Predictive data mining with neural networks and genetic algorithms
Predictive data mining with neural networks and genetic algorithms
Alkan, Ali
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Institute of Science and Technology
Veri madenciliği büyük miktarda veri içinden işe yarar bilginin elde edilmesidir. Öngörü, veri madenciliğinin en önemli hedeflerinden biridir, öngörü amaçlı veri madenciliği ise büyük miktarda veri içinden geleceğe ilişkin doğru tahminlerin yapılabilmesini sağlayacak güçlü örüntülerin aranmasıdır, öngörü problemleri, eldeki geçmiş verilerle bağıntılı olarak kullanım amaçlarına göre tanımlanır, öngörü problemleri, sınıflandırma ve bağıntılama olarak iki ana kısma ayrılırlar. Yapay sinir ağları, öngörü amaçlı veri madenciliğinde kullanılan en önemli teknolojilerden biridir. Yapay sinir ağlarının mimarilari, öngörü uygulamalarında gösterecekleri performans üzerinde çok büyük etki yapmaktadırlar. Burada yapay sinir ağı mimarisi ile kastedilen, ağın topolojik yapısı, ağ içindeki bağlantılar ve transfer fonksiyonudur. Optimal yapay sinir ağı mimarisini elde etmenin sistematik bir yolu yoktur. Uygulama da deneme-yanılma yolu ile en uygun yapay sinir ağı mimarisi aranır. Bu yöntem çokça zaman kaybına yol açmakla birlikte en elverişli mimari elde edilemeye de bilir. Yapay sinir ağları için optimal mimarinin bulunması problemi; her bir noktası bir yapay sinir ağı mimarisini gösteren bir uzayda en uygun mimarinin aranması olarak formüle edilebilir. Bu çalışmada genetik algoritmaların yapay sinir ağı mimarilerini nasıl ürettiği açıklanmaktadır. Bu çalışmada genetik algoritmalar tarafından üretilen yapay sinir ağlarının çıkışlarının, gene, yeni bir yaklaşım olarak genetik algoritmalar tarafından birleştirilmesi ile doğruluğun daha da arttığı gösterilmektedir. Son olarak, bu çalışmada göterilmektedir ki, genetik algoritmaların kullanımı ile yapay sinir ağlarının öngörü amaçlı uygulamalarındaki başarı seviyeleri kaydadeğer biçimde artmaktadır.
Data mining is the efficient discovery of valuable, non-obvious information from a large collection of data. Prediction is the strongest goal of data mining. Predictive data mining is a search for very strong patterns in big data that can generalize to accurate future decisions. Prediction problems are described in terms of specific goals, which are related to past records with known answers. The two central types of prediction problems are classification and regression. Artificial neural networks are one of the key technologies used for predictive data mining. The architecture has a significant influence on the predictive performance of the artificial neural networks. The architecture of artificial neural network includes its topological structure, connectivity, and transfer function of each node in the network. There is no systematic way to design a near optimal architecture for a given problem. It is usual practice to use trial and error to find suitable network architecture. This method is not only time consuming also may not generate an optimal network. Design of the optimal architecture for artificial neural networks can be formulated as a search problem in the architecture space where each point of the space represents architecture of the artificial neural networks. In this study is explained how to use genetic algorithms to generate the architecture of artificial neural networks. In this study, it is shown how to increase accuracy of the solution combining the generated artificial neural networks' outputs by genetic algorithms using also genetic algorithms as a new ensemble method. Finally, in this thesis is shown that using genetic algorithms significantly increase the predictive capabilities of artificial neural networks.
Data mining is the efficient discovery of valuable, non-obvious information from a large collection of data. Prediction is the strongest goal of data mining. Predictive data mining is a search for very strong patterns in big data that can generalize to accurate future decisions. Prediction problems are described in terms of specific goals, which are related to past records with known answers. The two central types of prediction problems are classification and regression. Artificial neural networks are one of the key technologies used for predictive data mining. The architecture has a significant influence on the predictive performance of the artificial neural networks. The architecture of artificial neural network includes its topological structure, connectivity, and transfer function of each node in the network. There is no systematic way to design a near optimal architecture for a given problem. It is usual practice to use trial and error to find suitable network architecture. This method is not only time consuming also may not generate an optimal network. Design of the optimal architecture for artificial neural networks can be formulated as a search problem in the architecture space where each point of the space represents architecture of the artificial neural networks. In this study is explained how to use genetic algorithms to generate the architecture of artificial neural networks. In this study, it is shown how to increase accuracy of the solution combining the generated artificial neural networks' outputs by genetic algorithms using also genetic algorithms as a new ensemble method. Finally, in this thesis is shown that using genetic algorithms significantly increase the predictive capabilities of artificial neural networks.
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2001
Anahtar kelimeler
Genetik algoritmalar,
Veri madenciliği,
Yapay sinir ağları,
Genetic algorithms,
Data mining,
Artificial neural networks,