LEE- Siyasal ve Toplumsal Düşünceler-Doktora

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    Action-guiding virtue ethics: The indispensability of practical wisdom and eudaimonia
    (Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2021) Bozkaya, İkbal ; Bove, Geoff ; 669147 ; Siyaset Çalışmaları
    The goal of this dissertation is to respond to the question whether virtue ethics can provide action-guidance. In order to do so, the work is divided into eight chapters. First chapter introduces the thesis question and the main arguments of the dissertation and provides the synopsis of chapters as well as definition of some terms and themes. The second chapter presents the revival of virtue ethics and action-guidance objection. The following three chapters present different strands of virtue ethics which particularly deal with action-guidance and account of right action. Third chapter presents eudaimonistic virtue ethics by introducing the central concepts such as virtue, practical wisdom and eudaimonia as understood in Aristotle's ethics and focusing on Rosalind Hursthouse's systematic account of eudaimonistic virtue ethics. Forth chapter explores Christine Swanton's target-centered (pluralist) virtue ethics and discusses the difficulties it bears in terms of locating practical wisdom, and the relations of virtues with each other. Fifth chapter looks at Michael Slote's agent-based (sentimentalist) virtue ethics and discusses the importance of fine inner states in his account of right action, yet emphasizes the failure of accounting for doing the right thing and doing it for the right reasons. Sixth chapter focusses on the revisited eudaimonistic accounts of right action, and argues that practical wisdom is the key notion to understand how virtue ethics can guide action, even of novices'. Seventh chapter argues the interconnectedness of practical wisdom and eudaimonia, and that eudaimonia is indispensable for a virtue ethics to provide action guidance because it gives content to practical wisdom and validates virtues. Eight chapter provides the general summary of the dissertation and the main arguments.