An investigation into the current status of adoption of ipd characteristics and bim in construction projects to overcome process and team-related problems

Çetin, Hakan Taha
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Graduate School
Unless project teams are efficient, construction projects can encounter many problems and obstacles in the process. Project delivery systems (PDS) determine the relationships of project stakeholders and their engagement time. Traditional PDS in the construction industry (CI) are well-known with their adverse effects on the process and the team, which have become the chronic problems of the industry due to excessive use of traditional contracts. Many reasons especially technological advancements like BIM (Building Information Modeling), and demand for more reliable PDSs have led CI professionals to search for alternative and effective ways to collaborate. AIA (the American Institute of Architects) introduced the IPD (Integrated Project Delivery) to respond to the demand and need in the CI. IPD can contribute the CI by eliminating/minimizing the obstacles that prevent team integration. IPD principles have taken their place in the current practices of construction projects, with the effect of same motivations that led to the emergence of the IPD in the first place. Projects are fundamental elements for organizations to cope with competitive market conditions. Various systems, like CSFs (Critical Success Factors), have been developed to evaluate and estimate the projects' outputs appropriately. Although various CSF lists have been prepared in construction projects, the lists prepared for traditional PDSs are not compatible with the IPD because of the different characteristics of the IPD. An IPD-specific CSF list covering the BIM and IPD team aspects is needed to reveal the level of importance of the factors on achieving project success. This dissertation aims to investigate the adoption status of IPD principles in current construction projects, examine the impact of these principles on the process and team-related problems frequently encountered by the industry, and prepare the CSFs preliminary list for IPD projects. With this aim, the following objectives have been adressed: to determine the process and team related problems of the CI and examine their occurrence in construction projects; to determine the adoption of the IPD, BIM and IPD team characteristics in construction projects; and to determine the adoption of the IPD, BIM and IPD team characteristics in construction projects, respectively. With the in-depth literature review, team and process-related problems and characteristics related to IPD, BIM, and IPD teams have been examined. In line with the first two objectives, online questionnaire surveys and interviews have been conducted with IPD and BIM experts and/or academics having publications on related subjects. Furthermore, for the accomplishment of the objectives 3, 4 and 5, the 4-round and 3 group Delphi method has been performed under 3 different category as IPD, BIM, and IPD team-related factors with IPD and BIM experts and/or academics having publications on the related topic. The data obtained from the online questionnaire survey, interviews and the delphi method have been evaluated in 4 different categories based on the objectives of the research. First of all, the findings revealed that the frequency of encountering team-related problems is less frequent than process-related problems. There is strong correlation between ineffective teams and other problems. Furthermore, according to the online questionnaire survey and interviews results, it has been revealed that the adoption status of BIM-related characteristics is high, and BIM is an essential driver for the adoption and implementation of IPD. The CSFs preliminary list has been further developed based on the findings of the 4 round and 3 group delphi surveys covering the aspects of IPD, BIM, and IPD teams. The prepared list has revealed the collaboration-related characteristics of IPD, administrative issues and organizational needs for BIM implementation, and team environment among the main CSFs. The CSFs preliminary list includes the factors that can be taken into account in the adoption and implementation of IPD and BIM projects. The complete application of these factors does not mean that project success can be achieved. Although these CSFs preliminary list may contribute to the process, they cannot influence the projects' output alone as each project consists of several sources and interconnected activities that have varying levels of impact on success. Project dynamics are constantly changing with the effect of new systems. Various additions, corrections, and/or removals can be made to the list over time, taking into account the changing conditions and the needs of projects. These CSFs preliminary list can be used as a preliminary checklist for the stakeholders who plan to adopt the IPD and BIM, and for academics and researchers in the relevant field.
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Graduate School, 2022
Anahtar kelimeler
critical success factors, kritik başarı faktörleri, building information modeling, yapı bilgi modellemesi, construction projects, inşaat projeleri