Çanakkale Boğazı Nara Burnu geçişinde eskort römorkör manevralarının incelenmesi
Çanakkale Boğazı Nara Burnu geçişinde eskort römorkör manevralarının incelenmesi
Gürün, Ali
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bu çalışmada, Çanakkale Boğazı Nara Burnu Mevkiinde Eskort Römorkör çalışması yapılmıştır. Römorkör ve sevk sistemlerini tanıtılarak bunların dünya literatüründe kullanılan adları sunulmuş ve bunların avantaj ve dezavantajları açıklanarak, konstrüksiyon teknolojileri tanımlamıştır. Özellikle "Eskort Römorkörler" ve "Eskort Operasyonları" ile ilgili çeşitli konferanslarda dinleyici olarak bulunan yazar, Eskort İşlemlerinin yapılış tarzlarını kategorilere ayırarak karşılaştırmalı olarak sunmuş ve "Eskort Römorkörler için Ana Gereksinimleri" açıklamıştır. Çalışmanın ilerleyen bölümlerinde Eskort işlemi sırasında gemi ve römorkör aşamasında oluşan kuvvetleri statik halde incelenmiş, oluşan kuvvet dengelerinin farklı Eskort operasyonlarındaki değişimleri açıklanmıştır. Daha sonra Eskort hizmeti verecek römorkörlerin teknolojik ve ekipman açısından sağlaması gereken özellikleri açıklanarak bu konuya açıklık getirilmiştir. Römorkör Kabiliyeti modellenerek bu kabiliyetin çeşitli tür römorkörlere göre değişimi açıklanmış, ve "Ortalama Durdurma Kuvveti" tanımlanmıştır. Ardından Gemi modellenmesi kısaca bahsedilmiş, hareket denklemleri sunulmuş ve "Gemi Boyutuna Bağlı Olarak Belirli Mesafede Durdurmak İçin Gerekli Olan Ortalama Durdurma Kuvveti" hesaplanmıştır. Çanakkale Boğazı Nara Burnu Dönüşü sınır şartlarına değinilerek iki adet problem türü yaratılmıştır. Bunlardan biri geminin makine arızası diğeri ise dümeninin takılı kalması olarak tasarlanmıştır. Simulasyon sonuçları bu bölgeye uygulanmış ve sonuçlara dayanılarak öneriler sunulmuştur.
In this study the author has worked on the Çanakkale Strait, Nara Cape Escort Tugboat Duty. He has given an executive summary of Tugboat types, design, construction by defining the technology. Especially depending on the several conferences and convensions about Escort Tugs and -Escorting Duty he has explained types of tugboats with their advantages and disadvantages throughout eachother while he determined the Basic Requirements For safe Escort Vessels. He has explained the differences between alternate maneuverings and stated the equilibrium of forces between the "escorting" and the "escorted" vessels. Especialy he has mentioned about the tugboat capabilities (effective pull forces) due to the changing propulsion and escorting systems. Also Behaviours viewpoint in this study he has declared the "Quasistatic Of The Escort Vessels" from a designer's viewpoint. On the following parts in his study the author has stated the "Constraint Definition" for the place where this study will be situated - "Cape Nara" at the Dardanel Strait-taking the data from the National Navigation, Hydrografy and Oceanography Foundation. Later on he has explained the modelling of the tug and the tanker and defined the "Demand Formulation for Propulsion and Steering Failure" and then he has investigated the these modellings on the constraints. He has chosen some samples of tugs and tankers and put them under consideration. He has also used the data taken from latest "Full Scale Trials" and checked with the data taken from the Simulation program done by "The Glosten Associates, inc". Finally he has taken all these datas and put them under the constraints of Dardanel Strait.
In this study the author has worked on the Çanakkale Strait, Nara Cape Escort Tugboat Duty. He has given an executive summary of Tugboat types, design, construction by defining the technology. Especially depending on the several conferences and convensions about Escort Tugs and -Escorting Duty he has explained types of tugboats with their advantages and disadvantages throughout eachother while he determined the Basic Requirements For safe Escort Vessels. He has explained the differences between alternate maneuverings and stated the equilibrium of forces between the "escorting" and the "escorted" vessels. Especialy he has mentioned about the tugboat capabilities (effective pull forces) due to the changing propulsion and escorting systems. Also Behaviours viewpoint in this study he has declared the "Quasistatic Of The Escort Vessels" from a designer's viewpoint. On the following parts in his study the author has stated the "Constraint Definition" for the place where this study will be situated - "Cape Nara" at the Dardanel Strait-taking the data from the National Navigation, Hydrografy and Oceanography Foundation. Later on he has explained the modelling of the tug and the tanker and defined the "Demand Formulation for Propulsion and Steering Failure" and then he has investigated the these modellings on the constraints. He has chosen some samples of tugs and tankers and put them under consideration. He has also used the data taken from latest "Full Scale Trials" and checked with the data taken from the Simulation program done by "The Glosten Associates, inc". Finally he has taken all these datas and put them under the constraints of Dardanel Strait.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1997
Anahtar kelimeler
nara burnu,
Çanakkale boğazı,
nara cape,