Kent planlamada yapılanma koşullarının saptanması

dc.contributor.advisor Ünal, Yücel Özat, Fizun
dc.contributor.authorID 14334
dc.contributor.department Şehir ve Bölge Planlama 2023-02-24T10:56:34Z 2023-02-24T10:56:34Z 1991
dc.description Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1991
dc.description.abstract Kent Planlamada Yapılanma Koşulları 'nın Saptanması konulu bu çalışmanın ilk bölümünde konu ve yapılan çalışmalar tanıtılmıştır. İkinci bölümde kent planlamada yapılanma koşullarını etkileyen etkenlerden söz edilmiştir. ilk olarak, planlama kademeleri ve bunların yapılanma koşullarını ne yönde ve nasıl etkiledikleri belirtilmiştir. Etkenlerin ikincisinde fiziksel özelliklerden; iklim özellikleri, jeolojik topoğrafik yapı, kent kimliği ve görsel değerlere değinilmiş; üçüncüsünde mülkiyetten söz edilmiştir. Çalışmanın üçüncü bölümünde konut alanları tanımlanmış, mevcut, gelişme, toplu ve ıslah konut alanları olmak üzere sınıflandırılarak incelenmiş; 3030 sayılı Kanun Kapsamı Dışında Kalan Belediyeler Tip İmar Yönetmeliği; mevcut, gelişme, toplu ve ıslah konut alanlarıyla ilgili örnekler yapılanma koşulları açısından incelenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde koruma alanlarından ve yürürlükteki mevzuattan söz edilmiş, koruma planlarından yapılanma koşullarıyla ilgili örnekler verilmiştir. Beşinci bölümde turizm alanlarından ve yürürlükteki mevzuattan söz edilmiş, turizm planlarından yapılanma koşullarıyla ilgili örnekler verilmiştir. Çalışmanın son bölümünde incelenen konular çerçevesinde, farklı tür arazi kullanımlarında yapılanma koşullarının saptanmasına yönelik sonuçlar çıkartılmış ve öneriler geliştirilmeye çalışılmıştır. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract Together with rapidly growing urbanization, the shrinkage of land, cities are becoming monotonous, are loosing their identities and grow in an unhealthy way through planning only aimed to achieve maximum utility with no consideration of physical properties or historical and natural values, and illegal construction. The aim of this study is to ;ti-s>tr!rmine the construction conditions in the usages of different types of land within urban areas that became characterless and dense through planned or non-planned rapid growth of modern cities. Fur ther the determination of the construction conditions, in the usages of different types of land, that can be defined as the limitations and arrangements of the vertical, horizontal and vacant areas between the building and the land. On subject of the study is the usage of different types of land, also the factors effecting the conditions of construction. Other topics are the current regulations for the subjects mentioned in this study and the examination of the relevant plans in the aspect of the conditions of construction. In order to limit the study, the housing areas, conservation areas and tourism areas in city planning have been taken up and it was aimed to develop suggestions in reference to the solutions that came out. The study consists of six parts. In the first part the subject is introduced generally and the aim, coverage and the method of the study is mentioned. The second part is about the factors effecting the conditions of construction in city planning; the phases of planning within the country, the physical features and proper tie's torship. -xi- The determination of the conditions of construction is effected by the social-economic based country and region planning, determination of strategies and plans within the country and the region and with descending until the urban scale through physical based metropolitan, environment, master and application settlement plans, plans of a lesser level. Physical features effect the structure of settlement and thus the conditions of construction. For instance like the structure of settlement that resu Its out of the climate or the prohibiting and limitation of construction in areas with inconvenient geological features. The fact that the properties are divided into many pieces, causes dense block-order construction. Shared building land causes uncontrolled construction and seperate onership of flats constitutes a handicap for the renewal of these areas. In the third part, the residence areas are distinguished into present, developing, collective and amelioration residence areas and are examined with model plans in the aspect of the conditions of construction. The evaluation of the municipal type construction regulations, not covered by governing statute no. 3D30, has been made and the problems of application of the conditions of construction in this regulation have also been taken up. The basic determination of the buildings in the present and developing residence areas is provided by the resulutions of the type construction regulations. Construction terms of the regulations, like the measurements of the f rontback-sideyards cause the construction of apartment blocks of similar shape and placing order in the different climate zones of Turkey. The type regulations must be improved to meet the needs of the different climate zones of Turkey and provisions concerning civil architecture must be added to these regulations. By planning developing areas as collective residence units, it can be made safe that these areas wont't become broken and untidy, the infrastructure and the instalations work productively and the structure of -xii- settlement is vital and aesthetic. To place detached, semi-detached, adjacent-order, and lou), medium and high buildings in mixed order into the collective residence planning, creates a balance in the densities of construction and population and an aesthetic sight. The collective residence plans should only indicate the frontiers of the construction land also the total construction area within the area and if necessary the distances between the buildings. It should provide design-flexibility for the planners and architects without going into unnecessary limitations. With consideration of the actual situation, and because the conditions and standarts neccessary for the normal construction plans are not required, the amelioration construction plans can only be regarded as a legalization instrument for squatter's houses and land- shares. The only construction conditions in the amelioration are to build 4-storey buildings and the maximum size of the plots is 400 sqm. In time, when these areas get under construction, the yard distances will become insufficient and techno- social infrastructure problems will occur. Uhen squatter areas are planned like colİECtive residence areas with different building heights, the outcoming areas can be used for the construction of techno-social infrastructure. Monotonous and characterless settling can be avoided through sober determination of the direction, the size and density of the development in urban development -xm- areas, and also through application of corrections of the present urban structure. Part four is about the conservation areas, the current regulations related with these areas and the construction conditions of the model conservation plans. The conservation construction plan contains detailed provisions for conservation, mainenance and new constructions in the conservation areas. These provisions may change according to the features of the conservation area. The conservation boards carry the better part of the responsibility in determining the construction conditions. It is important, for the sake of protection of the characteristics of the conservation area, that the new constructed buildings are harmonious with the old buildings and that the construction-order, the size of the building plots, the densities, materials and the architectural characteristics are detailly determined. In order to maintain the traditional structure of settlement, the provisions of the conservation construction plan bring detailled limitations and conditions. On the other hand, however, the type construction regulations create similar construction throughout the country. If this contradiction is not corrected, neither the conservation plans will be successful, nor will the settlment areas gain any character. Subjects of part five are tourism areas, shores, secnod residences, touristic enterprises, health tourism and the current regulations. Also some examples of tourism construction plans are given. Today, the shores and inner regions and the present touristic establishments face a confusion of tourism planning. -XIV- There is a turn towards areas worthy for tourism but that are suffering the lack of infrastructure and superstructure. The tourism areas are abused and the resources are beeing wasted. On the other hand, resulutions for the present touristic establishments bring great encouragement for these areas to become more active in tourism. But this also causes problems in these areas where the winter population is very little. The conditions of construction must be harmonous with nature, the archeological and historical sites and areas. It must be prevented that the nature at the shores is destroyed by the construction of vacation houses and villages. The building plots should be large in size, the construction density should be limited but with the permission to build high-rise buildings and the local architects should be encouraged. In the sixth and final part of the study, conclusions have been drawn within the frame of the subjects examined in the first five parts and suggestions have been tried to develop. en_US Yüksek Lisans
dc.language.iso tr
dc.publisher Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
dc.rights Kurumsal arşive yüklenen tüm eserler telif hakkı ile korunmaktadır. Bunlar, bu kaynak üzerinden herhangi bir amaçla görüntülenebilir, ancak yazılı izin alınmadan herhangi bir biçimde yeniden oluşturulması veya dağıtılması yasaklanmıştır. tr_TR
dc.rights All works uploaded to the institutional repository are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. en_US
dc.subject kent planlama tr_TR
dc.subject konut alanları tr_TR
dc.subject yapılaşma tr_TR
dc.subject urban planning en_US
dc.subject housing lands en_US
dc.subject structuring en_US
dc.title Kent planlamada yapılanma koşullarının saptanması tr_TR
dc.title.alternative The Determination of the conditions of construction in city planning en_US
dc.type Master Thesis en_US
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