İstanbul'daki yüksek binaların gelişimi

dc.contributor.advisor Özer, Filiz Okkaoğlu, Şerife
dc.contributor.authorID 47979
dc.contributor.department Mimarlık Tarihi 2023-03-03T13:02:38Z 2023-03-03T13:02:38Z 1995
dc.description Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1995
dc.description.abstract İstanbul' da yüksek binalar uzun süreden beri yapılmaktadır. Özellikle son 10 yılda yüksek bina talebi gittikçe artmıştır. Günümüzde oldukça önem kazanan yüksek binaların, gelecekte de önemini koruyacağı hatta arttıracağı düşünülmektedir. Bu binalar ile ilgili bilgileri toplu halde içeren herhangi bir yayın bulunmadığı ve bazı önemli bina örnekleri yayınlanmadığı için, gelecekte bu konuda yapılacak çalışmalara temel teşkil edebilme amacıyla bu çalışma yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın ilk bölümünde konunun seçilme nedenleri açıklandıktan sonra çalışma yöntemi ve çalışmanın sınırlan belirtilmiştir. ikinci bölümde İstanbul' da son yıllarda artan yüksek bina yapımına olan isteği anlamak ve yorumlamak için, yüksek bina tanımı yapılmış, bu bina tipinin dünyada ortaya çıkış nedenleri ve estetik gelişimi ele alınmış ayrıca şehir ile olan ilişkileri incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde İstanbul'da az katlı binalardan çok katlı binalara geçiş nedenleri ele alınmış, yüksek bina tipinin gelişimine yer verilmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, İstanbul'da yapımı gerçekleştirilen yüksek binalar, fonksiyon, plan ve tertip, çevresel ilişkiler, estetik değerler bakımından irdelenmiş, ınimarlan veya yapımcı firma yetkilileri ile yapılan görüşmelerden, sistemli bir soru listesi yardımı ile sağlanan bilgiler ortaya konulmuştur. Binaların estetik özelliklerine yer verilmiş, hangi mimari akımların etkisi altında oldukları belirlenmiştir. Beşinci bölümde, daha önce objektif olarak ele alman, estetik özellikleri belirlenen, İstanbul' daki yüksek bina örneklerinin mimari tutum açısından değerlendirilmeleri yapılmış, karşılaşılan mimari akımlara yer verilmiştir. Daha sonra çevreden soyutlanamayan yüksek binaların şehir ile olan ilişkileri değerlendirilmiş, İstanbul şehrine yaptığı etki ortaya konulmuştur. Altıncı bölümde çalışmanın sonuçlarına yer verilmiştir. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract When we take an analytical look at the history of high rise buildings in Turkey, it is evident that they are very young compare to their alikes in the western countries. High rise buildings first started to appear in the city skyline after - 1950's. There appearance of the high rise buildings is a result of many changes country had been going under after 1950's. There were economical, social and cultural changes in the system due to the politics of that day's government. These changes effected the whole country, but mostly they effected Istanbul, because of its big role as a center of commerce, industry and cultural services in the country. Istanbul started to become a metropolitan with a lightly increasing population rate after 1950's. The people in the rural areas started to come to Istanbul, in search of better lives. The conditions to travel from rural areas to Istanbul started to become easier for many people because of the new highways. Basically, new highways which connect the rural areas with the cities and industrialization period the country was beginning to enter are two major factors in this migration. As a result of migration, industrial, commercial and service industries of Istanbul become larger than ever before. The migration from rural areas to Istanbul has been going on ever since 1950's. The first contemporary high rise buildings that had been first done in the 1950's in Istanbul increased every year parallel to the industrialization process. The amount of high rise buildings increased specially after 1980's. The most important factors are; free market economy country had selected to have, globalization world-wide and Turkey's progression in the tourism industry. The recent high rise buildings capture more than one function in themselves. The are hotel, commercial and office buildings all at once. They almost are a touristic and commercial center themselves. These functions take place in the different levels in the buildings. For instance; It is common to see a high rise building which has hotel and office places on the upper stories and commercial place on the first level which attracts people around the building and creates a socially active area. XIU When we take a look at the increase in the amount of the high rise buildings, it becomes clear that the demand for them gets higher every year. We can easily say that they will be highly important in the future and there will be more of them. In the first chapter; The purpose, the study method and the limits of this research are explained. The purpose of this research is to be a guide for the people who would be researching high rise buildings in Istanbul in the future. When we take a look at the published books about the high rise buildings in Istanbul, it becomes clear that there is not a well researched study in this area. It is very important to fill up this lack of information about the high rise buildings. Specially when we think they will be one of the major kind of building type that will be common in the future. The method of this research; First off all, the description of a high rise building, the reasons for them to be invented and their historical development. In this chapter, the information about the buildings, their characteristics, also their aesthetic aspects have been explained. The architectural drawings of the buildings and photographs of them are also in this chapter. The limits of this research; The limits of this research has also been indicated to show that a concept of a high rise building is more complex than one might think of. The high rise building is a complex area of architecture which involves city planning, building structure and architectural history. Because of the high density of medium height buildings in Istanbul, the taller and more characteristic buildings have been selected for this research. In the second chapter of this study; The description of a high rise building, the reason for its appearance in the world, their historical development and their relation to the city is explained. The description of a high rise building is briefly explained in the beginning of this chapter. The reasons for the high rise building to appear is more than one, and they are more complex than one might think of. There are economical, social and cultural reasons for high rise buildings to appear. The high rise buildings have been progressing as time goes by, new functions are being found for them. Also highly progressing building technology helps buildings to be more interesting and more advanced. XIV High rise buildings and their relation to their environment is very important. They effect their environment in many ways. That is why their effects to their environment should be well thought when they are being designed by the architects. High rise building, this particular type of building which was first invented in the end of the 19th century in USA, is a result of social, economical and cultural changes in the country and technological advances in the building industry. The changing social conditions were. Results of the economical factors in those days. There were less space in the city centers compare to the old days, and this small area should have to be used with a maximum efficiency. That is how the vertical expansion of the high rise buildings began. Because there were not much land to expand horizontally. The land valve were too high to spend it generously. After the first high rise buildings started to appear, more progression in the building technology followed. New construction types and materials helped architects to find better ways of designing high rise buildings. Better designed and more progressed buildings started to be seen in the cities as time went by. There are two main factors for the high rise buildings to appear; The first one is the financial gain the companies would get when they have them built. Because of the lack of space in the city centers, land valve went up drastically nowadays. High rise building is a magic solution to this problem. They do not take up a large space and you can vertically add as many stories as you want. The second factor is' the status - guo of the companies who have the high rise buildings built. Specially for a large company impression on the people is very important. In this age image is very important, it makes a product or service sell. Because of this fact companies look for a well designed, impressive work place which make people think that they are an important and better company than their competitors. The examples to that fact are plenty in the large American cities. When we analyze the outlook for high rise buildings in the developing countries, we see that their image is almost the same as in developed countries. They are a symbol of being different, modern and progressive. The necessity for new commercial and business areas in the city centers, the need to have easier communication between business places and the need for more recreational areas in downtown areas make companies believe that they should be all under one roof. These causes are the main drive for people to have a space for their company in a high rise building. When we analyse the image of high rise buildings in developing countries it is different than the first world countries in ways of style and XV with the historical buildings surrounding them. Otherwise, it will be a very dangerous factor for the city that causes many problems. In the fourth chapter, the more important high rise buildings have been analysed. The architects of these selected buildings and the developers answered the questions about them and gave information about these high rise buildings. Also they have been analysed aesthetically and photographs of them support this work. In the fifth chapter, coming from an objective view from the previous chapters, a critical view and comment has been achieved. When we analyse the buildings from an esthetical point, we see that the old geometrical and rationalist forms of the buildings have been softened to reduce this harshness in design. Along, with this fact, it is clear that there is examples of organic architecture, brutalist architecture and Post Modern architecture. Since we can not analyse the high rise buildings without thinking their relation to the city, city silhouette, architectural texture of the city, road plan, the air and suns direction to the building, they also were taken into account when they were being analysed aesthetically. In the sixth chapter, the aim of this research and the result of it takes place. The high rise buildings in Istanbul did not have an evolution like its kinds in the Industrial countries. This fact has a reflection on design and functions of this kind of buildings in Turkey. These styles which are imported from Western countries without really being absorbed, remained as a replica of the originals. They all remained alone. Their similars did not follow, because of the fact that the particular.. Style is only there for fashion rather than a natural evolution of styles. This situation created the problem of the isolation of these buildings from their near surroundings, they did not integrate with their environments. It is also wrong to have high rise buildings in certain parts of Istanbul, when we surroundings, from city skyline to road plans. The high rise building in Istanbul almost competes with the historical buildings nearby. This situation is very dangerous when design does not regard the surroundings of the building. en_US Yüksek Lisans
dc.language.iso tr
dc.publisher Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
dc.rights Kurumsal arşive yüklenen tüm eserler telif hakkı ile korunmaktadır. Bunlar, bu kaynak üzerinden herhangi bir amaçla görüntülenebilir, ancak yazılı izin alınmadan herhangi bir biçimde yeniden oluşturulması veya dağıtılması yasaklanmıştır. tr_TR
dc.rights All works uploaded to the institutional repository are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. en_US
dc.subject Yüksek yapılar tr_TR
dc.subject İstanbul tr_TR
dc.subject High structures en_US
dc.subject Istanbul en_US
dc.title İstanbul'daki yüksek binaların gelişimi
dc.type Master Thesis en_US
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