Kısa Mesafe Deniz Taşımacılığının Avantajları Ve Kombine Taşımacılıktaki Önemi

dc.contributor.advisor Aydoğdu, Yusuf Volkan tr_TR Atar, Fürkan tr_TR
dc.contributor.authorID 10022129 tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Deniz Ulaştırması ve Liman İşletmeciliği Mühendisliği tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Maritime Transportation and Mangement Engineering en_US 2013 tr_TR 2013-12-25 tr_TR 2015-09-03T13:38:33Z 2015-09-03T13:38:33Z 2014-01-17 tr_TR
dc.description Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013 tr_TR
dc.description Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2013 en_US
dc.description.abstract Ulaştırma sistemlerinin gelişim süreci içerisinde karayolları, altyapısı kısa zamanda tamamlanan ve bu nedenle en çok tercih edilen taşımacılık şekli olmuştur. Günümüzde ise bu taşımacılık şekli, ulaştırma kaynaklı hava kirliliği, ses ve görüntü kirliliği, ölümlü ve yaralanmalı kaza istatistikleri içerisinde sahip olduğu büyük payla ön plana çıkmaktadır. Karayolu taşımacılığının sebep olduğu olumsuz etkileri en aza indirmek çoğu gelişmiş ve gelişmekte olan ülkelerin ulaştırma stratejilerinde yer almaktadır. Yapılan çalışmalarda, karayolundaki taşımacılık hacminin ve sebep olduğu olumsuz etkilerin, mevcut talebin diğer taşıma modlarına kaydırılarak azaltılabileceği konusunda görüş birliğine varılmıştır. Kombine taşımacılık, içinde bulunulan coğrafi koşullar da göz önünde bulundurularak, taşıma zincirinin büyük kısmı denizyolu ve demiryolunu içerdiği için modlar arası taşıma talebi aktarımında optimum çözüm şeklidir. Türkiye, yarımadaya benzer coğrafi yapısı ile kombine taşımacılık açısından avantajlı bir ülke konumundadır. Yatay taşıma rotalarında direkt olarak karayolu yerine deniz yolu tercih edilebilir, denizyolu ve trenyolu ağırlıklı kombine taşımacılık yapılması sağlanabilir. Türkiye’de kombine taşımacılık yeterince gelişememiş ve bahsi geçen avantajları iyi değerlendirilememiştir. Bu çalışmada, karayolu taşıma moduna alternatif olan kısa mesafe deniz taşıması ve kombine taşımacılık modu; emisyon, yakıt tüketimi, taşıma maliyetleri ve taşıma zamanı değişkenleri bazında karayolu taşıması ile karşılaştırılmış ve kombine taşımacılığın avantajlarını göstermek amaçlanmıştır. Modlar arası karşılaştırma yapılırken, iki farklı denizyolu rotası içeren örnek çalışma hazırlanmıştır. Bu rotalar, Zonguldak-Trabzon ve Adana-Antalya arası deniz taşımasını kapsamaktadır. Zonguldak-Trabzon arası taşıma paralel taşıma rotası olduğu için, denizyolu taşıması karayolu taşımasına direkt alternatif olmuştur ve bu sayede kısa mesafe deniz taşımasının faydaları gösterilmiştir. Mersin-Antalya deniz taşımasında ise yük Adana’dan trenyolu ile Mersin’e getirilmiş ve buradan kısa mesafe deniz taşıması ile Antalya’ya taşınmıştır. Bu örnek çalışma ile kombine taşımacılık karayolu taşıması ile karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışmada aynı zamanda kombine taşımacılığın önemli paydaşı olan koster filosunun Türkiye’deki durumu da yakın geçmişten günümüze incelenerek, sektördeki ihtiyaçlara değinilmiştir. Bunun yanında kombine taşımacılığın sac ayakları olan limanlar ve lojistik köylerin önemine değinilmiş ve taşıma modları arası talep aktarımı için bu merkezlerin yeni yatırımlar ile arttırılması ve modernize edilmesi gerekliliği vurgulanmıştır. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract In the process of development of transportation systems, roads have always been the most preferred form of transport mode due to having advantage of the time that required for the infrastructure. However, it has the highest share in the percentage of transportation-related emissions, noise and visual pollution, fatalities and accidents with injuries. Minimizing the adverse effects that caused by the road is always top of the transport strategy of most developed and developing countries. It was agreed in the studies that the current demand and the adverse effects caused by the volume of road transport can be reduced by shifting demands to the other transport modes. Maritime and railway transport are the best alternatives to the road transport. They both have less harmfull effect than road transport. Also, transportation costs are more reasonable in maritime and railway transport. But, ships and trains that are the transport vehicles of maritime and rail transport modes have limited ability to serve as trucks. Sea ports and railway freight stations need linkages to the cargoes. Road transport plays key role for that linkage mission. Combined transport, taking into consideration the current geographical conditions, that contains a large part of the sea and railway in transport chain is the optimum solution for the transfer of road transport demand to the more green mode. Turkey is in an advantageous position with its peninsula structure in terms of combined transport. Combined transportation with sea, rail and road could be utilized even for parallel transportation of goods. Although it has potentail in Turkey, combined transportation have not developed yet. In this study, short sea transport and combined transport mode as an alternative to highway transport mode, compared with highway transport in terms of emissions, fuel consumption, transportation time, transportation costs and the advantages of combined transport are highligted. Comparing of transport modes made by two case studies with different sea route and different cargo type. The base loads determined by interviews with firms that carry cabotage line and according to the data published by the chamber of shipping. While determining ship capacity, not only the opinions of the sector but also predictions that have been made about the supply-demand balance and storage costs are taked into account. The routes includes Zonguldak-Trabzon for the cargo of iron & steel and Mersin-Antalya sea voyages for the cargo of cement. Because of the Zonguldak-Trabzon sea route is parallel transport route, maritime transport has been a direct alternative to the road transport in that simulation, and thus the benefits of short sea transport were highlighted. As a result of the calculations made short sea shipping had lesser cost of 290.690 TL, lesser fuel consumption of 57.653 lts and lesser CO2 emissions of 14.659 kgs. But in the comparison of transportation time, road transportation took 2,90 days by 115 trucks and short sea shipping took 6,62 days by 1 sea vessel. In other case study, cargo carried by train from Adana to Mersin before the Mersin-Antalya sea voyage. Road transport and combined transport that includes railway and maritime transport were compared in that case study. As a result of the calculations made combined transportation had lesser cost of 110.210 TL, lesser fuel consumption of 31.135 lts and lesser CO2 emissions of 2.678 kgs. But in the comparison of transportation time, road transportation took 2,10 days by 96 trucks and combined transportation took 5,41 days. Coaster fleet in Turkey which is an important stake holder of combined transport was examined from near past to the present and the needs of industry were discussed. The 2001 local economic crisis effected the fleet owners and government take actions to lessen that negative effects. But global economic crisis in 2008 was lost great acceleration to the sector. In addition, it was mentioned that the importance of Ports and Logistics Villages which are the complements of the combined transport. Logistic villages should be developed for playing role as regional storage and transfer areas. Sea ports and logistic villages connections should include railway lines. Also it was stressed that the need for new investments to increase and modernize the complements for the fast demand shifting between transportation modes. Combined transport and short sea shipping provide significant advantages in the release of emissions and the transportation costs in routes that they can compete with road transportation. High share of road transport in domestic freight transport should be reduced by transferring the transport demand to more environmentally friendly modes of transportation. Coaster freight market reached the top of the previous four years in 2011, but has been declining again with effects of the EU economic crisis. Despite the advantages of short sea shipping, its share in domestic freight transport is quite low. Turkey’s coaster fleet is constantly shrinking due to fleet’s older age and higher expenses on the cost of running. By providing incentives to the dry cargo transporters for make regular transportation in cabotage line, both short sea shipping sector will contribute to the financing required for fleet renewal, as well as the shipping companies will promote efforts to increase the share of combined transport in domestic transportation. In conclusion, the calculations and analysis in this study proved that both combined transport and short sea shipping are more green transport mode than others. Also combined transport and short sea shipping consume lesser fuel and reduce the transportation costs. en_US Yüksek Lisans tr_TR M.Sc. en_US
dc.publisher Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü tr_TR
dc.publisher Institute of Science and Technology en_US
dc.rights İTÜ tezleri telif hakkı ile korunmaktadır. Bunlar, bu kaynak üzerinden herhangi bir amaçla görüntülenebilir, ancak yazılı izin alınmadan herhangi bir biçimde yeniden oluşturulması veya dağıtılması yasaklanmıştır. tr_TR
dc.rights İTÜ theses are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. en_US
dc.subject Kombine taşımacılık tr_TR
dc.subject koster filosu tr_TR
dc.subject taşıma maliyetleri tr_TR
dc.subject Combined transportation en_US
dc.subject coaster fleet en_US
dc.subject transportation costs en_US
dc.title Kısa Mesafe Deniz Taşımacılığının Avantajları Ve Kombine Taşımacılıktaki Önemi tr_TR
dc.title.alternative The Advantages Of Short Sea Shipping And Its Importance In Combined Transport en_US
dc.type Master Thesis en_US
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