Tatil köyleri'nde arsa yerleşim şeması-yoğunluk

dc.contributor.advisor Erkman, Uğur tr_TR
dc.contributor.author Erem, Ömer tr_TR
dc.contributor.authorID 39727 tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Çevre Kontrolü ve Yapı Teknolojisi tr_TR
dc.contributor.department Environmental Control and Construction Technologies en_US
dc.date 1994 tr_TR
dc.date.accessioned 2020-09-24T13:23:01Z
dc.date.available 2020-09-24T13:23:01Z
dc.date.issued 1994 tr_TR
dc.description Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1994 tr_TR
dc.description Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 1994 en_US
dc.description.abstract Bu çalışmada Türkiye'de gelişmekte olan tatil köyü kavramı ve bu kavramın gelişmesinde etkili olan faktörler incelenmiş, bu tesisler üzerinde bir seri niteliksel ve niceliksel analizler yapılarak birtakım genel sonuçlar elde edilmiştir. Birinci bölüm, konuya giriş niteliği taşımaktadır. İkinci bölümde, turizm olgusunun ve onu oluşturan bileşenlerinin tanımı yapılmış, rekreasyon kavramının varlığı irdelenerek turizmle olan ilişkisi incelenmiştir. Üçüncü bölümde, turizm olayının tarihsel süreç içindeki evrimi endüstri öncesi devirden, günümüze kadar özetlenerek, Türkiye'deki turizm sektörünün gelişimi incelenmiş ve güncel durumu belirlenmiştir. Dördüncü bölümde, Türkiye'de ve dünyada tanımlaması yapılmış konaklama tesisleri ile bunların arasında tatil köylerinin yeri belirlenmiştir. Günümüzdeki tatil köyü kavramının tanımı yapılarak, Türkiye'de tatil köyü tesislerinin güncel durumu çeşitli verilerin yardımıyla irdelenmiştir. Beşinci bölümde, tatil köyü yerleşimini etkileyen faktörler denetlenemeyen ve denetlenebilen faktörler başlıkları altında incelenmiş ve bunların tatil köyü tasarımı üzerindeki etkileri tartışılmıştır. Altıncı bölümde, tatil köylerinde yerleşimi etkileyen faktörlerin etkisi altında oluşmuş olan tasarlama prensipleri ortaya konmuştur. Tesisleri kullanan insanların eylemleri incelenerek bu eylemler doğrultusunda oluşan ihtiyaç programı belirlenmiştir. Yedinci bölümde, 1963-1991 yılları arasında projesi yapılmış 20 adet tatil köyü tasarımı üzerinde yapılan analiz çalışmasının içeriği belirlenmiştir, öncelikle analizin kuralları konmuş, gerekli orantılar kurulmuş, bir dizi sayısal veri ortaya çıkmıştır. Daha sonra, bu verileri kullanarak karşılaştırmalı analiz tablolarının yardımıyla sonuçlara varılmıştır. İncelenen projelere ilişkin tüm detaylı bilgiler ekte sunulmuştur. Sekizinci bölümde, yapılan analiz çalışmasından elde edilen niceliksel veriler irdelenerek, birtakım niteliksel sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. tr_TR
dc.description.abstract Recent developments in the tourism sector in Turkey have brought an increase in tourism investments. A considerable part of these investments is allocated to tourism accommodations-majority of them being holiday villages. In this study the concepts of holiday village developing in Turkey and the factors that impact their evolution is examined, a series of qualitative and quantitative analysis is done on these resorts and some consequences is revealed as a result. Chapter 1 is an introduction to the subject. Here the importance of the holiday village resorts in Turkish tourism is discussed. In Chapter 2, the nature of tourism and its subject field is examined. Tourism is the travel of man to a place other than his residence, his everyday living and working place, and is the sum of interactions and events as a result of temporary accommodation, especially by buying all the services of tourism foundations. The tourism process combines a subject (visitor), mean (supplier institutions), the object (destination area): 1. A subject-visitor: Any person visiting a country other than that in which he has his usual place of residence, for any reason other than following an occupation remunerated from within the country visited. Visitors are subdivided into two categories such as:. Tourist-who are visitors making at least one overnight stop in a country or region and staying for at least 24 hours.. Excursionists-who are visitors that do not make an overnight stop, but pass through the country or region staying less than 24 hours. 2. Mean-supplier institution: the institutions on tourist services, the institutions interested on tourist and the institutions the make a relationship between tourist demand and the subject of tourism. 3. The object-destination area: the area has attractions in three categories such as natural, man-made attractions and the area's hospitality record. So tourism, in other words is an element that helps man to raise him to a level of recreation. It can be provided by a series of activities at the spare time of a tourist. As a result, tourism holds the group of activities in planned environments, so called "tourism architecture". xm In Chapter 3, the evolution of tourism from pre industrial period to today is summarized and the position of the sector of tourism in Turkey is examined. Origins of tourism go back to the travels of merchants due to the nature of barter trade of the ancient times. In Ancient Greek and Rome developed networks of land and sea transportation enabled better means of travel. During these periods, together with civilization the purposes or objectives of travel began to vary: even the very difficult conditions under which one traveled in these periods could not dissuade people from traveling not only for the sake of trade but for social and cultural purposes as well. Climatic disadvantages caused people to travel in a period of the year, or the "travel season", which can be said to be quite similar to the "tourism season" of the day. Religious movements of the medieval times, silk road, establishment of intercontinental trade, abundance of the west imperialism in the Renaissance period has resulted in the formation of magnetic centers that shaped tourism movements of those eras. Modern tourism is a consequence of the effects of industrialization on transportation systems. Establishment of better means of transportation, reduction of travel costs resulted in the increase of tourist movements. The social facts prepared the concept of contemporary tourism is, the rights of man, urbanization, socio-economical development. Economical developments after World War 2, has led tourism to be one of the major industries worldwide. Following the developments of tourism sector throughout the world, with in the planned periods Turkey began to give importance to tourism as a sector of economy especially after the foundation of The Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 1 963. After six planned periods since that date, Turkey has taken great measures on the use of land, the grouping of the activities, the official investment decision making systems, the project management, the infrastructure and the environmental problems. The ratio of investments on tourism increased from 1.3% to 4.4%, tourism receipts increased from 8 million to 3518 million and the bed capacity from 10226 to 219940. In Chapter 4, the definition of accommodation complexes in Turkey and worldwide is done and the place of "holiday village" among them is studied. In 1982 Turkish Government has revealed "The Regulation on the Qualities of Tourism Investment and Institutions". The defined accommodation complexes in this regulation are hotels, motels, holiday villages, camping, apart hotels. Other than these there are oberge, hostels, hotel-garnis, condominiums and holiday houses. Especially growth of the popular interests to nature following World War 2, and with the introduction of "returning to nature" philosophy resulted in the generation of a new typology among the tourist accommodation facilities: holiday villages. In relation to the development and change in concepts such as "travel" and "holiday" they began to be designed in a way to integrate with the natural and historical characteristics of their surroundings. xiv In Turkey, after the 1982 regulations holiday villages were subdivided into two categories according to the investment positions: The Holiday Villages with "Tourism Investment License" and "Tourism Operation License." With the 1991 regulations, the main classification of holiday villages is done in two categories: "Two Star Holiday Villages" and "One Star Holiday Villages". After the realization of this law, from 1984 to 1992 the number of holiday villages with tourism operation license rose from 11 to 52. In 1992, the percentage of the number of holiday villages is 3.4 and the percentage of bed capacity is 14.7 in all accommodations. All these tendencies show the increasing importance of holiday villages in Turkish tourism. In Chapter 4, the factors that effect the development of holiday village resorts are studied under the subtitles of inspectable and uninspectable factors and their impacts on holiday village design are discussed. The uninspectable factors that effect the design of resorts are: 1. The natural factors: Climate, The vegetation of the area, Landscape effected by light, distance and height, Topography of land: the form and slope of the area, The developments formed by the relationship between sea and land. The national, regional and environmental factors: Culture Technology The potential of the tourist region in terms of the concept of "carrying capacity." There are four types of carrying capacities that are; social, physical, environmental and economical carrying capacities. 3. The request of management such as Club Med and Club Robinson. 4. Building regulations, laws and regional plans 5. The demand of tourist in terms of motivation, perception and image. 6. Infrastructure in the regional and national level. The inspectable factors are: 1. Factors related with the environment:. The architectural trends in tourism architecture such as universalism, regionalism and syncretism (chaos of manner in projects).. Being harmonious with the environment, either man-made or natural. 2. The experience of man on the environment related with his physiological needs:. Hearing. Smelling. Tactile sensation. The movement of the body xv All the above factors effect the decisions taken in the design of holiday village resorts directly or indirectly. Each of them are taken into consideration at different levels of design and some interact with the accommodation during its use. In Chapter 6, the planning principles formed under the effect of impacting factors is discussed. Also the actions of users of the accommodations are investigated and the planning program of holiday villages are determined. As a necessity of recreation, a flexible environment is formed for the interaction of tourists in holiday villages. The main recreational activities are planned according to active (recreation and common activities) and passive (bedroom units) tourist action groups. The users of these resorts are tourists and residents (personnel). The main actions of tourists are:. Sport (general such as tennis, riding, golf, fitness, water sports such as swimming, diving and walking in nature).. Relaxing (resting by sitting and watching).. Amusement (amphi-theater, discotheque, and games). The planning program as a result of action system is:. Bedroom complexes. Recreation areas: sports, resting, wandering, playing, amusing areas. Common areas: shopping and restaurant. Service and technical departments. Management In Chapter 7, firstly the contents of the analysis study made on 20 holiday village accommodation projected between the years 1963 and 1991. The principles of analysis are determined, the ratios are build and as a result a series of quantitative numbers are revealed. The components of the ratios are: 1. The components of a holiday village project. The total bed capacity (Y). Total building area: total covered area OVa), total open area (TAÇ), total uncovered area (TYa). total ground level covered building area (Z^), total ground level uncovered building area (ZYa). entire building area [Ti^t^+Tya (m2)L entire ground level building area Dz^Zka+Zya (m2)].. Total areas of the components of building land: building land area (A), active building area (AİA), parking area (0), open sports area (AS), circulation areas (S), green areas (YŞ) and seaside area (K). 2. Specific densities: Entire tourist density (YTT=AA0, Tourist Net Density (YTN=T|A/Y), Entire building density (Ytb=tIa/a). On building area building density (Yaqb=tZ|A/a), Total settlement ratio (YT0=AlA/A), Net settlement XV! ratio (YNY=TZiA/AİA), Active settlement ratio (YAY=AiA/A), The ratio of parking areas (Y0=o/A), The ratio of sports area (Yas=as/a), The ratio of circulation areas (Ys=s/A), The ratio of green areas (YYş=y/a), The ratio of seaside area (Yk=k/a). 3. The sum of the areas per bed: The ratio of all project component areas to bed capacity. 4. The specifications of building area:. Surface formation and vegetation.. The form of the building area: A (type of area without regular geometry), B (type of area with its long edge parallel to sea), C (type of area with its long edge perpendicular to sea), D (type of area with its form similar to square). 5. The components of a holiday village planning program. Bedroom Units. General Units (covered and uncovered areas and open areas). Open air sports area. Parking area 6. The characteristics of pedestrian circulation:. Holiday village settlement schemas: The pedestrian circulation systems are schematized and the relation between these schemas and densities are discussed: two way pedestrian circling schema and one way pedestrian circling schema. Pedestrian circling schemas for bedroom units:. Pedestrian circulation at one way circling schema: 1st schema (two- way circulation system), 2nd schema (one-way circulation system), 3rd schema (free circulation system), 4th schema (grid circulation system), and pedestrian circulation at two way circling schema.. Walking distances between units: walking distance from one unit to and other in meters and this is illustrated in a matrice. In last part all the results of this analysis are discussed. As a result of this work, in the design of holiday villages there is not a specific, strictly ruled relation between building land area, circulation schemas and densities. All these three facts interact each other and form the holiday village project as a result. en_US
dc.description.degree Yüksek Lisans tr_TR
dc.description.degree M.Sc. en_US
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11527/18704
dc.language tur tr_TR
dc.publisher Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü tr_TR
dc.publisher Institute of Science and Technology en_US
dc.rights Kurumsal arşive yüklenen tüm eserler telif hakkı ile korunmaktadır. Bunlar, bu kaynak üzerinden herhangi bir amaçla görüntülenebilir, ancak yazılı izin alınmadan herhangi bir biçimde yeniden oluşturulması veya dağıtılması yasaklanmıştır. tr_TR
dc.rights All works uploaded to the institutional repository are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission. en_US
dc.subject Arsa tr_TR
dc.subject Bina bilgisi tr_TR
dc.subject Tatil köyleri tr_TR
dc.subject Yerleşim planlaması tr_TR
dc.subject Land en_US
dc.subject Building information en_US
dc.subject Holiday villages en_US
dc.subject Layout planning en_US
dc.title Tatil köyleri'nde arsa yerleşim şeması-yoğunluk tr_TR
dc.title.alternative The Relationship among building area-settlement schema density compenents in holiday villages en_US
dc.type Master Thesis en_US
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