Şevli Dalgakıranların Tsunami Etkisi Altında Stabilitesinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi
Şevli Dalgakıranların Tsunami Etkisi Altında Stabilitesinin Deneysel Olarak İncelenmesi
Baş, Bilge
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Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Institute of Science and Technology
Institute of Science and Technology
Tsunamiler başta depremler olmak üzere çeşitli nedenlerle oluşan uzun periyotlu dalgalardır. Bu dalgalar sahip oldukları büyük dalga enerjisi sayesinde kıyıya ulaştıktan sonra büyük mesafeler kaydederek kara yapılarına zarar verip can ve mal kaybına neden olmalarının yanı sıra kıyı yapılarına da zarar vermektedirler. Bu çalışmada geleneksel kıyı koruma yapılarından biri olan taş dolgu dalgakıranların tsunami tipi uzun dalgalar etkisi altındaki stabilitesi deneysel olarak incelenmiştir. Bu amaçla, İTÜ İnşaat Fakültesi Hidrolik Laboratuarı’nda yer alan dalga kanalında farklı şev eğimine sahip iki dalgakıran kesiti kurulmuştur. Kurulan her bir dalgakıran kesiti için 3 farklı konfigürasyon (kronmansız-levhasız, levhalı ve kronmanlı) oluşturulmuş ve bu kesitlerin tsunami etkisi altındaki stabiliteleri incelenmiştir. Gerçekleştirilen her bir deneyde taş hareketleri gözlenerek hasar oranları belirlenmiş ve oluşturulan dalga yükseklikleri dalga probları, data logger ve bilgisayar aracılığıyla elde edilmiştir. Deneyler sonucu dalga yüksekliği-hasar oranı grafikleri oluşturulmuş ve elde edilen sonuçlar değerlendirilmiştir. Yapılan çalışma sonucunda, proje dalga yüksekliği ile mukayese edilebilir büyüklükte bir tsunami etkisi altında şevli dalgakıranların kabul edilebilir bir hasar ile stabilitelerini korudukları görülmüştür. Ayrıca, stabiliteye aşmanın önemli oranda olumsuz etki yaptığı, dalgakıran kesitinin geçirimli olmasının stabiliteye katkı yapmadığı, kronman duvarı olması halinde ise yansıma nedeniyle stabilitenin olumsuz etkilendiği bulgularına varılmıştır.
Tsunamis are long period waves caused by mainly earthquakes. Beside propagating into land in great distances and causing loss of lives and properties through their great wave energy, these waves damage coastal structures, too. In this study, stability of rubble mound breakwaters, which are one of traditional coastal protection structures, were examined experimentally under tsunami type long waves. For this purpose, two rubble mound breakwater cross section with different slope grades were set up in a wave flume in Hydraulics Laboratory of ITU Faculty of Civil Engineering. For each cross sections, three configuration alternatives (with no crownwall and plate, with plate and with crownwall) were constituted and stability of mentioned configurations under tsunami wave attack were examined. During each experiment, damage ratios were determined by observing movement of rocks on primary armour layer and wave heights were recorded. After experiments, wave height-damage ratio graphics were formed and experimental results were evaluated. After the evaluation of test results, it was observed that rubble mound breakwater cross sections conserved their stabilities under tsunami impact that was nearly same with project wave height. Also, it was found out that overtopping affected stability negatively, impermeable cross sections did not affect stability positively and presence of crownwall reduced stability because of reflection.
Tsunamis are long period waves caused by mainly earthquakes. Beside propagating into land in great distances and causing loss of lives and properties through their great wave energy, these waves damage coastal structures, too. In this study, stability of rubble mound breakwaters, which are one of traditional coastal protection structures, were examined experimentally under tsunami type long waves. For this purpose, two rubble mound breakwater cross section with different slope grades were set up in a wave flume in Hydraulics Laboratory of ITU Faculty of Civil Engineering. For each cross sections, three configuration alternatives (with no crownwall and plate, with plate and with crownwall) were constituted and stability of mentioned configurations under tsunami wave attack were examined. During each experiment, damage ratios were determined by observing movement of rocks on primary armour layer and wave heights were recorded. After experiments, wave height-damage ratio graphics were formed and experimental results were evaluated. After the evaluation of test results, it was observed that rubble mound breakwater cross sections conserved their stabilities under tsunami impact that was nearly same with project wave height. Also, it was found out that overtopping affected stability negatively, impermeable cross sections did not affect stability positively and presence of crownwall reduced stability because of reflection.
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007
Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2007
Anahtar kelimeler
taş dolgu dalgakıran,
rubble mound breakwater,