Antonio Stradivari'nin keman yapımcılığındaki aşamalar
Antonio Stradivari'nin keman yapımcılığındaki aşamalar
Güzey, Zafer
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
Institute of Social Sciences
Institute of Social Sciences
Bu çalışmada ilk olarak kemanın tarihsel gelişimi, keman yapımında kullanılan ağaçlar, Antonio Stradivari kemanlarının yapım aşamaları ve Stradivari 'nin biyografisi, çeşitli kaynaklardan alıntılarla yazılmaya çalışıldı. Tezde keman yapımında kullanılan ağaçlar ve yapım aşamaları bütün ayrıntıları ile standartlara bağlı kalınarak Stradivari ekolü incelendi. Orkestranın vazgeçilmez bir üyesi olan keman ve diğer yaylı çalgılar dokuzuncu yüzyıldan günümüze kadar uzun süren bir gelişme göstererek bugünkü eşsiz formlarına kavuşmuştur. Kemanın Avrupa'ya nasıl geldiği konusunda genelde iki görüş vardır. Birinci görüş, İspanya' da Arap egemenliği sırasında Araplar tarafından Avrupa'ya getirildiği, ikinci görüş ise haçlı seferleri ile Avrupa'ya Asya'dan geldiğidir. Dokuzuncu yüzyılda yayla çalınan Çin çalgısı "Huchyn" (Huch'in) ve aynı niteliklere sahip Türk çalgısı "Rebab" kemanın dolayısı ile tüm yaylı çalgıların ataları sayılmaktadır. Keman yapımında, ladin, akçaağaç ve abanoz ağaçlan kullanılır. Ladin; Türkiye'nin dağlık kıyı bölgelerinde orman olarak bulunur. Uzunluğu 40- 50 metreye ulaşan, düzgün gövdeli ve iğne yapraklıdır. Başlıca türleri, Şark ladini, Avrupa ladini ve Mavi ladindir. Türkiye'de sadece Şark ladini bulunur. Kemanda üst ses tablosu, mukavemet (destek) çıtası, ağaç takoz ve candireği olarak kullanılır. Akçaağaç (Kelebek); Türkiye'de bütün ormanlık alanlarda dağınık durumda bulunur. Yapraklan geniş ve taç şeklindedir. Uzunluğu 30-40 metreye ulaşan, 2-3 metre çap yapabilen düzgün gövdeli bir ağaçtır. Başlıca türleri, Kırmızı akça ağaç, Gümüş akça ağaç, Şeker akça ağaç ve Kuşgözü akça ağaçtır. Kemanın alt ses tablosu, yanlıklan, sapı ve eşik yapımında kullanılır. Abanoz; Tropikal bölgelerde yetişen sıcak iklim ağacıdır. Türkiye'de yetişmez. Rengi siyahtır. En iyi türleri, Hindistan'da, Madagaskar ve Seylan'da bulunur. Sert dokulu ağaç olduğundan, kemanın tuş (klavye) burgu, kuyruk ve düğme kısımlarında kullanılır. VI Antonio Stradivari kemanlarının yapım aşamaları dört ana başlık altında toplandı. Birinci aşama, şablon ve kalıp hazırlanışı, ikinci aşama, alt ses tablosunun alıştınlması, üçüncü aşama üst ses tablosunun alıştınlması, dördüncü aşama ise, sap ve salyangoz yapımıdır. Bütün bu keman yapım aşamaları dünya standartları ölçütlerine uygun bir biçimde incelenmiştir. Birinci aşamada keman yapımında, yapımcılık disiplini gereği, kemanın projesi çizilir. Çizilen projeden şablon elde edilir ve bu şablonlar kalıp yapımında kullanılır. İkinci aşamada kemanın alt ses tablosunun alıştınlması ve bunu takip eden bombelerin belirlenmesi, fîlatonun yerleştirilmesi, iç ölçülendirme ve alt ses tablosunun kesin yerleştirilmesi gerçekleştirilir. Üçüncü aşama kemanın üst ses tablosunun alıştınlması, bombelerin belirlenmesi, fîlatonun yerleştirilmesi, iç ölçülendirme, f ses deliğinin çizimi ve kesilmesi, baş balkonun yapılması ve üst ses tablosunun kesin yapıştınlması takip eder. Dördüncü aşama sap ve salyangozun yapımı, tuşun yapıştırılması, sapın gövdeye takılması, cila işlemi, eşiğin yapılması, can direğinin takılmasıdır. Kemanın akort edilerek çalınmaya hazırlanması ile son bulur.Çalınan kemanın sesinde problem varsa can direği ayan tekrarlanır. Bu işleme istenilen nitelikli ses bulunana kadar devam edilir.
In this study, first of all, the historical development of the violin, the tree types that are used for making violins, the phases in constructing the violins of Antonio Stradivari and the biography of Stradivari are being written down with guotations from various types of resources. In this thesis the tree types which are used for making violins, the stages in constructing them and the school of Stradivari are deeply analysed. The violin and the other stringed musical instruments which are the essential members of the orchestras have obtained their peerless form by indicating a very long and detailed development from the nineth century until the present time. There are two opinions abouth how the violin came to Europe. The first one is; it was brought by Arabs during the sovereignty in Spain. The second one is; it was brought during the Crusade from Asia to Europe. The Chinese, instrument "Huchyn" which was played with a bow (arch) in the nineth century and the Turkish insrument "Rebab" that owned the same gualitles/characteristics with the Chinese instrument are counted as the ancestors of all instruments played with a bow. The Spruce, Maple and the Ebony trees are used for making violin. The Spruce can be found in the mountanious edge zones of Turkey as a forest. It has a 40 or 50 metres length, a smooth body and has conifers. The East Spruce, the Europe Spruce and the Blue Spruce are the main types of spruce tree. We can only find the East Spruce Tree in Turkey. The Spruce tree is used for the belly top, support boarder, wooden wedge and spruce sound. The Maple tree can be found in dispersed position in all forest areas of Turkey. Its leaves are wide and in shape of coronet. Its length is about 30 or 40 metres and it has got a very smooth body which can be bare 2 or 3 metres, Red Maple, Silver Maple, Sugar Maple and Birdeye Maple are the main types of maple trees. The Ebony is grown in the Tropical regions and it is the tree of warm climate. It's not grown in Turkey. Its color is black. You can find its best types in India. Madagaskar and Seylan. Because of being a hard tree it is used for fingerboard, pegs, tail piece and tail pin of the violin. VIII The stages of making of Antonio Stradivari violins are being assembled in four main categories. The firs phase is the pattern and the preparing of the mold, the second phase is exercising the back, the third phase is exercisingthe belly top and the fourth phase is making neck and scroll. All these stages are being examined upon the standarts of the world. These phases as follows; In the first process of violin making, because of the need for discipline, first of all the pattern is being obtained and these patterns are used for making mold. The second process is to exercise the back and than following to determine the camber to set up the purfling inside the dimension and to fix it back permanently. The third process is to exercise the bell and then to determine the camber to set up purfling inside the dimension and to draw and to cut f holes to make bass bar and to fix permanently belly. The fourth process is to make the scroll and finger to attach neck to the bady varnishing process to make bridge to attach the past sticks and finally to accord the violin for making it ready to play.
In this study, first of all, the historical development of the violin, the tree types that are used for making violins, the phases in constructing the violins of Antonio Stradivari and the biography of Stradivari are being written down with guotations from various types of resources. In this thesis the tree types which are used for making violins, the stages in constructing them and the school of Stradivari are deeply analysed. The violin and the other stringed musical instruments which are the essential members of the orchestras have obtained their peerless form by indicating a very long and detailed development from the nineth century until the present time. There are two opinions abouth how the violin came to Europe. The first one is; it was brought by Arabs during the sovereignty in Spain. The second one is; it was brought during the Crusade from Asia to Europe. The Chinese, instrument "Huchyn" which was played with a bow (arch) in the nineth century and the Turkish insrument "Rebab" that owned the same gualitles/characteristics with the Chinese instrument are counted as the ancestors of all instruments played with a bow. The Spruce, Maple and the Ebony trees are used for making violin. The Spruce can be found in the mountanious edge zones of Turkey as a forest. It has a 40 or 50 metres length, a smooth body and has conifers. The East Spruce, the Europe Spruce and the Blue Spruce are the main types of spruce tree. We can only find the East Spruce Tree in Turkey. The Spruce tree is used for the belly top, support boarder, wooden wedge and spruce sound. The Maple tree can be found in dispersed position in all forest areas of Turkey. Its leaves are wide and in shape of coronet. Its length is about 30 or 40 metres and it has got a very smooth body which can be bare 2 or 3 metres, Red Maple, Silver Maple, Sugar Maple and Birdeye Maple are the main types of maple trees. The Ebony is grown in the Tropical regions and it is the tree of warm climate. It's not grown in Turkey. Its color is black. You can find its best types in India. Madagaskar and Seylan. Because of being a hard tree it is used for fingerboard, pegs, tail piece and tail pin of the violin. VIII The stages of making of Antonio Stradivari violins are being assembled in four main categories. The firs phase is the pattern and the preparing of the mold, the second phase is exercising the back, the third phase is exercisingthe belly top and the fourth phase is making neck and scroll. All these stages are being examined upon the standarts of the world. These phases as follows; In the first process of violin making, because of the need for discipline, first of all the pattern is being obtained and these patterns are used for making mold. The second process is to exercise the back and than following to determine the camber to set up the purfling inside the dimension and to fix it back permanently. The third process is to exercise the bell and then to determine the camber to set up purfling inside the dimension and to draw and to cut f holes to make bass bar and to fix permanently belly. The fourth process is to make the scroll and finger to attach neck to the bady varnishing process to make bridge to attach the past sticks and finally to accord the violin for making it ready to play.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 2000
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2000
Thesis (M.A.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Social Sciences, 2000
Anahtar kelimeler
Müzik aletleri,
Yaylı çalgılar,
Musical instruments,
String instruments