Mevcut verilere dayalı olarak daire maliyetlerinin elde edilmesi yöntemi, verilerin karşılaştırılması ve analizi

Çiçekyüzlü, Nagihan
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Konutların, tasarlanması, yapımı ve kullanımında ekonomikliğin gerekliliği, giderek artan bir ölçüde kendini göstermekte ve dolayısıyla konutlar ve bunların maliyetleri arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi sistematik olarak zorunlu hale gelmektedir.Bu açıdan yapılacak araştırmaların önemide büyük olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada konut maliyetleri kavramında önemli bir yer teşkil eden, Daire Maliyetleri, irdelemeye çalışılacaktır. Bilinçli ve doğru kararların verilmesi için gerekli olan ve konut maliyetini hangifaktörlerin ne şekilde etkileyeceği konusu gerek mimarlar, gerek inşaat firmaları, gerekse bu konutların kullanıcıları için önemli bir konudur. Bu tezin konusunu oluşturan çalışma, TC Başbakanlık Toplu Konut İdaresi Başkanlığı için İ.T.Ü. Mimarlık Fakültesi bünyesinde yapılan "Mevcut Konut Yerleşmelerinde, Yerleşme ve Konut Binası Tiplerine Yönelik, Maliyet Karşılaştırmaları, Maliyeti Etkileyen Faktörler ve Veri Tabanlı Konut Maliyeti Hesaplama Modeli" araştırma projesinin devamı niteliğini taşımaktadır.Bu çalışmada Halkalı, Eryaman ve Sinanoba yerleşmelerinde bulunan ve çeşitli açılardan farklılaşantöadet blok verileri kullanılmıştır. Maliyet verileri 1989 yılı birim fiyatlarına dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı: sözkonusu yerleşmelerdeki blok maliyetlerini, Daire maliyetlerine dönüştürme, grafiklerle karşılaştırma ve çeşitli alansal göstergelerle bu daire maliyetleri arasındaki ilişkinin Regresyon Analizi ile incelenmesi ve değerlendirilmesidir. Bu doğrultuda öncelikle yapılmış olan konutların blok maliyetleri elde edilmiş, bunlar kullanılan farklı iki yöntemle her blokta bulunan daire tipleme dağıtılmış ve bu verilerle grafiksel karşılaştırmalar ile basit regresyon analizleri yapılmıştır.
The greatness of residence cost and the problem of the piles who have necessity to residence and whose buying strength is insufficient to purchase these residences has been a problem which comes first in the line waiting for a solution for a very long time. In the solution of the problem to reduce residence costs, important stages have been recorded in very rich western countries and even though success has been obtained, still in our country no clearness has been made on this topic and the problem of reducing cost has only been understood as the limitation of residence area or the reduction of standarts. In the reduction of residence cost in the cautions to be a guestion of, within the residence building characteristics, a very important potential saving is supposed to be found. In a developing country like Turkey, to reach the solution of residence structure with separated investment, with the follow of the most leading residence problem end therefore to supply a lot of residence politics, namely it will be possible to take the residence to be built within special or public sector, under control.Within this vision, correct studies made by existing datum or to put forth the mistakes will be useful for every section who is interested with the topic of 'Residence'. Whether in the projectional stages before production or the decisions taken while production stages, they will effect the will lead in the reduction or increase of the residence costs,in the result of, correct and appropriate, will be great. Within working in the settlement of Halkalı, Eryaman and Sinanoba mentioned before, residence made can be taken as base. Firstly to put forward the costs of residence with various types and to suppose that the -VHL effectness to flat costs and named as flat specialities, it has been tried to place out the relation between flat costs and various indicators. People who have a good knowledge of this topic such as architects,building firms and their users,along with the exposure of existing datums. This study has been made in the target to set out information. As the first step within this frame, it is aimed to gain flat costs. Block costs found in settlements in question for seperate different flat types built in this block,two seperate methods have been used. In the first method the greatness of the area of the flats have been taken into consideration, the cost of block ready at hand has been shared between these flats. By measuring the gross outside the layer of buildings total gross layer area to find M2 Costln M2 Cost every flat is multiplied by its own area and therefore flat costs have been obtained. In this method the greatness of the different numbers inside the flat, wall amount, stock volume greatness,door counting, such specialities have not been noticed. However such circle specialities has a great effect on the flat cost to be produced. Because of this, as a second method various graetness has been mentioned seperately end production units belonging to this has been seperated along this direction almost twenty production units has been formed such as, wall coatings, floor coatings, front isolation and front elements. After the calculation of flat costs, first thing to do is to compare these costs in the base of companies, after that single centred many centred blocks,being with elevators or not, compartments have been made in the notice of various specialities such as coefficients. Especially to expose the relationship between areal growth and costs has been defined as the base purpose of this thesis. _IX_ As a third step along with these factors which effect cost, the relationship between costs such as M2 gross layer areas and M2 base uses has been produced and mentioned in simple regression analysis in a statistic program called SPSS. The results of regression analysis has been brought together in Table 5.2. 450000 400000 350000 u 300000 3 250000 2 n 200000 2 150000 100000 50000 0 70000000 60000000 UJ >? In the direction of all of this neccesity of work is considered and therefore being a topic in this thesis for T.C. Prime Minister collected residence administration ISTANBUL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY in the architecture faculty Prof. Dr. Yıldız Sey, Assistant Prof.Murat Çıracı and Assistant Prof.Dr.Hale Çıracı made on the part which has been arranged as a base from the investigation project by the name, "Settlement in existant Residence and cost confrontation towards the types of residence building,factor effecting costs and datum based residence cost, calculation model". This mentioned work collected residence administration, Istanbul Halkalı, Ankara Eryaman, ISTANBUL SINANOBA different residence buildings for residence elements types costs,to turn into a suitable confrontation to compare and therefore carries out the aim to show the differences in costs.ln this investigation cost have been investgated X!. To examine the cost products, that have been obtained, more easily and openly it is expected to benefit greatly from these graphics. As we have already pointed out before that, when planning the residence, it was very important to formalize according to a speciality, which then by reduces costBut this knowledge is not enough to effect the dicrease of the costTherefore the factors effecting cost should be thought together and in general. Factors effecting cost which has been choosen connected to flat types in this work, the greatness of functional areas according to M2 and they are classified as their ratio to each other. Other factors have been left out other than these specialities mentioned. _X_ according to the base of block and when this thesis doesn't work the costs have been according to 'flafbases. Whether in this investigation or in the investigation where base has taken the cost datums are dependent on the 1989 building Unit prices.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1994
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1994
Anahtar kelimeler
Bina bilgisi, Konut yapımı, Maliyet analizi, Building information, Housing contruction, Cost analysis