Marmara Denizi Sedimentlerinde Anaerobik Btex Ayrıştırması Yapan Mikroorganizmaların Bulunması
Marmara Denizi Sedimentlerinde Anaerobik Btex Ayrıştırması Yapan Mikroorganizmaların Bulunması
Ketre, Canan Zöhre
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Mikrobiyal degredasyon, kontamine olmuş deniz sedimentlerinde doğal atenüasyonunun tek sürdürülebilir bileşenidir ve halen tam anlamıyla açıklanamamıştır. Mikrobial kapasitelerin ve kontamine olmus bölgelere dağılımının gözlemlenmesi doğal atenuasyonun değerlendirlmesinin temelini oluşturur.. Marmara Denizi çok yüksek hidrokarbon kirliliği sahip olmasına rağmen , bu bölgedeki benzen, toluen , etilbenzen ve ksilen ( BTEX ) seviyeleri henüz belirlenmemiştir. BTEXler öncelikli çevre kirleticileridir ve BTEX degrede eden organizmaların çevrede bulunmasıyla bioıslah edilebilir. Benzilsüksinat sentaz (bssA) enzimi anaerobik toluen ve ksilen degradasyonunun anahtar enzimidir ayrıca Toluen ve ksilen degradasyonu için fonksiyonel bir indikatör olarak kullanıldığı pek çok kez ispatlanmıştır. Benzilsüksinat sentazı kodlayan BssA geni, çevresel örneklerde BTEX ayrıştırıcılarının sayımı için hedeflenebilir. Gerçek zamanlı polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu (Q-PCR ) genlerin bulunma çokluğunu belirlemek için çok kullanılan bir yöntemdir. Q-PCR, bu çalışmada geleneksel methodlara göre birçok avantaj sağladığı için seçilmiştir. Marmara Denizi’nin en kirli 10 bölgesinden alınan sediment örneklerinde, en geniş fizyolojik ve filogenetik mikroorganizma gruplarını hedeflemek için özel olarak dizayn edilen Q-PCR primerleri kullanarak analiz yapıldı. 2 yıllık gözlemlerin sonucunda, Marmara Denizi’nde BssA gen çokluğu 2.4×1010 - 7×1012 olarak bulundu. BssA geninin toplam petrol hidrokarbonlarının (TPH) çok olduğu bölgelerde daha fazla ve toplam mikrobiyal kominitedeki bssA gen çokluğu ile TPH içindeki BTEX yüzdesi ters orantılı olduğu belirlendi (%3-40). Yapılan korelasyon analizlerine göre bssA gen çokluğu ve aktivitesi azot fosfor oranı ve seviyesiyle yakından ilgili çıkmıştır. Sonuçlarımız anaerobik/ anoksik koşullarda mikrobiyal BTEX degradasyonun ileri incelemeleri için Marmara Denizi’nin ümit verici bir aday olduğunu göstermiştir.
Microbial degradation is the only sustainable component of natural attenuation in contaminated marine environments which are still poorly understood. The monitoring of microbial capacities and their distribution at contaminated sites forms a basis for assessing natural attenuation. Although Marmara Sea has been extremely polluted with hydrocarbons, the level of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the isomers of xylene (BTEX) in this environment has not been determined yet. BTEX are priority environmental pollutants and can be removed by means of bioremediation as long as BTEX degrading microorganisms are abundant in the polluted environment. Benzylsuccinate synthase (BssA) is the key enzyme of anaerobic toluene and xylene oxidation and has repeatedly been proven to be a valuable functional marker gene for unknown anaerobic toluene and xylene degraders . BssA gene , codes for the R-subunit of benzylsuccinate synthase, can be targeted to quantify BTEX degraders in environmental samples. Quantitative real-time PCR (Q-PCR) have been widely used for the quantification of gene abundances. Q-PCR analysis was chosen for this study because it offers many advantages over traditional methods used to quantify AnBTEXDeg in environmental samples.We used the Q-PCR primers targeting the widest range of physiological and phylogenetical group of microorganisms carrying the bssA gene to monitor abundance of BTEX degraders in sediments from the most polluted regions of the Marmara Sea (10 different locations). The bssA gene abundance changed in a range of 2.4×1010 - 7×1012 during the 2 years monitoring period. The bssA was abundant where total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) levels are high, and BTEX % in TPH was negatively correlated to the relative abundance of the bssA in the total microbial community (3-40 %). The bssA gene abundance and activity were strongly related to the N/P ratios and the N-P levels. The results showed that the abundance of bssA gene was a good representetive to quantify the AnBTEXDeg. Overall results revealed that the Marmara Sea Sediments seems to be a promising candidate for further investigation of microbial BTEX degradation under anaerobic/anoxic conditions.
Microbial degradation is the only sustainable component of natural attenuation in contaminated marine environments which are still poorly understood. The monitoring of microbial capacities and their distribution at contaminated sites forms a basis for assessing natural attenuation. Although Marmara Sea has been extremely polluted with hydrocarbons, the level of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and the isomers of xylene (BTEX) in this environment has not been determined yet. BTEX are priority environmental pollutants and can be removed by means of bioremediation as long as BTEX degrading microorganisms are abundant in the polluted environment. Benzylsuccinate synthase (BssA) is the key enzyme of anaerobic toluene and xylene oxidation and has repeatedly been proven to be a valuable functional marker gene for unknown anaerobic toluene and xylene degraders . BssA gene , codes for the R-subunit of benzylsuccinate synthase, can be targeted to quantify BTEX degraders in environmental samples. Quantitative real-time PCR (Q-PCR) have been widely used for the quantification of gene abundances. Q-PCR analysis was chosen for this study because it offers many advantages over traditional methods used to quantify AnBTEXDeg in environmental samples.We used the Q-PCR primers targeting the widest range of physiological and phylogenetical group of microorganisms carrying the bssA gene to monitor abundance of BTEX degraders in sediments from the most polluted regions of the Marmara Sea (10 different locations). The bssA gene abundance changed in a range of 2.4×1010 - 7×1012 during the 2 years monitoring period. The bssA was abundant where total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) levels are high, and BTEX % in TPH was negatively correlated to the relative abundance of the bssA in the total microbial community (3-40 %). The bssA gene abundance and activity were strongly related to the N/P ratios and the N-P levels. The results showed that the abundance of bssA gene was a good representetive to quantify the AnBTEXDeg. Overall results revealed that the Marmara Sea Sediments seems to be a promising candidate for further investigation of microbial BTEX degradation under anaerobic/anoxic conditions.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2010
Anahtar kelimeler
petrol hidrokarbonları,
anaerobik bioıslah,
polimeraz zincir reaksiyonu,
petroleum hydrocarbons,
anaerobic bioremediation,
Polymerase chain reaction