Kumkapı Telli Odalar Sokağı'nda Bir Fiziksel Çevre Koruma Çalışması

Özden, Pelin Pınar Giritlioğlu
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Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
"Kumkapı Telli Odalar Sokağı'nda Bir Fiziksel Çevre Koru ma Çalışması" adını taşıyan bu tez, birinci bölümünde yapılan girişin ardından, ikinci bölümünde, XV. yüzyılda oluşmaya başlamış, ancak esas gelişimine XVII. yüzyıldan itibaren başlayıp, XX. yüzyılın ilk yarısında gelişimini tamamlamış olan Kumkapı semtini sosyo-ekonomik, kültürel ve fiziksel özellikleri açısından tanıtmaktadır. Tezin üçüncü bölümünde ise, yukarıda sözedilen yönleriyle tanıtılan semt içinden en az değişime uğramış bir kesim incelenmeye çalışılmakta ve bu bağlamda yöreye özgü geleneksel özelliklerin pekçoğunu bünyesinde toplamış olan Telli Odalar Sokağı anlatılmakta ve semt bütünüyle karşılaştırmalar yapılmaktadır. Sokakta fiziksel mekana ilişkin sorunlar saptanmakta ve bunlara yönelik çözümler üretilmektedir. Dördüncü bölüm, yöre için geliştirilen özel yapılaşma koşullarını kapsamaktadır. Bu bölümde öncelikle semt genelinde korumaya ilişkin hükümlere değinildikten sonra, Telli Odalar Sokağı için, yeni yapılaşmaya ilişkin hükümler belirlenmeye çalışılmaktadır.
must be the increasing of the social consciousness for the historical importance of the quarter. As a consequence, we may briefly assert that the district of Kumkapi being one of the earliest urban centres of Istanbul, has undergone rapid and uncontrolled redevelopment within the course of time. So finally it lost its historical texture of the XlXth century. Although its adjacent houses with three or four storeys and bay-windows, and its monumental churches around lively public squares represent quintessences of ancient Istanbul. At present the tourism activity of the district, enjoys enormly the day and night life. The factor effects the urban development and concept of Kumkapi. Finally, we can say that, to create a healthy traditional environment, the characteristics of a historical area ought to be preserved and this may be provided first of all by means of training the community as environmentally conscious citizens. XI value were determined. Despite this invent of the commission, there are still some buildings remaining unregistered as historical buildings. This thesis covers these types of buildings as well. Telli Odalar which is choosen as an example of characteristic street of the district is located nearby the public square. It begins from the border of Molla Taşı Street, intersects with Ordekli Bakkal Street and reaches the public square. Most of the buildings are built of brick/stone and plastered ower. These are three of four storeyed houses, adjacent to each other. These bay-window house rows are also in conformity with the general characteristic of the vicinity. The street rises with a slight slope from the public square towards Molla Taşı Street. On accounts of such inclination the first floors are reached by a staircase having some steps which number differ between 3-10. The Basement of these buildings is approximately 1 or 1.5 metres above the ground level. In general the entrance rooms opened to a rear garden. Sixthy percent of the ground floors are occupied by the dwellers and the remaining forty percent is occupied by the tradesmen. Such facts created some problems for the traditional use of the ground floors. The shop owners alter the building facades according to their needs, distorting the characteristic features of the houses by using large stop windows. The mostly encountered distortions at the facade organization are seen at addition of levels, toilets, rooms or remodes change of the first floors as shops, or using the entire building as hotels/motels which degrade the building characteristics immensely. Perhaps the greatest reason for such front facade distortions changing Telli Odalar Street and the neighbourhood of Kumkapi is due to the unconscious usage of buildings by the district's inhabitants. In the course of time, former cosmopolitan structure of the district left its place to single lodgers, vendors and families, to workers of all types, who have migrated here from different places of Anatolia. This social group who was unaware of this historical importance of the district that they owned did not take care of this architectural heritage. So the first stepf for conservation of Kumkapi must be the increasing of the social consciousness for the historical importance of the quarter. As a consequence, we may briefly assert that the district of Kumkapi being one of the earliest urban centres of Istanbul, has undergone rapid and uncontrolled redevelopment within the course of time. So finally it lost its historical texture of the XlXth century. Although its adjacent houses with three or four storeys and bay-windows, and its monumental churches around lively public squares represent quintessences of ancient Istanbul. At present the tourism activity of the district, enjoys enormly the day and night life. The factor effects the urban development and concept of Kumkapi. Finally, we can say that, to create a healthy traditional environment, the characteristics of a historical area ought to be preserved and this may be provided first of all by means of training the community as environmentally conscious citizens. XI value were determined. Despite this invent of the commission, there are still some buildings remaining unregistered as historical buildings. This thesis covers these types of buildings as well. Telli Odalar which is choosen as an example of characteristic street of the district is located nearby the public square. It begins from the border of Molla Taşı Street, intersects with Ordekli Bakkal Street and reaches the public square. Most of the buildings are built of brick/stone and plastered ower. These are three of four storeyed houses, adjacent to each other. These bay-window house rows are also in conformity with the general characteristic of the vicinity. The street rises with a slight slope from the public square towards Molla Taşı Street. On accounts of such inclination the first floors are reached by a staircase having some steps which number differ between 3-10. The Basement of these buildings is approximately 1 or 1.5 metres above the ground level. In general the entrance rooms opened to a rear garden. Sixthy percent of the ground floors are occupied by the dwellers and the remaining forty percent is occupied by the tradesmen. Such facts created some problems for the traditional use of the ground floors. The shop owners alter the building facades according to their needs, distorting the characteristic features of the houses by using large stop windows. The mostly encountered distortions at the facade organization are seen at addition of levels, toilets, rooms or remodes change of the first floors as shops, or using the entire building as hotels/motels which degrade the building characteristics immensely. Perhaps the greatest reason for such front facade distortions changing Telli Odalar Street and the neighbourhood of Kumkapi is due to the unconscious usage of buildings by the district's inhabitants. In the course of time, former cosmopolitan structure of the district left its place to single lodgers, vendors and families, to workers of all types, who have migrated here from different places of Anatolia. This social group who was unaware of this historical importance of the district that they owned did not take care of this architectural heritage. So the first stepf for conservation of Kumkapi must be the increasing of the social consciousness for the historical importance of the quarter. As a consequence, we may briefly assert that the district of Kumkapi being one of the earliest urban centres of Istanbul, has undergone rapid and uncontrolled redevelopment within the course of time. So finally it lost its historical texture of the XlXth century. Although its adjacent houses with three or four storeys and bay-windows, and its monumental churches around lively public squares represent quintessences of ancient Istanbul. At present the tourism activity of the district, enjoys enormly the day and night life. The factor effects the urban development and concept of Kumkapi. Finally, we can say that, to create a healthy traditional environment, the characteristics of a historical area ought to be preserved and this may be provided first of all by means of training the community as environmentally conscious citizens.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1994
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1994
Anahtar kelimeler
Fiziksel çevre, Physical environment, İstanbul-Kumkapı-Telliodalar Sokağı, Environmental protection, Restoration, İstanbul-Kumkapı-Telliodalar Sokağı, Çevre koruma, Restorasyon