Farklı yapılarda işbirlikçive rekabetçi Ar&Ge altında optimal çevre politikası
Farklı yapılarda işbirlikçive rekabetçi Ar&Ge altında optimal çevre politikası
Umur, İlker
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Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
Bu arastirma optimal çevre politikasi yönetimini farkli pazar yapilarinda, Cournot ve Bertrand, teknolojik tasma ve ürün farklilasmasinin oldugu isbirlikçi ve rekabetçi çevresel Arastirma ve Gelistirme (Ar-Ge) altinda analiz etmektedir. Emisyon yogunlugunu azaltici Ar-Ge ve farklilastirilmis ürünün söz konusu oldugu duopol durumunda üç asamali teorik oyun teorisi dikkate alinmistir. Birinci asamada hükümet emisyon vergisi ve Ar-Ge sübvansiyonu belirler. Ikinci asamada firmalar emisyon vergisini ve Ar-Ge sübvansiyonunu veri alip eszamanli olarak Ar-Ge seviyelerini belirler. Üçüncü asamada ise iki durum analiz edilmektedir. Birinci durumda Cournot rekabeti altinda firmalar diger her seyi veri olarak alip üretim seviyelerini kararlastirir. Bununla beraber, ikinci durumda ise Bertrand rekabeti altinda firmalar diger her seyi veri olarak alip fiyat seviyelerini kararlastirir.. Her iki pazar yapisinda emisyon vergisinin marjinal hasardan az oldugu gösterilmistir. Bununla birlikte, ürün farklilasmasi yeterli derecede az oldugunda emisyon vergisi Bertrand rekabetinde marjinal hasara esitlenmektedir. Ar-Ge sübvansiyonu konusuna gelince, fiyat rekabetinde sübvansiyon her zaman pozitiftir. Miktar rekabetinde ise sübvansiyon ürün farklilasmasina ve teknolojik tasmaya dayanmaktadir; isbirlikçi Ar-Ge altinda sübvansiyon daima pozitiftir. Rekabetçi Ar- Ge ortaminda eger ürün farklilasmasi parametresi yeterince yüksek ve teknolojik tasma yeteri kadar düsükse, optimal sübvansiyon negatif olabilir. Aksi takdirde optimal sübvans iyon pozitiftir.
This paper analyses optimal environmental policy rule in different market structures, Cournot and Bertrand, under cooperative and competitive environmental R&D when technologic spillover and product differentiation exist. A three-stage game theoretic model is considered in a differentiated product duopoly where R&D is emission intensity reducing. In the first stage, the regulator (government) determines emission tax and R&D subsidy. In the second stage, given the emission tax and R&D subsidy firms choose their R&D level simultaneously. In the third stage, two cases are analyzed. In the first case, firms choose their output levels taking everything else as given under Cournot competition. In the second case, however, firms choose their price levels taking everthing else as given under Bertrand competition. It is demonstrated that emission tax is lower than marginal damage in both market structure. Nonetheless, if product differentiation is sufficiently low, emission tax is equal to marginal damage in Bertrand competition. With regard to R&D subsidy, under price competition subsidy is always positive. Under quantity competition, subsidy depends on product differentiation and technologic spillover; subsidy is always positive under cooperative R&D. Under competitive R&D if product differentiation parameter high enough and technologic spillover parameter is sufficiently low, optimal subsidy could be negative. Otherwise, optimal subsidy is positive
This paper analyses optimal environmental policy rule in different market structures, Cournot and Bertrand, under cooperative and competitive environmental R&D when technologic spillover and product differentiation exist. A three-stage game theoretic model is considered in a differentiated product duopoly where R&D is emission intensity reducing. In the first stage, the regulator (government) determines emission tax and R&D subsidy. In the second stage, given the emission tax and R&D subsidy firms choose their R&D level simultaneously. In the third stage, two cases are analyzed. In the first case, firms choose their output levels taking everything else as given under Cournot competition. In the second case, however, firms choose their price levels taking everthing else as given under Bertrand competition. It is demonstrated that emission tax is lower than marginal damage in both market structure. Nonetheless, if product differentiation is sufficiently low, emission tax is equal to marginal damage in Bertrand competition. With regard to R&D subsidy, under price competition subsidy is always positive. Under quantity competition, subsidy depends on product differentiation and technologic spillover; subsidy is always positive under cooperative R&D. Under competitive R&D if product differentiation parameter high enough and technologic spillover parameter is sufficiently low, optimal subsidy could be negative. Otherwise, optimal subsidy is positive
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2006
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2006
Anahtar kelimeler
Çevre politikaları,
Business Administration,
Environmental policies