Mesud Cemil'in Hayatı Ve Eserleri
Mesud Cemil'in Hayatı Ve Eserleri
Yücebıyık, F. Arzu
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
Mesud Cemil'in Hayatı ve Eserleri" konulu bu çalışma yüksek lisans tezi olarak hazırlanmıştır. Mesud Cemil'in Bir derya kadar geniş ve derin dehâsını araştırıp incelerken çok kere kelimeler kifayetsiz kaldı. Mesud Cemil Bey 'in çok yönlü olan hayatının bütün ayrıntıları incelenmeye, araştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Hakkında, yazılı kaynaklarda şimdiye kadar olmayan bilgi ve belgelerden; kitap gazete ve dergilerde yayınlanmış bazı yazı ve makaleleri, mezun olduğu Dil Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesi 'ndeki mezuniyet tezi, radyo konuşmaları, bazı özel anı ve resimleri, icrâsmdaki üslûb araştırılmıştır. Mesud Cemil Bey 1902 'de istanbul Calaloğlu ' nda doğdu. Büyük üstâd Tanbûrî Cemil Bey ve Saide Hanım 'm tek çocuklarıdır. 14 yaşındayken babasını kaybetti. İstanbul Sultaniye 'sini bitirdi. 10 yaşında babasından kemence ve solfej dersleri alarak musikîye başladı. 13 yaşında kemana başladı. Kadı Fuad Efendi 'den tanbur öğrendi. Sadettin Arel vasıtasıyla Berlin Stern Konservatuarı ve Müzik Akademisi 'nde eğitim gördü. Ve bir violonsel virtüözü oldu. Aldığı Türk Müziği kültürü ve batı eğitimini birleştirerek tanbur ve violonsel 'de yeni bir ekol yarattı. 1945'te Ankara Dil Tarih Coğrafya Fakültesini bitirdi. İstanbul ve Ankara radyolarında çeşitli görevler, müdürlükler ve 1950 'de Türkiye Radyoları Müdürlüğü yaptı. Ankara Devlet Konservatuarı, Ankara Gazi Terbiye Enstitüsü, İstanbul (Belediye) Konservatuarı ve çeşitli liselerde ayrıca radyolarda hocalık yaptı. 1955 'te Bağdat Güzel Sanatlar Akademisi 'nde çalıştı. Çeşitli dış ülkelerde konferans, festival ve kongrelerde ülkemizi temsil etti. İki kez evlendi. Çok iyi Almanca, Farsça ve biraz Arapça bilirdi. Ekim 1963 'te 61 yaşında kan kanserinden öldü. 200 kadar yayınlanmış yazı ve makalesi, babası Tanbûrî Cemil Bey hakkında bir biyografi kitabı, 3 tane bestesi bulunmaktadır.
This study regarding "The Life and Works of Mesud Cemil" has been prepared as a master degree thesis In researching his ample and profound genius like an ocean, im many times, words were insufficient. Some of his writings and articles published on newspapers, books and magazines, this thesis of graduation, his speechs on the radio some of his memories and photographies, the style in his performance have been exposed from the informations and documents the were unknows. He was born in 1902 in Istanbul, Cağaloglu. He was the unique son of the master Tanburi Cemil and his wife Saide. He lost his father when he vas 14 years old. He finished Istanbul Sutanisi High School. When he was 10 years old he began to study music, taking lessons of solfeggio and kemence (a Turkish enstrümant ) from his father and began to play violin when he vas 13. And then Kadı Fuad Efendi taught his to play tanbur (a Turkish enstrümant). After he studied in Berlin Stern Conservatory and Music Academy, thank to Sadettin Arel, and became a good virtuos of violancello. Combining his turkish culture with european music education he created a new ecole in tanbur and violancello He was gratuated from the Language-History-Geograhpy Faculty of Ankara in 1945. He was charged with various fuctions in Istanbul and Ankara and was appointed as Director of Turkish Radio 1950 He worked as teacher in Ankara State Conservatory, Ankara Gazi Education Institute, Istanbul Belediye Conservatory, various hihg schools and also in radio. He worked in the Fine Arts Academy of Baghdad in 1955. He represented our country abroad in some conferences, congresses and festivals. He got married twice. He was able to speak German and Persian \jery well and a little Arabic. He was dead by cancer in October 1963 when ha was 61. There were existing 200 writings and articles, a biographical book regarding his father Tanburi Cemil Bey and 3 compositions.
This study regarding "The Life and Works of Mesud Cemil" has been prepared as a master degree thesis In researching his ample and profound genius like an ocean, im many times, words were insufficient. Some of his writings and articles published on newspapers, books and magazines, this thesis of graduation, his speechs on the radio some of his memories and photographies, the style in his performance have been exposed from the informations and documents the were unknows. He was born in 1902 in Istanbul, Cağaloglu. He was the unique son of the master Tanburi Cemil and his wife Saide. He lost his father when he vas 14 years old. He finished Istanbul Sutanisi High School. When he was 10 years old he began to study music, taking lessons of solfeggio and kemence (a Turkish enstrümant ) from his father and began to play violin when he vas 13. And then Kadı Fuad Efendi taught his to play tanbur (a Turkish enstrümant). After he studied in Berlin Stern Conservatory and Music Academy, thank to Sadettin Arel, and became a good virtuos of violancello. Combining his turkish culture with european music education he created a new ecole in tanbur and violancello He was gratuated from the Language-History-Geograhpy Faculty of Ankara in 1945. He was charged with various fuctions in Istanbul and Ankara and was appointed as Director of Turkish Radio 1950 He worked as teacher in Ankara State Conservatory, Ankara Gazi Education Institute, Istanbul Belediye Conservatory, various hihg schools and also in radio. He worked in the Fine Arts Academy of Baghdad in 1955. He represented our country abroad in some conferences, congresses and festivals. He got married twice. He was able to speak German and Persian \jery well and a little Arabic. He was dead by cancer in October 1963 when ha was 61. There were existing 200 writings and articles, a biographical book regarding his father Tanburi Cemil Bey and 3 compositions.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1992
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1992
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 1992
Anahtar kelimeler
Mesud Cemil Bey,
Türk sanat müziği,
Mesud Cemil Bey,
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