Buhurizade Mustafa Itri Efendi Hayatı, Neva Kar'ın Makam Olarak İncelenmesi Ve Elimdeki Notası Mevcut Eserleri
Buhurizade Mustafa Itri Efendi Hayatı, Neva Kar'ın Makam Olarak İncelenmesi Ve Elimdeki Notası Mevcut Eserleri
Gürpınar, Mehmet Haldun
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
Buhûrizâde Mustafa Itrî Efendi, İstanbul'da doğmuştur. Doğum tarihi kesin olmamakla beraber 1630-1640 arasında doğmuş olduğu bilin mektedir. Anne ve babası hakkında kesin bir bilgiye sahip değiliz. Buhûrizâde lâkabının babasının veya dedesinin buhur ticareti yaptığı için aldığı zannedilmektedir. Asıl adı Mustafa'dır. Itrî şiirlerin de kullanmış olduğu Mahlasıdır. Itrî çok iyi bir eğitim görmüştür. Müzik ve edebiyat alanında vermiş olduğu eserler bunun açık bir kanıtıdır. Hat ve edebiyattaki hocası Siyahi Ahmet Efendi, müzik alanındaki hocaları ise Nasrullâh Efendi, Koca Osman, Gala tali Osman Vehbi Çelebi ve muhtemelen Hafız Post ve Derviş Ömer'dir. Itrî, gençliğinden itibaren uzun süre Ye ni Kapı Mevlevîhânesine devam etmiştir. Burası devrinin en önemli müzik okuluydu. Itrî bir Dîvân teşkil edecek kadar iyi bir şairdi ama divanına bugüne kadar rastlanmamıştır. Aynı zamanda Talik yazı da öğrenen Itrî'nin kendi Talik yazısıyla güfte mecmualarında yazıları bulunmak tadır. Itrî devrinde Sultan IV. Mehmet ve Kırım Hanı Gazi Giray' m himaye ve takdirlerini görmüştür. Itrî, Sultan IV. Mehmet'in Sara yında Başhanende İcra Heyeti Şefi ve cariyelerin hocası idi. Itrî bu görevlerin hepsini birden yürütüyordu. Itrî daha sonraları, Padişah IV. Mehmet'ten Esirciler Kethûdâ- lığını istemiş ve Padişah IV. Mehmet tarafından bu isteği derhal ka bul edilmiştir. Itrî bu görevi ömrünün sonuna kadar sürdürmüştür. Itrî 1712 yılının ilk aylarında vefaat etmiştir. Mezarı Yeni Kapı Mevlevihânesi dışında ama yeri kesin belli değildir. Makam analizine gelince: Bestekâr zeminde Neva makamını gös termiş, Meyan ve Terennüm 'de ise Şehnaz Hicaz ve Sabâ geçkileri yap mış
Buhûrizâde Mustafa Itrî Efendi was born in the then called Yay la (Mevlânâkapı) district of Istanbul. His exact birthday is not known but it is knoown that he was born between 1630 and 1640. We don't know much about his mother and father. It is believed that he got the name Buhûrizâde because his father or grandfather was a Buhur merchant. His real name is Mustafa. Itrî is a name (nickname) he used, in signinghis poems. Itrî was well educated. His mastergieces in literature and music grove this fact. His literature teacher was Siyahî Ahmet Efen di, his music teachers were Nasrullah Efendi, Koca Osman, Galatalx Osman Vehbi Çelebi and Derviş Ömer. Itrî had most of his music training at the Yenikapı Mevleviha ne (the dervish house). Yenikapx Mevlevihane was the leading music school of thet time, and Itrî had attended there for quite a long time during his youth. Itrî was such a good poet that he could compose a Divân, but up to now nobady could find his Divân. The Talik scripts of Itrî, who had learned Talik writting at the same time, can be found in the song script magazines of the time. Itrî was most famous at the time Sultan Mehmet IV (Mehmet the hunter) ruled. He was honored and protected by the Sultan. Gazi Girayhân who was the khan of Crimea, was also a fan of Itrî and he had protected Itrî. Itrî was the first solist, maestro of the orchestra and the music teacher of the women in the palace of Sultan Mehmet IV. He served in all of these professions at the same time and the Sultan paid him more than one wage. Later, Itrî asked for the position of Esirciler Kethüdâlığı (prisoners of war directorate) and Sultan Mehmet IV. immediately accepted his offer. Itrî asked for this position because he wanted to restore this institution and he wanted to select the musically talented slaves and train them. ITrî served at this position till this death. Itrî passed away during the first months of 1712. His grave is outside the Yenikapı Mevlevihane, but its exact position is not known.
Buhûrizâde Mustafa Itrî Efendi was born in the then called Yay la (Mevlânâkapı) district of Istanbul. His exact birthday is not known but it is knoown that he was born between 1630 and 1640. We don't know much about his mother and father. It is believed that he got the name Buhûrizâde because his father or grandfather was a Buhur merchant. His real name is Mustafa. Itrî is a name (nickname) he used, in signinghis poems. Itrî was well educated. His mastergieces in literature and music grove this fact. His literature teacher was Siyahî Ahmet Efen di, his music teachers were Nasrullah Efendi, Koca Osman, Galatalx Osman Vehbi Çelebi and Derviş Ömer. Itrî had most of his music training at the Yenikapı Mevleviha ne (the dervish house). Yenikapx Mevlevihane was the leading music school of thet time, and Itrî had attended there for quite a long time during his youth. Itrî was such a good poet that he could compose a Divân, but up to now nobady could find his Divân. The Talik scripts of Itrî, who had learned Talik writting at the same time, can be found in the song script magazines of the time. Itrî was most famous at the time Sultan Mehmet IV (Mehmet the hunter) ruled. He was honored and protected by the Sultan. Gazi Girayhân who was the khan of Crimea, was also a fan of Itrî and he had protected Itrî. Itrî was the first solist, maestro of the orchestra and the music teacher of the women in the palace of Sultan Mehmet IV. He served in all of these professions at the same time and the Sultan paid him more than one wage. Later, Itrî asked for the position of Esirciler Kethüdâlığı (prisoners of war directorate) and Sultan Mehmet IV. immediately accepted his offer. Itrî asked for this position because he wanted to restore this institution and he wanted to select the musically talented slaves and train them. ITrî served at this position till this death. Itrî passed away during the first months of 1712. His grave is outside the Yenikapı Mevlevihane, but its exact position is not known.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1991
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1991
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1991
Anahtar kelimeler
Buhurizade Mustafa Itri Efendi,
Neva makamı,
Türk müziği,
Buhurizade Mustafa Itri Efendi,
Neva mode,
Turkish music