Büyük Veri İle Kentsel Ritmin Ölçülmesi: İstanbul Örneği
Büyük Veri İle Kentsel Ritmin Ölçülmesi: İstanbul Örneği
Gökçe, Pınar
Süreli Yayın başlığı
Süreli Yayın ISSN
Cilt Başlığı
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Kentlerin sahip olduğu zamansal özelliği ifade eden kent ritimleri kent aktivitelerinin
zaman ile ilişkisini kent mekânında görmemize yardımcı olmaktadır. Özellikle sanayi
devriminden ve internetin icadından itibaren artan hareketlilik ile birlikte kentlerin
ritimlerinin analiz edilmesi karmaşıklaşmış ve hareketliliğin kayıt altına alınmasının
zorluğu ile birlikte kentin dinamik yapısı yeterince anlaşılamamıştır. Statik bir süreç
gibi düşünülen kentsel planlama ve tasarım anlayışına koşut olarak, artık hareketli kent
yaşamına uyum sağlaması açısından dinamik bir süreç olarak kent planlamasında,
tasarımında ve yönteminde ihtiyaç duyulan anında müdahale ve hızlı operasyonel
müdahaleler için kentsel ritim çalışmaları bir gereklilik haline gelmektedir. Büyük
verinin yükselişi ile beraber, gelişen bilgi keşfi süreci, kentsel bilişim alanında
yarattığı yenilikler mekânsal analizlerde de gelişme sağlamış ve kentsel ritim
çalışmaları için de bir fırsat sunmaktadır.
Ritmin sahip olduğu karmaşıklığı Lefebvre polyrhthm olarak tanımlarken, Crang
kentsel ritimleri birbirine benzer ritmik alanların olduğunu öne sürmektedir. Bir başka
görüş olan pacemaker ise çeşitli aktivitelerin kentsel ritimler üzerinden değişiklik
yarattığını vurgulamaktadır. Zaman ve mekânnın temel olduğu bu yaklaşımlar temelde
mekânın konumu itibari ile sahip olduğu özelliklerin yanında zamansal olarak da bazı
niteliklere sahip olduğunu savunmaktadır. Mekanların zamansal olarak birbirine
benzemesi ya da zamansal olarak birbirinden ayrışması mümkündür. Kentlerin bu
dinamik yapısını takip etmek günümüze kadar kent bütününde zordu. Planlama ve
tasarım araçlarının gelişmesi ve kentlerin okunabilirliği için önemli bir nokta olan
kentin dinamik yapısını okuma, yani yılın belirli döngüsel periyotlarına ve sosyal
aktivitelerine bağlı olarak artan ve azalan ritim, gelişen teknoloji sayesinde kent
bütününde izlenebilir bir hal almıştır. Dijital ayak izleri olarak da geçen bu kayıtlar,
insanların mekânda gerçekleştirdikleri aktiviteleri sanal ortamda kayıt ederek bu
izlerin gözlemlenebilir bir olguya dönüştürmektedir. Kentsel ritmin önemli bir
katmanı olan kentsel hareketliliğin değişimi kentlerin büyümesi ve yayılması ile
birlikte çeşitlenmiş ve zamansal farklılaşmalar ortaya çıkarmıştır. Ulaşım kartları gibi
çeşitli teknolojiler sayesinde bu hareketliliğin izlenmesi bir fenomen olmaktan
Bilgisayarların kent mekanına ve kent yönetim süreçlerine girmesi ile birlikte başlayan
kentsel bilişimin gelişmesi akıllı kent yaklaşımlarını geliştirmiştir. Akıllı kentlerin
sunduğu siber fiziksel sitemler ve oluşturduğu güçlü bağlantılar sayesinde artan
kentsel büyük veri, yeni veri odaklı yaklaşımları geliştirmekte ve daha net sonuçlar
sunmaktadır. Kentsel bilişim doğrultusunda geliştirilen yaklaşımlar kent yönetimi,
kaynak kullanımı, politika gelişme süreçleri gibi birçok alanda gelişme sağlamıştır.
Yaşanan bu gelişmeler ile birlikte büyük veri teknolojilerinin de gelişimi sayesinde
kentsel büyük verinin analizi planlama ve tasarım alanın kentsel mekân kalitesini arttırmaya yardımcı olacak bir dizi analiz fırsatı sunmaktadır. Kentsel büyük verinin
sunduğu ve sunacağı imkanlar göz önüne alındığı vakit kentsel büyük verinin nasıl ele
alındığı, işlendiği ve büyük veriden nasıl yarar sağlandığı önemli ve kritik bir hal
almaya başlamıştır. Büyük veriden elde edilecek faydaların hızlı ve pratik olması
yönündeki ihtiyaç kent plancısı ve tasarımcısını bu konuda çalışmaya itmektedir.
Plancı ve tasarımcının günümüz teknolojisine adaptesi kent yönetimleri açısından
önemli olmaya başlamıştır.
Bu tez kapsamında İstanbul bütününde büyük veri yardımıyla kentsel ritim modeli
geliştirilmiş ve bu model üzerinde mekânların sosyal ve döngüsel takvimlerden nasıl
etkilendiği bilgi keşfi yaklaşımı ile ortaya koyulmuştur. 12 adımlı kentsel hareketlilik
ritim modeli geliştirilerek sosyal ve döngüsel ritimler değerlendirilmiştir. 2 ana
aşamadan oluşan kentsel hareketlilik ritim modelinin ilk aşaması büyük hacimdeki
veriyi çalışmanın amacına uygun olarak bir veri özeti sistemi geliştirmektedir. Çeşitli
veri dönüşümleri ve bilgi özetleme pratikleri ile birlikte veri hacminde %99,9 oranında
bir azalma sağlanarak İstanbul bütününde yıllık, mevsimlik, aylık, haftalık, günlük ve
saatlik ritim analizlerinin yanında sosyal taksimler olan, bayram dönemleri, eğitim
başlangıç ve bitiş tarihlerinde kentsel ritim analizleri gerçekleştirilmiştir.
İstanbul ölçeğinde 2018 yılı kentsel ritim sonuçlarında kent merkezinde yoğun olan
hareketlilik Zincirlikuyu aktarma istasyonun noktasal bir birikme gösterse de kentin
en hareketli bölgesi Tarihi Yarımada olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Bunun yanında
kentin ana bir arteri olan metrobüs hattı boyunca yığılma göstererek kentsel ritim,
kentin yeni arterleri hakkında da ipuçları vermektedir. Çeperlerde azalmakta olan
kentsel ritim, kentin doğusunda bulunan Gebze bağlantısında dikkat çekmektedir.
Gebze ile bir ekonomik-sosyal koridora sahip olan İstanbul, kentsel ritim açısından da
sınırda da bir artış göstermektedir. Mevsimlik ritim analizi sonuçlarına göre
İstanbul’da %11’ik bir ritim azalışı görülmektedir. Yaz aylarında insanların kent dışına
çıktığını veya dışarı çıkmayı daha az tercih ettiğini gösteren bu analiz sonucunda
turistik bölgelerin yaz aylarında kentsel ritim artışı olduğu elde edilmiştir. Zaman
ölçeği daraltılıp aylık analizler yapıldığında kent ritminin en çok azaldığı ay ağustos
ayı, en çok yükseldiği ay ise kasım ayı olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır.
Zaman ölçeği hafta ölçeğinde daraltıldığı zaman hafta içi ve hafta sonu ritim
farklılıkları karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Hafta içi benzer kentsel ritme sahip olan şehir
cumartesi günü düşüşe geçmekte ve pazar günü en düşük kentsel ritim değerine
gelmektedir. Hafta için sabah 6:00–9:00 saatleri arasında iş ve okula gidiş saatleri
olarak kabul edilen zaman dilimi kentin en hareketli zaman dilimi olurken akşam 17:00
ve 19:00 saatleri arası insanların eve dönüş zaman dilimini oluşturduğu görülmektedir.
Sabah saatlerinde konut bölgelerinde başlayan kentsel ritim öğlen saatlerinde kent
merkezinde yoğunlaşırken akşam saatlerine konut bölgelerine yeniden dağılmaktadır.
Döngüsel takvimlerin rutinlerinde etkilerini görebildiğimiz sosyal takvimler kent
hareketliliğinde değişiklik yaparak kentsel ritmi değiştirmektedir. Eğitimin başlangıcı
ile birlikte artan kentsel ritim, bayramlarda bütün kent ritmi değişirken ve futbol maçı
gibi etkinlikler daha bölgesel yerlerde ritim değişikliklerine neden olmaktadır. Sosyal
takvimlerin oluşturduğu mekânsal ritmik değişiklik döngüsel ritimlere göre daha fazla
hissedildiği görülmektedir.
Geçmişe yönelik döngüsel ve sosyal takvimler bazında kentsel ritim analizi
değerlendirildiğinde kentin dinamik sistemi anlaşılmakta ve gelecekteki etkinliklerde
nasıl bir tepki vereceği tahmin edilebilir duruma gelmektedir. Yapılan bu döngüsel ve
sosyal zaman dilimlerine bağlı analizlerden insanların dönemsel ve saat olarak hangi bölgelerde yoğunlaştığını, sürekli bir hareket içinde olan kent yaşamının nerelerde
yoğunlaştığını statik olmaktan çok dinamik bir biçimde gözlemleme imkanını bize
sunmaktadır. Statik planlamanın yanında dinamik planlama için bir zemin sağlama
potansiyeli olan kentsel ritim çalışmaları kentin yeniden yorumlanmasına ve zamansal
olarak nasıl müdahaleler gerektirdiği açısından plancılar ve kent yöneticileri için yeni
bir bakış açısı sunması önemli bir konu haline gelmektedir.
Dinamikleşen kent sisteminin çözümlenmesi ve izlenebilmesi için şehir plancısı artık
geleneksel yöntemlere ek olarak kenti okumanın yeni bir yolunu aramaya girmiştir.
Kent yönetiminin artık operasyonel bir sistem bütününde işletilmesi gerekliliği
plancıyı/tasarımcıyı kendi çerçevelenmiş rolünden çıkarıp yönetimin ve uygulamanın
her alanında yön gösterici bir rol biçmeye itmektedir.
Dinamikliği artan kentlerin yeni yönetim anlayışında operasyonel müdahale biçimleri
için anlık olarak kenti izleyip analiz edebilme yeteneği kent planlama sistemlerinin
göz ardı edilemez bir parçası haline gelmektedir. Geliştirilen kentsel ritim modeli ile
birlikte İstanbul’un hareketlilik üzerine dinamik yorumlaması
gerçekleştirilebilmektedir. Bu tez çalışması, mevcut analizlerle kentleri izlemenin bir
alternatifi olarak dinamik kent yapısını izleme adına başvurulacak uygulamalar için
bir yol gösterici niteliktedir.
Urban rhythms, which express the temporal characteristics of cities, help us to see the relationship between urban activities and time in urban space. Especially with the increasing mobility since the industrial revolution and the invention of the Internet, the analysis of the rhythms of the cities has become complex and the dynamic structure of the city has not been sufficiently understood with the difficulty of recording the mobility. In parallel with the urban planning and design approach, which is considered as a static process, urban rhythm studies become a necessity for the immediate intervention and rapid operational interventions needed in urban planning, design and method as a dynamic process in terms of adapting to the active urban life. Along with the rise of big data, the process of discovery of knowledge, innovations in urban informatics, has provided improvement in spatial analysis and provides an opportunity for urban rhythm studies. Defining the complexity of rhythm as Lefebvre polyrhthm, Crang argues that urban rhythms have similar rhythmic fields. Another view, the pacemaker, emphasizes that various activities change over urban rhythms. These approaches, in which time and space are fundamental, argue that, in addition to the features it possesses in terms of its location, space also has some characteristics in time. It is possible that the spaces are similar or temporally different from each other. It was difficult to follow this dynamic structure of cities throughout the city until today. Reading the dynamic structure of the city, which is an important point for the development of planning and design tools and the legibility of the cities, that is, the increasing and decreasing rhythm due to certain cyclical periods and social activities of the year, has become traceable to the whole city thanks to the developing technology. These recordings, which are also referred to as digital footprints, record the activities performed by people in a virtual environment and turn them into observable phenomena. The change of urban mobility, which is an important layer of urban rhythm, has diversified along with the expansion and expansion of cities and has resulted in temporal differences. Thanks to various technologies such as transportation cards, monitoring this activity is no longer a phenomenon. The development of urban informatics, which started with the introduction of computers into urban space and city management processes, has developed smart city approaches. Increasing urban big data, thanks to the cyber physical systems provided by smart cities and the strong connections it creates, develop new data-oriented approaches and provide clearer results. Approaches developed in line with urban informatics have made progress in many areas such as urban management, resource use and policy development processes. With the development of big data technologies along with these developments, the analysis of urban big data provides a range of analysis opportunities that will help improve the urban space quality of the planning and design area. When urban big data presents and will be presented, how big urban data is handled, processed and benefited from big data has become important and critical. The need for fast and practical benefits from big data drives urban planners and designers to work on this issue. The adaptation of the planner and the designer to today's technology has become important for the city administrations. Within the scope of this thesis, urban rhythm model has been developed with the help of big data in Istanbul and how the spaces are affected by social and circular calendars on this model has been revealed with the knowledge discovery approach. 12-step urban mobility rhythm model was developed to evaluate social and cyclic rhythms. The first phase of the urban mobility rhythm model, which consists of two main stages, develops a data summary system in accordance with the purpose of studying large volumes of data. With a variety of data conversions and information summarization practices, a 99.9% reduction in the volume of data is achieved in urban rhythm analyzes in the whole of Istanbul, which include annual, seasonal, monthly, weekly, daily and hourly rhythm analyzes, as well as social breaks, holiday periods, training start and end dates. It was performed. Although Istanbul's scale of urban rhythm results of the year 2018 intense mobility in the city center shows a point accumulation of Zincirlikuyu transfer station, the most vibrant region of the city is the Historic Peninsula. In addition to this, urban rhythm gives clues about the new arteries of the city by stacking along the metrobus line which is the main artery of the city. Decreasing urban rhythm on the walls attracts attention in the connection of Gebze to the east of the city. Istanbul, which has an economic-social corridor with Gebze, shows an increase in the border of urban rhythm. According to seasonal rhythm analysis results, a rhythm decrease of 11% is observed in Istanbul. As a result of this analysis, which shows that people go out of the city in the summer months or prefer to go out, it is observed that the tourist regions have an increase in urban rhythm during the summer months. When the time scale is narrowed and monthly analyzes are performed, the month in which the city rhythm decreases the most is the month of August and the month in which the highest rises is the month of November. When the time scale is narrowed on the week scale, rhythm differences occur during the week and at the weekend. Having a similar urban rhythm during the week, the city declines on Saturday and reaches the lowest urban rhythm on Sunday. The week between 6: 00-9: 00, which is accepted as working and going to school, is the most active time zone of the city. The urban rhythm, which starts in the residential areas in the morning, intensifies in the city center at midday, while the residential rhythms are dispersed again in the evening. Social calendars, whose effects on the routines of cyclic calendars, change urban mobility and change urban rhythm. While the urban rhythm increases with the beginning of the training, the whole city rhythm changes during festivals and events such as football matches cause rhythm changes in more regional places. It is seen that the spatial rhythmic change created by social calendars is felt more than circular rhythms. When the urban rhythm analysis is evaluated on the basis of retrospective cyclic and social calendars, the dynamic system of the city is understood and it becomes predictable how it will react in future activities. From these cyclic and social time periods, it offers us the opportunity to observe dynamically rather than static, in which regions people concentrate periodically and in hours, and where urban life is in constant motion. In addition to static planning, urban rhythm studies, which have the potential to provide a basis for dynamic planning, become an important issue for planners and city managers in terms of how the city requires reinterpretation and interventions in time. With the spatial memory created as a result of the historical analysis and interpretation of the spatially collected data, it can be made possible to monitor how the cities will react in the future. According to various scenarios, the reactions of the city are predictable with new city monitoring and analysis techniques. In order to analyze and monitor the dynamic urban system, the city planner is now looking for a new way of reading the city in addition to the traditional methods. The necessity of operating the city administration as a whole in an operational system forces the planner / designer to take a guiding role in all areas of management and implementation. It is important that urban management adapt to the developing technology and the pace of change, starting with the role of consultant and guiding role in each sector including the city until new ICT applications. The planner, who is able to adapt and use them in favor of developments, plays a key role in the new requirements of the dynamic city. Discovering new ways to read the city quickly and using ICT quickly and effectively in line with their own needs, the planner is becoming a key element of today's city governments. Not only in the field of planning, it has a say in many areas of the city. The ability to instantly monitor and analyze the city for operational intervention forms in the new management approach of cities with increasing dynamics becomes an indispensable part of urban planning systems. With the developed urban rhythm model, dynamic interpretation of Istanbul on mobility can be realized. This thesis is a guide for the applications to follow the dynamic urban structure as an alternative to monitoring cities with the existing analyzes.
Urban rhythms, which express the temporal characteristics of cities, help us to see the relationship between urban activities and time in urban space. Especially with the increasing mobility since the industrial revolution and the invention of the Internet, the analysis of the rhythms of the cities has become complex and the dynamic structure of the city has not been sufficiently understood with the difficulty of recording the mobility. In parallel with the urban planning and design approach, which is considered as a static process, urban rhythm studies become a necessity for the immediate intervention and rapid operational interventions needed in urban planning, design and method as a dynamic process in terms of adapting to the active urban life. Along with the rise of big data, the process of discovery of knowledge, innovations in urban informatics, has provided improvement in spatial analysis and provides an opportunity for urban rhythm studies. Defining the complexity of rhythm as Lefebvre polyrhthm, Crang argues that urban rhythms have similar rhythmic fields. Another view, the pacemaker, emphasizes that various activities change over urban rhythms. These approaches, in which time and space are fundamental, argue that, in addition to the features it possesses in terms of its location, space also has some characteristics in time. It is possible that the spaces are similar or temporally different from each other. It was difficult to follow this dynamic structure of cities throughout the city until today. Reading the dynamic structure of the city, which is an important point for the development of planning and design tools and the legibility of the cities, that is, the increasing and decreasing rhythm due to certain cyclical periods and social activities of the year, has become traceable to the whole city thanks to the developing technology. These recordings, which are also referred to as digital footprints, record the activities performed by people in a virtual environment and turn them into observable phenomena. The change of urban mobility, which is an important layer of urban rhythm, has diversified along with the expansion and expansion of cities and has resulted in temporal differences. Thanks to various technologies such as transportation cards, monitoring this activity is no longer a phenomenon. The development of urban informatics, which started with the introduction of computers into urban space and city management processes, has developed smart city approaches. Increasing urban big data, thanks to the cyber physical systems provided by smart cities and the strong connections it creates, develop new data-oriented approaches and provide clearer results. Approaches developed in line with urban informatics have made progress in many areas such as urban management, resource use and policy development processes. With the development of big data technologies along with these developments, the analysis of urban big data provides a range of analysis opportunities that will help improve the urban space quality of the planning and design area. When urban big data presents and will be presented, how big urban data is handled, processed and benefited from big data has become important and critical. The need for fast and practical benefits from big data drives urban planners and designers to work on this issue. The adaptation of the planner and the designer to today's technology has become important for the city administrations. Within the scope of this thesis, urban rhythm model has been developed with the help of big data in Istanbul and how the spaces are affected by social and circular calendars on this model has been revealed with the knowledge discovery approach. 12-step urban mobility rhythm model was developed to evaluate social and cyclic rhythms. The first phase of the urban mobility rhythm model, which consists of two main stages, develops a data summary system in accordance with the purpose of studying large volumes of data. With a variety of data conversions and information summarization practices, a 99.9% reduction in the volume of data is achieved in urban rhythm analyzes in the whole of Istanbul, which include annual, seasonal, monthly, weekly, daily and hourly rhythm analyzes, as well as social breaks, holiday periods, training start and end dates. It was performed. Although Istanbul's scale of urban rhythm results of the year 2018 intense mobility in the city center shows a point accumulation of Zincirlikuyu transfer station, the most vibrant region of the city is the Historic Peninsula. In addition to this, urban rhythm gives clues about the new arteries of the city by stacking along the metrobus line which is the main artery of the city. Decreasing urban rhythm on the walls attracts attention in the connection of Gebze to the east of the city. Istanbul, which has an economic-social corridor with Gebze, shows an increase in the border of urban rhythm. According to seasonal rhythm analysis results, a rhythm decrease of 11% is observed in Istanbul. As a result of this analysis, which shows that people go out of the city in the summer months or prefer to go out, it is observed that the tourist regions have an increase in urban rhythm during the summer months. When the time scale is narrowed and monthly analyzes are performed, the month in which the city rhythm decreases the most is the month of August and the month in which the highest rises is the month of November. When the time scale is narrowed on the week scale, rhythm differences occur during the week and at the weekend. Having a similar urban rhythm during the week, the city declines on Saturday and reaches the lowest urban rhythm on Sunday. The week between 6: 00-9: 00, which is accepted as working and going to school, is the most active time zone of the city. The urban rhythm, which starts in the residential areas in the morning, intensifies in the city center at midday, while the residential rhythms are dispersed again in the evening. Social calendars, whose effects on the routines of cyclic calendars, change urban mobility and change urban rhythm. While the urban rhythm increases with the beginning of the training, the whole city rhythm changes during festivals and events such as football matches cause rhythm changes in more regional places. It is seen that the spatial rhythmic change created by social calendars is felt more than circular rhythms. When the urban rhythm analysis is evaluated on the basis of retrospective cyclic and social calendars, the dynamic system of the city is understood and it becomes predictable how it will react in future activities. From these cyclic and social time periods, it offers us the opportunity to observe dynamically rather than static, in which regions people concentrate periodically and in hours, and where urban life is in constant motion. In addition to static planning, urban rhythm studies, which have the potential to provide a basis for dynamic planning, become an important issue for planners and city managers in terms of how the city requires reinterpretation and interventions in time. With the spatial memory created as a result of the historical analysis and interpretation of the spatially collected data, it can be made possible to monitor how the cities will react in the future. According to various scenarios, the reactions of the city are predictable with new city monitoring and analysis techniques. In order to analyze and monitor the dynamic urban system, the city planner is now looking for a new way of reading the city in addition to the traditional methods. The necessity of operating the city administration as a whole in an operational system forces the planner / designer to take a guiding role in all areas of management and implementation. It is important that urban management adapt to the developing technology and the pace of change, starting with the role of consultant and guiding role in each sector including the city until new ICT applications. The planner, who is able to adapt and use them in favor of developments, plays a key role in the new requirements of the dynamic city. Discovering new ways to read the city quickly and using ICT quickly and effectively in line with their own needs, the planner is becoming a key element of today's city governments. Not only in the field of planning, it has a say in many areas of the city. The ability to instantly monitor and analyze the city for operational intervention forms in the new management approach of cities with increasing dynamics becomes an indispensable part of urban planning systems. With the developed urban rhythm model, dynamic interpretation of Istanbul on mobility can be realized. This thesis is a guide for the applications to follow the dynamic urban structure as an alternative to monitoring cities with the existing analyzes.
Anahtar kelimeler
big data,
spatial analysis,
smart city,
akıllı kentler,
büyük veri,
ritim analizi,
mekansal analiz