Şehir parkları için gölgeleme saçakları dizaynı

dc.contributor.advisor Berköz, Eşher
dc.contributor.author Açıkgöz, S. Ayşe
dc.contributor.authorID 19399
dc.contributor.department Restorasyon
dc.date.accessioned 2023-02-24T10:58:02Z
dc.date.available 2023-02-24T10:58:02Z
dc.date.issued 1991
dc.description Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1994 tr_TR
dc.description.abstract Bu çalışmada, yi Tın sıcak dönemi boyunca açık mekanlarda din lenme durumundaki insan gruplarını direkt güneş ışınımından koruması istenen gölgeleme saçakları ele alınmıştır. Bölüm 1 'de, gölgeleme saçakları tanımlanarak işlevleri açıklan mıştır. Bölüm 2 'de bu saçakların tasarlanmasında etkili olan faktörler ele alınmış ve faktörler;. Temel insan boyutları. Güneş ışınımı. Dayanıklılık olarak belirlenmişlerdir. Bölüm 3'de kullanıcıların fiziksel ve psikolojik açıdan konfor koşullarında bulunmaları, buna bağlı olarak insan performansının maksimize edildiği koşullar gösterilmiş ve koşulların bina dışı çev rede direkt güneş ışınımı ile olan ilişkisi ele alınmıştır. Bölüm 4'de, kullanıcıların konfor koşullarında bulunmalarım sağlamaya yönelik gölgeleme saçakları için dizayn kriterleri verilmiştir. Bu bölümde antropometri k verilere göre minimum boyutlara sahip farklı saçak elemanı tipleri saptanmıştır. Ayrıca bu bölümde sa-çak elemanlarının zeminde oluşturdukları gölgeli alanların belirlen mesi yöntemi ve farklı saçak elemanlarının zeminde oluşturduğu farklı gölgeli alanların değerlendirilmesine ilişkin yöntem açıklanmıştır. Değerlendirmede ulaşılan sonuçların yetersiz kalması durumunda yapı labilecek ek çalışmalardan söz edilmiştir. Bölüm 5'de ise İstanbul yöresi esas alınarak 21 Temmuz günü saat 10:00, 12:00 ve 16:00'da belirlenmiş olan beş tip saçağın fark lı yönlendin* üş durumları incelenmiş ve değerlendirme yapılarak sonuca varılmıştır. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract To achieve comfortable conditions in open-air recreational zones during the overheated period of the year men should be protected from direct solar radiation. This study aims at developing a design procedure related to shading canopies and consists of fire main chapters; In the first chapter the function of the canopies is defined. By using the shading canopies men could be protected from direct solar radiation during the over-heated period. In the second chapter the factors which are effective on the design procedure of shading canopies are examined. Every space is created to meet various requirements of men. For the satisfication of users the design procedure should be based on the sufficient tech nical information about; a) Antropometric Data (materials, construction means and tools) b) Solar Radiation and c) Durability. a) Antropometric data is the primary factor in shading canopy design. The dimensions of the shading canopies are based on the dimensions of sitting elements placed under the canopies. The dimensions of those elements are based on the basic area required for a sitting man and the number of the users. A man in the sitting position occupies an are (65 cm x 100 cm) in plan. Therefore in the determination of the dimensions of canopies. The dimensions of the areas required for a group of users. b) The secondary factor is solar radiation. Making use of the solar radiation or being protected from the direct solar radiation is determined according to the air temperature and relative humidity of the outdoor environment. Definition of the climatic comfort with combinations of different values of climatic elements can be made by means of "Bioclimatic Chart". The "Bioclimatic Chart" was constructed with relative humidity percentages as abscissa and dry-bulb air temperatures as ordinate. Other climatic elements located on the chart describe different climatic human needs according to coordinate values. The shading line is the prominent element of the chart it divides the chart into two main zones. For the air temperature and relative humidity combinations which take place in the upper zone, it indicates that;. heating is not needed and. being in shade is necessary for climatic comfort. In addition to that;. under the conditions of higher air temperature and relative humidity, wind effects, and. under the conditions of higher air temperature and lower relative humidity additional moisture are needed. Upper and lower zones represent the overheated and underheated conditions respectively. Therefore, the period of protection from the direct solar radiation can be determined by using "Bioclimatic Chart". c) The other factor which can be taken into consideration in designing the shading canopies is durability. Because of their outdoor use the canopies should be durable enough against Climatical Conditions like; precipitation, wind humidty and social behaviour like vandal izm. In chapter 3 the relation between climatical conditions and requirement for shade is explained. All activities take place under the climatical conditions in our lines. By changing values of those conditions the physical and sensual reactions of men change. Under the climatic comfort conditions;. Optimal physiological human reactions,. Sensually satisfying conditions from the climatical environment and. Maximization of the physical and intellectual human performances can be ensured. In chapter 4, the design procedure for shading canopies offered in this study is explained. This chapter consists of two sub-chapters; 1) Design Criteria and 2) Design Procedure 1) Design criteria are determined basing on the effecting factors explained earlier. (Antropometric Data, Solar Radiation and durabil ity). The criteria are; (VI) . The dimensions of the canopies determined according to the dimensions of the required spaces for the groups of six and twelwe persons are (300 cm x 300 cm) and (300 cm x 600 cm) in plan, respec tively.. The borders of the vertical projection of the canopy on the ground should coincide with the borders of the shaded zone formed by the same canopy on the ground. Only in that way the canopies are said to be functional and meet the shading requirement totally. 2) Design Procedure; Design procedure consists of the following four main steps; a) Determination of the minimum dimensions of the shading canopies. b) Determination of the shaded zones formed by the shading canopies. c) Evaluation of the shaded zones on the ground basing on their dimen sions and locations. d) Determination of the most suitable alternative. a) Determination of the minimum dimensions of the shading canopies; The dimensions of the canopies are mainly based on the dimen sions of the minimum required areas for the groups of six and twelwe persons. But to satisfy the sense of being in a semi-open space, the dimensions of the shading canopies should be increased in lenght and width in comparison with the minimum required dimensions of the occupied area on the ground. b) Determination of the shaded zones formed by the shading canopies, are effected by the following factors;. The dimensions of the canopy and elevation from the ground,. Solar angles,. Orientation of the canopy. Determination of the shaded zone formed by a canopy on the de signing day and hours consists of the following steps;. Development of the foundamental canopy alternatives.. Determination of the related solar angles on designing day.. Determination of the borders of the shaded zone on the ground fromed by the canopy. c) Evaluation of the shaded zones on the ground basing on their dimen sions and locations; The evaluation can be done by searching through the shaded zones formed and comparing them to the zone which is needed to be in shade. (VII) d) Determination of the most suitable alternative At the end of the evaluation, if the obtained results are not satisfying the following ways of modification can be proposed;. Installment of vertical shading elements in addition.. Changing the dimensions of the canopy to achieve suitable shaded zones.. By using fundamental caropy types, combined alternatives can be produced. In chapter 5; An application of the above given design pro cedure for Istanbul Region is introduced. This chapter also consists of fire sub-chapters; a) Determination of the requirements for shade in Istanbul region. b) Determination of the dimensions of the shading canopies basing on the antro pome trie data. c) Determination of the dimensions of the shaded zones formed by the alternatives. d) Evaluation of the shaded zones formed by the canopies taken into consideration. e) Determination of the most suitable alternatives. In more details; a) Determination of the requirements for shade in Istanbul region. By recistering air temperature and relative humidity combina tions prevealing on 21st of July on the bioclimatic chart for Istanbul region, it can be seen that these combinations take place over the shading line on the chart. This means shading is needed in Istanbul region during the over-heated period. b) Determination of the dimensions of the shading canopies basing on the antropometric data; According to the shading requirements of Istanbul fine types of canopies are taken into consideration and oriented to different directions. In selection of the forms of the shading canopies the following factors are considered;. Forms should be stable. Production efficiency and economy. Forming an esthetic sequence when constructed adjacently. (VIIJ) c) Determination of the dimensions of the shaded zones formed by the alternatives; 21st of July is taken as the design day. The shaded zones formed by the alternatives determined for different orientations on 21st of July for 10:00, 12:00, 16:00 hours. d) Evaluation of the shaded zones formed by the canopies; Shaded zones formed by different shading canopies can be compared with each other by determining the ratio between shaded por- sion of the vertical projection area of the canopy on the ground and the total vertical projection area. e) Determination of the most suitable alternatives; At the end of the evaluation of the shaded zones formed by the canopies, it can be said that none of the alternatives is satisfying 100 percent on the designing day and hours none of the shading zones is convenient for the user groups placed under the canopies. Therefore the modifications which are expressed earlier can be taken into consideration.. A vertical shading element can be installed additionally.. The dimensions of the canopy can be changed and. Combined alternatives can be produced. In this case of using above modifications new results can De obtained. Evaluation of the new results is done by determining the ratio of the number of the unshaded users to the shaded users. Obtained ratios expresses the final results. en_US
dc.description.degree Yüksek Lisans
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11527/21916
dc.language.iso tr
dc.publisher Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
dc.rights Kurumsal arşive yüklenen tüm eserler telif hakkı ile korunmaktadır. Bunlar, bu kaynak üzerinden herhangi bir amaçla görüntülenebilir, ancak yazılı izin alınmadan herhangi bir biçimde yeniden oluşturulması veya dağıtılması yasaklanmıştır. tr_TR
dc.rights All works uploaded to the institutional repository are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. en_US
dc.subject Gölgeleme saçakları tr_TR
dc.subject Parklar tr_TR
dc.subject Tasarım tr_TR
dc.subject İstanbul tr_TR
dc.subject Shading canopies en_US
dc.subject Parks en_US
dc.subject Design en_US
dc.subject Istanbul en_US
dc.title Şehir parkları için gölgeleme saçakları dizaynı tr_TR
dc.title.alternative Shading canopy design for open-air recreational zones en_US
dc.type Master Thesis en_US
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