Mimarlık ofislerinin cephe sistemlerindeki ürün yeniliklerini benimseme tutumları ile ilgili bir araştırma
Mimarlık ofislerinin cephe sistemlerindeki ürün yeniliklerini benimseme tutumları ile ilgili bir araştırma
Sezegen, Ayşegül
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü
Sosyal, ekonomik, çevresel ve benzeri unsurlardan kaynaklanan değişen ihtiyaçlara yanıt olarak birçok sektörde yeniliklere ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Bu sektörlerden biri olan inşaat sektöründe de yeni tasarım ve yapım yöntemleri ile yeni malzemeler ve ürünler ortaya çıkmaktadır. Son yıllarda bina cephelerinde görülen gelişmelerin ise, neredeyse başka hiçbir inşaat alanında görülmediği ifade edilmektedir. Estetik ya da teknik konularla ilgili talepler, kullanıcı gereksinimlerindeki çeşitlenmeler, çevresel ve yasal birtakım zorunluluklar gibi çok sayıda motivasyon kaynağı cephe sistemleri sektöründeki ürünlerin çeşitlenmesine ön ayak olmaktadır. Bunların yanı sıra, satıcı firmalar kârlılıklarını arttırmak, rekabet avantajı sağlamak, lider firma olmak, statü kazanmak gibi amaçlarla yenilik üretmekte ya da tedarik etmektedir. Sektördeki üretici firmalar ihtiyaçlar karşısında çözüm üretirken farklılaşmak ve sektörde daha etkin olabilmek için mevcut ürünlerini iyileştirerek ya da yeni ürünler geliştirerek ürün yelpazelerini sürekli olarak güncellemektedir. Benzer şekilde tedarikçi firmalar yurt dışındaki firmaların ürünlerini tedarik ederek Türkiye'deki mimarların kullanımına sunmaktadır. Bu ürün yenilikleri inşaat sektöründe her zaman tutunamamakta, ürünlerin projelere dahil edilebilmesindeki en önemli aktör olan mimarlık ofisleri tarafından bazı ürünler benimsenerek uygulanırken, bazıları reddedilerek piyasalardan çekilebilmektedir. Ancak, cephe sisteminin binadaki önemli rolüne rağmen, mimarlık ofislerinin cephe sistemlerindeki ürün yeniliklerini benimseme sürecinde aşamaların / adımların ve yeniliğin kabul edilmesi ya da reddedilmesiyle sonuçlanan benimseme tutumlarının oluşmasında rol oynayan unsurların neler olduğu yeterince araştırılmamış bir konudur. Yeniliklerin benimsenerek uygulanması; toplumsal, ekonomik ve çevresel yararlar sağlayabilir. Yeni ürünlerin cephelerde nasıl ve neden kullanıldığını bilerek daha etkin tanıtım ve yönetim stratejileri geliştirilebilir, gerekirse teşvik politikaları üretilebilir ve sonuçta daha verimli cephe sistemleri elde etmek üzere ürün yeniliklerinin kullanımını hızlandırmak mümkün olabilir. Bu nedenle, benimseme tutumlarının ve etkilendiği konuların neler olduğunun bilinmesinin önemli olduğu düşünülmektedir. Bu tezde esas olarak, Türkiye'deki cephe sistemleri sektöründe ne tip ürün yenilikleri görüldüğü ve bu yeniliklerin nasıl sınıflandırılacağı, yeniliklerin mimarlık ofisleri tarafından nasıl benimsendiği ve mimarlık ofislerinin yenilikleri benimseme tutumlarına etkisi olan unsurların neler olduğu araştırılmıştır. Üç aşamalı olarak tasarlanan ve yürütülen araştırmanın temel girdilerinin bir bölümünü 'cephe sistemi ve sistemin tasarımı' ile 'yenilik ve yeniliklerin benimsenmesi' konu alanları ele alınarak yapılan yazın taraması sonuçları oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın ilk aşamasında, cephe ürünlerinde görülen yenilikleri sınıflamak üzere bir grup yeni ürün analiz edilmiştir. İlgili alanın yazınındaki çalışmaların bulguları ve ürün analizlerinin sonuçlarının bir arada değerlendirilmesiyle, cephe sistemlerindeki ürün yeniliklerinin sınıflandırılması için bir çerçeve geliştirilmiş ve yenilik tipi tanımları sunularak tartışılmıştır. Araştırmanın ikinci aşamasında, yazın araştırması yoluyla ürün kullanım kararında dikkate alındığı belirlenen ürün niteliklerinin, mimarlar tarafından hangi etki düzeyinde değerlendirildiğini belirlemek amacıyla bir anket tasarlanmış ve İstanbul'da faaliyet gösteren bir grup ofiste uygulanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar, mimarlık ofislerinin yenilik benimseme tutumları ile ilişkili bulguları tartışmak ve desteklemek üzere kullanılmıştır. Üçüncü aşamada ise, ankete cevap veren bazı mimarlık ofislerinde görevli karar verici mimarlarla görüşülmüş ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme verileri içerik analizi yöntemiyle analiz edilerek, benimseme sürecinin adımları, süreçte katılımcı olan aktörler ve rol oynayan unsurlar tespit edilmiştir. Tüm bu aşamaların tamamlanmasıyla elde edilen tüm bulgular, hem alanın yazınındaki çalışmaların bulgularıyla hem de yenilikçi cephe ürünü satıcısı firmaların ürün sorumlusu mimarlarıyla yapılan görüşme bulgularıyla karşılaştırılarak tartışılmıştır. Türkiye'deki cephe sistemleri sektörüne sunulan ve çalışma kapsamında temsili örneklem grubu olarak ele alınan ürün yeniliklerinin incelenmesi ve yeniliklerin cephe ürünleri bağlamında nasıl sınıflandırılacağının tartışılması sonucunda; cephe ürünlerinde en çok karşılaşan yenilik tipinin mevcut ürünün belirli niteliklerinin geliştirilmesini veya sınırlı etkiye sahip yeni bir nitelik / işlev eklenmesini kapsayan artımsal yenilik olduğu ve en çok karşılaşılan iyileşmenin ısıl niteliklerle ilişkili olduğu, cephe sistemlerindeki ürün yeniliklerinin, yeniliğin ve iyileşmenin / değişimin kapsamı dikkate alınarak farklı bakış açılarına göre sınıflandırılmasının ve bu amaçla tasarlanan çerçevenin (Çizelge A.1) satıcılar tarafından ürünlerindeki yeniliğin açıklanması için kullanılmasının faydalı olacağı tespit edilmiştir. Anket çalışmasının sonucunda, mimarların ürün kullanım kararında dikkate aldığı ürün niteliklerinin etki düzeylerinin bileşen tipine göre farklılaştığı görülmüştür. Örneğin, dış kaplama ürünlerinin kullanım kararında en çok etkili olan nitelik 'renk' iken, doğrama profillerinde en etkili niteliğin 'ebatlar' olduğu belirlenmiştir. Tüm bileşen tiplerine bakıldığında ise, nispeten çok etkili niteliklerden birinin ürünün seçilen diğer bileşenlerle uyumluluğu olduğu, çevresel etki niteliğinin ise kararlarda daha az etkili olduğu görülmüştür. Tez çalışmasının üçüncü aşamasında yapılan görüşmelerin bulguları ise, yeni cephe ürünlerinin mimarlık ofisleri tarafından benimsenmesi sürecinin temelde; (i) haberdar olma ve ilk değerlendirme, (ii) gündeme gelme ve ilk tutumun oluşması, (iii) değerlendirme ve benimseme kararı ile (iv) uygulama olmak üzere dört adımlı olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca bulgular, aralarındaki karmaşık etkileşim nedeniyle tekil etkilerini belirlemek kimi zaman zor olsa da, yeni cephe ürünlerinin mimarlık ofisleri tarafından benimsenmesinde etkisi olan unsurların; (a) yeni ürün ile ilgili, (b) proje ile ilgili, (c) aktörler ile ilgili ve (d) çevresel unsurlar şeklinde gruplanabileceğini ortaya koymuştur. Mimarlık ofisleri ile yapılan görüşmelerin bulgularının diğer bulgularla birlikte tartışılması sonucunda; mimarlık ofislerinin yeni cephe ürünlerinden haberdar olduğu benimseme açısından en etkili iletişim kanalının satıcı firma ziyaretleri olduğu, cephe ürünlerinin benimsenmesi sürecinin diğer yeniliklerin benimsenmesi süreçlerinden farklılaştığı bazı noktaların olduğu, yeni cephe ürünlerinin mimarlık ofisleri tarafından benimsenmesinde, diğer yeniliklerin benimsenmesinde rol oynayan unsurlardan farklı unsurların etkisinin olabildiği, yeni cephe ürünlerinin mimarlık ofisleri tarafından benimsenmesinde etkisi olan unsurların benimseme sürecinin adımlarına göre farklılaştığı, cephe sisteminin çok bileşenli yapısı, farklı uzmanlık alanlarından çok sayıda aktörün karar mekanizmasına katılımını gerektirdiğinden, süreçteki aktörlerin yeni ürünlerin benimsenmesindeki etkisinin diğer yeniliklerden daha fazla hissedildiği ve bu doğrultuda, aktörlerin yetersiz bilgisinin ve / veya desteğinin yeni cephe ürünlerinin benimsenmesini olumsuz etkilediği, mimarların cephe tasarımında ürün kullanım kararı verirken daha çok dikkate aldığı ürün nitelikleri ile yeni cephe ürünlerinin benimsenmesinde etkisi olan bazı ürün niteliklerinin benzediği, yeni ürünlerin yenilik tiplerinin, ürünün benimsenmesi tutumuna etkisinin olabildiğini, yenilik tipine göre ofisin talep ettiği yeni ürün bilgisinin ve talep ettiği desteğin değişebildiği, görülmüştür. Mimarlık ofislerinin yeni cephe ürünlerini benimsemesinde etkisinin olduğu belirlenen unsurların değerlendirilmesiyle, ofislerin yeni ürünlerle ilişkili beklentileri de ortaya koyulmuştur. Ortaya koyulan bu beklentilerin, satıcılar tarafından da gözlenip gözlenmediğine bakarak tartışmak üzere satıcı firma temsilcileri ile görüşmeler yapılmıştır. Tartışmaların satıcı firmalarla yapılmasının temel nedenleri; (i) ofislerin yeni ürünlerden en verimli şekilde haberdar oldukları iletişim kanalının 'satıcı ziyaretleri' olduğunun bulunması, (ii) benimsenme tutumlarına en çok etkisi olan unsur kategorilerinden birinin 'satıcı ile ilgili unsurlar' olması ve (iii) satıcıların, benimseme oranının arttırılması için kontrol edilebilecek sınırlı sayıdaki unsur kategorisinden biri olmasıdır. Çalışma kapsamında elde edilen bulgular, mimarlık ofisleri tarafından yeni cephe ürünlerinin benimsenmesi resmini ortaya koymak amacıyla; mimarlık ofislerinin süreçteki eylemlerini, sürecin aşamalarına göre hangi aktörlerin katılımcı olduğunu, yine sürecin aşamalarına göre hangi unsurların etkisinin olduğunu ve ne sıklıkla etkisinden bahsedildiğini gösterir şekilde görselleştirilmiştir. Tez çalışması kapsamında geliştirilen sınıflandırma çerçevesi, satıcılara sunulan öneriler ve tüm süreçle ilişkili bulguların görselleştirildiği şekiller Ekler bölümünde verilmiştir. Son olarak da, tüm tartışma sonuçları, mimarlık ofislerinin yeni cephe ürünlerini benimsemek için ihtiyaç duyduğu / talep ettiği bilginin ve desteğin kapsamını ortaya koymak üzere düzenlenmiş ve cephe sistemleri sektöründeki ürün satıcılarının faydalanması amacıyla bazı öneriler sunulmuştur.
In response to changing needs arising from social, economic and environmental factors such as global climate change, innovations are required in many sectors. In one of these sectors, the construction industry, new design and construction methods as well as new materials and products are emerging. There has been a particular emphasis on development of building facade systems in recent years, perhaps more so than in almost any other construction field, prompted by aesthetic and technical considerations, diverse user requirements, and a number of environmental and legal obligations, leading to a diversification of products in the facade sector. In addition to these factors, naturally companies produce or supply innovations to increase profitability, gain a competitive edge, become a leading company and gain status. Product manufacturers in the sector constantly update their product ranges by improving their existing products and developing new products to, set themselves apart from other businesses and provide solutions for a range of needs. Similarly, vendors offer product innovations for use by architects in Turkey by importing foreign products. Although these product innovations do not always gain a foothold in the construction sector, some products may be adopted and applied by the architectural firms, the most important actors in the inclusion of products in construction projects, while others may be rejected and withdrawn from the market. Despite the important role of the facade system in the building, the stages / steps in the adoption process of facade product innovations by architectural firms, and the factors that influence attitudes resulting in acceptance or rejection of an innovation have not been studied sufficiently. The adoption and implementation of innovations can provide social, economic and environmental benefits. Knowledge of how and why new products are used on facades can result in the development of more effective promotion and management strategies and the production of incentive policies as required, and ultimately it may be possible to accelerate the use of product innovations to achieve more efficient facade systems. For this reason, it is thought that having knowledge of adoption attitudes and the issues that shape them is important. The line of investigation of this thesis is on the kind of innovations in the facade product sector in Turkey, how to classify them, how they are adopted by architectural firms, and the factors shaping adoption attitudes. Some of the basic inputs of the research, which is designed and conducted in three stages, are the results of the literature review made on 'facade system and design of the system' and 'innovation and adoption of innovations'. In the first stage of the research, a group of new products were analyzed to classify the innovations seen in facade products. By evaluating the findings of the studies in the related field and the results of the product analysis together, a framework for the classification of product innovations in the facade sector was developed and the definition of innovation types were presented and discussed. In the second phase of the research, a questionnaire was designed based on the literature review to identify the level of influence attributed to product characteristics when the decision to use the product is made by architects, and the said questionnaire was completed by architects working in a number of firms operating in Istanbul. The results obtained have been used to discuss and support the findings related to the innovation adoption attitudes of the architectural firms. In the third stage, some of the architects responding to the questionnaire were interviewed, and the semi-structured interview data thus obtained were analyzed using content analysis method, and the stages / steps of the adoption process, the participating actors and the factors that played a role in the process were determined. The findings obtained by the completion of all these stages have been discussed by comparing both with the findings of the available studies in the literature and with the findings of the interviews made with the product responsible architects of the innovative facade products. Through investigation of the product innovations offered to the facade products sector in Turkey that were identified as a representative sample group, and discussion as to how to classify innovations in the context of facade products, the following results were obtained: The most common type of innovation in facade products is incremental innovation, which includes the improvement in existing features of the product, or addition of a new characteristic / function with a limited effect, and the most common improvement is related to thermal properties. It would be beneficial to classify product innovations in the facade sector according to different perspectives considering the scope of innovation and improvement / change, and to use the framework designed (see. Annex 1) for this purpose by vendors to explain the innovations in their products. As a result of the questionnaire, it was seen that the levels of influence of the product characteristics taken into account by the architects in the product use decision differ according to the component type. For example, while the most important characteristic taken into consideration in the decision to use exterior cladding products is 'color', in the case of window / door profiles it is 'dimensions'. When looking at all component types, it was seen that one of the relatively influential characteristics of the products is the compatibility of the product with other interrelated components, while the characteristics relating to environmental impact are less influential on the decisions. The findings of the interviews held in the third stage of the study showed that the adoption process of new facade products by architectural firms has basically four stages: (i) awareness of the innovation and initial evaluation, (ii) coming to the agenda and generation of initial attitude, (iii) evaluation and adoption decision and (iv) implementation. In addition, although it is sometimes difficult to determine their singular effects due to the complex interaction between them, the findings revealed that the factors that affect the adoption of new facade products by architectural firms can be grouped as: (a) innovation related, (b) project related, (c) actor related, and (d) environmental factors. Discussion on the findings of the interviews with the architectural firms, along with other findings, produced the following results: One of the most effective communication channel in terms of adoption, where architectural firms become aware of facade product innovations, is the vendor visits. There are some points on which the adoption process of facade product innovations differs from the adoption process of other innovations. Different factors have an effect on the adoption of facade product innovations by architectural firms than those affecting the adoption of other innovations. The factors influencing the adoption of facade product innovations by the architectural firms differ according to the stages of the adoption process. Since the multi-component structure of the facade system requires the participation of many actors from different fields of expertise in the decision making, the effect of the actors in the process on the adoption of new products is felt more than in that of other innovations. Accordingly, insufficient knowledge and / or support of the actors negatively affect the adoption of facade product innovations. Some product characteristics that have an impact on the adoption of facade product innovations are similar to the product characteristics that architects consider more important when deciding on product use in facade design. Innovation types of new products may affect the attitude as to whether to adopt the product, and the new product information and support demanded by the firms may change according to the type of innovation. Together with evaluating the factors determined to have an effect on the adoption of facade product innovations by architectural firms, the expectations of the firms regarding new products were also revealed. In order to discuss these expectations and to understand whether they were also observed by the vendors or not, interviews were made with the product managers. The main reasons why the discussions were made with vendors are; (i) the finding that 'vendor visits' are the communication channel through which firms are most efficiently informed about new products, (ii) the finding that one of the categories of factors that have the greatest impact on adoption attitudes is 'vendor-related factors', and (iii) the acknowledgement that vendors are one of the limited number of factor categories that can be controlled to increase adoption rate. In order to reveal the picture of adoption of facade product innovations by architectural firms, the findings obtained within the scope of the study were visualized so as to show the following: the actions of the firms in the process, which actors are participating in accordance with the stages of the process, which factors have an effect on the process according to the process stages, and how often they are mentioned. The classification framework developed within the scope of this study, the recommendations offered to the vendors and the figures in which the findings related to the whole process are visualized are given in the Appendices. Finally, the conclusions of the discussion are arranged to set out the scope of information and support that architectural firms need / demand to adopt facade product innovations, and some recommendations are provided for the benefit of vendors in the facade products sector.
In response to changing needs arising from social, economic and environmental factors such as global climate change, innovations are required in many sectors. In one of these sectors, the construction industry, new design and construction methods as well as new materials and products are emerging. There has been a particular emphasis on development of building facade systems in recent years, perhaps more so than in almost any other construction field, prompted by aesthetic and technical considerations, diverse user requirements, and a number of environmental and legal obligations, leading to a diversification of products in the facade sector. In addition to these factors, naturally companies produce or supply innovations to increase profitability, gain a competitive edge, become a leading company and gain status. Product manufacturers in the sector constantly update their product ranges by improving their existing products and developing new products to, set themselves apart from other businesses and provide solutions for a range of needs. Similarly, vendors offer product innovations for use by architects in Turkey by importing foreign products. Although these product innovations do not always gain a foothold in the construction sector, some products may be adopted and applied by the architectural firms, the most important actors in the inclusion of products in construction projects, while others may be rejected and withdrawn from the market. Despite the important role of the facade system in the building, the stages / steps in the adoption process of facade product innovations by architectural firms, and the factors that influence attitudes resulting in acceptance or rejection of an innovation have not been studied sufficiently. The adoption and implementation of innovations can provide social, economic and environmental benefits. Knowledge of how and why new products are used on facades can result in the development of more effective promotion and management strategies and the production of incentive policies as required, and ultimately it may be possible to accelerate the use of product innovations to achieve more efficient facade systems. For this reason, it is thought that having knowledge of adoption attitudes and the issues that shape them is important. The line of investigation of this thesis is on the kind of innovations in the facade product sector in Turkey, how to classify them, how they are adopted by architectural firms, and the factors shaping adoption attitudes. Some of the basic inputs of the research, which is designed and conducted in three stages, are the results of the literature review made on 'facade system and design of the system' and 'innovation and adoption of innovations'. In the first stage of the research, a group of new products were analyzed to classify the innovations seen in facade products. By evaluating the findings of the studies in the related field and the results of the product analysis together, a framework for the classification of product innovations in the facade sector was developed and the definition of innovation types were presented and discussed. In the second phase of the research, a questionnaire was designed based on the literature review to identify the level of influence attributed to product characteristics when the decision to use the product is made by architects, and the said questionnaire was completed by architects working in a number of firms operating in Istanbul. The results obtained have been used to discuss and support the findings related to the innovation adoption attitudes of the architectural firms. In the third stage, some of the architects responding to the questionnaire were interviewed, and the semi-structured interview data thus obtained were analyzed using content analysis method, and the stages / steps of the adoption process, the participating actors and the factors that played a role in the process were determined. The findings obtained by the completion of all these stages have been discussed by comparing both with the findings of the available studies in the literature and with the findings of the interviews made with the product responsible architects of the innovative facade products. Through investigation of the product innovations offered to the facade products sector in Turkey that were identified as a representative sample group, and discussion as to how to classify innovations in the context of facade products, the following results were obtained: The most common type of innovation in facade products is incremental innovation, which includes the improvement in existing features of the product, or addition of a new characteristic / function with a limited effect, and the most common improvement is related to thermal properties. It would be beneficial to classify product innovations in the facade sector according to different perspectives considering the scope of innovation and improvement / change, and to use the framework designed (see. Annex 1) for this purpose by vendors to explain the innovations in their products. As a result of the questionnaire, it was seen that the levels of influence of the product characteristics taken into account by the architects in the product use decision differ according to the component type. For example, while the most important characteristic taken into consideration in the decision to use exterior cladding products is 'color', in the case of window / door profiles it is 'dimensions'. When looking at all component types, it was seen that one of the relatively influential characteristics of the products is the compatibility of the product with other interrelated components, while the characteristics relating to environmental impact are less influential on the decisions. The findings of the interviews held in the third stage of the study showed that the adoption process of new facade products by architectural firms has basically four stages: (i) awareness of the innovation and initial evaluation, (ii) coming to the agenda and generation of initial attitude, (iii) evaluation and adoption decision and (iv) implementation. In addition, although it is sometimes difficult to determine their singular effects due to the complex interaction between them, the findings revealed that the factors that affect the adoption of new facade products by architectural firms can be grouped as: (a) innovation related, (b) project related, (c) actor related, and (d) environmental factors. Discussion on the findings of the interviews with the architectural firms, along with other findings, produced the following results: One of the most effective communication channel in terms of adoption, where architectural firms become aware of facade product innovations, is the vendor visits. There are some points on which the adoption process of facade product innovations differs from the adoption process of other innovations. Different factors have an effect on the adoption of facade product innovations by architectural firms than those affecting the adoption of other innovations. The factors influencing the adoption of facade product innovations by the architectural firms differ according to the stages of the adoption process. Since the multi-component structure of the facade system requires the participation of many actors from different fields of expertise in the decision making, the effect of the actors in the process on the adoption of new products is felt more than in that of other innovations. Accordingly, insufficient knowledge and / or support of the actors negatively affect the adoption of facade product innovations. Some product characteristics that have an impact on the adoption of facade product innovations are similar to the product characteristics that architects consider more important when deciding on product use in facade design. Innovation types of new products may affect the attitude as to whether to adopt the product, and the new product information and support demanded by the firms may change according to the type of innovation. Together with evaluating the factors determined to have an effect on the adoption of facade product innovations by architectural firms, the expectations of the firms regarding new products were also revealed. In order to discuss these expectations and to understand whether they were also observed by the vendors or not, interviews were made with the product managers. The main reasons why the discussions were made with vendors are; (i) the finding that 'vendor visits' are the communication channel through which firms are most efficiently informed about new products, (ii) the finding that one of the categories of factors that have the greatest impact on adoption attitudes is 'vendor-related factors', and (iii) the acknowledgement that vendors are one of the limited number of factor categories that can be controlled to increase adoption rate. In order to reveal the picture of adoption of facade product innovations by architectural firms, the findings obtained within the scope of the study were visualized so as to show the following: the actions of the firms in the process, which actors are participating in accordance with the stages of the process, which factors have an effect on the process according to the process stages, and how often they are mentioned. The classification framework developed within the scope of this study, the recommendations offered to the vendors and the figures in which the findings related to the whole process are visualized are given in the Appendices. Finally, the conclusions of the discussion are arranged to set out the scope of information and support that architectural firms need / demand to adopt facade product innovations, and some recommendations are provided for the benefit of vendors in the facade products sector.
Tez(Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü, 2021
Anahtar kelimeler
büro yapıları,
office buildings,
yapı cepheleri,
yapı tasarımı,
building design