Küçük ölçekli bir kimya sanayi işletmesinde kalite güvence sisteminin incelenmesi ve değerlendirilmes

Yörür, Zeki
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Bu çalışmada, genel olarak kalitenin tarifi yapılarak, kalite ve kalite ile ilgili kavramlar anlatılmaktadır. Günümüzdeki yoğun rekabet ortamında ayakta kalan ve başarılı olabilen firmaların hepsinin ortak özelliklerinin Toplam Kalite Yönetim felsefesini ve onun getirdiği yaklaşımları benimsemiş olmalarının altı çizilerek Toplam Kalite Yönetimi'nin sadece ürün ve hizmet kalitesi ile ilgili olmayıp. verimliliğı ve dolayısıyla rekabet gücünü artıran, çağdaş bir yönetim tarzı olduğu vurgulanmaya çalışılmıştır. Toplam Kalite Yönetimini benimsemeyen firmalar, ürünlerinin veya hizmetlerinin kalitesini artırmak isteselerde, er veya geç yüksek maliyet ve rekabet edememe sorunuyla karşı karşıya kalacaklardır. Konunun devamında, Kalite kontrolün çeşitli üretim modellerle ilgili uygulamalar bir gelişim sırasına göre anlatılmışlar. Kalite Kontrol uygulamaları, klasik kalite kontrol anlayışının çeşitli üretim modellerinde uygulanmasından, Toplam Kalite Kontrol' e kadar uzanan bir gelişim süreci içinde incelenmektedir. Bu aşamada kalite konusunda özel bir yeri olan ve ugulamalarıyla bu konuda bir devrim yapan Japonların kalite yaklaşımları değerlendirilmiş ve basanlarının nedenleri irdelenerek, kalite konusundaki katkıları anlatılmıştır. Japon tarzı toplam kalite kontrol olarak tarif edilebilen ve tamamen kendilerine özgü uygulamaları ile Japonlar, kaliteli ürünleri ile dünya pazarlarında tartışmasız rekabet üstünlüğü kurmaları, kalitenin firmalar açısından ne denli öneme sahip olduğunun göstergesidir. Ayrıca kalite çalışmalarında kaliteye ait maliyetler incelenerek, kalite maliyetlerinin, işletmenin genel maliyetlerindeki oranının, kalite çalışmaları ile nasıl azalabileceği ve bu çalışmaların maliyetlerinin ise ne oranda yükselebileceği irdelenmektedir. Bölüm 2'de firmaların, iç ve dış pazarlardaki yokedici rekabete ayak uydurabilmeleri ve yarınlara ulaşabilmeleri için, gerekli olan etkin bir "Kalite Güvencesi Sistemi'"nin kurulma aşamaları, Toplam Kalite Kontrolün felsefesi ve bununla ilgili kavramları, öğeleri ile uygulama yöntemleri detaylı şekilde anlatılmaktadır. Bölüm 3'de, Kalite güvence sistemleri ve ISO 9000 ile ilgili kavramlar, kalite güvence sisteminin uygulanmasında karşılaşılan zorluklar belirtilerek, ISO 9000 Kalite Güvence Sistemi ile ilgili konular işlenmektedir. Bu konuların özünde, günümüzde etkin bir "Kalite Güvencesi Sistemi" kuramamış firmaların ürünlerinin kalitelerinin tesadüflere kalacağı, bunun bedelini, pazar paylarının azalması ile veya daha ağır bir şekilde ödeyebileceği gerçeği ve büyüklüklerine bakılmaksızın firmaların kendilerine özgü etkin bir Kalite Güvence sistemi kurmalarının önemi anlatılmaktadır. Bölüm 4'te ise Kalite Güvence Sistemine ait uygulama, olarak küçük ölçekli bir kimya sanayi işletmesinin kalite sistemi incelenmiştir. işletmenin kalite sistemine ait noksanlıkların tespitine ve bu noksanlıkların giderilmesine yönelik öneriler oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Söz konusu incelemeler, işletmede ürün geliştirme ve hizmetle ilgili bir faaliyet olmadığı için ISO 90.02 Kalite Güvence Standartlarının sertifikalamaya esas 18 unsuruna göre yapılmıştır, inceleme ve değerlendirme çalışmalarında, işletme bölüm sorumluların katlımı sağlanarak yapılan tespitlerin mümkün olduğunca tekrardan kaçınılarak detaylı ve yerinde olması sağlanmaya çalışılmaktadır. Yapılan çalışmalar sonunda sorunlar belli başlı iki noktada yoğunlaşmaktadır. Bunlar; üst yönetimin kalite konusundaki yaklaşımı ve çalışanların eğitim eksikliğidir. Kalite konusundaki bu sorunlar gerçekte sadece incelemenin yapıldığı isletmeye ait sorunlar olmayıp, toplumumuzun temel sorunu olduğu gerçeğide unutulmamalıdır.
In the first section, it is mentioned the importance of Total Quality, in our world the result of the fast-going globalization day-by-day. The companies to be endure and to compete with each and change is that the world is come to an one-market and the clearest result of globalization is the competition getting hardly other they have to appropriate the philosophy of Total Quality (T.Q.) ISO 9000 and Total Quality Management supplement each other. A successful Total Quality Management effort will have a quality system that is similar to the ISO 9000 quality system. Therefore, a corporation that has successful woven Total Quality Management into the fabric of its business should need only minor changes to meet ISO 9000 registration requirements. Although ISO 9000 and Total Quality Management supplement and support each other, they have different objectives, evaluation and improvement processes and management and. success goals. It is essential to understand both approaches and their relationship to each other to ensure that both are applied appropriately so that their benefits can be achieved. A quality system is designed to ensure the continued repeatability of a set of product and service characteristics that have been explicitly or implicitly agreed to by a customer and a supplier. It has been examined the quality and the main concepts that constitute the quality, and it is mentioned the factors of the effects on quality that is used in the daily life. It has been tried to mention that many factors by come together how and in which proportion they determined the formation of quality. To catch, to prevent and to improve the level of quality with a continual developing system, the chances from the quality control on the last product to total quality is to be considered. It is examined why the firms that appropriate and approach the philosophy of Total Quality have to deal with crisis and loosing market share problems. It is mentioned that Total Quality is related to not only product and service quality but also on contemporary management philosophy and. management approach. The main condition to be compete is to develop, design, manufacture, inspect, market and service products that will satisfy the customers at the time of purchase and give them satisfaction for a long time after purchase. At the time where the needs are fulfilled the Quality-Price-Time conditions have to be considered perfectly in the sense of customer satisfaction's. But one should realise that by satisfying this conditions the quality costs should also be examined carefully, because by reaching high quality it is important to keep in mind that the costs of quality working should not be higher than the incomes. It is explained, by using current diagram's the methods of quality control in the various processing systems how comprehension of Total Quality Control is applied to the general of a process beginning from the Artisan Production Model until today s. Quality system have exited throughout history and have evolved and matured over time. They have changed because of industrial development and the development of new quality techniques and ideas. The four quality system (artisan, inspection, statistical process control, and quality assurance) still exist today. The number of systems in use has increased and broadened with each advancement. A disturbing fact, however, is the number of early inspection systems still in operation. Even though it is arguable how adequately some of these systems meet their objectives, they all have the same objectives: IX . To achieve and sustain the quality of product or service. To give management confidence that quality is being met. To give the customer confidence that consistency is being delivered in the product or service Among this approaches the Japan perceptiveness about quality, which has made a big revolution in quality, will be considered separately. By explaining the key to Japanese practice, it is analysed how the philosophy of Japans quality is directed. The Japans have bend contemporary on quality control after a long time than does USA and Europe. It is mentioned that they have adapted The Total Quality to themselves which can be also called Quality Control Circles and with this they improved continual the âuality level. The concepts of total quality control in Japan were originally introduced by ıe American Consultant Dr. Deming. and Joseph Juran in 1950's. With their help Japan become a successful applier of quality circles. It is tried to explain the practice conditions that are used by Japans. There are major reasons underlying Japan's success. Japanese style of total quality control applications involves; quality control on the whole firm, statistical quality control training, to determine the needs of customer, employee training, application and importance for total quality of statistical quality control, quality control circle in the organisation to be able to be a successful manufacturer and interest of top management towards the matter. To apply the total quality control only on production process will block the success on quality. Main success can only be reached if workers and supervisors have the primary responsibility for quality and if quality circles is voluntary for all the employees, which is a characteristics of quality circles. Other characteristics that effects the success of implementation of quality circles are; quality circle members cooperage together while they were solving problems in a systematic way and quality circles help supervisors and workers to develop their problem solving skills and their abilities. Process control, a classic statistical quality control concept of checking quality as the process continues and stopping the process if it goes out of control will provide to detect even to correct errors, if any exists, by the production stage and it will prevent error to pass to the next stages. To determine the needs of customers, can be possible with market researches and customer visits. According to the determined needs product design and development should be produced according to economic possibilities. With quality Control Circles every employee has primary responsibility for quality. According this, members in the circles are put forward then ideas, then they identify, analyse and solve their work problems. This has also an importance on the self-confidence of the workers. The main target here is, with the precipitation of the employee, to build a perfect quality control system. Because of quality control circles it could be possible to produce nigh-quality products and beside this, decreasing in costs, increase in productivity, disposal in using energy and equipment, increase in the productivity from workers, work safety and employee health and other utilities of quality control circles are explained. Employee and personnel training is an important factor for the success of implementation of quality circles in industry. It is always possible to procuring equipment's and modern macnines, to constitute the best systems, but it is more important to train the employee and Sersonnel which will complete the two factors, iefore the establishment of the Japan quality system in the year 1949 the japan employers and technical staff are trained wim seminar, literature and forms and the foundation was built in this way earlier. Ih the second section it is examined Total Quality and Total Quality Management. There are many definitions of Total Quality Management, but the following definition explains it well : Total Quality Management is a management philosophy that builds customer -driven learning or organisations dedicated to total customer satisfaction with continuous improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of the organisation and its processes. This definition describes Total Quality Management in a nonprescriptive way with a vision to provide total customer satisfaction through continuous improvement. To follow this philosophy, management must develop in a management system. Total Quality Management system run in a quality cycle system. In this system must be driven to have a mind set leads to concentration on value-added activity directed at total customer satisfaction. Other things being equal, the better the system functions, the more the company's profit and market share will grow. A successful Total Quality Management system weaves these principles into the fabric of the business. Total Quality Management, fike a house, requires continual care and upkeep to remain viable. Therefore ? a 'Taouse of Total Quality Management " is one in which each function continuously improves the effectiveness and efficiency of its processes, based on customers' needs and expectations. The foundation is education, and management is the roof. Each function works to improve the key work or business processes that move toward the goal of achieving world-class performance. For example, development improves processes, such as design cycle time and design quality manufacturing improves manufacturing process, such as unplementing jut-in time and self directed work teams; and order processing. The quality assurance systems to form the steps to reach to Total Quality Control, which takes a long time. By assembling the quality assurance system it is mentioned Deming's 14 topics. This 14 principle is important in the sense of foundation of a Quality Assurance system and principles. In a process the applications of Quality Assurance systems which subjects in how ways they form control points are mentioned. The factors that effects product quality, control of input, measurement and control equipment's, other process ringing, product and process control methods (procedures and instructions, statistical methods etc.) product properties, process properties, environmental properties are determined by taking this under control and it is provided the assurance of the product quality. This factors are very different from the other sectors for the chemical industry. Visible, measurable quality is implemented through ear to understand charts and diagrams that help workers and managers informed about quality. Line-stop authority in the bands of workers in order to implement the insistence on compliance. In capital intensive processes, devices detect poor quality and stop the process automatically. Self-correction of errors is the responsibility of each employee who must rework bad items, usually after regular working hours. In the third section, it is explained Quality Assurance Systems and ISO 9000 Quality Assurance Systems and the elements of these system. The ISO 9000 standards define the requirements of a prevention-based quality assurance system. If the system is adhered to the supplier will always produce and deliver a predictable product or service. ISO 9000 is a set of primary standards : three address specific quality systems (ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ISO 9003) and two are guidelines (ISO 9000 AND ISO 9004).. ISO 9000 - A guideline for the selection and use of quality management and quality assurance standards. ISO 9001 - A model for the assurance of quality systems for design and development, production, installation, and servicing XI . ISO 9002- A model for the assurance of quality systems for production and installation. ISO 9003 - A model for the assurance of quality systems for final inspection and test. ISO 9004 - Guidelines for quality management and quality system elements ISO 9001 has a scope that covers all elements of ISO 9002 and ISO 9003. The ISO 9001 standard requires a documented quality system that is built an a three-tier set of documents. Although the three levels are equal in evaluating compliance, the quality manual is the most important because the supplier's procedures and instructions are derived from it. The manual is a management document in which the quality policy and objectives to which the supplier is committed are documented. The manual describes the authority, responsibilities, empowermentand interrelation of all personnel in charge of implementing the pohcy. Therefore, it is the guide that defines what will be done and how it will be done. The standards does not explicitly require a formal, documented manual, but it specifies the manual's requirements in great detail an strongly recommends one. From the quality manual, procedures are developed for each system element, these procedures are interdepartmentaL Ideally, they should be developed under the leadership of the organisation responsible for the element and agreed to by all dependent and interrelated departments since the scope of the procedures is organizationwide. The foundation of quality assurance system has got a hierarchical character. This hierarchical system includes quality politics of products, procedures and work-instructions. The politic of the firm is determined by the top-management and the applicators of this politics are from top to bottom. New suggestions about the process are suggested by workers to the management. This is a feed-back for the process that helps to ensure continual implementation of the process. In a process the applications of Quality Assurance systems which subjects in how ways they form control points are mentioned. The factors that effects product quality, control of input, measurement and control equipment's, other process rigging, product and process control methods (procedures and instructions, statistical methods etc.) product properties, process properties, environmental properties are determined by taking this under control and it is provided the assurance of the product quality. This factors are very different from the other sectors for the chemical industry. In the fourth section, it is explained the examination and evolution of a quality assurance system from a small-scale chemical plant and the elements of the Quality Assurance Systems and how this system is applied to these plant. This plant consist a current Quality Assurance System. This Quality Assurance System of the plant is examined and detailed on the basis of ISO 9000 Quality Assurance System. ISO 9002 standards is appropriate for these plant, because there are not design and development, and servicing elements of ISO 9000 Quality Assurance System in activities of these plant. By establishing a Quality Assurance System a whole support and joining of the top management, the determination of customer needs, product design according customer needs, methods which will provide systems continuously improvement all this peculiarity's are important. Beside this it is mentioned about the framing of employees, the importance of supporting the studies with entries and the preparation oia quality hand-book. First of all, the company "Hoechst" and it's division "Agricultural pesticides production plant" is introduced! Hoechst, is the one of the giants of the world with 166.000 employees and its centre is in Frankfurt. Hoechst is active in the fields of chemistry, textile and pesticides production, seeds production, dye production. Xll Agricultural pesticides plant is founded in Ömerli/istanbul, on an area of 100.000 m. Normally 40 employed, for the higher capacity usage rates with temporary workers 120 employees are employed. In the plant, liquid and granulated pesticides are formulated and encapsulated. There is only one filling and encapsulating production band. Before we study the quality system, some characteristics of the plant (resulting from the sector requirements) should be discussed. The most important one's are: 1. Difficulty in employing temporary workers for faster production period. 2. For these periods (between 3 months April and June) 70 percent of the total production in a year is implemented. 3. Worker wages are 60 percent higher than sectors averages. 4. Depositing costs are higher due to the reasons caused by raw materials and products. 5. Contagious diseases that occur unexpectedly, causes faster production and transportation. Under such conditions, the quality system of the production plant as a whole is evaluated by using 18 parts of the ISO 9002 quality system For all sections; we can conclude that the common deficiencies and suggestions to solve these problems in the system are as below: 1. The quality system has not full support from the higher level management division. 2. Inadequacy in the skills and in the trainmen's of the employees. 3. Quality of machines and equipment's are not enough to produce for the desired quality level 4. Quality system is not documented adequately, and the problem of recording statistical data's about the system. Suggestions: 1. Full support from the higher level management divisions. 2. An intensified plan should be implemented for training of the employees. 3. Equipment should be renewed. Their qualities should be raised. The system should be immediately adapted and developed to satisfy the requirements of ISO 9002 as it is planned. Then the Total Quality Management System should be used as a model for the firms Quality Management. I have avoided from repetitions and I have given details for all divisions of the plant. In this thesis it is tried to examine and to detail the current Quality Assurance System of a small-scale chemical industry plant and to find the errors in this system and to produce solutions for preventing the errors for this plant. Ofcourse, there are many problems in this plant but these problems mainly raises from the education and training problems of the employees. These problems are not only this plant's problems but also these are our social problems.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, 1997
Anahtar kelimeler
KOBİ, Kalite güvence sistemi, Kimya endüstrisi, Small and Medium Sized Firms, Quality assurance system, Chemical industry