Kent İçi Üniversite Kampüslerinin ekolojik Peyzaj Tasarım İlkeleri Kapsamında İrdelenmesi

Açıkay, Sabiha Hande
Süreli Yayın başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science And Technology
Kent içinde kampüsleşme olgusu gittikçe artan bir eğilim kazanmaktadır; örnek olarak ofis kampüsleri, hastaneler, üniversiteler, kamu kurumlarına vb. birimlerdir. Bu kurumların çoğu içinde bulunduğu kentli tarafından kullanılmakta iken üniversite kampüsleri kentte nüfus üreten ve kent dışından nüfus çeken alanlardır.  Üniversite kampüsleri, kendi içlerinde barınma, çalışma, ulaşım ve rekreasyonel faaliyetleri karşılayabilen adeta birer küçük kenttirler. Üniversite kampüsları kurulumları ve faaliyetlerini sürdürmeleri esnasında kurulacakları arazi, altyapı tesisleri ve ulaşım yolları gibi bulunduğu çevreyi sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel yönden etkilemeleri kaçınılmazdır. Üniversite kampüslerinin bulunduğu çevrede yarattığı sosyal ve ekonomik etki genellikle çevreyi olumlu yönde etkilemektedir. Üniversitelerin oluşturduğu nüfusun tam zamanlı alan kullanımı yaptığı göz önüne alındığında ihtiyaçların karşılanması adına bir yapılaşma kaçınılmazdır. Yapılaşmanın hangi değerler çerçevesinde geliştirileceği sorgulanması gereken noktadır.  Bu noktada ekolojik tasarım bir rehber görevi görmektedir. Yapılar ve açık alanları ile birlikte kampusların ekolojik kriterler doğrultusunda tasarlanmaları kaçınılmaz bir gereklilik olmaya başlamıştır. Kent içinde bulunan üniversiteler birçok sosyal ve kültürel aktivite barındırdığı, kent ile ilişkisi daha kolay ve ulaşılabilir olduğundan daha çok tercih edilmektedir. Bu tercihler ulaşım, nüfus, barınma ve çalışma olanaklarıyla üniversite kampüslerini birer ekosisteme dönüştürmektedir. Özellikle büyük peyzaj alanlarına sahip olduklarından, kent peyzaj matrisinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Rol model olan üniversiteler kentlere getirdikleri çevresel yükü hafifletmek için çevreye daha duyarlı ekolojik özelliklere sahip olmalıdırlar. Ekolojik peyzaj tasarımı, kentsel ekosistemde olabilecek her türlü yapılanma alanında etkin bir şekilde rol almalıdır. Kentin kritik sorunları ile birlikte ele alınarak, yapılanma alanının fırsat ve problemleri sorumluluğunda ekolojik tasarımlar yapılmalıdır. Peyzaj Mimarlığın özünde olan ekolojik düşünme son yıllarda artan çevre sorunlarıyla ve insanların çevreye daha duyarlı yaşam alanları istemeleriyle yapılan tasarımların ekolojik olma özelliği vazgeçilmez olmuştur.  Bu tez çalışmasında amaçlanan kent içi üniversite kampüslerinin ekolojik peyzaj tasarım ilkeleri doğrultusunda irdelenerek, kent içi kampüslerin peyzaj tasarımlarında ekolojik açıdan önem taşıyan öneriler sunmaktır. Bu tezin metodu örnek çalışma alanlarının belirlenen analiz formatı ile analiz edilmesi ve sonuçların değerlendirilmesine dayanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda tez 4 bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde üniversite kampusu kavramı, gelişim modelleri,  kent ile kampüs arasındaki ilişki incelenmiş olup, kent içi üniversite kampüs tasarımında; temel tasarım kavramları ile doğal ve yapısal bileşenler ortaya konulmuştur. İkinci bölümde ekolojik peyzaj tasarımı ile ilgili temel yaklaşımlara, ilkelere yer verilmiştir. Örnek çalışma alanları olarak QS World 2014/15’taki ilk 10’da bulunan kent içi üniversite kampüsleri, ASLA 2000-2014 tarihleri arasında düzenlenen “Profosyonel Ödül” kategorisinde ödül almış kent içi üniversite kampüsleri ve  kent- kampüsü ilişkisine iyi bir örnek olan Michigan Üniversitesi olmak üzere toplam 13 örnek irdelenmiştir. Belirlenen analiz formatı içeriğinde yer alan ekolojik peyzaj tasarım parametreleri doğrultusunda seçilen örnekler irdelenmiş olup; yapı, kampüs ve kent ölçeğinde değerlendirilmiştir.  Yapılan değerlendirmeler sonucunda bulunduğu iklim ve coğrafyaya uygun tasarlanan kampüslerin ekolojik özelliklerinin fazla olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yerel bitki ve geçirgen malzeme kullanımı, yağmur su yönetimi ( biyolojik hendekler, yağmur bahçeleri, yapılandırılmış sulak alanlar) ve suyun tasarruflu kullanımı, geri dönüşüm ve enerjinin etkin kullanımı , yenilenebilir enerji kaynaklarından faydalanılması,  biyolojik çeşitliliğin desteklenmesi (arberatumlar, herbaryum,kelebek ve arı çeken bahçeleri) ,  yaya ve bisiklet sirkülasyonunun daha fazla olması, motorlu araç kullanımının azaltılması , kent içi kampüs olduğundan ulaşım için toplu taşıma teşviklerin yapılması kent içi üniversitelerin ekolojik peyzaj tasarımları kapsamında öne çıkan başlıklar olarak tespit edilmiştir.  Bu öneriler doğrultusunda ekolojik kampüs olma yolunda yapılacak planlama ve tasarım çalışmalarını yönlendirmek üzere bir takım tasarım ilkeleri ortaya konmuştur.
Being campus growing phenomenon in the city is becoming a growing trend; for example, office campuses, hospitals, universities are public institutions and similar units. The most of these institutions  are being used by the urban population found that city, while college campuses are producing population in cities outside the city. University campuses in themselves, housing, working, transportation and recreational activities, they are a fairly small city.  Land they set during installation and university campuses to continue their activities, such as infrastructure and access roads to the environmental, social, economic and cultural aspects influence is inevitable.  University of the social and economic impact that the environment where the campus is often positively affect the environment. Considering the needs of its full-time use of the area met on behalf of a population consisting of university buildings is inevitable. Structuring is the point that must be questioned which will be developed in the framework of values. At this point, ecological design is used as a guide. University campuses with structures and open scapes  and designed in accordance with ecological criteria ,they have become an unavoidable necessity. Universities located in the city which hosts many social and cultural activities, it is easier and more accessible relationship with the city is more preferred. These preferences transportation, population, housing and employment opportunities with university campuses into an ecosystem. Role models with universities more environmentally responsible brought to the city to alleviate the environmental burden, must have ecological features. Campus, especially since they have large landscape areas, has an important place in the urban landscape matrix. It designs and existing campus landscape with ecological features of reason improvements should be made in this direction. Ecological landscape design must take an active role in structuring the field in any way that may be in the urban ecosystem. Taken together with the city's critical issues, opportunities and problems of structuring the field of ecological landscape design should be carried out under the responsibility. Be characteristic of ecological design made with increasing environmental problems in recent years, the essence of ecological thinking of Landscape Architecture and the people want more.  The aim in this study, urban university campus examined in accordance with the principles of ecological landscape design, to provide suggestions that are important ecologically campuses in urban landscape design.  Analysing the information obtained by the analysis method of determining the format specified case study of this thesis are based on the evaluation of the results. In this context, the thesis consists of 4 parts.  The first part of the concept of university campus, development models, is examined the relationship between the campus and the city, urban university campus design; the basic design concepts were introduced natural and structural components.  Topographical situation of the location of the campus will be established, the structure of climate, vegetation, water assets in or around the area affects the settlement pattern and formation scheme. The second section outlines the basic approaches and principles related to ecological landscape design. Ecological landscape design and environmental processes serve on establishing the right relationship between human needs. Use of local plants and materials, combining the small patch of landscape matrix and converted into large patches, pedestrian-oriented transport planning and stormwater management are indispensable ecological landscape design criteria. Selecting case studies as QS World 2014/15 university campuses within the city in the top 10, ASLA 2000-2014 "Professional Award" in the category of urban was awarded the university and University of Michigan that is a good example urban-campus relations,  totally 13 samples were analyzed. Parametres are produces from ecological landscape design and campus landscape design , are selected in accordance with the analysis of samples examined, is based on the format created; is assessed on the building, campus and the city scale. In the 2000s, appeared to solve the problem of the ecological design of the world as environmental Oxford, Harvard, Cambridge universities such as date there has not been taken into consideration when planning the design approach. The famous landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted planned by university campuses, among which the most important element of transportation and pedestrian areas which are affecting the design characterizing plant landscaping. Walking all the way in their planting, lawn area of the collection areas are crossed eyes. Planting in the study, attention was paid to the selection of native plants that are part of the ecological landscape design. Microclimatic effects were taken into account to be created in the plant. Another point worthy of note in the historic university is the use of large grass areas. Too many of these studies who want to maintain the landscape and irrigation design ecology is not supportive perspective. Do not found in the pre-2000 universities example of ecological Profosyonel award categories. The reason for this is the emergence in 2000 of an ecological concern. Competition important common point of stormwater management made the project is located in an ecological approach, pedestrian-oriented transportation and the use of local plants. Today, when rapidly depleted water resources, uncontrolled and reduce unnecessary water use is done significant work to re-use of water. Reduction of carbon dioxide occur with the use and use with pedestrian-oriented transportation, health and life aims. The use of local plants, the reduction of plant maintenance costs without adaptation process aims to adapt to the environment without losses. • Campus design components: The viewpoint of the natural and structural components of the starting workspace analysis is required. Accordingly, the present climate and according to geography, design should be done with the land being played too much plastic. Flat terrain offers more alternatives to university setup and circulation.  • Build-outdoor relationships: University arises when we drew attention to the importance of the open spaces of the large number of users on campus during the day. Yard, front and rear gardens; It is important for short and long term recreational activities. • Construction girişleri- limits: Limiting the campus environment has led to remain within the limits of ecological features. This ecological values that are integrated with the reason the city should be planned in particular could spread to the city. • Energy use in buildings: Energy efficient buildings renewal according to the characteristics of the existing structures in the campus, made in accordance with the criteria of energy-efficient buildings new buildings will provide energy savings substantially. • Correct selection of plants: The geography and climate of the features found in the campus less appropriate use of local plants and landscape maintenance applications that require watering should be done. • Hydrologic systems: It is important to use water-saving equipment. Stormwater management for the use of mains water for irrigation of landscaped areas should be made. Rainwater is collected through various methods should be used in landscaping. Rain water collection areas may be formed to have also an aesthetic value to the landscape and recreational properties. Humidity sensor in areas where rainfall and humidity should be avoided unnecessary irrigation with many irrigation systems. • Active transport system: Should be restricted to the vehicle entry into the campus. This is the reason the term parking and vehicle entry fee may be a deterrent by making the campus. • Recycling- energy: The consumption of many college campuses that are indispensable to do is waste management. First, the separation of solid waste should be provided in a variety of box. Organic wastes consisting of food and landscape waste should be reduced the amount of organic waste turned into compost. • Biodiversity: Integrated pest may occur in the campus landscape should be dealing with pest management. Thereby prevented from mixing chemicals to groundwater. Herbarium at the University campus, the arboretum and studies aimed at increasing plant biodiversity in units such as the botanical garden should be made. • Collection - rest areas: Collection -performs the rest of the campus area should be created. If tissue is to be obtained in the areas of grass collection consisting of green areas; type requested maintenance easier and less water should be preferred. • Pedestrian paths-paths: The pedestrian circulation to the campus should be easier. This therefore means away from pressure, pedestrian-friendly walkways should be designed. Walkways should be made more healthy by planting. • Bike paths: The bike-campus access is an ecological alternative transportation. Bike paths for easy on-campus bicycle circulation should be designed in a proper manner. Bicycle parking spaces in other infrastructure that supports the use of bicycles as well as bicycle paths should be designed with functions such as shower areas. • Vehicle paths: For transportation to campus; pedestrian and off-campus must be considered to be suitable for use in bicycle pathway. Pedestrian and regulations as necessary to ensure safe access to the campus by bicycle should be made. • Parking: In garage should be created to increase the amount of green space. If the outdoor parking spaces created in the space should allow to drain the laying of water-permeable material. • Campus accessibility: Although there is a problem with the availability of urban transport and private vehicles more universities. Therefore tool for users from remote locations on campus with the pool system, in close proximity to public transport vehicles by creating pools, vehicles should be encouraged to reach the campus by public transport stop at this point. Special discounts to encourage the use of public transport should be provided. In particular, electricity and heat consumption in excess of a university campus to be energy from renewable alternative energy sources work should be done. • Urban place in the open field: University campus area are generally expected to serve as a large patch of urban landscape with green areas or corridors when the matrix.environmentally sensitive habitats have been indispensable. The evaluations are designed according to the climate and geography of the campus where the result has been found to be more ecological features. Local plants and material use, stormwater management and water-efficient use, recycling and efficient use of energy, the use of renewable energy sources, the promotion of biodiversity, be more of pedestrian and bicycle circulation, reduction of motor vehicle, public for transportation is urban campus carry forward was identified as the title Construction of promoting urban ecological landscape design within the scope of the university. A set of design principles to guide the planning and design work will be done in accordance with this proposal was put forward in becoming ecological campus.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2015
Anahtar kelimeler
kampüs, üniversite, ekolojik peyzaj tasarım, campus, university, ecologic landscape design