified. Consequently, long-term planning recommendations were made for countries threatened by "new wars". The thesis consists of five main chapters. The purpose, scope, method, importance and objectives were defined in the introduction chapter. As well as, limitations and difficulties related to the topic and research process were specified. In the second chapter, cultural heritage, wars and armed conflicts were discussed. The relationship of cultural heritage with identity and memory, the causes and types of wars and armed conflicts were investigated. The geographic regions threatened by the new wars were determined by examining the old and new wars. The scope and effects of new wars, their different aspects from old wars, and their relation to the cultural heritage were evaluated. Attack methods targeting cultural heritage in areas where new wars took place were investigated. It was determined that the attacks were generally carried out with conventional weapons and were devastating to cultural heritage. Accordingly, the physical and spiritual effects of wars/armed conflicts on cities and cultural heritage were evaluated. The actions, goals and motivations of those who attack cultural properties and cities were analysed with historic and recent cases. The relevance of genocide, urbicide and cultural genocide with the destruction of the cultural heritage were evaluated. The historical development of the legal framework in the protection of cultural heritage in the event of wars and armed conflicts was explained in the final part of the chapter. The reasons for the insufficiency of international legal regulations in new wars were interpreted. Thus, the ground was prepared for the examination of post-conflict reconstruction and preservation of cultural heritage efforts in urban conflict zones. In the third chapter, Lebanon/Beirut and Bosnia-Herzegovina/Sarajevo, where armed conflicts and urban violence took place in the last quarter of the 20th century, were examined. The historical development of the urban textures in Beirut and Sarajevo, where political, ideological, ethnic and religious conflicts were experienced due to the political and administrative changes since the last quarter of the 19th century, were studied. Pre-war urban developments, war period destructions, and post-war reconstruction efforts of Beirut and Sarajevo were investigated. The current situations of the cities were evaluated. Thus, the meanings and consequences of urban destruction in the conflict period; planning, conservation and management approaches in the post-conflict reconstruction process were investigated. It was aimed to determine the general framework of the current controversial situations and the results of post-war urban reconstruction efforts. In the fourth chapter, cultural heritage conservation problems in the post-war reconstruction process of Beirut and Sarajevo were analysed comparatively. The management, planning and implementation problems in the conservation of cultural heritage and historic urban texture were identified and analysed under two main titles. The first title of the fourth chapter consists of five subtitles. Problems such as migration and demographic change, property issues, legal issues, financing and stakeholder management problems are the main administrative problems that emerge during the post-war reconstruction process and affect cultural heritage. Lebanon/Beirut's and Bosnia-Herzegovina/Sarajevo's post-war management problems, solution methods, controversial situations and effects of administrative problems on cultural heritage were examined and evaluated comparatively in the first part of the fourth chapter. The planning and implementation processes were investigated in the second part of the fourth chapter. In this context, processes of post-conflict reconstructions such as documentation, damage assessments and emergency interventions, determination of priorities, determination of conservation approaches at the urban and building scales, cleaning of debris and separation of usable building materials, physical interventions to historic urban sites and cultural properties were examined. The problems affecting cultural heritage were identified. In the fifth chapter, a general evaluation was made on two main themes according to the findings. These were technical and non-technical dimensions of interventions to the historic urban landscape in the post-war recovery process. Firstly, the management and implementation processes in the conservation of cultural heritage were evaluated and recommendations were made for armed conflict zones. Secondly, interventions to historic urban sites and cultural properties were evaluated in the context of semiology and phenomenology. Post-conflict intervention approaches to the urban space were discussed in the context of identity and memory. In the conclusion part, the possible consequences were determined for the regions that "new wars" occurred in the light of the findings obtained from the Lebanon/Beirut and Bosnia-Herzegovina/Sarajevo cases. Post-conflict conservation and management problems in the historic urban sites contain a series of difficulties. Those difficulties are also related to the issues of pre-conflict and conflict periods. It was emphasized that the intervention approaches and scales to historic urban sites are shaped by the post-conflict situations of countries and cities. Moreover, the post-conflict reconstruction processes are determined by the conditions that affect spatial transformations, such as political, economic, sociological and social conditions of the countries; institutional structures of the states; technical capacities of the stakeholders and the physical situations of the cities. The politics of identity extends the conservation problems beyond technical issues. An ideal landscape is created through interventions in historic urban sites and cultural properties. Symbolic interventions over the urban spaces are realized to define the geographical boundaries, identities and power. In addition to physical recovery, urban reconstructions consolidate the concrete achievements of the conflict period and become part of the nationalization and identification program.
Cities and buildings were damaged or deliberately destroyed in wars throughout history. Demolishing and rebuilding were expressions of victory and power. Nationalist movements strengthened in the 18th and 19th centuries. Accordingly, the concept of heritage provided the formation of national identities and reinforced the existence of the nations. Buildings and urban spaces played a significant role in the construction of national identities. Depending on the symbolic meanings associated with identity, the warring parties began to target cultural properties consciously and systematically. Developments of military technology in the 20th century caused wars to spread over the wide geographies and large populations. The cities, which were political, economic and cultural centres of the countries, were targeted and destroyed in the 20th century wars. In the last quarter of the 20th century, armed conflicts have become to a new stage and this process has accelerated in the 21st century. The armed conflicts of societies and non-state actors against each other or states have spread rapidly rather than interstate wars. In these conflicts, defined as "new wars", cities were turned into battlefields. Additionally, the conflicting parties, which were societies or groups that reject each other, used cities and cultural heritage as weapons to reach their goals as soon as possible and destroyed what belongs to the other. This situation generally threatens the regions ruled by great empires until the beginning of the 20th century and the multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, multi-religious societies living in these regions. Since the 19th century, various interventions that changed the urban textures were carried out depending on the post-conflict political changes. Erasing the cultural layers, changing the urban landscape, repairing the destroyed or damaged cultural heritage, reconstructing the destructed cities are some of these interventions. Identity and memory, which became the source of conflicts in the pre-conflict period, are also at the centre of the armed conflicts and post-conflict periods. Identity and memory policies also affect intervention approaches. Post-war/post-conflict reconstruction processes can create both opportunities and challenges for urban growth and regeneration regimes. The restoration of all damaged or destroyed values begins in the post-war/post-conflict recovery process. The relation of cultural heritage with memory and identity requires not only the restoration and reconstruction of cities or architectural heritage but also the restoration and reconstruction of intangible heritage, social life, ideas and identities. The texture of the cities is reconsidered through planning studies, new building constructions, and ways of intervening in cultural heritage. Thus, the urban fabric can be conserved, changed, destroyed or reconstructed. Demolition, repair, and reconstruction processes have long-term consequences that societies continue to live and feel its effects. The postwar urban situations that arise due to the interventions in the urban fabric are adopted or rejected by social groups and leads to the continuation of social conflicts. In this study, armed attacks on cultural heritage and their effects were investigated. Post-war reconstruction processes of cities and conservation approaches of cultural heritage were examined. The problems related to reconstruction processes and approaches were identified. The effects and results of the interventions were evaluated, and their relations with memory and identity were interpreted. The possible problems, which are affecting the conservation of post-war cultural heritage, were identified. Consequently, long-term planning recommendations were made for countries threatened by "new wars". The thesis consists of five main chapters. The purpose, scope, method, importance and objectives were defined in the introduction chapter. As well as, limitations and difficulties related to the topic and research process were specified. In the second chapter, cultural heritage, wars and armed conflicts were discussed. The relationship of cultural heritage with identity and memory, the causes and types of wars and armed conflicts were investigated. The geographic regions threatened by the new wars were determined by examining the old and new wars. The scope and effects of new wars, their different aspects from old wars, and their relation to the cultural heritage were evaluated. Attack methods targeting cultural heritage in areas where new wars took place were investigated. It was determined that the attacks were generally carried out with conventional weapons and were devastating to cultural heritage. Accordingly, the physical and spiritual effects of wars/armed conflicts on cities and cultural heritage were evaluated. The actions, goals and motivations of those who attack cultural properties and cities were analysed with historic and recent cases. The relevance of genocide, urbicide and cultural genocide with the destruction of the cultural heritage were evaluated. The historical development of the legal framework in the protection of cultural heritage in the event of wars and armed conflicts was explained in the final part of the chapter. The reasons for the insufficiency of international legal regulations in new wars were interpreted. Thus, the ground was prepared for the examination of post-conflict reconstruction and preservation of cultural heritage efforts in urban conflict zones. In the third chapter, Lebanon/Beirut and Bosnia-Herzegovina/Sarajevo, where armed conflicts and urban violence took place in the last quarter of the 20th century, were examined. The historical development of the urban textures in Beirut and Sarajevo, where political, ideological, ethnic and religious conflicts were experienced due to the political and administrative changes since the last quarter of the 19th century, were studied. Pre-war urban developments, war period destructions, and post-war reconstruction efforts of Beirut and Sarajevo were investigated. The current situations of the cities were evaluated. Thus, the meanings and consequences of urban destruction in the conflict period; planning, conservation and management approaches in the post-conflict reconstruction process were investigated. It was aimed to determine the general framework of the current controversial situations and the results of post-war urban reconstruction efforts. In the fourth chapter, cultural heritage conservation problems in the post-war reconstruction process of Beirut and Sarajevo were analysed comparatively. The management, planning and implementation problems in the conservation of cultural heritage and historic urban texture were identified and analysed under two main titles. The first title of the fourth chapter consists of five subtitles. Problems such as migration and demographic change, property issues, legal issues, financing and stakeholder management problems are the main administrative problems that emerge during the post-war reconstruction process and affect cultural heritage. Lebanon/Beirut's and Bosnia-Herzegovina/Sarajevo's post-war management problems, solution methods, controversial situations and effects of administrative problems on cultural heritage were examined and evaluated comparatively in the first part of the fourth chapter. The planning and implementation processes were investigated in the second part of the fourth chapter. In this context, processes of post-conflict reconstructions such as documentation, damage assessments and emergency interventions, determination of priorities, determination of conservation approaches at the urban and building scales, cleaning of debris and separation of usable building materials, physical interventions to historic urban sites and cultural properties were examined. The problems affecting cultural heritage were identified. In the fifth chapter, a general evaluation was made on two main themes according to the findings. These were technical and non-technical dimensions of interventions to the historic urban landscape in the post-war recovery process. Firstly, the management and implementation processes in the conservation of cultural heritage were evaluated and recommendations were made for armed conflict zones. Secondly, interventions to historic urban sites and cultural properties were evaluated in the context of semiology and phenomenology. Post-conflict intervention approaches to the urban space were discussed in the context of identity and memory. In the conclusion part, the possible consequences were determined for the regions that "new wars" occurred in the light of the findings obtained from the Lebanon/Beirut and Bosnia-Herzegovina/Sarajevo cases. Post-conflict conservation and management problems in the historic urban sites contain a series of difficulties. Those difficulties are also related to the issues of pre-conflict and conflict periods. It was emphasized that the intervention approaches and scales to historic urban sites are shaped by the post-conflict situations of countries and cities. Moreover, the post-conflict reconstruction processes are determined by the conditions that affect spatial transformations, such as political, economic, sociological and social conditions of the countries; institutional structures of the states; technical capacities of the stakeholders and the physical situations of the cities. The politics of identity extends the conservation problems beyond technical issues. An ideal landscape is created through interventions in historic urban sites and cultural properties. Symbolic interventions over the urban spaces are realized to define the geographical boundaries, identities and power. In addition to physical recovery, urban reconstructions consolidate the concrete achievements of the conflict period and become part of the nationalization and identification program.
Tez(Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2021
Anahtar kelimeler
kentsel koruma,
urban conservation,
Kültürel miras,
cultural heritage,
tarihi çevre,
historical environment,
yeni savaşlar,
new wars